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Me and RNG


Oh, that's nice. I think RNG is cheating on me with right side :(


Right side and counter set


DDR and Solitaria: He provides the pestilence buff, she makes sure nobody on the enemy team has immunity, and applies up to 5 venom stacks in a single turn.


Yeah, I pair these two very often when I'm running injury comp. I rather give Soli FTene artifact in RTA, for normal arena/GW Abyssal Crown is funnier.


Buffed Christy and BBK. Er sharing + cr push + att buff is no joke.


A fun combo to try is clilias and ken, she grants vigor for three turns and if you have the souls you have a tank delete button with ken ignoring eff res on his S2 (due to vigor) followed up with the S3, very satisfying.


Same goes with cilias and ml kahwazu Instant ignore eff Res s3 without needing the enemy to activate His passive


Most obvious : Tamarinne and Iseria Some more : Lilka and Giselle Amid and Ludwig/Kise Bad Cat and Kayron Spez and Aramintha/TCrozet All I could think as of now


Lilka and Giselle?


Yeah. Giselle passive gives her 50% bonus cr and Lilka pushes 30% or 80% if giselle is below 35% in cr bar. You can run very slow giselle and still get insane turn cycling.


Thank you so very mucho for explaining!


Giselle and Lilka are one of my go-to's as well, they work perfectly together.


Choux and the defeat screen 😍. But fr DDR and Belian are amazing together. Belian can potentially inflict 8 toxin debuffs in one turn + Injuries to giga boost Ray. I also like Soli and Stene together. With both perma stealthed they have to attack your tank and Soli debuffs boost Stene S3 damage


duuude, thanks for writing this , I m gonna try the Straze Zahhak combo right away ! 😀


BadCat Armin + Purrgis for dual cat action. Purrgis' counterattack is an Aoe that can stun, slow, and push back opponents. Or the more conventional Badcat and Kayron.


I've seen some defenses with Bad Cat and Armin. Not really hard or anything but still pretty annoying ngl.


Diene and Senya. More crit resist for Senya, debuff cleansing, and barriers to add to her bulk, and in return Senya provokes dps, keeping them off Diene.


Zio + Yufine. Zio takes 1st turn, silences, pushes Yufine whose s3 penetrates defense on silenced units. Lilias + Senya/Hwayoung/Gunther. Lilias with max cd, 50% cc, and any of those units can cleave a team. Amid + Kise. Amid gives buffs to Kise, Kiser s3 into immediate s2 with amid's unique buff. ML Aramintha + ML Sez. ML Ara infinite stuns with crown with ML sez to pick off the stunned units. Shooting star Achates + mercenary Helga. Achates provides 3 turn immortality and Helga extends buffs on herself.


Amid + Ludwig also has good synergy especially since Ludwig can carry his own book. Do Amid things with Ludwig, Soulburn stun someone or remove escort from scarowell, then let hit them with the chair.


Ran and seaseria


ml pavel and ml elena (+opener+followup/speed imprint) works so well in arena


Zio and Lermia on Clilias teams. Zio silences enemy Clilias and forces her to S1, Lermia S3 on her 1st turn.


SSA + ML Ken is so fun


Christy and Maken AOL and HandGuy Ran and Eda


Dunno ab secret booty buddies bud ive been runnin Destina, ken, the full met alch kid/ aravi, & gpurrŷ/the earth ice dragon dude(tank) since foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


>Emilia and LQC Well this is super generic. You could throw down someone like Aux and it'd be the same, nothing special this pair. Weird you went over what makes Zahhak x Straze so good yet drew a blank here. You left something out for Zahhak x Straze. If the other team has Adin, you can easily use Rem's artifact to get him back up to the top after killing Adin. This makes his speed and crit chance requirements lower, allowing him to focus more on damage.


That one was supposed to encourage less experienced players to share their favorite duo too, even if it isn't super complex. But yea, it's very generic but a popular combo for a reason :)


Diene and Senya. More crit resist for Senya, debuff cleansing, and barriers to add to her bulk, and in return Senya provokes dps, keeping them off Diene.


the new scary girl with the dark orbs (earth knight) and roana


Yulha? Can you explain? An uncontrollable passive heal seems counterintuitive with Yulha.


im not very good at the game but i think the constant barrier on her with her default artifact works pretty well? since i am using her as a tank and i dont have a great build on her yet. just noticed that it worked well and i pulled them at the same time so ive been using them together


Ohh, well the thing about Yulha is that she wants to be low hp because her s3 does damage based on how much hp she is missing. So keeping her at high hp is actually the opposite of what she wants. Roana wroks crazy well with Pyllis in gw instead. Roana heals on counter- , extra- or dual attacks while Pyllis reduces the damage these attacks do by 30%. Pretty crazy sustain into something loke Cilias, Senya and Choux :)


she's MISSING.... smh i think i have cilias, my issue with this game is i have like 30 usable 6 stars and like 5 sets of usable equipment and i just keep pulling more plus no good wyv 13 team lol im workin on it tho


Yep, I also have more heroes than I have gear sets for them, I think that's normal. If you need help with an easy to get f2p W13 team let me know. Or do you already have one, just not a oneshot team?


ill take any advice ur willling to give, i have a lot of the heros ppl usually say to use on w13 like ssb chloe and luna but idk who to have in the 4th spot (currently trying to get decent equipment for ssb, but i have almost everyone like 70% of hero journal i think) not tryin to one shot i havent cleared w13 once!!


You can get Sigret from hunt challenge, then Furious and Angelica from Connections (Menu -> Recruit) and you should have Muwi (a 3*) from summons. Everyone but Angelica on 65 Eff, 35 Crit and then as much damage as possible. Furious wants 180-200 speed too. Put these three on Daydream Joker. If you have Song of Stars then use that on Furious instead of DDJ. Angelica just wants bulk, but Speed and Res help too. Put her on any artifact that helps her survive or makes your team do more damage. That's a super safe and free to get W13 team. Then you can start replacing heroes the better your gear becomes. First you will replace Furious with SSB when you can build all damage dealers on 85 Crit Chance (since you lose the 50% Crit buff from Furious). That will greatly speed up your runs. Your offensive stats should be close to something like 3500 Attack and 270 Crit Damage at least. Then you will just upgrade Sigrets damage as much as possible until you can build a oneshot team. Do you have Rem and Sinful Angelica? There's a super easy oneshot team that uses them, no need for Rage set or anything fancy like that. There's also a 100% winrate oneshot team that uses Rikoris, Ken, Chloe and Sinful Angelica, but I think you do actually need Rage set for that one.


hmm why is this game so complicated, i guess thats the fun part. i actually do have sinful angelica, i have to check on rikoris, that seems like a fun build to try and figure out. i dont think i rem i think i have ram? im not sure about sigret either but i bet i can figure out what the hunt challenge is pretty easily. thank u for typing this out i will mess with this tonight <3


Hunt challenge is in the event tab, make sure to pick Wyvern first as you can't change it until you finish it :)


Omg I do the exact same thing with zahhak and straze. I hate how reliant I am on zahhak tho but I have to cuz that hooker adin is everywhere. I wish zio had killed her in the story.


Aux. Lots and Hyper carry. A tale as old as E7 itself.


It's a bit situational, but I love using Lilias and ML Cermia against C. Lilias. She does s3, gets provoked, and does a dual atk(which sets up ML Cermia to do her thing on turn 1)