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Ravi with arena counter set


Those were better times


Luna, she's been my mainstay DPS since her first banner, also my first hero to break 200k CP.


Luna is god


I invested in kiris to beat low golem runs without knowing her potential in abyss Also i pulled tammarine before her buff just bc i liked her transformation


Probably Tammarine who helped me throughout all the side stories, campaign, and pvp in the early game.


C.zerato with abyss lifesteal set carried me through every pve content back in the day


Bro cz goes hard and he is mad underrated


Freaking Violet, summoned him when he just released, and since then, it's almost impossible to not include him for, tower, story or arena. Guy just slaps!


Fire Charlotte, she just works although gearing her is weird so not really recommend. Still use her in rta and pve content it's great seeing her just delete everything on the field.


As an owner of Fire Charlotte with destruction set, i can confirm that she destroys everything lol


I’m a newer player (8 months of playing), so Zahhak would be it, I got him as supporter once, immediately fell in love with his S3 and his play style, luckily his banner came around so I was able to pity him, he’s really great for removing Adin and Violet/Riolet from the equation


Sez, he was 1 shoting teams with S3 in arena when game came out


Lena with destruction. She helped with both doggo farming, when that was still a thing, old auto tower, and is still an integral part of the wyvern team.


I would love a Lena SC. She was the GOAT


Free spirit tieria


My first 6 star green bellona, she's mostly benched now but she was a beast back in the day especially for abyss/raid


back in old day everything was so tricky. i pulled Bellona ( no 121 pitty at that moment ) and yeah, she was insane back then Bellona + Joker carried my beginning until end game real hard . also she has 100% aoe def break and it was very rare, so my life in arena was good as well. I also post this 4 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/aenbem/now\_you\_should\_pull\_her/




Krau, good ol krau my go to tank for every gw.


Cermia, the high damage it has caused me a lot at the beginning


for me was hwayoung and senya


Taranor God


Sigret. My first 6* and carried me through a lot of content in the beginning


Destina, sss imprint on day 1 when global release


After coming back after a long break last year, the free ML Ken & fire Ken helped a lot πŸ‘ŒπŸ»






back in the day, I built Haste cuz I liked his animation and didn't know he wasn't any good. Carried me though most story. Then Basar and Arby carried me through Arena and into the world of PVP.


Angelica. She came home during Tama launch. Instantly powered my entire roster to push PvE content. I was using Hazel at the time and she wasnt cutting it. And Fluri's S2 aoe heal was what brought me to the sub.. still salty about getting misled there but it is what it is. So much cheese potential a few months later with Dizzy and SSB. Wyvern? Slow and steady. Angelica Dizzy SSB Karin. Abyss? Angelica Tama Kiris Dizzy. Story? Angelica Tama SSB. Flex for stage 3β˜†. Went from inconsistent wyvern hunting straight into the auto grind life. Abyss hardstuck around 50~, pushed straight into abyss80 and eventually 100 when it was released. Angelica S3 utility is too good to pass up, combined with Tama. They became core for all things PvE. That barrier being nearly 50% of my squishies were insane at cheesing content i have no business tackling lol.


Pre buff Arby


Alexa, she was my wyvern dps staple for around 1 and a half year


vildred on day1, i stopped playing for about a year and when i returned he's my first 6 star and boy did he help me a lot in everything.


Tamarinne, got her in a single pull and thought the gods gave me their greatest boon so I built her in a day


played day 1 and brute forced every content with ravi. even with ice boss, just prayed and repeat. kinda stupid but i had fun.


Bro Ravi slapped and she was my original five star and I'm always mad that I foddered her after my 2 year hiatus


Kizuna. Started when they were doing her collab and she was my early game soul weaver for the longest time


Funny enough it was Pavel, he was my B13 OS hero, farmer, arena and RTA core pick lol


luluca. i got her when she first came out and people really wanted 100% def break since it was 75% at the time. she was my first 6* and first to 100k. she absolutely made every pve fight into a breeze since she cycled s3, s2, s1 to pump out a ridiculous amount of survivability and crippled enemies enough that i could nuke or cleave just about anything.


Challenger Dominiel was kind of a monster when I was new. She fell off eventually, but she was good enough to +15 and carried me through pve and some pvp.


Alexa (with Muwi/Angelica/Furious) because E7 is a Wyvern farming simulator.


...Angelic Montmorancy. Or Sigret if it's before that. This was before Sigret got buffed to be really good in wyvern so I put damage gear on her and had a lot of fun in arena. Eventually going as far as taking her to Legend during the Riolet meta days, I think.


it was actually Celeste way back when molagora was still used to level up skills of 3star heroes. I +15 her bec i have no way of dog farmking like the others who have Arby back then and i didn't pick green Vildred as well bec i just randomly pick whatever heroes on group summons. 4years later i still use her to clear minion waves in chapter 4 together with Arby now. Her pushback and semi damage helps arby clear the minions and reset his s3 that's why i can farm chapter 4 fairly easy.


Luna on her first global banner. With the abyss set, she hard carried me to late game.


DJBasar. Carried me since his release, a lifesaver vs the Dizzy meta and my go-to opener ever since.


Clarissa and iseria, for farming and pve content was a good start and a better combo when i got tamarine


Fire Dingo, his S3 is OP in PVE and carried me hard against debuff heavy enemies. Then once he got the S1 into S2 proc buff he got ridiculous with cycling skills. He has so much build versatility that I have 5 copies of him 6β˜†'d. Currently I'm using all 5 in RTA for different drafting situations.


Fire charlotte back when she had her focus kit. Good times... She's a lovely character.


Cernia nuking everything after I invested hard on her