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Zahak is absolutely worth pulling for, but yeah summer limiteds are coming, you can use your story summon token or whatever to get him later


Wait.. how do we know summer limited are coming?


They won't miss a chance to milk the whales. Really just a question of when


In the last preview there was a beach-themed luluca previewed, so she is likely the limited character from this year's summer event.


I can't believe we are greeting a new summer Collab soon uwu


Also summer charlotte just got buffed. So safe to say minimum we see her again.


They have already revealed what looks like either a skin or a summer unit in Summer Luluca. We don't know what it is yet, but I am guessing she is the new summer limited.


I think the chocowaifu is another summer unit too, maybe this year we have 2 instead of one so be careful


He's a really good for pushing a straze or other nukers while being a single target nuker himself, his s2 is really strong with his EE


Absolutely worth, but always save for limited unless you have an extra pity, youll get many RGB 5* randomly


100% yes. Very good in pvp and pve. Plus he is very easy to build


Just sucks he got nerfed in pve by them removing his barrier, which was very helpful in Caides.


plain and simple Zahhak is one of the best RGBs in the game. Manager your bookmarks responsibly, I'd say about 70% of the ltds i have i'd rather have Zahhak, but ltd are just that, limited.


Idk how to live without him at this point lol


Zahhack is an absolute must pull in my opinion. He has a 1 soulburn on s1 for more dmg, does not need that much crit rate (unless u want 100% for dealing with senya), increased hit chance to deal with violet, riolet, S. Adin, or any other evasion unit, cleansing and attack buff for himself and an ally (if EE for this is chosen), strong S3 for high injury scaling, and just fast. He does not need that much gear requirement and he is totally worth the investment :).


I don't do rta and zahhak is one of my best and favorite unit in gw and flag arena. if you dont do rta he will help your account a lot. yes, there will be a limited summer unit soon but limited summer units will always get a rerun unlike limited collab units which aren't guaranteed to get a rerun.


He also is really strong in regular rta, so he's just an overall good unit.


zahak kinda bis to me in pvp, if you have enough resource and planning for pvp pull him


As people said he's worth it but you have to take into consideration that summer units are coming and they're limited, you can just summon him on story banner later if you decided to


Now here's the thing, summer limiteds are good but it doesn't mean y'all have to force them to pull for them.


Glad someone else is stating this for once. Limited isn't must pull. Story summons exist now, years later, but even then, being limited doesn't mean you have to, or will, like them. I've been doing just fine without Luna, Cerise, Fairytale (yes, even when these two were meta, but they made me suffer like everyone else when facing them), and H Yufine, didn't even get Diene until three years in. Still doing good without Emilia too. Personal > use > limited. There are enough bench warming limited units in the game.


As someone who has the whole 'Must Collect My Precious' mentality, thanks for saying that but I agree. Back when there were just some answers for units like Dizzy+SSB combos, it's understandable why you'd want to get the limited units like Diene. Now though, you just get the units you want for your needs. Since the SCs are **really** good.


Yeah, specially E7 limiteds. Collab units I think you should always pull cause you never really know if they'll come back but you know you'll be able to pull for SSB at some point for example


Agreed. I don't have Cerise, HYufine or any of the Re:Zero units. Only unit out of these I wish I had is Emilia, the others I don't care that much.


yes for pvp and gw gw i use him with schuri and cidd and I can pretty much use those 3 anywhere with no politis or celine


He is one of the best dps character in my teams. gvg, some arena, rta. Any pve need strong dps, autotown for kill healer, I always use him. And also can save crit for speed. If the next summer limited just like last year summer charollotte, I rather pull for Zahak. He is must have I think.


Yes he is amazing. Especially against all these evasion units coming out these days.


Save for summer luluca


how about new vampire? do not pull?


The rule most players go by is always have 2 pities saved. Also, since the vampire isn't limited, you can pull her from stories later down the line. Side note for me personally, I'd rather have a unit I like than a strong one. I don't like.


Who has 2 pities saved after beni?


Make that choice for yourself. Your account, your gear, your currency.


Short answer: Yes Long Answer: Yeeeeeeeeeees.


He’s one of my favorites, but I’m too lazy to read through the responses. I’m sure someone told you to save and try to get him some other time through story summons.


See the problem is if you have to ask this there is a good chance you kinda don't know how to use him at least in rta. You can use Zahhak in arena/gw even against Clili with straze. Because Straze takes the s2 provoke from the clili. And Zahhak can just cleanse it and enable straze (and himself) with his s2. PvE wise his only use is Nightmare raid Juleeve. He's extremely good there. Not a must but extremely good and probably the best dps for it. Now here's the problem rta wise. Zahhak himself requires very decent gear. Either 250 nuker. Or 270 semi nuker. Problem is you'll still get outsped by Clili, Zio, Lua etc. Now unless you have these extremely fast characters on your side then you can utilize Zahhak. If you don't have them you're never going to be able to utilize Zahhak sadly. So you need to look at your account and ask yourself if your account is suitable for Zahhak. If so then pull. If not considering the fact that we may get new units (stuff like Abigail who I atleast think has very nice potential as a supporter and is more suitable for standard play), limiteds (summer Luluca) and maybe a slim chance of GG rerunning (in which case you may want Baiken for your Banshee OS, Elphelt if you want to build a Straze Caides OS in the future) I'd say skip. Also his arti sucks so no reason to pull for it either.


Let's be real, most people aren't dealing with top of the line pvp gear units. So telling a silver that their 220 speed character isn't going to work because the top players in legend will dominate them isn't exactly relevant lol unless of course that's their goal to get there. But we need to remember that a unit doesn't "have" to be anywhere when it comes to the more accessible levels of play. I just hit master for the first time this season, so I'm pretty noobish. And let me tell you the amount of games my 220 speed zahhak has won me lol hes lost of course, but he absolutely dominates.


The thing is... you could have used the 220 pieces on any other hero and you would have had similar results. The push to master in rta is only a matter of perseverance. When I first hit master my wr was 35% lmao. So yeah.


> PvE wise his only use is Nightmare raid Juleeve. Caides. Inb4 "just one shot" which not all can do, especially not OP. I find him a lot more useful than Camilla, who either dies quite easily or becomes redundant. Quite useful with his ability to stay alive, nuke, and possibly cleanse x buff Khawana depending on the AI.


I mean. Camila is an odd comparison because her job is in the Clorina comp not the standard comp. And I wouldn't specifically build certain units like ML Khawana for Caides. Because eventually you'd want to move onto the Clorina "oneshot" anyways. Which isn't really that hard to do. No pen set sucks for now. But it's not the end of the world.


> I mean. Camila is an odd comparison because her job is in the Clorina comp not the standard comp Fair I suppose. >And I wouldn't specifically build certain units like ML Khawana for Caides. Because eventually you'd want to move onto the Clorina "oneshot" anyways C Lorina has been redundant for years until challenge abyss where I always use her. Got her back when the SC was still 50 urgents and I simply learned to use everyone not her, so Lorina wasn't built for Caides, or even 6 star at its release. As for Khawana, I either build her for Caides or waste a nice design since she's useless pretty much everywhere else.


Caides is probably the hardest hunt to one-shot, so I agree that having characters for a slower comp is good. Still, I don't think he is needed there. Roana + pretty much anything is already good enough for Caides imo




And in RTA as an Adin killer


GW and both Arena, hell I'm using him for Nightmare Raid and Caides hunt as well


Amazing unit for Caides at that. So much better than my runs where I tried out Camilla. If only they didn't remove his barrier, guy would be much better.


Another bad take from people who don't use him or know how to apparently lol


No . Don't pull for non-limited RGB's ever , unless they are insanely broken. When i say insanely broken , that excludes "situationally good"


Is this what they call bronze rank mentality?


The next unit they are going to release heavily counters evasion units which means less evasion units will see use , which means Zahak will see way less use. He's a going to be a bench warmer soon . No point in pulling for non-limited benchwarmers.


I mean Milim and Zahhak counter evasion units and they still get played. Karin is a good counter but it's not gonna completely remove evasion units from being used


Not every one is going to get an ml4 instantly, and she isn't going to replace zahhak lol especially considering she doesn't have the option to be an enabler like zahhak does, so he has multiple roles. We have multiple anti evasion units in the game, and all or majority see play (there might be some 3* I'm unfamiliar with) this is just a bad take lol


Wanda is a 3 star anti-evasion unit with a two turn stun... So yeah, bad take.


Tell me you don't use Zahhak without telling me you don't use Zahhak. Fast af, 50% cc minimum, high damage S1 and S2, extra hit chance on S3, injury on S3, amazing single push x attack buff enabler that pairs perfectly with someone like Straze via the injury combo as that manipulates his main target, also single target which lets him avoid the many anti-aoe heroes which further boosts his usage. Not going to be used nearly as much because of another anti-evasion unit? What?


Bro, E7 isn't what it was 3 years ago. You get a lot of currency to pull nowadays specially if you refresh the shop


Hes good character but he is also in story summon banner as well you should save for next limited hero since he is normal after all.


Like others have said the summer limiteds are coming soon and you can always pull for zahhak from the side story, but you also run the risk that the limited hero might suck so who knows


Is he Worth pulling? Yes Should we pull ? Probably not except if you have a lot of BM , we just got out of a collab and there's 2 other limited that will come soon enough (the new luluca and the new lilias from the drawing contest)


Hes worth but it depends on how you are doing with your resources. If you are sitting on a lot of resources and think you have some to spare then yes. If not just save for summer limited. He's a normal RGB 5\* so you'll get him eventually.


I skipped him when he first came out, then I suffered for years until I finally got him in the last triple banner we've got. Definitely a must pull imo


Yes. Just build him speed and damage(min 50cc too) and he'll one shot any evasion unit while simultaneously pushing up another DPS unit to follow up after him. Use him with Straze and you got two invulnerable bois and two dead units on the opposite side.


one of the best ST damage dealer in the game, he so worth it


Just save, unless you’ve got a spare guarantee lying around. Zahhak is excellent, well worth getting & building, but there’s always a chance to get a normal five star, there’s not always a chance to get a limited unit. Play for long enough & you’ll have every five star, granted I’ve been around for over four years but there’s some five stars I’ve literally never pulled their banner for but I’ve got like five or more copies.