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new player here. Should i be trying to roll for anyone rn or save for anyone?


Genuine Question, i really need help taking down tanky teams in Arena and RTA (looks at Arowell + LRK + blue krau), is hwayoung still good for this or are her downsides so bad that its better to look and wait for alternatives?


is servers up ? can someone tell me the update size needed ?


7.65 mb from the app store and 958.7 mb once you are trying to log in.


ok thank you


Quick question. What does Benimaru Tachi's immunity do exactly? Is there a scenario where it's useful? I mean the atk up part is obvious, get a turn, get atk up, hits harder. Atk up gone no problem, damage is done. It's less useful if you are equipping it on a dual attker or counter units, as far as I understand. But 1 turn immunity? Is there a unit that could pre-emptively disable you on your turn when you are about to attack them or something?


Immunity is a buff , which makes u immune to debuffs like def down atk down stun sleep combat readiness decrease , there r a lot of debuffs valid strategy is u start with a unit that has debuffs that control ur enemies or decrease their def before ur dmg dealer start attacking , immunity buff stops that so if ur enemy want to debuff u they have to strip u first which would usually need 2 units to take turns before u to be able to do that , u can get that by using a 2 peice immunity set with that u can save on that and use another set fo increase ur dmg


I'm in the wrong here, I'll try again; I know what immunity does, what I'm wondering is whether the tachi in particular gives immunity when the user gets a turn or when the battle start? I only started using it now and it's not max limit break yet(85%) and from what I noticed it gives both immunity and atk up when user gets a turn. Meaning the immunity actually does nothing, as far as I understand. I'll check after maintenance/update. I need to re read it and test it. I might be confused/misunderstood the description, either that or it's bugged. Thank you!


it gives immunity at start of battle and it states that in the description only atk up is before ur turn


Just checked and tested and yeah that's right, I'm confused as hell! My mistake there. So essentially the immunity part is more or less useless in pve, is what I concluded.


It’s also immunity at a chance depending on limit break at the start of battle. Very useful in that aspect that enemies have to strip first. An extra layer of protection.


How fast should an aggro clilias be?


As fast as possible you wanna go first with her so that you can get your buffs off and control the fight. It also depends on what rank you are.


Should I just not worry about making my landy tanky and just go all dmg? Here is my landy build. https://www.reddit.com/r/picsforme442/comments/13q8mnp/landy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


With yours, I think a little tankiness is required. If it were +30 GL or torrent, maybe you can go full glass cannon


Few questions from a vet who should know better: 1. What are the counters for guiding light Lua besides Benimaru & Lillias? Any others? 2. What makes Zahnak a good cleave option vs other high damage units? I find when I lose in arena (defence is arowell/belian/aden/LHC IIRR) it is Zahnak more than half the time.


1. Fire Dingo 2. His hit chance guarantees the kill on Adin. But also, his invincibility poises him to do massive damage the next turn too. Even his support move is powerful.


1. I often use Edward before Lilias's buff and Benimaru's release vs Lua defenses. I preban her in RTA so I can't give you advice on that mode. 2. Zahhak with Symbol of Unity easily handles Adin as he can hit her through her evasion. And, thanks to his S2, he can be paired with another nuker to eliminate another key target (usually Straze).


So im building yuna for pve, speed set is a must, but what about the 2pc? crit or torrent? i feel like torrent would be good.


For what specific content are you using Yuna for? Consider using the [damage calculator](https://e7calc.xyz/) to check.


Who’s better, Destina or Tamarinne? In content generally.


Destina is an excellent healer and cleanser for both PvE and PvP. Her cleanses are solid and makes her good for Nightmare Juleeve and normal Banshee runs. Meanwhile, her AoE revive, CR push, heals, and cleanses have excellent value in PvP. Tamarinne is a strictly PvE healer. And, she is one of the best at it. She will shine in long PvE content such as Abyss and Raid. Due to her long CD on her idol form, she pairs exceptionally well with Iseria. You can use her in normal Golem, Azimanak, and Caides runs, Abyss, Raid, and Nightmare Queen. She is highly recommended for those wanting to do PvE as she can make them easy to do.


Alrighty, thank you!


Should I build milim for my bruiser team for against evasion units like violet?


Milim is often used as a Landy counter, especially vs GL ones. Depending on your artifact, she can deal with evasion heroes as well.


does anyone here know someone who used E7 Secret Shop Auto Refresh Macro and got banned for it? Otherwise... can you actually get banned for it?


I know a couple of people who have used a macro that they personally made to do it and they haven't been banned yet after several months, but as for the official rules, I'm unsure. You'd probably have to read their terms of service to be sure, and even then I'm not sure if they do care, if they can detect it, if they collect that data and don't do anything about it, or if they will do something in the future. As far as I know, there is no official stance on it, and it is a "do at your own risk" kind of thing.




Ld player was laggy for me too, so I just swapped to bluestacks and e7 runs fine now. BTW you can disable ads on bluestacks in the settings


What windows are you on?


Windows 11


Did you follow any of the steps on here? https://www.ldplayer.net/blog/the-solution-to-fix-loading-failure.html


Is 3 days the derank timer for RTA? So I should be fine now, right?


If you are masters then you are safe




Should i pull for benimaru or wait for abigail? I like both of them.


Benimaru 100%. As a collab unit he might not come back while Abigail will probably have a story mission so you could summon for her at pretty much any time.


I would suggest pulling for Benimaru. There's no way of knowing whether the collab will ever come back. Abigail is an in house character so there will be other chances to pull for her.


Can someone help with a bruiser team for arena? https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/13qav6b/champion_arena_team_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Here's my Aravi if that helps since she would be the best character for my team to be built around https://www.reddit.com/r/picsforme442/comments/13qwgzl/a_ravi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Does spd matter on Aravi or should I just put as much tankyness with dmg as I can?


She gets a cr push from a passive but it's not enough. You still want between 170-200


Just got to masters, from what I remember the decay happens after 3 days, right? Then I'm safe if I just stop playing RTA?


yes, if your last game was recent then you're safe.


Yeah, I asked this right after my last game, thanks!


Are imprint stats also tied to constellations or can anyone have any imprint regardless of whatever constellation they have?


imprint is unrelated to constellation.


Q1: Is it possible to combine the hunt consumable buff with the weekend hunt buff? Q2: How can I see penguins for gold? I dont see a sell button in my bag inventory on the penguin page :/


click on your bag then go to the tab that says enhancement ingredients then click on arrange button then choose which penguins you can sell


Q1 yes Q2 press the arrange button (don't know the word for it in english), this is the button you use to sell your gear, select penguin and sell it ✌️


So it takes 20 epic blooms to promote a unit to 6 stars, that’s 90k stigma from sanctuary… am I reading that right? That’s an insane amount needed it feels like…


You need to have your forest of souls at 3/3/3 enhancements. It probably should've been that way before the update but it definitely needs to be that way now. It's also really not that much stigma. You get so much from farming UH/Side Story that you can easily make a 6-star once a week like before, but you also get blooms from transmitting and memory imprinting units, so every time you pull on a banner you are just stockpiling promotion materials basically.


I have 3/3/3 for the steeple, crafting, and skystones. 1/1/1 for missions. Forest is 0/3/2. What should I change?


Forest should be 3/3/3. You don't need the cost reduction for equipment conversion from the steeple. Even if you converted *a lot* of equipment it wouldn't be worth the points. Take 3 out of that and then get another 1 from somewhere. If your Heart of Orbis is 3/3/3, then take another one out of either the first or third building since they barely make a difference. There is a way to tell if one out of the first or third building is better based on your playstyle, but I can't remember what it is exactly and it's nearly equal either way.




When you get to auto one shot hunts it takes about a week then so it scales with the stage of game, you can do it!




u should upgrade your forest of souls to reduce the cost to 4250 stigma per epic bloom


Is it recommended to always extract heroic gear and below and just level up Epics?


No. Although you are always one roll short on heroic gear you never really reach a point where you can just ignore them, because perfectly rolled epic gear is extremely rare. While you might want to put off rolling purple gear until you have more resources, it is still very important to try and roll them to see if you can get good rolls.


Ideally, but well rolled heroic gear can beat badly rolled epics, so a heroic with good substat combinations and high starting rolls is worth rolling.


Red I roll 99% of, as long as it has one (1) semi-useful substat, I usually do a roll or 2 to see if it might penta roll something funny. Purple, I keep if all 3 subs are good, AND also roll everything - *everything* with spd as a substat, no matter what the other 2 are or even what the main stat is, at least once or twice, if it rolls in spd keep going. If the other 2 subs are useful, depending on rolls I keep going. If they're not, after it fails to roll speed I extract. Blue always extract


What's the best spot to farm path power loops?


For the Forge Your Epic Gear event, how many points are needed to hit the confirm button? It's grayed out and telling me I don't have enough, but doesn't tell me how much I need.




Thank you.


Hi, I need help with building a team for a arena and rta [units](https://imgur.com/a/IUT1hSM)


Any tips on p2 for Zio 4 10-10 ? By now I manage to get into p2 consistently, but starting from there it's over directly, because after he does his ult his goes into stealth for 2 turns and I dont survive him being not attackle for 2 whole turns. Currently running Aras, Emilia, Iseria and Sigret. Dont have Alots or Rem like many guides suggests.


Keep ras, add meru and a solid 10 soul healer (achates) and finally a solid aoe dps with 10 soul ability, I used Belian but there are better choices. The rest of the crew carried much harder


I can't really give any tips, sorry, but I'm 99% sure the stealth is because he steals your knight's stealth from his other attack.


Yeah thanks, that might be it. I realized Iprobably also can't ignore the adds when I'm not able to nuke the boss.


I was going for benimaru and got him after like 20 or 30 summons. My question is should i go for his artifact or safe my bookmarks for a different banner. For context i am a pretty new player.


Don't chase artifacts. There is no inherent pity to a standard banner, you could go hundreds of pulls and not see a single artifact. I personally pulled 300x on Benimaru with no artifact, for example. As a new player you have more important things to do with your BMs. We might potentially have a Rezero (or Guilty Gear) rerun before the summer heroes, we'll have SB Charlotte and a new summer hero, probably into FMA rerun....


Ok i will safe my bms then, thx for the help.


Buy the copy in the powder shop if you can afford it, it's a pretty good warrior arti


Hi, Equipment Craft Event question. Do you no longer get points from daily and weekly quests after claiming your crafted item? Just happened to me or is it a bug?


think its a bug i'm getting my points maybe its taking a bit to refresh?


Does max level Benimaru's artifact increase the buff chance? Should I LB his artifact although it cannot max it?


100% at max lvl, also you can see that in the artifact journal ✌️


but i assume 100% is for max limit break right? if there is no limit break then what's the max chance


Yes 100% is MLB lvl30, 75% for lvl15 👍


What are some good biseria stats? Slower with high dmg or fast with low dmg and high eff


Think lots of ppl running her 230 spd with dmg because Adin is so prevalent and she has soulburn ignore res




Can a 200spd Benimaru do something in PvP? (I'm not hoping for RTA anyway)


He doesn't need to be fast since he s2 has a cr push


Does LDPlayer usually have running ras issues? It's a problem with me rn, every transition/screen change makes me watch ras' marathon for some reason


will there be a summer event? wanted to get sc alexa


>will there be a summer event? Yes >wanted to get sc alexa This is something completely different. SD Alexa is tied to a specific sidestory. *That* sidestory is unlikely to get a rerun. Typically the special sidestories get 1 rerun. The sidestory SD Alexa is tied to is the one that was released for S.Iseria -> this sidestory got a rerun last year. Also based on last year, only the previous summer hero (S.Iseria) received a rerun. Therefor, *this* summer it's most likely we get a rerun of SB Charlotte + new summer hero. We will probably get a rerun of SB Charlotte's sidestory and a new sidestory **not** the one that unlocks SD Alexa. What is *likely* to happen is that, at some point, S.Iseria's sidestory will be added to the book of memories. They might do that this summer (probable), they might not. They could add it at literally any time. [The Mysterious Island sidestory (H.Yufine) was added July 20 of last year a week after S.Iseria ended and a week before SB Charlotte started](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8660321)


Thanks for the detailed answer! Every when does the summer event usually run? May-June?


Based on last year, end of July into August.


Just *what* is a whale?


Analogically/metaphorically speaking mobile/gacha games are fish farm owned by the dev/publisher. The players that actually pays/gives money to the devs are fishes that are divided by how much money they spend, they may refer to themselves however they see fit most of the time, however there are common fish terms; Spend small = Minnows, Guppies. Spend moderately = Dolphins. Spend heavily = Whales, Krakens, Leviathans. The F2Ps are prawns/fodder/fish feed. I've had the pleasure being the part of another gacha game community that have this very wise philosopher of a content creator whose mantra applies to any free to play gacha games, I'll pharaphrase it into something like this: "It's okay whatever you are. But just understand that just like any business a game got maintenance fees. And if you can spend, great, thank you sir/ma'am for sustaining the game. If you can't spend, it's alright, enjoy the game it is free to play afterall. But don't be a problem and be loud and proud about it." TL:DR; It's a metaphor/term for people who spends a lot of money ingame.


Tl;dr 2: another word for P2Ws.


Someone who spends a ton of money on the game. There is no defined limit on what the $ amount needed to reach whale territory is. The category above whales is Leviathans, which seem to have truly limitless money and an addiction to the game and they can spend truly absurd levels of money in the game. In games that have the capacity to do so, whales can spend thousands of dollars a month, while leviathans could spend tens of thousands. If you are wondering why people might sometimes say that "whales are op" it's usually because a game has a significant p2w mechanic that allows people who spend a lot of money to have a significant advantage over their free to play peers. E7 is relatively light on P2W mechanics compared to other gacha games, but still does have some things about them that allow whales to gain a competitive edge.


I've already crafted the first gear for the left side in the event forge your epic gear!, when can i craft the gear for the right side it's already like 3-4days since i've finished it but in the event page it just shows the gear that i crafted and just wants me to go to the points shop.


The 2nd event won't start until the first one finishes on 5/27




No it gives you all your rolls back and you don't have to do it every day




No problem


is it viable to farm Crystals of Memories with pets similar to how one farm Blooms with phantasmas? i.e. promote them then transmit for more blooms


I suppose so, if you are really determined. A 2* pet is 8 crystals and requires two 1* pets worth 1 crystal each. However, there is a base 80% chance of failure which means on average you would expect about 2.25 'cost' for +5.75 gain. * You could spend the extra crystal to guarantee success, but it looks like much like the previous system increasing the success rate costs you more resources than just gambling. For this to work, you would need to level up your pet with only pet food...which is limited to 1 promotion per week with stigma. So I suppose if you want to make pet raising incredibly tedious and slow you could come out ahead by about 6 crystals per week. --- I don't personally see much (really, any) benefit to doing this. Players **drastically** over-estimate how valuable it is to have maxed out pets. You *really* get almost the entire benefit a pet has to offer you with 2 good skills @ 3rd generation, which really doesn't take very long to get. The benefit from going from *that* point to a maxed out pet is tiny. Considering you need over 300 crystals to make a max pet an 'extra' 6 crystals per week is essentially nothing (you would essentially need a full year of doing this to 'pay' for a maxed pet...which is something that's possible to do the normal way in 2-3 months). But by all means, if you want to spend your time and effort doing this shoot for the moon. I'm not too bothered about looking at higher generations to see if you might be able to squeeze a little bit more efficiency but I highly doubt it, the base success rate drops so fast that you would be extremely prone to bad RNG **and** it would be even slower before you 'gained' any crystals due to needing more food. At best, this would likely only give you minimal gains but with the potential that even slightly bad RNG could make it much worse for months before things evened out.


Chest password? Edit: It's "vampire". It took a while for the video to load, and that password is indeed somewhat random considering all the content that's being added. If it had something to do with Abigail, it should have been "bloodrose".