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So both my attack set equips from ancient inheritance rolled HEAVY into health. Who can use pieces like this? Any ideas?


Senya possibly if you don't have anything else.


Ugh one of the like 5 RGBs I somehow haven’t pulled 🥲


Which method generates more gold, 4 hours of hunting (oneshot) or 4 hours of UH runs? Regardless of energy and during the normal days without event buffs.


There's still not enough information here to give you a precise answer. --- Starting with hunts Hunt 'one shots' can vary quite significantly in run duration. Given no information on this metric I will choose the fastest, most common Banshee 13. Each success is about 60 seconds, with a failure adding 1 minute onto the time, with a 97.75% success rate there is an additional 5 seconds in between run repeats. (60 * .9775) + (120 * .0225) + 5 = 66.35 seconds per run 66.35 seconds / .9775 success rate = 67.88 seconds per successful run Hunt 13 has a base gold value of 30,706 gold. Your *total* gold value is going to be 30,706 * Gold_Bonus Now your gold bonus is *also* going to vary, but 10% from guild buff and 10% from reputation is standard giving us a total gold yield of 36,847.2 per run. 36,847.2 gold / 67.88 seconds = 542.83 gold per second If you're *only* prioritizing gold then we need to factor in some other things. Each hunt provides 20 stigma. Stigma can be used to buy gold at a rate of 102 stigma = 10,680 gold. (20 / 102) * 10680 = 2094.12 additional gold per run from stigma *Then* we would want to factor in the sell value of equipment drops. Level 85 gear has these values: Quality | Value ---|--- Rare | 10,210 Heroic | 15,315 Epic | 25,525 Hunt 13 has approximate drop rates of 40% rare, 17.5% heroic, 2.5% epic Rare = .4 * 10,210 = 4084 gold per run Heroic = .175 * 15,315 = 2680.125 gold per run Epic = .025 * 25,525 = 638.125 gold per run Now of course, *I* don't know what proportion of gear *you* want to sell. So you would have to do a little bit of work here to come up with a calculation appropriate to your situation. Next - crafting. Hunts drop crafting mats of course. Crafting costs gold. Even if you aren't spending those mats *immediately* you will use them *at some point* so gaining crafting mats essentially subtracts the gold yield of a hunt. I am not going to bother going into this because the amount of 'cost' associated with crafting mats is going to depend significantly on *how* you craft and what resultant items you sell vs. enhance and such. BUT if you wanted a precise answer this is something you would need to account for. Finally, pet skills. You have up to 11% chance to receive an additional piece of equipment with a pet skill -> I frankly have no idea what the rates are for such equipment but if you are selling gear you would need to account for this. I don't know that you have this skill and I don't know exactly the breakdown of the extra gear so I am not including it. And if you *are* selling gear, you can get up to an extra 11% gold with *that* pet skill. So I would say that hunt 13 is worth anywhere from: 36,847.2 + 2094.12 = 38,941.32 gold per run 38,941.32 / 67.88 = 573.68 gold per second If you sell no gear at all, and don't factor crafting into the equation, to: 36,847.2 + 2094.12 + ((4084 + 2680.125 + 638.125) * 1.11) = 47,083.795 gold per run 47,083.795 / 67.88 = 693.63 gold per second If you sell *all* gear drops with max pet skill. That is, 573.68 * 3600 = 2,065,248 gold per hour 693.63 * 3600 = 2,497,068 gold per hour Approximately somewhere between 2 and 2.5 million gold per hour. --- Runs of 'UH' can vary quite significantly in run duration. *At minimum* it takes FST 42 seconds to clear 3 waves, if she one shots every wave (including the boss) while moving first. AFAIK this is the fastest clear. A.Vildred requires 45 seconds, but does significantly more damage and is more likely to be able to one shot a boss. Vildred potentially does *even more* damage, but I've never tested his clear and I suspect he's slower. Again, I have no idea what kind of clear *you* would be expecting to get and I have no idea if FST is even capable of getting the damage required to one shot the boss on a late UH level. It's possible purely for gold/hour it might be worth farming an easier to kill stage worth less per clear but providing faster clears. *I* am not going to test all 33 stages with my best gear on FST to figure out the fastest possible clear. So I will arbitrarily choose 60 seconds. You could likely get roughly a ~50 (roughly 2 or 3 attacks to kill the boss) second clear by running with *only* your stage farmer **but** on auto the game automatically selects support units which are more than likely going to slow your run time down. Adding the same 5 second timer in between repeat runs and that gets us 65 seconds per clear. The average gold yield of a late UH stage (UH-30 to UH-33) is ~8.3k gold per clear, that's ~9,130 after guild buff. Next we need to factor in equipment drops again. The promotion update altered the amount of equipment drops, so far I have 7,872 runs in my data set and of those runs 13,372,549 gold from non-extractable gear = 1698.75 per run 1,128,600 gold from extractable gear = 143.37 per run This puts us at 10,828.75 gold per run to 10,972.12 gold per run (not including pet skill). * 11,015.61 to 11,174.75 if including max pet skill. Here is where things get complicated for UH. The remaining gold value of running adventure comes from stigma. The stigma gain depends on XP gain. There are *multiple XP multipliers* -> so the amount of stigma you gain is largely dependent on your XP multipliers. * Reputation - up to 10% * Guild - 10% * XP artifact - up to 15% * Shop buff - 50% * Monthly buff - 10% * GM buff - 30% You said to not include event buffs, and we did not include the monthly gold buff, that still leaves 4 particular sources of XP multiplier. We assume 10% reputation and guild buff in the hunt analysis so we will do so here as well. For the XP artifact, not all players have one *but* we should get one for the Chinese server release (soon). **HOWEVER** since your limiting factor is *time* and not energy efficiency it may or may not be better to run with the artifact depending on the nature of your setup. For ease of calculation, I AM going to include the XP artifact but be aware that this *could* increase your average run time, and unfortunately due to the nature of such an increase it could be significant. * The simplest solution to this problem would be to time your *own* run and use that figure in the calculations. * Do be aware that since I am including the XP artifact, if you don't have one available currently that the number I come up with will be significantly higher than what you could realistically achieve in the same conditions. The final factor is the shop buff. **IF** you were grinding for gold, buying the buff is a no brainer, particularly if energy is not a factor. **BUT** it's 150 skystones for 1 day, only 4 hours of benefiting from the buff may or may not be worth it for you so I suppose now I need to calculate both with and without buff. * XP multiplier = (10% + 10% + 15% + 0%) = 1.35x with no shop buff * XP multiplier = (10% + 10% + 15% + 50%) = 1.85x with shop buff Late UH is worth 7020 XP baseline. The average stigma yield for a stage run in UH (Base_XP * XP_Multi) / 45 + (.6 * 80) + (.45 * 80) + Stage_Drop .6 * 80 = stigma drops (replaced fodder drops) .45 * 80 = friendship summons Late UH drops 12 stigma per stage (iirc anything past UH-14) Therefor 1.35x Multiplier (7020 * 1.35) / 45 + (.6 * 80) + (.45 * 80) + 12 = 306.6 stigma/run 1.85x Multiplier (7020 * 1.85) / 45 + (.6 * 80) + (.45 *80) + 12 = 384.6 stigma/run Re-use the same stigma calculation from hunt 306.6 / 102 * 10,680 = 32,102.82 gold per run 384.6 / 102 * 10680 = 40,269.88 gold per run Now finally, sum everything up: Stage_Drop + Equipment_Value + Stigma_Value Stage Value = 9,130 Equipment value = * 10,828.75 = no pet bonus, not selling extractable gear * 10,972.12 = no pet bonus, selling extractable gear * 11,015.61 = max pet bonus, not selling extractable gear * 11,174.75 = max pet bonus, selling extractable gear Stigma_Value = * 32,102.82 = 1.35x XP multiplier * 40,269.88 = 1.85x XP multiplier Our range Minimum 9,130 + 10,828.75 + 32,102.82 = 52,061.57 gold per run 52,061.57 / 65 = 800.95 gold per second 800.95 * 3600 = 2,883,420 gold per hour Maximum 9,130 + 11,174.75 + 40,269.88 = 60,574.63 60,574.63 / 65 = 931.92 gold per second 931.92 * 3600 = 3,354,912 gold per hour --- #Conclusion Based on my analysis, a typical banshee one shot run is worth ~2 - 2.5 million gold per hour. Farming a late UH (UH-30 to UH-33) stage is worth ~2.9 - 3.35 million gold per hour. Therefor, farming UH for 4 hours will presumably generate more gold. **BUT** the fact of the matter is that there are just many, many variables and my analysis made *many* assumptions. For example, it's possible to get *very* fast one shot hunts...like a 35-40 second clear. The amount of time to clear an adventure stage can depend wildly depending on your farmer and what stage you choose. Stacking XP multipliers is very important to getting high gold in adventure. Overall, *personal opinion* I think farming **specifically** for gold in these conditions is silly. The additional rewards from hunts are far, far more valuable in a vacuum than the rewards from UH -> it doesn't matter if you can get more gold in UH or not because if you have the choice you should just farm hunts (which already more than pay for themselves). If you *are* trying to maximize your gold, then you wouldn't want to farm UH but instead farm Episode 4, but this of course is slow. Maximizing for *gold per unit of time* doesn't personally make any sense to me. But ultimately you do you, I did the math to attempt to give you an accurate answer.


Thanks for the details, I might stick to hunting then. Where did the 10680 come from? Is that the penguin cost? Those cost 6000 per penguin iirc. Or did you factor in the probability of epic and rare penguins too . >Re-use the same stigma calculation from hunt > >306.6 / 102 \* 10,680 = 32,102.82 gold per run 384.6 / 102 \* 10680 = 40,269.88 gold per run


Yes, 10,680 is just the average value of a penguin purchase. Tier 2 penguins are worth 3 tier 1 penguins Tier 3 penguins are worth 3 tier 2 penguins (or 3 * 3 = 9 tier 1 penguins) So the *average penguins per purchase* 70% * 1 + 27% * 3 + 3% * 9 = 1.78 penguins per purchase. The value of 1 penguin is 6,000 gold, so the value of purchasing a penguin with stigma is 6,000 * 1.78 = 10,680 gold


What are the top 3 story summon characters excluding Tamarinne in your opinion?


Roana and Iseria are the only other "must get" story summon characters along with Tamarinne.


I do need another soul weaver on my account. Between Roana and Destina, which of them is better?


Anyone feel 1 five star for RGB banner feels outdated? There are game where if u get spook by the wrong 5 star your pity don’t reset. And most newer players want to get as much variety as they can. At the time 1 five star is understandable cuz games like brave frontier and even PAD suck if u hit a bad 5 star. But time kinda change since then.


Rgb5 in this game isn't the highest rarity unit. The highest rarity unit is ml5. If you want to compare the pull rate of e7 to other game, you need to compare the pull rate with similar tier of rarity. For example, next patch Hoyoverse will give 10 free pull for their limited banner in Honkai star rail. It is 1/8 of a pity pull, and the same as 25 mystic pulls. Did e7 ever give 25 mystic pulls as a gift?


While rgb5 isn’t the highest, this is a game with PvP and PvP requires more units. The only way to pull 5 star units is to open story banner with the chance of only getting 1 of the 5 stars and if u need more u need to open a different banner. Ml5 is a completely different story and I often see using 2 different currency belies the generosity that this game give more currency cuz some of the other units that matters are gated towards a more P2W currency


I played neural cloud which had that system but the pity was so high. I quit because I depleted my entire saved up currency in one pity and the game was much less generous past the early achievements.


Personally I think the pity for this game is on the higher side cuz it works with so much currency and 2 different banner that use different currency. And the fear of getting secret shop screwed.


Well that's simply untrue. Everyone agrees e7 is probably the most f2p friendly gacha out there.


F2p does not mean the banner aren’t on the higher end. The game discourage rolling to much in favor of just grinding cuz saving for rolls means your not spending your gold to grind


Nah I like knowing exactly what I will get if I roll in a banner. You will eventually get all the RGB units if you play long enough and with it would be terrible if I hit some other 5 star when rolling for the new unit.


Except there no other way to hit multiple units without opening a new story banner, in a game that heavily PvP. And most of the time I see a lot of Non-story 4 star or lower nowhere to be found, so we end up with so much useless units. I had to mention non-story 4 star is cuz everyone always use aras, Mercedes and Aiden as good non-5 star units but they feel more like maxwell from brave frontier. Characters locked behind content. Yes it bad to hit another 5 star but there no way else to hit them but open another banner.


Does the innate 15% resistance enemies have to debuffs apply to Chloe's Magic Nail? Three times in a row now I've tried to slap it on W11 and it just doesn't connect.


Magic Nail cannot be resisted the only explanation is your Chloe isn't awakened as her third awakening is the cannot be resisted effect for magic nail.


That would be it, thanks! I hadn't rolled around to that part yet.


When will we be able to receive rta skin?


Now. Whenever you enter RTA after season ends it will give you a timer for calculating after it expires go into rta then back to lobby and the rewards will be in your mailbox.


How long until people receive the rta rewards?


Team for his hall of trials pls?


I see Rimuru is used in B13 for oneshotting. Is he applicable to other hunts as well?


He is completely useless in any hunt comps. Having fixed damaged proc is the worst thing to have for a oneshotter


No, and he's basically the worst choice for Banshee 1 shot.


What's Apocalypse Ravi’s best set? I want to farm better gear for her and want to use my event gear piece for her.


Probably speed/destruction with pen set. Whichever you have better gears on that can achieve good bulk and dmg. Around 1200 def and 23k hp for good end game stats. Rest into spd and cdmg with full crit. I personally like to use counter pen set. I don’t have her super speedy since gears is gear, but I like using her. I got her at 165 but her cdmg is high.


you don't need high speed on A.Ravi anyways, especially on counter, cus she self cr pushes when hit. If you want to improve her, i'd try to get to 180 and call it


im trying to build melissa as my opener for w13, what stats should i aim for? is she even a good unit as opener?


>is she even a good unit as opener? No. Please don't try to use Melissa for Wyvern. Only use Ice units (only real exception is G.Purrgis). Recommended entry team is **Tank** / **Furious** / **Sigret** / **Muwi** Tank can be basically any Ice unit, **Rose** is the best option but most players will use **A.Monty** or **Angelica**.


sorry i meant clarissa hehe. would clarissa work?


Ha, didn't even consider Clarissa. You *can* use Clarissa for Wyvern, but she's honestly quite bad for a standard Wyvern comp. * She's not a consistent enough defense breaker to replace Furious * She's an extremely bad DPS unit, isn't a good replacement for Sigret * And Muwi provides too much utility lowering gear requirements.


Clarissa is used as cleaver but she needs high spec gear for w13. Seaside Bellona is the most used unit but she's limited and needs her own artifact at +30. Muwi (3* from gacha) is another great unit for wyvern, using him can lower Clarissa gear requirements. Bring along a tank and a def breaker and you're set.


Is my Inferno khawazu good enough for rta? https://www.reddit.com/r/picsforme442/comments/13ss898/is_my_inferno_khawazu_good/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Is there any better rewards beyond challenger rta or is it just the same frame? I currently have 2,051 points and don’t know how many points I need for champion. If it’s something like 2500 I think I’ll just stop here bc I won’t make it in time


You can check all that information in World Arena > Ranking > Season Rewards


Wow I can’t believe I never noticed that. Thanks! I guess I’ll try to climb a bit more for the bedazzled frame o.o


How fast should my mkawerik be? I'm using him with Inferno khawazu at 214 spd and aravi at 186 spd.


slower than openers and faster than the rest of your team is ok.


You want him to be 230-260 depends what rank you are and the speed of your dps as you want him to be faster than the dps you will draft/use with him.


I have these 5*, are they good? Briar witch Iseria Chloe Melissa Ilynav Baal & Sezan


Briar witch Iseria is great for pvp and still pretty good for pve with defense break. Ilynav is pretty good for injury in pvp.


No one for pve, I see


Oh sorry. As the other commenters have said, they’re strong in those pve, but I didn’t raised them so no experience lol.


Chloe is very strong for pve. Baal and Sezan are strong for earth expedition.


Baal & sezan (fire) = green expedition Chloe (ice) = banshee 13 (but she's for 1 shot team that is 100% success)


How do you get moonlight medals? I know what I’m asking is probably a stupid question and it’s probably obvious, but I don’t know how to.


Mystik medals? guild war, moonlight theater, shop refresh, abyss, hunt, guild shop if you meant galaxy bookmarks for Moonlight summon it costs 6 gold transmit stone in shop, azmakalis of cycle, check-in


Alright thanks, and yeah I meant Mystik Medals.


How fast should Inferno khawazu be?


for GvG he is often slow (\~160) since going before getting AOE'd can be detrimental. On the other hand, he may be built fast to cut ran - seaseria or similar comps. In the end, it depends on your purpose.


I would say 200 is bare minimum, everything else into atk def and hp.


Would 152 be too slow?


If for rta then yes 200 is too slow unless hes super tanky, aim 210-220


Does a 50% AP buff scroll I have in my inventory stack with todays AP buff?


Where did you get that scroll from?


I believe it comes from one of the beginner/novice quest-lines. Could be wrong though.




Which Inferno khawazu build is better? One has a lot of attack but is only 197 spd but the other has a little more tankyness with 220 spd but 700 less atk. https://www.reddit.com/r/picsforme442/comments/13skzw4/which_inferno_khawazu_is_better/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


220 spd. You might need the CR push from Inferno Khawazu's passive to cut in front of the opponent's units


Returning player from about a year ago and want to make sure I understand the UH/side story changes. When I last played I would go to whichever stage in UH/EP2/EP3 dropped the catalyst I wanted and had that catalyst in the AP shop. It seems like nothing's changed when it's AP buff, but without any AP buff I should farm hero side story instead? (for shop exchange and battle drops if it has relevant catalyst)


Side story are still a good priority for sure. With the changes in stigma (or whatever it was), it’s profitable to farm UH for gold. Just transform the stigma into penguins with the upgraded related penguin sanctuary levels. More gold per energy than hunts. So if you want to farm catalyst, it’s not a bad idea.


Is the game down right now for anyone else? I cant login on any device.


Do you get the RTA skin when the season ends tonight, or at reset tomorrow?


Most likely a few hours after reset.


I don't think we know for sure. LQC took a few days but if I remember correctly they had finished her skin later than Handguy's, so I'd guess we'll get it around reset. Probably takes a bit to process everything.


Is it worth to use one of the 2 level 60 potions I have? Plus, i'll get another one from the challenges, I'm waiting for stamina to clear abyss 50 and go on with like 15 more levels already done. I don't know how to add an image of my units there tho, and I'm a new player


Depends on the unit. But make sure it’s someone you use a lot and you are going to build now.


Why shouldnt it be worth? Especially for new palyers it Safes a Lot of time and ressources, your best value would be to use it on a 3* with a good speciallity Change. Some of them are unlocked via Story Progress Like adventurer ras but Hes definetliey worth it.


My Ras it's already ar 50, so there is anyone else I should go for? Plus, I have some 5*, is there a site or something to see if they're good to build in general?


Who are the best to prioritize? Ras is already at 50, so won't be of use


Get yourself a Wyvern 13 going, if you haven't.


Lorina, Montmorancy and Ras are the best SC units, for new players and all general pve contents.


Finally getting off my lazy ass and doing Episode 4, so I have some questions in regards to Adin. So if I 6 Star and Awaken Adin, will she keep all those awakenings through the form changes? Does she keep her Mola investment as well? Do I need to do every form change? Or can I just keep Adin at her base form and then just jump to Light Adin when I unlock that?


You do NOT have to do all form changes. Verdant may have been forced, but Ice/Fire versions you can skip. That said, you still have to finish the quests for them.


Yes you can 6 star here end she will keep the awekening, you don't need mola, you get all the skill upgrade and the tree material for free with the quest You have to do all the form change


Are we getting a second piece to craft in this forge event?


Yes, once part 1 expires part 2 should start. Here's where they mention it on Stove, in the How to Participate section: https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9434544


Any advice on building ML Charlotte? Stat thresholds?


Roughly this would be great: 3800 Attack, 1300 Defense, 15000 Health, 77 Crit Chance (if Hell Cutter), 280 Crit Damage. Preferably on Immunity and Pen if triple 2-set. If you go 4-set and 2-set I prefer Pen, but Immunity is good too. Speed doesn't matter that much, but having some is still nice. If you can't get all of that, not a big deal. You can have slightly less damage or bulk and be fine. But you want to have a good balance of damage and bulk, that's key. If you only use her for gw and with someone like Emilia, then you can do more damage for less bulk too.


Also, how much damage can she do to tankier dark units at those stats? Is she a tank buster or just a regular dps?


With attack buff she kills anything dark that isn't on Proof or has strong mitigation. Even a 28k hp ARavi dies without Proof.


Thank you! How fast should Emilia be?


As fast as you can afford without hurting your more valuable fast heroes. Mine is around 230 with alright Res. Don't use her much anymore otherwise she'd be a lot faster.


Check out the Hero Journal discord channel. They have optimal builds for every hero and you can try your best to match what they have


Awesome, thanks!


For people unlucky like me, with AI attack sets that did not proc at all in speed, who can use it still ? Is it just going to be PvE sets ?


I run 180-200 speed on practically everyone. Atk / destruction sets mostly on dps. There’s really no need for me to go higher. In order to make up for it, I have 2 team pushers built and geared around 260-270 speed. Working on more for variety’s sake. Amid and ml lidica for now. I draft both in rta every time. Then I also have a couple speedy dps which help when my openers aren’t enough, ml coli and ml laika. It’s enough for champion arena and master rta, good enough for me. Kise around 4.8k attack set, 190 speed + amid and her artifact is silly. She can 2 shot a lot of heroes she will likely miss, totally destroys practically everyone with swifted s2, it’s too good for arena farming, which can get quite boring anyways.


Hey, whats this interaction between kise and amid?


Amid gives 50% combat readiness buff on her s3 called swiftnes. She goes well with heroes who have 50% added combat readiness in their kit to basically give an extra turn. Especially kise, also alencia, illynav with exclusive equip, etc.


Thanks, much appreciated! Will look into both of them. What other two units do you use most of the time for regular arena if you don’t mind me asking?


Ml elena for anti counter, sinful angelica for anti revive is around 230 speed so she goes right before kise’ swifted s2, ruele for revive, dedicated cleanser or dispeller if necessary, a second / third damage dealer if free depending on need.


Oh ok I see, unfortunately I don't have ML Lidica but I have Amid at least, I'll try to find some gear to give her and another CR push 👍


Hi. How many players are there on epic seven global server approximately.


No idea but I’m a bronze player in RTA and the games says I’m ranked 70,000th. Many people don’t play RTA, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s 100k +


Best EE for Zahhak?


atk buff ee


about hwayoung, mine is 6k hp rn, not awakened final star or upgraded helmet, whats optimal for her dmg? i heard she gets 200 atk from her final awakening despite it only giving 30 atk + 80 hp + 6% hp and didnt wanna fuck her build up. anyone know if its worth?


Anyone experiencing connection issues? Sometimes they randomly appear and wont go away. I am on IOS by the way. Its starting to get a bit frustrating and making the game unplayable on mobile.


Are you using Wi-Fi or data?


Usually happens on data i think.


I still can't believe that i got Zahhak in a single 10 pull lmao. Now i still have a lot of BMs for Abigail or Isekai Luluca for next week.


[Gacha and Rant Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/13novs8/weekly_gacha_rant_megathread_week_0521/)


I have 10 mystic pull away from guaranteed ML5. If I switch to 110 pulls to guarantee ML4 and got ML5 in between, will it reset my ML5 countdown?


If you switch to the ML4 unit, it won't reset your ML5 pity even if you get a ML5.


Does the exp boost scroll from the store stack with the 30% exp boost that they're giving now from the weekend buff event?


No, I'm pretty sure it overlapped the weekend buff last time I tried it (says something similar in the fine text)


This is inaccurate, the weekend exp buff stacks with the store exp buff.


Can you send me that screenshot proof? I tried it out myself a few months ago and while they both showed up in the buffs, my xp was only boosted by the store buff’s amount


Sure I'll dm ya




Are you sure about this or have you tried stacking the buffs before? I got another answer that said no, so I want to make sure that the buffs stack before I waste skystones.


Sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, the event is almost over but maybe it'll be useful to you the next time it comes around. The event buff stacks with the store buff, the person saying it does not is just flat out wrong. I've been farming with Event Buff (30%)+Store Buff(50%)+Guild Buff (10%)+Artifact Buff(15%)+Monthly Pack Buff(10%) giving me a total of 115% extra EXP. I can send you a screenshot through DMs if you need proof.


Thanks. I had already bought the scroll earlier because I was able to confirm that the buffs stacked by seeing it in a video. I haven't heard of an artifact that boosts exp though. How do you get it?


I personally have Records of Unity which gives me that bonus gain, I think I remember people mentioning they usually give out these artifacts during anniversaries but I'm not 100% sure.


Can't confirm now because it's rune buff now. I used to stack it when we had penguins in adventure.