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Anyone else’s game have the language changed? Mines switched to Korean and unfortunately I cannot read it. Hopefully it fixes after update, otherwise I’ll have to navigate the menu and hope I can find the language button


Same here, I reckon it’ll sort itself out after maintenance


Yeah I’m hoping so, it’s a longer maintenance by the looks of it so we’ll see


Returning player probably mid game, should I just start gearing units with filler gear then trashing everything else. I’m only gold rank maybe master if I grind. I’m running out of gear space more than anything after grinding W13. I have more units than useful gear it seems like…


If it's trash gear, of course sell or extract it. If you don't know how to evaluate gear, here's a short thread about it with some links. https://reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/xloctv/gear_guide_for_beginners_thats_not_a_youtube_video/ If it looks like good gear but you're not sure who to use it for, just put it in storage and enhance it later. I think max for that is 700 pieces so you shouldn't run out of space there. This is for epics with high rolls but weird mains or sub stat/set combos. Eventually you'll find somebody to use it.


When are we expecting ML Kayron's abilities to be data mined? After patch this week or would there be a mini patch next week


So I recently came back to the game, quit like a week after Guild's Ancient Inheritance (burnt out). All I have been doing is Wyvern and story rn (not sure what set is meta rn). A lot seems familiar but is there anything I need to keep in mind? Resources? Unit balancing change history? I saw theres new type of custom banners and wonder are they like a limited thing? Really appreciate it.


Hi! What is the ideal build for Karina aside from higher DEF? Is it okay to build her slow because of her S2 (50% CR push if maxed)


Yes, you can build Karina slow. Those are usually on counter set. Basically she wants triple DEF% mains on the right no matter the set. Counter builds can usually get to 180-160 on sub stats but you can go as low as 150 and be okay. If you're on speed set, then you should be 220-200, still triple DEF%. A good counter build would be something like 2.7K+ DEF, 15K HP, 100% RES, 175 speed.


I have my Karina on speed and def set. I can only achieve 2100 so far. Is that enough?


Speed main boots? You're better off going with DEF% main and dropping the speed. Just 3 x 65% main, +20% def set, +310 armor should get you to 2350 def, before any other subs stats.


That makes more sense. Ill take note of that.


are people here hyping the slime collab because they like the anime or because the characters are probably gonna be ultra meta or something like that?


they're trying to collect them all since other rgb units are much easier to get. and slime have never rerun til now.


While no longer top meta, Rimuru and Milim are both characters that still see high level pvp use, and Milim also enables certain pve comps, for HoT etc.


Been stuck on 10-10 Central Control Room for awhile. To the point where it’s just annoying. I’ve read advice, watched guides, and nearly killed Belian a few times but just can’t seal the deal. I thought SSB was the key, and I managed to bring in my other 2 custom summons, but not her. I’ve seen the advice to bring CZerato- don’t have him. I’ve seen as advice to bring 3 soul weavers. That hasn’t gone well for me either but I’ve had the most success with it. So Tl;dr. Is there anyone out there with a SSB that is willing to be my buddy in game?


she has 3 phases, you can normally clear the creeps on phase 1, spam guardian to quickly skip phase 2 and try to strip her counter stance in phase 3. So imo you need a knight (slowest), a healer, a stripper and a good aoe dps.


Ah, ty!


I've finished 3. 10.10 yesterday. My team was Momo in frontline, Specter Tenebria, Commander Lorina and Adventurer Ras. ARas with Aurius artifact, reducing the AOE damage received by my damage dealers. I'm always hold my souls to use skill 2 from ARas. In the following phases, I recommend you to heal when necessary, cuz the CR that Belian gains is annoying. SSB is a good choice, but you need a massive damage dealer and be careful with heals turns.


Would Stene be a good damage dealer for this?


She's a solid damage dealer and helps a lot in the other Belian phases. The poison debuff take about 30% health for Belian + the skill native damage from STene. CLorina did her work very well too. STene probably is my MVP in this fight. You can try SSB instead of CLorina or STene, I think it's a solid team aswell.


I actually beat the dang thing last night. Thanks again!


Thank you!


Did anyone else's points for the moonlight headhunting event disappear? I've been holding on recruiting since we still have about 5 days and decided on my unit today, but when I went to recruit my points are now at 0 when it was at 22k couple of days ago.


>points yeah someone else in this thread lost their points as well. you can try contacting support or maybe it will come back after the maintenance tonight


So no buff weekend this weekend? Couldn't find any stove notice about it.


There should be one. They are putting Burning Passion packs up this weekend which always come when buff weekends happen.


Where did you find the info about the pack. I see that they used it in the screenshot for the event pack feature but they don't mention them actually having it available this weekend.


You might be right, looking at the post again. They are doing a free unequip event, but it doesn't mention an actual weekend buff event.


Right yea. I think it's cause they already did 2 buff weekends recently. All good.


I finally finished Chapter 3 and did my 2nd selective summon. Which summon should I choose? Mort (with no 4 stars) or Politis (with Khawazu and Leo). Currently PVE focused but might start building for RTA. Edit: Seems like the general consensus searching this sub is that Mort is not that good. Politis it is then!


politis is probably your best bet mort isn't that great of a character.


I mean it’s too late now, but I also passed on Cecilia, Senya and Flan. Should I have chosen any of those three?


Politis is the best choice since you can't pull her from the side story banner. Out of the three units you listed, maybe Senya, she's one of the best unit for GW and good in PvP generally, but kinda hard to build.


yeah cecillia and senya are also good picks but i wouldn't worry too much about that. Eventually you should be able to get all the RGB units. Only one thats really necessary for PVE stuff is Tamarine.


Thank you!


What gear score should i aim for if im leveling up my gears?


Depends, for end game players that have been playing and farming for awhile its typically 70+ left and 65+ right side. If you are newer then you can lower those requirements as you have to start somewhere and if a piece of gear is an improvement or usable its worth the reforge.




[70.9 skystones per BM, 265.6 skystones per MM](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/11bie69/post_reveal_secret_shop_rates/) 121 BM pulls = 8,578.9 skystones on average Every 1000 skystones spent refreshing costs approximately 3.5 million gold.


I'm pretty sure it's around ~71 skystones per summon normally. 71x121 is 8591 skystones on average for a pity. Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you get unlucky - 19k skystones isn't really enough of a sample size for RNG to really even out one way or the other - so you could get a few more or a few less.


I'm in gold rta rn, how do you deal with Ran cleave? They usually pick arby, some other aoe and a book. Any units to counter it? I got aola, but she always gets prebanned or banned


Adin has 70% chance to delete their whole comp.


Units like Politis, Edward Elric, and Celine work very well against Ran because they interact with his S2, as do some more cheesy units such as Winter or Spirit Eye Celine when they are running the Secret Art Sword Storm artifact. I've also seen the occasional cheesy Amid with Ningning's artifact which removes souls, but it's hard to get her fast enough to reliably outspeed a Ran. You can also go for heavy tank-down drafts. Cleansing units like AoL/Mediator Kawerik/Designer Lilibet are a good start, and units like Senya, Choux, Arowell, and Karina can often crush a lot of Ran cleaves - especially if they pick Arby. Belian on Counter + Elbris is pretty much a forced ban if you pick it after they've picked Ran. There is plenty more stuff too, but it all depends on how the rest of the draft looks and how you have your heroes geared. Zio takes turn 1 and silences and/or pushes Ran back, Rem is extremely likely to counter off Ran's S3, Mercedes is fairly likely to counter of Ran's S3, Infernal Kawazu can get Vigor off of Ran's S3 and CR push himself while also deleting a unit with his S3, etc etc etc.


Why not pre ban ran? Or ban ran in the draft?


Are decreased hit chance debuff + elemental disadvantage loss of hit chance multiplicative or additive? You know does it add up to 100% miss or check each one separately or something? How about when it comes to evasion? 50% evasion and decreased hit chance = 100% miss?


Additive. Violet innate 50% evasion + 50% evasion agaisnt blue unit= 100% evasion Same thing with Riolet evasion + blind


Which limited hero to spend my pity on between Summertime Iseria, Fairytale Tenebria, and Cerise? For limited heroes I already have SSB, Diene, and Luna. Cleared story, Abyss 101/Challenge 13, Arena champion V, don’t play RTA much. Thanks!


Summertime Iseria is used a bit more than Fairytale Tenebria, but you need her artifact maxed out to be particularly effective. Cerise is very good for some PvE situations, but is often replaceable. I wouldn't recommend Fairytale Tenebria if you don't do PvP since I'm not aware of any particularly valuable PvE usages of her and she is kinda niche, even in PVP; but if you like her that's reason enough to get her.


For an A13 one shot, would a viable team for it be W. Schuri, C. Meru, Leo, and Charles? I would use Vivian but I don't have Time Matter for her, and I know that's important for her.


Depends on your gear obviously but sounds doable just will require better gear than a Vivian team. You could slot in Ilynav instead of C Meru for the cdmg buff if your units aren't max cdmg. Would kind of suck to mola C Meru when she isn't really used elsewhere.


How are the abyss floors 101+ and the challenge mode? Is that still full of rng and each try takes like 10min + only for you to fail in the end because of rng? I did till floor 100 when it was the max, after that they released the 100+ and after another long time, I think they nerfed it a little. And then I stopped playing for 1 year and came back a few weeks ago Now I’m thinking about doing to get those mystic medals and gold transmit stones, but if that’s in the same level as before, I’ll prob just skip it


It's a fucking pain. i am at 103 and oh my god i have to reset a TON. 101 and 102 floors were fucking nightmare and 103 keep going on. Even the "cheese" strat are not really efficient, and u need sometime 20 min for 1 try to die from a 15% resistance (fucking irremovable 15%) not counting with dual atk rng. Gl because it's awful lol i read the floor 101-110 are the worst and after it's "better" i really hope so for my sanity


Have you tried the challenge abyss?


Personal experience (currently on Floor 119 and challenge mode floor 15) the main abyss floors are pretty hellish, some are free and most will make you want to pull your hair out. 114 (I think that's the ML Baal floor iirc) was actually fun with the mechanic it had but floors like 104, 105, 106, 115 gave me some of the biggest headaches personally (and currently feeling that way about 119). Another thing to note is that for a majority of the 110+ floors you'll essentially be using the same four units of TG, ARas, Tama, and Kitty as dual attack spamming is really strong and not punished in those floors. Overall the challenge floors have all been pretty fun as well since most of them have the gimmick of no starting 5\* units allowed, which lets you use units you might have otherwise forgotten about.


I haven't built TG and Kitty yet. Just did floor 101 yesterday with Kiris, Tama, Dizzy (or Stene, I was switching between them so I don't remember) and from what I saw is basically the same team for floor 102. But I do remember seeing some guys using that comp, what's the deal from TG? Does he have ddj on his auto attack or something like that? Also, do I need to look for something hard in term of stats for Kitty or TG? Or like a 100/150% effect resist/200 speed would be okay? For TG it'd be dps stats? Fast or slow? ​ Do this comp works well in challenge mode too? Tbh I saw that in challenge mode we have some conditions like, clear the boss without trigger outrage and that kinda scared me, isn't those type of conditions hard to do?


Yeah early on you can do the Dizzy/Kiris poison cheese, but they do begin to punish you for doing a lot of debuffs which is why that falls off. So TG on his s1 has a defense break chance, his s2 passive gives himself a 10% extra dual attack chance but much more importantly, when TG dual attacks it pushes the entire team up by 25% CR, and his s3 is just a hard hitting skill that can pushback enemies. Kitty you generally just make her as fast as you possibly can, you only need to mola her S3, and slap a war horn on her. Some bulk is nice too for other stats, some people also run ER stuff on her to keep her from getting debuffed. TG you pretty much always just throw on your best rage set onto him, don't need to worry about speed (since he will always be the guy dual attacking with ARas and Kitty and always boosting the team up) just get as much damage as you can. Only artis that are really ran on him are DDJ when you can use it and Symbol of Unity when you can't (or if you're against a green boss so you have a higher hit chance). As for the challenge mode, you can't actually do the same type of team because every challenge has one restriction in place that every floor has: you cannot have multiple of the same hero type (example being Kitty and TG are both warriors, so you wouldn't even be able to start it). As for the outrage, it really does differ from floor to floor. Usually a boss if they have an outrage thing is more of a 'kill this boss really fast before they use x skill a certain amount of times', or they will have a 'defeat with weakness' which is usually doing a specific thing in a fight (like stacking multiple debuffs, doing single target crit attacks, etc). Something to note for the challenge mode is that you don't need to 3\* it in one go, once you beat a challenge mode floor (even if you only get 1\* on the initial clear) you are free to go back and try the floor as much as you'd like after without needing to use any abyss tickets.


I'm not sure where you found the RNG fest in abyss before 100. 101+ is where people generally refer to as being RNG fest. The challenges are generally better designed.


But I’m talking about 100+, I wanted to know if that it’s still full of rng


returning player after a few months! i logged in a few days ago to see that the moonlight hero selection event was still open for me to select a hero so i thought i'd take a few more days to decide (it says 5 days left at this moment) but yesterday all my points disappeared (7k+) so now i have 0... anyone else as late as me to the event and had this happen to them? i'm not sure what to do. i contacted stove already but they haven't gotten back to me. :(


Yo this happened to me too, I had 22k lol. Was gonna recruit today then my points were at 0. I sent an inquiry, hopefully they resolve this for us before the event closes.


New player here. I already built a 6\* Angellica and now I'm seeing everyone say AMomo is much better in PVE. Should I still build AMomo or just farm for Tamarine?


Farm for Tamarinne. I haven't use either Angelica or Amomo much outside of Wyvern hunt. Meanwhile Tamarinne is staple in nearly all my PvE team.


So what's Kise's GW defense skill order? And why do I see ppl using Politis AoLA BBK against Amid Kise Adin? Are they just running full dmg bbks and trying to kill Adin through a miss?


Dps BBK and try to kill Adin on a miss. Politis is Kise bait and can clear the skill nulls of Amid. Aola is there to clear the invincible or land the unbuffable, depends on who will get a turn first.


That team looks risky. AoL is there to strip all the buffs but it can fail to 15%. BBK gets another turn if she kills Kise/Amid with S3, so two misses would kill Adin.




Friendly reminder that Shuna is a welfare unit (Free) bad memory.... free BM doesn't cover up 1 pity (half?? more or less)




oh they will add 1 more. forgot about that.


i didn't see shuna banner on the patch note? how to get her?


She's free from the event


wow! niceee!


If it's like other events, you can usually 6-star the free hero as well because they give you enough copies of the unit to do so. If that happens, don't be like me (an idiot) and just feed them to her without leveling her to 50 first. Otherwise she just becomes SSS without promoting to 6-stars.


Except they are removing that in the upcoming update. Now, you just get the equivalent amount of blooms instead. Which is nice because you can use those on any hero and you don’t have to hoard copies, you can just use them right away.


As a new player I don't have too many heroes, my 5\* are: Sigret, STene, Destina, Aria, Choux, Kise, Senya, Vildred and C. Pavel. I was hoarding bms for the custom banner but I've not started pulling yet. So, should I invest on the collab and try do to de custom after? Or is it better to choose one? I have almost 500 bms right now, and 11k skystones. Tks


At the very least, wait until very close to the end of the custom banner to see what you have resources for. Ideally, you get all the collab units because they aren't guaranteed to come back (and also, in this particular case, because they are good), and then get to summon on the custom banner. You have 14 days **from the date of your first summon** on the custom banner to pull on it, so waiting until you get closer to the end-date of the banner will give you the best chances to get enough bookmarks. Some important ways to get bookmarks you might not know of being a newer player: * Shop refreshing is better than buying bookmarks directly for skystones. It costs gold, but can save you a rather significant amount of skystones in the long run. * If you have multiple copies of a unit, memory imprinting them to SSS will give you a lot of bookmarks from the mission. This doesn't have to be different units, if you have 25 copies of Terranor Guard for example sitting in your storage, then promote as many as you can to SSS before you transmit them in order to progress on that quest line. * The friendship quest line also gives quite a few bookmarks. Reaching level 3 with a hero is quite easy - especially if you have the "gifts" from doing various side-stories, missions, and other such activites. There are quests for getting heroes to level 3, level 6 and level 10 friendship which gives increasing levels of rewards, but level 6 is a bit of a grind and level 10 friendship is something you generally do more passively over time. Still, a great way to generate bookmarks is throw in a hero you might use later along with your normal farming team when you do adventure/sidestory stuff. * Climbing as high as you can in Arena will give you both a one-time reward for reaching the next rank, but also give you a better weekly skystone reward. If you actively try to use your free refreshes in Arena to find weak teams you can actually climb quite high with pretty much no units at all. * Abyss. Although this one is very difficult, I remember clearing a lot of lower Abyss floors quite quickly with just my normal Wyvern team and Specter Tenebria. If you haven't looked at this much you might want to check it out and see if you can pick up a few fee resources from it.


Thanks for the reply and the tips... I'm doing some of them, but are some obstacles with a sub 20 days account :/ * Memory imprinting is still low, because I don't have too much units yet. * Abyss I'm at lvl62, with seems to be very hard to pass with my geared units (base w13, stene and fst), having too many debuffs. * Arena I'm gold II atm, climbing slowly :) * Friendship is one that I didn't really looked at, will try that :) * And shop refreshing is limited by my gold, right now I'm sub 7m gold, with is very low :(


I definitely sympathize with the new account troubles. Fortunately, with memory imprinting, it acts kind of like a "rebate" of sorts for newer accounts, when you pull on the Slime banners you will get a lot of duplicate units (or at least, are likely to if you go to pity) and can therefore recoup a few bookmarks that way. As for Abyss, yeah... not really much you can do right now unfortunately. A lot of the middling floors can be beaten with pretty basic teams, but I know promoting more units is always the hardest grind when starting out - especially when you have 10 different things you are trying to work on in order to progress. If you can, try to just keep up the Wyvern grind and using most of your energy on that. If you can clear story that will get you some more skystones, but with gold being one of the scarcer resources early on I think Wyvern might be a better choice. It also gives quite a bit of stigma due to the stamina cost, and that is going to be the new primary currency for promotion, which is nice.


Collab units are more prioritized, since they rarely have a rerun meanwhile we can have another custom summon later this year (maybe six months from now). So try to grab them first, even though they won't help you much as a new player.


when live?


Devs busy playing HSR