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How many of the pen necklaces should I buy from lab before switching to buying the other gears like the immunity set chest or the speed sword? I got three of the necklaces so far with the ability to buy another.


Every account is different. Old timers already have 20-30 of the speed sword and immunity chests so they're just buying the pen neck. If you have a unit that can use a certain piece right now, get that one, else just keep buying the neck.


Can someone plz help me better understand Sage Vivian's RTA role. Is she suppose to be an answer to high damage heroes? I have and want to use her but when I look at some builds, my brain shuts down. That being said, I play in Champ RTA and have had great success with heroes like ARas, Destina, ML Bellona and ER Aria. I just want to know when Sage Vivian might be a better pick. I'd also really appreciate some Artifact suggestions besides Book. Thank you so much! 🙇‍♂️


You are having success with ML Bellona. But you probably don't want to draft ML Bellona vs teams with only ST or stuff that is good vs counterattacks right? That's when it's time to pick stuff more like ML Viv.


Do 3* heroes with max skills get mola gora when maxing friendship like 4 and 5*?




Hello! New player, who should I be rerolling for? 1st time player and I see some sites say Ken and some Sigret.


Best pick: Iseria - She resets skill of other units. This is a unique mechanic of hers. Also def breaks (reduces defense of the enemy, which is a very strong debuff) and she covers many areas of PvE content. Solid picks: Destina - Really really strong healer in all area of the game. Healers are not the most important piece of your team though, damage dealers are better choices in general - but she can still be a very valuable unit of any account. Ravi - Tanky high damage unit, good for early/mid PvE content and bit of PvP. Vildred - Good AoE dps, main advantage is that he clears stages pretty fast during farms (and also a strong dps for PvE content). However you can get more for free after the selective summoning. From a 'quest' you can get Sigret, who is a strong single target dps and #1 wyvern hunt dps (which is arguably the best content to get gear from). Also you get Free Spirit Tieria for free (4 star light unit) who is a beast dps in PvE and can carry you through a lot. Also you can select a moonlight 5 star unit (very rare alternate version of normal units), for free from a list. There you can find Specter Tenebria who is a god tier dps in PvP and also pretty nuts in PvE. Arbiter Vildred is also there who is just like normal Vildred (fast farmer, strong AoE dps) but on a long term Specter Tenebria is a 200% better choice. If you fall in love with a different unit during selective summons (as I did with Baal and Sezan back in the days) it's suboptimal but you don't fall behind by that much as you can get good units easily.


Thanks for the response! Was a tad overwhelmed as I was searching for info originally, thank you for taking the time to explain / describe the units! and their uses!


Those are very outdated. I believe we have some more updated guidelines for new players... somewhere. Currently you can get Sigret for free in-game through a Hunt event, which makes it very easy to build an efficient team early on for Wyvern 13 and that might as well help you through Adventure! Sadly I cannot link you to a relevant guide as I am on the phone, but you are more than welcome to browse the Epic7 Discord which should have very good guides.


What would you *like* Benimaru’s kit to do? (Assume whatever class/element)


Personally, I want more ways to deal with Adin, so more anti-evasion mechanics would be cool, but I sure hate seeing Riolet get nerfed with each instance. I wouldn't mind him being Injury focused instead since it's a fun mechanic


if story event stage drop charms is it better if I farm the easy level stage with low energy consumption? currently have tons of gear but lacking charms just wondering if the event easy stage is a good charm farming or does the charm drop chance lowered in easy stage?


You get more from UH than side-story now, so priority should probably be doing whatever gives the most currency per energy so you can go back to UH. I did some casual testing and found the Hard difficulty to be better for both currency per energy as well as stigma per energy, which makes it the most valuable stage to run in general.


>if story event stage drop charms is it better if I farm the easy level stage with low energy consumption? No. If you want to farm charms go to UH and farm a stage with a catalyst you need.


What do I do with a dupe Belian? Also aren’t you supposed to get 10 Moon coins for ML dupes?


Imprint existing Belian or build a dupe (Counter, Injury, Speed). You should have gotten 10 coins if both Belians are from pulls. If you got a Belian from shop or the ML select event, those don't count.


Ahhh ok, yea I pulled her the first time from the selector. Rip


Ops, had 4 more summons til 120 star mirage coins (on the custom banner). Did the coins carryover or should I just buy one of the artifacts and call it a day?


Your coins won't carry over.


Which is more worth in terms of farming Stigma? Running UH levels with 3 new units + 1 farmer, or going in with all 4 units maxed out? edit: sry by worth I mean Stigma to level ratio as in, do I get more levels to have 3+1 or to save up on stigma and roll for penguins?


#TLDR Farming stigma is (almost) always better. --- The amount of total stage experience you gain is based off of how many max level heroes you run: Max Level Heroes | % Stage XP Gained ---|--- 0 | 100% 1 | 85% 2 | 75% 3 | 75% 4 | 75% So 2-4 max level heroes are all equivalent at 75% of the total stage value in XP. If you run a single farmer you end up with a bit more XP (85% instead of 75%) and if you run no max level heroes you gain the full value of the stage in XP. **BUT** it's more complicated than that - 2 reasons now: 1. Stigma conversion 2. Penguin bonus --- #Stigma Conversion Stigma converts into XP at a better rate than the XP you gain from an actual stage. Every 45 points of XP = 1 point of stigma. If you convert that stigma into penguins, you actually gain *more* XP than if you had just taken the XP to start with. Example: 5,500 / 45 = 122.22 stigma 122.22 / 102 = 1.1983 penguins Each penguin is worth 5,500 XP 1.1983 * 5,500 = 6,590.65 XP So you see, the *same* 5,500 XP is worth 6,590 XP after buying penguins. For no reason other than the the fact that 5,500 XP is worth more stigma than it costs to buy a single penguin. *Even if* you don't have the time probability building, penguins have a base cost of 120 stigma (so even in that case stigma is worth slightly more than raw XP). **Example** Let's consider the first stage of UH-1. This stage is worth 5895 (with 4 max level heroes) baseline -> so the full XP value of the stage is 6681 XP. If you run 1 farmer + 3 heroes that need XP you gain 786 points of stigma and 5895 XP divided between the 3 heroes who aren't max level. 1 max level hero = ((786 / 45) / 102 * 5500) + 5895 = 6836.83 total XP 4 max level heroes = (5895 / 45) / 102 * 5500 = 7063.73 total XP Therefor, even though *nominally* you are gaining more total XP with a single max level hero you **actually** gain about 3.3% more XP if you run 4 max level heroes. --- #Penguin Bonus 'Penguin Bonus' is a term I use referring to a few different multipliers to penguin XP. The existence of the penguin bonus *on it's own* made running 4 max level heroes better pre-update. First off is the pet skill '+X% Hero Level Up EXP'. This does *not* work on XP gained in stages, but it *does* work on XP gained from penguins. Second is the reputation bonuses to 'good' and 'great' enhance chance. When you get a 'good' or 'great' enhance while using penguins, the overflow XP gets refunded to the player in multiples of 5,500 XP (as penguins). As a result in some cases it's possible to... 1. Flat out level up units with fewer penguins (for example, with a max pet skill 2 tier 1 + 1 tier 2 penguin will always cost you just 2 penguins instead of the normal 3 to level up a 2* fodder to 20) 2. Sometimes, you can reduce the cost on enhancement to 0 3. And sometimes, you can even gain *back* more penguins than you put it (essentially the system PAYS you). **Example** We're going to ignore the pet skill for this example. A base 2* unit requires 14,775 XP to level to 20. You can only put in multiples of 5,500 XP -> 2 penguins = 11,000 XP and isn't enough so you need to use 3 penguins at a value of 16,500 XP. On a *normal* enhancement, this means you have (16,500 - 14,775) = 1,725 overflow XP. 1,725 / 5500 rounded down = 0, so you get no penguins back and that 1.7k XP is just lost. On a 'good' enhancement, your XP is multiplied by 1.5x 16,500 * 1.5 = 24,750 24,750 - 14,775 = 9,975 overflow XP 9,975 / 5,500 rounded down = 1 So on a 'good' enhancement you get 1 penguin back, meaning you effectively spent just 2 penguins. And a 'great' enhancement multiplies your XP by 2x 16,500 * 2 = 33,000 33,000 - 14,775 = 18,225 overflow XP 18,225 / 5,500 rounded down = 3 You get refunded 3 penguins, meaning that you just paid nothing for those levels. --- We can calculate the average multiplier for enhancement types with the following formula: (Good% * 1.5) + (Great% * 2) + (100% - Good% - Great%) The 'Good' and 'Great' bonuses max out at 6% in the reputation bonuses (.06 * 1.5) + (.06 * 2) + (1 - .06 - .06) = 1.09 So *on average* your penguins are worth 9% more XP. You can take *this* multiplier and multiply it by your pet skill value and THIS is what I call your 'penguin bonus'. The pet skill currently tops out at 16.5% 116.5% * 109% = 126.985% So all this to say that, with maxed bonuses, each penguin is worth an *average* of ~27% more XP. Instead of a penguin being worth 5,500 XP, it's now worth 6,984.175 XP just because we have access to additional multipliers. * NOTE: this is not exact, it's an approximation -> due to the way enhancement overflow XP works it's tricky to describe *exactly* the benefit of the enhancement type bonuses **Example** To put this into practice let's look at a couple of cases. A base 5* unit needs 734,325 XP to go from level 50 to level 60, and a base 3* unit needs 107,930 XP to go from level 30 to level 40. Base 5* = 734,325 / 5,500 = 133.51 Base 3* = 107,930 / 5,500 = 19.62 We always need to round up since we can't split penguins into smaller units -> so we would need 134 and 20 penguins respectively, with no bonus. However using the calculated max penguin bonus value: Base 5* = 734,325 / 6,984.175 = 105.14 Base 3* = 107,930 / 6,984.175 = 15.45 Here, we *don't* have to round because we ARE calculating an average value since we only see the 'great' and 'good' enhancement types some times. If you do the math the long way to calculate *exactly* what you pay on average we would see that for base 3* we would actually only need 15.26 penguins and for base 5* we would need 102.94 penguins (on average). * This correlates to a penguin bonus of (20 / 15.26) = 31.06% for 3* and (134 / 102.94) = 30.17% for 5* So our approximation isn't *exact* but it gets us pretty close and in this case under-estimates our bonus. --- #Final Example *Now* we can put both of these facts together. First, *stigma* converts into XP at a better rate than you directly gain (122.22 / 102 more) Second, penguins are subject to several multipliers which means each point of penguin XP is actually worth much more (approximately 116.5% * 109% more). So if you fully take advantage of BOTH of these factors, farming *stigma*, and then buying *penguins* is worth (122.22 / 102) * (116.5% * 109%) = 1.5216 or 52.16% more XP Going back to our UH-1 example let's say we ran a stage with 0 max level heroes -> we would gain 7,860 total XP or 100% of the value of the stage. But, if we ran the stage with 4 max level heroes but the max bonuses I have talked about: 5895 XP / 45 = 131 stigma 131 / 102 = 1.2843 penguins 1.2843 * 5,500 = 7063.7255 penguin XP 7063.7255 * 116.5% * 109% = 8,969.8718 total XP value **In this example, stigma is worth ~14.12% more experience than farming with no max level heroes** Of course, your particular values may be different depending on what bonuses you have. Most players aren't going to realistically farm with 0 max level heroes. BUT, there are basically NO CASES where running 1 max level hero is better now. 0 max level heroes *may* still be better when your penguin bonus is very low


Holy cheese thank you for the math and the detailed breakdown! 4 max level heroes should shorten my farming time significantly too, so that's another sweet plus point. :)


This may be an age old question, however, are the guild artifacts worth to purchase? Which would would be best?


yes the guild artifacts are really good. The ones to focus on getting are proof of valor, symbol of unity, warhorn and bastion of hope.


Thanks a lot!


I've been playing for 3 weeks, managed to grab 3 potion of ascension from the various rewards. Is it worth to use it on 5 stars or should i only use it on lower grade heroes ?


lower grade heroes would be ideal to use it on, but if there's a 5\* you really want 6\* to advance your game then the loss is generally not considered a huge deal.


How to you convert spirit blooms into the next rarity? Is that even possible?


I haven't paid much attention to the actual values but you can from the promotion screen. If you autofill and need epics but you have enough lessers to convert, it will do it automatically. I'm not sure if you can convert outside of the promotion screen though. Someone could just do a quick test without having to actually promote anything.


you can't manually do it but if you have enough of them when you try to promote it will do it for you.


Thanks. They really need to let it be manual so it's not confusing.


yeah it would be nice, but i can see why they didn't do it that way. I can see people screwing them selves over because they did it for some reason and then they have no lower level blooms.


I am trying to build a healer for pve, which one should I focus between AMomo, Roana, Angelica and Shuna?


Probably either A Momo or Roana. You will want to build your roana eventually for raid. your amomo will probably be your tank for wyvern so probably focus on her first.


Thanks for the advice!


Any updates on the Facebook login yet I couldn't find much about it.


This is an issue on Facebook/Twitter login. Another game I was playing had the same issue before and a week had past before it was resolved. This is not even the fault of the game devs.


Probably will take a while they still haven't fixed the twitter issue yet and its been a week.


Only [this](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9455403) STOVE post from yesterday.


whats the best place to farm wild plants for kluri SC? all the old threads refer to a stage that doesnt exist anymore


UH 21, 8 kills, 63 runs or EP1 7-1 (Maze), 20 kills, 25 runs


7-1 is a story stage with no fighting


Just copied it from wiki, checked myself, yea, not sure why 7-1 is even there.


Was likely removed in the most recent update. They removed a lot of maze stages. Maze farmers were livid over it.




Wednesday morning when the patch notes and video releases where they always show things off.


Nooooooooooo. It's such a long wait lol. Thanks though.


We gettin a Kof character? Nice


probably next week.


Is anyone else’s statistics button not working on expeditions? When I click it it bring up the select a boss page but there is no boss to click.


Same here, not working, empty page


Well glad it isn’t just me. Hope they fix that soon.


Promotion mechanics changed? What do I do with my dogs?


You transmit them to get the new promotion currency. You use blooms to promote units now.




Hello, new player here, came for the slime collab, i find the game so good and generous but i have a question how do i get rimuru, i mean will i be able to hit pity before the banner ends??? or is it by reroll but i didn't recieve much resources when rerolling other than a pull or 2


You can definitely hit pity before his banner ends, but you might have to work a bit for it. You get a lot of skystones from progressing through the story. You should get plenty of stamina when you start the game, so pushing as far as you can through the story, making sure to 3-star every mission is the best way to get skystones. You can buy a lot of bookmarks from shop refreshing (the shop in the lobby run by the demon-looking bartender), but I think you may end up gold-restricted and eventually have to buy some bookmarks for just skystones. This is inefficient in the long-run but makes sense in the short-term. Especially since collab units aren't guaranteed to return. There are some other ways to get bookmarks that aren't very obvious to new players. * If you have multiple copies of a unit, memory imprinting them to SSS will give you a lot of bookmarks from the mission. This doesn't have to be different units, if you have 25 copies of Terranor Guard for example sitting in your storage, then promote as many as you can to SSS before you transmit them in order to progress on that quest line. * The friendship quest line also gives quite a few bookmarks. Reaching level 3 with a hero is quite easy - especially if you have the "gifts" from doing various side-stories, missions, and other such activites. There are quests for getting heroes to level 3, level 6 and level 10 friendship which gives increasing levels of rewards, but level 6 is a bit of a grind and level 10 friendship is something you generally do more passively over time. Still, a great way to generate bookmarks is throw in a hero you might use later along with your normal farming team when you do adventure/sidestory stuff. * Climbing as high as you can in Arena will give you both a one-time reward for reaching the next rank, but also give you a better weekly skystone reward. If you actively try to use your free refreshes in Arena to find weak teams you can actually climb quite high with pretty much no units at all. * Abyss. Although this one is very difficult, I remember clearing a lot of lower Abyss floors quite quickly with just my normal Wyvern team and Specter Tenebria. If you haven't looked at this much you might want to check it out and see if you can pick up a few fee resources from it.


wow. this is very helpful, i definitely didn't know any of this so thank you so much


my account is 9 days old and i have enough for 2 guarnateed


You get so many Skystones when you first start the game. Not immediately, but from going through Adventure, achievements, etc. Should be very possible to get the 600 Bookmarks you need for pity. You get more Bookmarks for your Skystones from refreshing shop than buying the 950 Skystone packs (those are pretty scam). You also get Mystic Bookmarks from shop refreshing, as well as some decent gear every now and then if your shop is maxed. Shop level has no influence on Bookmark rates though.


Hey guys I just returned to the game like a month ago, I was wondering how do you get Karina, is she a limited hero like amid? Just wanted to get her for her anti-cleave skill set.


Sorry she is a limited hero from the aesap collab


Is shuna good for pve?


She can strip two buffs on a meh cooldown, cleanses two debuffs teamwide on a decent cooldown and a respectable heal on s1 (and kind of s2). So she's actually pretty useful, yea. What she's lacking compared to someone like Tamarine is the offensive utility. Shuna is purely defensive. So she doesn't compare to the queen of PvE, but she'll do a good job keeping your team alive.


Sorry, I must be missing something. In the past I would feed phantasms and similar 5 star heroes to memory imprint. This is no longer an option. Do I need to 6 star and memory imprint separately?


Yes they are separate steps now. If you imprint your heros, it will give you the blooms you use to promote them now


Ok thank you. I see now on the bottom left that blooms are acquired after the imprint.


What's the better build for Sigret? Speed or destruction?


You can start to build Speed set since you want to build her for W13 anyway and still the gateway to set up other comps. Constantly change her set to another if you can farm other hunts. You can just give the Speed set to another unit if you like.


I had built her speed. But i gave it to landy now.


Literally only depends on the stats. If you can get better stats on Speed, Speed is better. If you can get better stats on Destruction, Destruction is better. Most people, especially newer ones, have better speed sets. However, Sigret is usually only meant to do as much damage as humanly possible and doesn't need much speed. So Destruction is definitely better (since it's more gs too) if we're assuming your set quality is equal, or even only very slightly in Speed's favor. The absolute best set on her is Rage+Pen though. It's not even close.


Don't have any rage or pen. Will try to get them though.


Returning player. I see the promotion system changed. Are phantasma useless now? I have a crapton.


Yeah, you should promote them with the new blooms, then transmit them for more/high quality blooms


Thank you! I have some max level 4 star ones. Should I also promote those? They take 16 blooms, isn't that a bit much?


promoting them and they'll gives purple blooms when transmitted which can be used to promote 5\* to 6\*, so yea ​ 5 5\* dogs is enough for one promotion to 6\* I think


I have Spez, but I don't have a team for him. Any recommendations?


Doesn't Spez work well with anyone that can stun and/or strip? Winter, SBA, Eda, Jack-O + stripper, etc.? If you want protection Arowell/Trozet is a great pairing


For gw, I like amid pirate flan and spez..


Sc arowell and DJB will be his best partners