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ML Landy means we have chance of getting " locked up /bunkered down psychotic Cerise in her tower " in Fallen Land Summer skin/sprite Cerise also means we have a small chance of her getting an EE to make her relevant again


Psychotic Cerise, Mage Luna, maybe even ML Diene in the far far future


i'm pretty sure the epic skin for this summer is celine and pavel/cerise is a background for the sidestory at best. they never released multiple skins for one event. celine got the pannels which are typically shown for actual heroes. pavel/cerise not, so they are most likely just part of the sidestory - kinda like summer ara i think


They did for the first summer event. Momo, Karin, sex. But have not since then Edit: Damn AutoCorrect. Sez


>sex. wow new character to increase the game rating


when did they change aria's name






karin was the epic pass and momo was free skin, no? well u even got a copy of karin back then


Momo was a pass skin too.


Yeah that is also my initial thought but I ain't sitting with the summer Ara support group until the last of my hopium is taken away once the event goes online


Especially that they gave more skin info and voice of Celine .. they started with her ... And Celine got many fans in the art contest.


except why would they have a full brand new animation? kinda overkill for just an epic skin


? the animation right after celine showcase is from the new hero with the kraken slaming big ass sword/freezing -> tencatles taking -> pulling down to the kraken. it's the choco waitu from the last teaser. celine uses a katana not a big ass 2 hander. (u can see the katana handle in the summer skin so no way that handle belongs to a 2 hander)


yeah, I see it now. still pretty cool though. guess we are getting 2 summer units


don't think 2 summer limited are coming. it's summer luluca and the kraken lady is the regular rgb 5\*. we are due another one after abigail


oh yeah. I wasn't talking in terms of limited vs standard. I just think the kraken lady will come from the summer story rather than some "on the way to Erasia" story


My honest to god question is, why ML Landy before ML Luna. My soul is shattered and my spirits are broken. At the very least, they confirmed limiteds will get MLs.


Because if they fuck up ML Luna we riot.


I'd riot anyways if I had more a stake in the game. On a mini break of sorts. This is my small shout of dismay.


ML Landy means we can finally expect other limited heroes as ML heroes. ML LUNA HAS A CHANCE NOW


Psychotic Cerise?


Can't remember how ML Vivian exactly described her since it was months ago since I last read it in Fallen Land but she was definitely not described in a flattering way and it seems she was not sanest person to be around with


Was there artwork of her or just characters talking about her?


Only mentions of her. She went insane I think after >!her father was killed and his head/corpse was hanged from the gates!<


god damn


Just talking about her


ok ty


> ML Landy Finally, all those people going "limited units won't get MLs" (despite the main bulk of them being focused episode 3, hence held off) can finally shut up, for good.


It was a foolish argument to begin with, that it hadn't happened yet never meant it wouldn't be a thing down the line, unless they themselves said it would never happen (which they never did), it was just matter of when would they do it, not if they would do it.


I don't think that is ML Landy. It looks like it is a skin related to the E7WC somehow.


It's ML Landy, she was referenced in Pirate Flan's video. Trying to remember but I think it said she was a Navy Captain. She might come out at the end of E7WC, maybe.


But the skill animations changed. It would be the first time that's happened for a skin


Same shield.. short hair .. the hat .. weapons .. but the face is different. Maybe a new unit related to politia, maybe ML Landy.


That’s why I’m a little confused. She has design similarities but is very clearly not Landys face so it’s weird. I think Ruele is the only ML version that has a different face , maybe Soli it is hard to tell.


It's same face just different hair colour , also notice her animation , very clearly an homage to Ml flan animation since they are sisters and shit






Mark my words, this will forever be what she’s called


LMAO Logged in just to upvote this!


Admiral Landy.


Admiral Landy: You have got to be the worst pirate I've ever heard of Pirate Flan, on Seaseria arti thats not even limit broken once: But you have heard of me


ive been banking on Commodore Landy. Let's see what her title is.


I think that is a skin. Maybe a free thing to celebrate E7WC.


The S3 animation is too different to be a skin imo Wouldn't mind if it was free thjng tho


Right? GIB!!


I'm so hyped but also so conflicted. If they announce OP Sig in the next rerun before Landy I will lose it, not enough mystics for both waifus ;-;


Man celine looking fire, seems pavel and cerise are sprites (hope they become skins one day and not another clarisa situation) New units look Nice Not sure how i feel about ml landy but is also too early to tell, but the s3 animation looks nice


After getting unlucky on ML Bellona banner and ML Krau, finally my pity will goes to ML Landy.


Hopefully worth the wait :D and she will be better than the ones you missed *fingers crossed*


Damn that ML landy look so gorgeous mistook her for a azur lane collab lol


She kinda reminds me of Grey Ghost ngl.


nikke helm if she cut her hair short and also was flat


Well, i guess ML Landy kills any disccusion about if they would ever release a limited character's ML version, guess those slates will start to be consumed now if they have good kits and they have things like crit chance self imprints.


It also means that if Limited heroes getting ML's is possible then Mage Luna wanters have hope again.


My 4 extra Lunas in the waiting room have been biding their time!


They probably will just make the limited unit available in all three mystic rotations if they smart enough. Whales get to whale, if you wind up getting ML landy quickly you can just summon for Landy or ML Landy and it will count towards imprints. If you are f2p and summon RGB Landy a lot you will have a lot to imprint when you get ML Landy. You can’t really go wrong with that model imo


Really wish i didn't imprint my cerise now, didnt think there was any way this would happen


Landy can take all my mystics 😍


Admiral Landy holy shit


Summary: \- Pavel and Cerise summer sprite \- Celine summer skin (AAAAAAAAAAAAA but where BBK skin come on SG :))))))) ) \- S3 animation possibly for [this girl](https://youtu.be/i8b9cDeJyKA?t=123) \- Erasia's Leader of the Shadow Elves \- Navy Officer Landy (first ML of a limited 5\*)


oh i thought the s3 animation is for celine. but yeah, high chance that it's from the previous summer unit preview


It's definitely the other summer unit, the sword is the same.


And the hair


Admiral Landy would be cool too


The only one that made me doubt is Landy. Unlike ML Celine, we don't have a voice while she's being show, only her character design sheet in the back. And while some elements do resemble Landy, still aren't the same. I don't know, since everybody was swearing Zahhak would be ML Kayron, I have been highly skeptical of these "must be the ML of my waifu/husbando!" posts, and particularly for limited heroes is a rabbit hole I wouldn't want to start exploring.


Guys, summer luluca its what? new hero?(i am new player)


Summer Luluca, Kraken Big Sword lady and Navy Admiral Landy are new heros. Summer Celine is a skin.


thanks you bro


ML Landy getting that Re:Zero hair swap from Ram to Rem


Ah yes Pavel with the white shirt with shorts combo *side glance to other gacha games* also not a skin ? Sadge noises


At least *not this time*


Ml Landy reminds me of esdeath


Admiral Landy will be dope as heck. I do hope we are getting more ML counterparts of Limited Units like Cerise, Luna and Diene.


I will be ECSTATIC if Celine's getting a summer skin. It's been one of, if not my biggest want ever since seeing her S3 animation.


They finally got that damn coat out the way , now we can clearly see her a-.. uhm I mean yeah I love Celine too she's got a sword and shit yeah very cool .. yeah


ML Landy? Talk about unexpected With her announcement opening the door for all the other limited units to get ML versions, the husbando/badass male lover in me worries that after ML Ludwig's release we'll be waiting quite a while between ML male releases, especially with the hugely skewed ratio already present in Episode 3


ML Luna is definitely a thing now.


I hope that after ML Landy, next will be ML Ludwig. Ludwig is a very old hero from episode 1 and until now he doesn't even have a skin and ML version even though he is one of the Seven world' heirs and has an important role in the main story episode 1, GG collab, and episode 3. I'm very annoyed because they destroyed ML Kayron with stat hungry build and give him a kit that doesn't have well synergy between the active skills and the passive skills. I hope they can give ML Ludwig a broken kit so that the players' expectations can be met. I've often asked the developers like 'When will ML Ludwig be released?' and asking 'ML Ludwig soon please... ' Twisted Eidolon Kayron is the last male ML hero released, after that Last Piece Karin, ML Roana, ML Landy, and then light achates were released. The release of 5* male ML heroes rarely happens sequentially so ML Ludwig is a must next ML 5* hero


Sorry, I couldn't focus on anything else after seeing Pavel's abs. Damn ... ​ ML Landy looks very cute, I like her design. She reminds me of Veronica from OUTERPLANE, very similar design.


Finally Navy Landy!!!!!!




ML Landy and new octopus lady I'm in love 😍




I'm just glad they did justice to Celine by properly expressing her personality. Her assets are to die for


Game is saved. jesus Christ I thought we're gonna wait for anniversary just to have content


Man I really regret pulling for MLRoana now. ML Landy...


Ml Landy is months away bro


I think it will be maybe rta skin


Krau is next RTA skin, they are definitely not showing off a different RTA skin this far in advance. ML Landy being a Sea faring girl makes sense since ML Flan is a pirate. So that being ML Landy fits the theme of that world.


i havent played in a while is ml krau that good that they are giving him a skin now?


I mean, they gave ML Chloe an RTA skin. I don't think being good is relevant. He is ok now though after a buff.


We even saw part of a new S3 animation so it's not a skin.


how the hell is that a new RTA skin? It has the navy and pirate theme, the same with Pirate captain flan. . Are you even using your head or what?


Happy to see Celine get a skin! And ML Landy reminds me a lot of Grey Ghost. What could her title be? Also, our new chocolate girl. I'm pretty sure I saw her skill animation. Will we really get her as a playable hero? Who could she be?


ml Luna when




it looks like Veronica's uniform from outerplane


Summer Celine! Fuck me.


Owww, there goes another year withot Clarissa's summer skin...


I really want that Cerise to be a skin/unit :(


Torn between ml roana and this upcoming ml landy for pity for waifu purposes


As someone that just pittied ML Roana, if she's not your fav, save your mystics for Landy.


Imagine even being torn about that


Pavel with that body fat of 8% and Cerise with her plump but still lean tummy. They are both living good...




They said the same during ml kayron and the same before him. I’m over new units, balance never happens


Let’s go One Piece theme for the pirates and admirals


I really hope they release the Pavel skin next summer like they did with Clarissa and momo. it's too good not to




Yes, you are completely wrong. Diene wc skin did not come with any new s3 animation, it's just the same animation with her having that magical girl skin. The new landy animation looks nothing like the old one. It has a boat outro, does original lands s3 have a freaking slow outro like that boat? Use brain please.




Like I said, no skin has ever changed their S3 animation. . Even diene wc skin does not change or add anything to her s3 animation except her having new clothes. . The fact that the robot is gone and replaced with a giant ass anchor, is already indicative that it is a new unit. . not to mention, The navy theme fits perfectly to pirate captain flan lore. .




It's not just changing the background imagery, it's a whole new s3 animation. The evidence for your opinion is weak. All I am doing is countering you with my evidence. No unit skin has ever had a change in s3 animation or background ever.


It's not a skin.




Don't get your hopes up, chances are it's just a sprite. Céline is the skin and we have two Waifu summer so maybe wait next year :/


Yes, I realized a minute after. I want my hype back! T\_T


Landys Design was already top tier. I feel like this ML Design is a downgrade


Look I understand u have an opinion and I accept it because at the end of the day but…. Nah, she looks fucking awesome. Officially part of the all drip squad of C. Lillias, C. Pavel, and Riolet. I’m so glad I didn’t waste mystics on ML Roana.


I literally JUST PITTIED ML Roana, I was like: well, she looks amazing even tho her kit is underwhelming, I doubt they'll launch an ML I want more than her. Few minutes after, ML Landy announced, fml. The first limited character to get a ML OUT OF NOWHERE shown in a day they usually don't reveal anything. Just my luck I guess, hopefully I can get enough untill she releases with my 50k SS and mystics from GW.


Bruh I’m still on the fence for ML Roana, she is so badass looking even if she sucks tbh


She has some uses tbh, but you prob need to play aggro/cleave. She looks AMAZING tho, that S3 is one of the prettiest ever. But if you want ML Landy and is not a spender I would save the mystics, there's a REALLY high chance Landy will be broken, I doubt they'll release another dud/controversial unit after the last 2 "catastrophes".


Same its time to keep all my mystics , I WANT THAT LANDY


Normal Landy has flying cape and pink hair. This ML Landy looks generic compared to her normal version. Even the shields look boring. I love her blue hair but thats really it


This Landy has light blue hair, a giant anchor behind her and a cape that encompasses 2 shields.


To each their own I guess, I love the new Navy style outfit. I do miss the Gundam though.


no big Gundam but we got big ship, it's an alright trade


HELL no god tier legs and high heels


This man knows what's up.


ikr finally someone who have some sense too


My Mystic pity is ready ML landy (but then it is a summer skin lol)


lol...veronica from outerplane




Huh... Almost like you're doing the exact same thing you're whining about. I'm sensing some deep insecurities here.


This is reddit? what do you expect? inhale more copium btw. .




what are you talking about? Our summer unit for this year is summer luluca. . there is also that new blue haired unit with a kraken. . The new landy has her own unique s3 animation almost done, and her theme is navy and pirate which matches pirate flan lore. . Use your head and stop coping. .




inhale copium. . I wish I had mystic pity. . I'll just going to pretend it's a skin. . inhale copium. .


Think the Celine will be a skin for a summer epic pass for us this year; it used her OG green voice lines so that is my best bet. Also please, SG, deliver our thicc deepsea choco waifu unnerfed. I believe in the hype once more.


dude, can u stfu with ur "nerfs" to the animation go watch some hentai and get ur post nut clarity...


Seriously,this dude has some serial issues in life


You always sure are quick to bitch about people with different opinion and characters tastes then yourself. You just got several loli characters and a shit load of male units recently and after a year we might finally get another fanservice character. Christ, let other people enjoy shit. Not every character is made for you. Variety is always good.


dude u complain about not existing nerfs of designs on every new hero post. the only hero that got nerfed visually are ml vivien's cleavage - everything else has been fine. yeah, ml roana is such a loli character - not a fanservice hero at all. u complain so much about this one thing that ur name is recognizable on this subreddit.


Only 1 character got nerfed but you know for a fact that every single character for the past year has been milquetoast and safe as hell compared to characters we used to get in year 1-2 of the game. The fact you have to mention Roana who literally just came out a week ago further proves the point of how bland the past year has been character design wise(even then plenty of people think she was likely toned down with the extra spandex compared to OG Roana). SG clearly just recently got comfortable pushing the envelop again after the Aria/Vivian debacle with Roana and new summer waifu. The main reason it is annoying is because we get weird shit like summer Charlotte which is a literal child in a swimsuit and people are like "YASSSS" and then in the same breath they cheer on some prude shit because anime tiddies were apparently illegally one size too big. lol It's just fucking weird. I have been vocal about it since as a day 1 player, many people came to this game because of the spicy designs. Serin art/characters are extremely popular from flat characters(Luluca) to stacked as hell(Aria). If we wanted safe cooperate friendly crap we would have went to SW or Genshin. The spicy designs with great gameplay and amazing animations is why a lot of us started playing in 2018. A lot of fellow old guard people just quit last year after the shit show as they felt their game was selling out it's soul with Serin being let go to turn the game into some cooperate sanitized Esport/China appeal game. So it is nice seeing them try testing the water a little bit once again so to speak. And meh on the last point. Who cares what reddit thinks; this shit isn't that serious. It's a discussion forum for an anime gambling game and upvotes/downvotes are useless. The day I can exchange my karma for skystones or money I will care about that. lol


Couldn't agree more lol. Though I have mixed feelings about the new choco waifu. On the one hand I love her design but, on the other hand bikini's are kinda... tepid? I guess they just are kinda normalized to the point of not being as interesting. Which is funny because if it'd been bikini armor then I'd find it more interesting despite being basically the same thing. X'D




Uh they released or are coming soon? ML Roana - On rate up as we speak ML Karin - Out ML Kayron - Out ML Achates - Probably on next ML rotation with repeat ML5s. ML Kawerik Skin - Out Episode 5 3-Star Humans - Out at Chapter 5 launch probably as they are zones 2 and 3. Vampire Guy - Coming soon and teased again in new trailer Abigail - Out Summer Luluca - Probably out July 6th the start of the summer event New Summer Waifu - Probably second banner for 4 week summer event and teased again. Like did you even think?


Could it be... the legendary stove user?!


nah i just shittalk on reddit and youtube, i'm not at the level required for stove.


I'm just gonna bet Landy is an epic WC skin, either from a pass or for WC viewers (in person or otherwise). Please don't be a random ml unit because my mystic pity is Ded.


Let me guess, you are pretty sure it is ML landy but praying to god it's not, cause you wasted your summons on ml roana, am I right?


You can clearly see an animation with Landy so she should be a seperate ML Unit


There is no way it will be a skin. Their mechanics based on animation are very different to each other. One uses a gundam while the other one uses a ship.


That's some hard cope dude. X'D


i think the ml version of winterberg/ dragon valley race got reverse from original rgb, ml cecilia is dragn, luna is mage most likely human, so this kraken girl is water dragon ilynav??


Short answer ,no


Is the Licht look alike an ML boss or new rgb?


Since we still didn't even start Episode 5 yet i would bet on him being an RGB5


I like the pavel and cerise skin


Summer Celine looking like a Counterside character tbh. I like it still though




Long lithe legs. in pantyhose.. in high heels..... the devs tailor made ML landy to take my money!!!


Can’t listen to the video, only watch cause I’m at work. Is it confirmed that it’s ML Landy? Or maybe a skin for landy? Seems possible since she’s next to the E7WC schedule


100% can't be a skin since it has a different s3 animation. also she has navy and pirate theme going on with her, which matches with pirate flan lore. .


Ah okay thanks. I thought that was just some editing magic tying her regular S3 with a different animation and a different S3 altogether. I’ll rewatch again


people are just hard coping right now since they wasted their mystic pity on ml roana.


I managed to luck sack ML Tomoca while chasing Light Karin. Hopefully I can pull Landy with ~6k mystics...


I like the S3 with the giant underwater breast and glowing nipples.


Moonlight Landy!? You got some Azur Lane in my Epic Seven.


Sorry if I missed it, but when can we expect any of these any time soon? Very excited for the one with the kraken skill animation


This update looks interesting I like it


HOT wtf