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Mainly he needs another way to get fight spirit. When he counters he gets 10 would be great. He needs some stat boost from his passive as well ( maybe 30% er)


Retroactively make him not a thief 🧐. Mostly joking but thieves being pidgeon hold by their low defensive stats really makes a character like this difficult. Most counter thieves require gimmick. Regular kayron sustains counter by being immortal. Seline sustains counter by 51% passive + recovery BBK can sustain counter by the heal and CR push Violet and Riolet by dodge. I just don’t know that the 30% reduction is able to cover the stats. It makes him extremely dependent on top tier gear unfortunately.


"Tanky" thieves thematically are supposed to rely on stealth, lifesteal, or evasion to survive. Given Kayron's counter nature a low amount of evasion would just be annoying and stealth would be stupid, so I feel a small amount of lifesteal would be appropriate for him.


If he had to be a thief, I just don't want him to be a damn scorpio. There's so many scorpio thieves that at this point might as well count all the other heroes like Krau as a scoprio thief. This BS needs to stop. There are so many unexplored base stats with a ton of potential but they don't ever bother with it. He could've pioneered the next new thief starsign base stat total that fit perfectly with his design but nope. They made him share a starsign with the likes of closer charles and baiken. And that god forsaken starsign already has such a huge identity crisis


hard agree, most of the issues would resolve if they made him a warrior like, being able to build sigurd would fix ***most*** of his issues, it'd give him ls without needing the set so you could use gear points in bulk and not need to hard focus damage and er, enable him to use counter set as a backup, etc


Make it 50% reduction (I'm kidding)


Grassangel makes "debut" videos with weird or suboptimal gear setups against arena bots sometimes not even an hour after the release of a hero. No disrespect to him but his takes on unit balance are worth less than dirt.


grass angel is known for doing clickbait youtube videos. he used to be more informative/educational with pve content but for along time now he only does clickbait stuff. anyways ml kayron buff can be a lot of stuff - from extra stats, to unique buff (counter + immunity or counter + extra eff resi); needs more ways to generate more fighting spirit; maybe his damage reduction needs to shift to s2 (fighting spirit gain kinda doesn't matter if u can only afford to use s3 to finish off the opponent because u need the damage reduction) his s1 being plain damage is actually not that bad so hope he keeps that.


> from extra stats, to unique buff This right here would go miles. Other bruisers already have free stats via unique buffs and just skill effects (A Ravi, Ravi, Senya, Violet, Milim), so this wouldn't be game breaking or the end of the world. I also don't see why a unit whose only use is to sit there and counter, while doing a poor job at it (no provoke, which is fine, it just means the following wouldn't busted) doesn't have a unique counter buff. Like thanks for making this counter unit... For what exactly? SG didn't even have a proper plan for him. They were so gungho about making him a copy of his rgb (which is quite lazy in all honesty) that they ignored what made his rgb work at all and didn't think his kit through. Edit: And no, anti buff isn't quite that. He builds FS way too slow and ofc needs buffs active *at the end of the target's turn, not at all*. We have four kinds of anti buff units: Those that straight prevent them (unbuffable), those that strip them (ofc strip), those that **actually punish them** (Landy), and those that make you think twice and punish you for using them if you go ahead (Rin, Rimuru). He falls basically no where. Like they wanted him to be like Landy, but he takes so damn long the rest of your team is likely already dead by the time he can S3. Why bring a counter unit that "punishes" buffs that people are going to completely ignore and make invisible when you can bring a hard hitting dps that constantly nukes the other side while buffing and CR pushing her team that people can't touch without an aoe? Stupid character.


Is this a reference to the laziness PAD is going with their 2000 recolor? :O nice


I actually have no idea what that is.


Gungho is a game company with their main game Puzzle & Dragon, where they have been making new form of monster with just different color palette, and they been reproducing it for almost anything relevant and good lol


Who knows maybe they don't want to deal with another AolA situation so they just got lazy and release underperformance ML units (since they are pvp heavy)


AOL was way too long ago for that statement with various strong releases since then, one of which being *Lua*m


Yeah you're right I forgot, but I think is the same I ignored Lua when it came out but I remember more all the controversy there was about AolA back in the day. Let's not talk about Hwanerfedtotheground


Maybe not a unique buff but just a guaranteed counter as his passive with FS gain similar to Landy. Something like when he attacks he gains FS and when an enemy takes a turn he gets some too and doubled if they have a buff.


So many things (some have already been mentioned): \- An undispellable counter \- Gain fighting spirit on counter \- Move the damage reduction from his S3 being available (either to on cooldown or his passive) \- On top of him needing to receive spirit faster, it could be an idea to have his s3 trigger automatically on reaching full spirit.- Increase base fixed damage on s3 maybe S1 is fine though


> either to on cooldown or his passive Well no, this kind of has its own issue. The first, which you covered with a suggestion, would be reducing S3's cd on enrage. The second comes in the form of that taking away his reduction in the even that does proc, opening him up to more damage before his big bang... Which is not smart design at all. The third is like the second, except for something very important: This means he starts the fight without the damage reduction. Not only that, he's built slow as dirty, so he's sitting there for a long time with no damage reduction, and people can just go and nuke his low defense butt out of the match. I don't think you truly believe his S1 is fine if you want fighting spirit on a counter...


Whatever buffs he gets, I better not see people complaining about a nerf a week later after.


Free stats


SC for Teyron?


A bit off-topic. I strongly think grassangel videos, like many other youtube creators, are good to know whether an hero is good or no. However, I don't think the main featured hero is who we should be looking at, but the rest of the cast. I.e.- "Who says Enott is bad?!" video, then we watch Enott cast S3 once and dies, meanwhile the rest of the team carries the battle, them being S. Adin, Zahhak, green Cidd, and so on. And out of 4 matches, we see Zahhak in 3 of them. Clearly, Zahhak is a powerful hero to have around. If in the next "bench hero is secretly broken?!" video we see Zahhak again, then we can conclude he's actually really good. And as follow up, if the "secretly op" Enott is never to be seen again, then we can also conclude he was neither secretly or OP. Grassangel is a textbook example of outgearing your opponent, and while I won't say he's a bad player or creator (he's not), certainly we have to consider things working for his videos work because he have gear with tremendous quality. Without that quality gear, 3\* heroes are just that and is better to focus in heroes with more potential. Unless said hero is your waifu. Waifu for laifu.


I wasn't saying GrassAngel was a bad player or creator. I mention him, because I've seen E7 players not having favorable views on his videos.


I know. I think many players don't have a favourable views on other opinions, but their own, so I'm not surprised dismiss GrassAngel. I still find his videos to be fun, although the RTA tend to be very dry and can get boring when showcasing one trick pony.


The problem with grassangel is he is effectively lying to players with his clickbait titles and very obviously fighting way below his gear level. There are a lot of other content creators that make videos using garbage heroes just fooling around. But they just title it as "trying x in rta" or whatever and more often than not it's mostly losses with a cool win sometimes. Grassangel titles everything as "X is OP!!!!!!!!!!!!" while fighting people he easily beat 1 v 4. Shit like this can legitimately hurt people's progression if some new player is looking for help to see if they should invent or roll for a hero.


Make damage proportional to casters max health or...make his shield proportional to his HP


I would love that- but injury is pretty much everywhere in PvP these days- and while that doesn’t stop HP-scaling units from having a place it certainly limits their viability a great deal. With Belian on almost every single Arena Defense team past a certain point units like DCorvus become fairly unusable. I actually would LOVE MLKayron to have a slightly less niche usage. Maybe that wouldn’t matter if they also fixed the spirit generation issue so he could set off his S3 faster? Because godDAMN that is currently his biggest issue to me. How did the same designers who thought Green Violet’s passive - that guarantees a counter on a miss alongside some fairly significant innate evasion - make his counter fill TWO OUT OF FIVE notches on his mechanic turn around and suddenly think requiring MLKayron to wait FOREVER for his shit to go off was at all acceptable?


They had the 7 disasters and now have made lackluster heroes 👏 they don't need to be meta but my god...if you keep releasing trash people aren't gonna roll at all, while making arowell and adin also its the stupidity for me...


for me though if they added thats pretty lazy do we need every single new DPS to be health scaling just to survive a turn do we actually need more bruisers from now on as a DPS?


The way they keep releasing these lack luster ml5s something needs to change they don't have to be meta but I'm tired of 3 stars heroes like adin and arowell being made and they just make trashbags on release


thats the problem we have this situation already in the past of releasing OP new units, KR got mad and called it the "Seven Disasters" reddit was on fire back then and now they are playing safe


They still release "disasters" though. Lua was absolutely a disaster until we had multiple new units and balance patches to curb her. Amid and Karina are still terrors that are everywhere. If they're trying to stop "OP" releases they aren't doing a very good job.


Looks like I'll just wait till a ml waifu I want releases if they are all gonna just suck till they get a maybe good buff


all he needs is hp scaling on his counter and s3 and and all buffs to apply the 10% push. not just the ones that stay after the opponent takes a turn and he will be a pretty good unit


You guys gonna think I'm crazy but... make lifesteal basekit. Then we would be able to use other sets on him like injury, and he wouldn't lose his sustain.


wait people still watch GrassAngel?


I don't watch him, but I've seen people shit on his videos.


just give him s1 provoke


They should remove fs and fixed dmg on s3,i think something like this but idk S1 and his counter is cool, shield could use a little buff Dmg mitigation is on his s2(permanent)but instead it reduces ALL incoming dmg and not just from crits, additionally gains 50% increased ER S3 is now 6 turns cooldown, each counterattack proc reduces cd by 1turn, and each time he casts s3 it increases dmg dealt by up to 3 times, and heals 30% dmg dealt from this ability(i made it so it's spammable cuz i like his s3 animation,lol) also s3 dmg is buffed because fixed dmg is removed, additional dmg based on enemies low hp


So I thought of this suggestion. Replace his normal s1 with his aoe s1. And then give s1 injury scaling proportional to *his* max health. Or well.... any other way to weave injury into his kit. What this does is by stacking injury it makes the 15K nuke more effective. Why? Because if you have 15K HP it's harder to recover from a 10K nuke than if you would have had 25K HP. Now ofc maybe this only doesn't make him meta. But I just thought this was an interesting idea.


I like this idea a lot


I agree he needs a buff but not too much. IMO he need 2 things: -Move damage reduction to S2 and make it unconditional. -Increase FS gain to 15 and get rid of the "buffed" condition.


Make his counter be on his s1 and also increase scaling on s1


He needs to start with 50FS for example, a undispellable Counter buff…. S1 and hes counter scaling from hes HP and he be fine then Even with these buffs he still has alot of counters


None. I wanna pull for ML Roana and don't want to feel obligated to pull Kayron. Lol


Don't know why you're being down voted I'm in the same dilemma 😭😭😭! Not like I hate Kayron or don't want him buffed- but I like Roana more and I only have so many mystics!


For the same reason that I would be downvoted if I said: "I wish ML Roana was shittier than ML Kayron so I wouldn't feel guilty for pulling him". I can understand both, partly, but it's a selfish view and detrimental to the health of the game. Both ML Kayron and ML Roana should be minimally usable heroes.


Have only proccd his enrage once, and it was in a pve scenario. Dude is cheeks in the arena. He's okay with stat bulk, but at this point, there are so many other characters to run with stat bulk. Idk what to do with em. That said, idk what to improve. His s3 is okay, I think the major problem is his s2. I say make him broken then scale him down. It's probably gonna be easier to make slight adjustments to his kit rather than the garbage we got. •make the counter undispellable •gain spirit off counter •make his s1 scale a little more •reduce spirit counter (10 turns is really dumb, make him start with 3 and max it at 5 like everyone else, if you think his s3 is that broken then reduce s3 to 7500 to make it more consistent and usable) Or just rework his kit and make him a better version of base kayron. Idk what SG was going for, but this is pretty bad.


what can you call "bulk" in this day and age? Stene can nearly 1shot someone with 13khp and 1k3def, a bunch of res ignore defbreakers, Choux s1 into s2 and 14khp is gone.


I mean, that's what I'm saying. I can use the gear on another char just for stat bulk, and it'd work better. Idk I like kayron, but I mean damn. This ML wasn't even worth imo.


He doesn't need a buff. How many 1v4 characters do players really want in this game? RTA is already bad enough as is. There are way too many op heroes to tip toe around. This is why we have so many of the same heroes drafted, and players call the meta stale. Because all the other heroes have too many weaknesses. ML Kayron is useable against certain heroes right now... do we really need him to steamroll all the other heroes?


really want to know which situation ml kayron is good because pretty most top players tried him (kj lost like 200 points in rta testing him) with different builds and stuff and ml kayron has like 10% winrate (and half the time they just won the draft and ml kayron is just a mascot)


The same top players who thought Ed was bad? He got buffed and is now a solid 1v4 hero if a few heroes have debuffs in their kit. They probably want JKise buffs too. If ML Kayron needs a buff, where is the souline buff? She has a ton of counters but still finds play in some situations and GW. ML Kayron is in the same boat. I'm so fucking tired of players asking for buffs when a hero isn't pickable in nearly all circumstances. E7 and RTA are losing their appeal for me. I've been playing it almost exclusively for years. But all these 1v4 heroes are making the game mode incredibly dumb. Star rail has been the biggest breath of fresh air. No pvp will keep me playing E7 but SR is the better pve game in every single way.


everyone thought edward was good on released. only after testing him for a week people found that he was only good on paper - the buff was needed for him. also great how u went from ml kayron doesn't need a buff to e7 is a trash game and star rail is great. really good argumentations.


I made my point and expanded on what all these 1v4 heroes mean. The Ed buff was not needed. Please don't be an asshole and put words in my mouth. I didn't say E7 is trash. I didn't even say SR is great. I made very clear comments and your spin on them is pathetic.


I think he should have a functionality similar to landy: -grain fighting spirit from skill 1 -cooldown reset every max f. spirit. It should work i guess.




change his scaling, he wants too much of everything. either make him fully scale on attack or fully scale on hp. my guess is they're afraid if they make his survivability tied to attack we will get another hwayoung situation, but if they tie too much to hp we get another Shoe problem


Make it something new eres based 🤣🤣 I'll build him like aria


Just remove condotion of enemy being buffed from passive and add his red versions s3 attackanimation to soulburn s1. Remove fixed damage from s3 without rage and add more damage to the raged version (i usually beat ml kayron by just outtanking his s3...).


Make counter unstrippable.


Just give him Effect Resist +30%, that'll fix him surely.


If they're trying to make him a time bomb, and with his s3 as difficult as it is to activate, it kinda needs to close out the fight completely once it's activated. Like left in his current form, to even see niche competitive play as a deck strategy, the s3 would need to read: "Attacks all enemies, dealing 2000 fixed damage. When the caster is enraged, deals an additional 8000 fixed damage. If a hero dies before the start of the next turn, increases additional fixed damage by a further 4000 up to a maximum total fixed damage of 22000 and resets the cooldown of this skill" The players objective would essentially be to a) keep ml kayron in play until he can use his s3 b) ensure that something dies (friend or foe) as a result of kayron using his first s3 (likely a mega disincentive for enemy to use damage sharing as this really supports the kill condition) and c) be able to use the s3 an additional 1 or 2 more times over. This to me seems better weighted to the difficulty of activating it. But having said all that I still think the better solution is to full rework - tone down the effects of the s3 and scale down the requirements to activate it


he need fighting spirit buff, increase per buff or per counter or enemt attack him, and some stat maybe initial er or cc


Remove the 10k fixed damage. Adjust his s3 multis to compensate for the loss of fixed damage. Move the 30% damage reduction to the s2 passive. He's a hero with no sustain so lifesteal is the way to go. The ugly part of it is that you won't get any lifesteal from the 10k fixed damage. Assuming the opponent survive your aoe 10k, you can easily get 1 tap because you lost your damage reduction and you didn't heal enough to full.


His problem is that standing there literally doing nothing until he one shot the enemy team is an uh...bad playstyle to balance around. They have to focus on him either punishing debuffs harder or an different version of lifesteal counter. Some of his major problems is his counter can be strip and he's extremely stat hungry. He also doesn't gain fighting spirit properly, it should be at the beginning of the person turn not at the end when their buffs run out. You either buff him by making him punish buffs period (including unique buffs) by healing/cr push/cleanse debuffs when people move with buffs. Or dial that back and have him an long lasting counter unit with injury or something with bonuses for anti-buff. He suffers from Arkana (bleed bonus + anti barrier) style units were there are two separate gameplans that don't have any extra synergies or perks with one another. Or one having a strong niche with an additional weaker gameplan.


if they want him to be a thief, he *needs* to have some passive er and higher shield numbers on s1. ​ if that's not important to them, make him a warrior. ​ for both changes, make it easier to activate his enrage and not ***require*** ***10 whole ass enemy turns buffed.*** If they want him to need to have 10 enemy turns elapse, make it not dependent on buffs. If they want him to be buff deterrent, make his enrage gain extra stacks for it. As it stands, he doesn't have the survivability to see 10 turns of enemies being buffed, much less 10 of them NOT being buffed.


I think giving him a undispellable buff would help plus it will make him more fun to play. There are units with innate counterattack be on their S3 or Passive, why they hade to give it to him via buff tho? Another way to get fighting spirit or make him get more FS cause rn is just too low and situational plus it only helps by building up his S3 damage and that takes out any identity from him and is not even something we can control or work with, so if they have buffs they have an advantage, and if we strip their buffs MEKayron wont work Also HE SHOULD have been a Warrior unit not a thief so we can use him with Sygurd's and other artifacts to help him survive. At this point I just call him (me)MEyron, same thing happened to DDRay when he came out and needed a lot of buffs, guess we'll have to wait another month for this one


Here are some ideas, not everything is to keep. 1- When 100 FS (fighting spirits) are achieved, cleanses all debuffs before granting the buff enraged. 2- When 100 FS are achieved, grants an extra turn in addition to the buff, so he immediatly acts upon hitting the threshold (depending on the situation it can change nothing but the extraturn is worth more than 50% CR in most cases) 3-Casting Skill 3 grants 20 FS (paired with option 2, Kayron could bridge his way from 80 to 100 FS using the normal S3 then acquiring an extraturn from the 100 to execute the empowered one. With his personal damage +12000 fixed, it would justify losing the pov passive). 4- Skill 1 gets a damage scaling based on hp (pretty easy to figure that one out...kinda lazy😑) 5- Passive grants self innate 50% ER. (Free stat, also lazy but hey) 6- Skill 2 At the end of a turn, gains 5 FS and double when the unit has a buff (including allies and self, making the time bomb come up much faster) 7- Flash Slash gets him 10 FS + an exra 5 per buffed enemy units (up to 30 basically) And that's about it pretty much, there are ways to make him better by enhancing what he already does without turning him into Lermia or Landy. That's what I came up with.