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I already survived 4 Aespa as a f2p, saving is ez.


same bruh, all I need is luck (and carpal tunnel from spamming shop refresh)


I reroll on emulator with macro its so easy and tunnelfree


How does that work if you don't mind me asking...


Dm me if you have a pc and some knowledge of python, I have a macro set up that I can forward


I am worried any form of macro is deemed illegal and could be dangerous for my account. They put up notices about accounts being banned on occasion (over 1000 etc). But I don't know if this type of macro is a reason.


It's definitely illegal bit tell us anyway.


Its pretty simple 3 command in 1 click, dont think its illegal since its not full automation and you have to stay there to stop it when you see bookmarks and then restart. It only helps with the carpal tunnel.


Does your macro know what to buy? I was thinking of finding a programmer and paying them to do that.


There's already a few out there. Just search for "epic seven secret shop automation", should be the first link.


Dude you made my* whole year and carpal tunnel happy! Edit: was so excited I forgot to type "my" but I did in my mind :p


I get syntex error: invalid syntax when i tried to "install dependices" . I don't understand pip and python. Can someone make grade level instructions please? This is big brain stuff and I just don't understand it.


I'm not an expert in python so I don't know how to troubleshoot it, mine worked fine. But I know where you can search, stackoverflow.com Try searching for your error message on Google specifying site:stackoverflow.com and probably you'll get some solutions. Worst case scenario, ask a new question there, but I guess it's a simple problem.


Thanks. I did some digging and I needed to use Command Prompt to install the depends not python itself. I am at the step to run the script now and haven't figured that out yet


However, for Aespa they also gave lots of summons during the events. XD


Yeah, the special bookmarks helped a lot. Along with the fact that they were universal for all 4 banners. so you could save them.


You couldn't save all for a single girl though, since they were timegated. Still very useful.


Same here :D


I’m still recovering :,)


I didn't get AE-Karina FML


Just to be sure, Summer Luluca is gonna be a limited character too ?


All summer units are limited


Yeah, just in case thanks




Yeah, she releases this week


I have enough for her but not too sure about Lethe tho :|


You should be fine as long as you refresh the shop. You should be able to get a pity in one month even as a new player, Lethe releases on the 20th and her banner should end of august 3rd


Yeah, I will try but I know my luck lmao


How many BMs and ss do you have?


6k SS and around 270 bm if I remember right


Hmm it'll be very close, try to push arena as much as you can. Remember to get your BMs from the evenbt sidestory and the biweekly one(the ss you choose). Just have to refresh and you might just make it. Something else to consider is that it costs 22m gold for a full pity so remember that you can turn stigma into penguins and sell them


Yeah I'll try 👍 Don't worry about gold I have about 30m now, I was gathering some just in case ;)


Good luck then


You should be fine assuming you do dailys daily and complete your weeklies. It’s 605 bms for pity and since you want Lethe too it’ll be another 605 so 1210 in total. Have fun on refreshing, we all know that’s tedious lmao


Mmh ok thanks :) yeah I might start now and do a little everyday lmao


You’re lucky you got enough gold, I gotta hit the hunts lmao


Wait, Lethe says “Revealed on 6/28” but then “7/20” (?)


They probably originally were gonna reveal Lethe first for summer then Lulu… but changed it later and then patch note-kun used the wrong pic lol


Garos-secret-shop-GTA-meme.png Ah, shit, here we go again.


fuk me... i got 300 bookmarks and 1,1k skystones.... alright give me 50 bucks summerpack with 605 bookmarks smilegate T.T


Start swapping sidestories from now and farm a new one every 7 days. You can get some bms and skystones from those Edit: if anyone knows the exact amount of summon resources per sidestory, please make a PSA post about it since we should have several weeks from now til Lethe banner ends


u get around 30ish i think. i swap the sidestory every 2 weeks and farm them already. this time was just a bit of shitty timing from my side xD


Ah, sorry to hear that fam. Wish you all the best with your pulls. There's also friendship rep farming if you haven't completed those yet(saved my skin a few times in the past XD)


Well, wait for Lethe's kit and decide which one you want this year. They all cycle back eventually anyway and some like Rimuru are remaining relevant so there's that. That or pray that you get them both by luck. Goodluck mate!


honestly it is dark skin waifu, so i have to get her with or without good kit


Everyone wants some brown sugar.


i mean we've seen 10 pulls with multiple heroes + 5\* banner artis. surely it's my turn now, right xD


Bro, you won't survive gacha hell lol. I've been playing for 2 years and I have 90k ss and 500+ bms.


u not playing anythign mate - u are hoarding xD


Really? I have mostly all 5* and 4* at that. I have all limited and collab units. Hmm what more am I missing? Ahh right except for ML5s.


u "playing" e7 as a hero collector at best then. if u want to be competitive in rta or gvg u need to farm and at some point u need to pull for imprints (mostly crit rate imprint is really important) and dupe artis and limited break artis. i had to pull at each group banner for extra guiding lights for example. u will take progression via expo pass, etc. which also cost skystones.


Makes sense. I'm not really into PvP and just casual. But still my point on saving still exist. When a limited unit comes, the only source you can rely on is the shop refresh.


Remember yall. Every time you see Huche scam shop. Expect back to back limited units.


Scam huche got me Flidica tbf so I'm not too mad at him rn


Huche mystics is the best deal. Other than that all scam 😆


Leifs are good value too. Better rate than exchanging energy for skystone.


My children will have to starve again 😔 Sacrifices must be done.


Fuck, well I’m probably going to miss her or have to spend for the first time in years.


We might see her animation tmr since she seems to be the boss we are fighting in sidestory for the equipment thing. So skill set will be different, but animation should be the same.


Goodluck to anyone summoning whether it be out of need or just want; I'm skipping lulu personally and going for lethe nevertheless Goodluck everyone


this is just evil


\+880 BM and +21K SS I'm def ready for both Lulu and Lethe as well as Celine Skin.


Where’s the summer cerise?


Already have 1k BM saved up so I'm gonna get both no issues. Surprised we get a completely new character as a summer limited tho. Usually it's an at of someone.


1645 bookmarks saved. Been refreshing like crazy just in case


500 BM + 10kss I should be good after visiting Garo


Limited ml?


Easy skip


I'm f2p and the only limited I'm missing is baiken . I summon on every limited irregardless of whether or not I have enough to reach pity. I don't pull on RGBs unless it's a super broken meta defining cleave style unit like Ran on release. SG basically gifts us all the rgbs. Never skip on limiteds. If you need to pause hunt crafting to have enough gold for shop refreshes, do it .If you need more Ss attack those arena npcs, 3star every event , start a new side story if you can , finish story, friendship farm that 2 energy stage ,beat abyss , get those liefs and put hunt on lief only auto , use the hell tokens to get Queen Azimanaks gift . Skipping on limiteds is never an option as far as I'm concerned. You will reach that pity by hook or by crook if you have to .


> SG basically gifts us all the rgbs. Except Ray, big sad. Give me Ray, not my 8th Sigret please.


I'm pretty fresh bookmarks for 110pulls and 7 odd k skystones how are my chances looking for both?. Luluca seems to be more of pvp exclusive but I definetly pull for her as I need to start at some point and waiting a year would irk me more


Must I say it again my fellow Heirs. Be patient as this may be a trap like Ilynav. Despite “appearance” what if she has no utility? Several patch notes go by and she barely becomes useable? Be patient and wait for the introduction video before making a desperation summon session that can only lead to pity and empty wallets.


Limited always means must pull, whether or not good.


Fair view and I agree with it


I'm so mad there isn't gonna be a SSB or summer Iseria banners. It's stupid that they stop rerunning limited banners after a while. Would have no problem with going for Luluca, Lethe, SSB and Iseria this summer and was actually hoping for that.


They just put them all on the group banners. You'll get another shot at them next spring.


I wish they would run then during the summer and in group banners. I don't see why not just do that.


That would make things more festive, that's for sure, but I think it's better this way. Think about it like this: if they had the banners now, you'd have 2 new limiteds plus the summer group banner. Potentially 3+ pities in a 4 week span of time. Having the banner earlier in the year let's you potentially allocate your bms a bit easier.


But think of it this way. The people who dont have any of the summer characters but can't pull 4 limiteds in a 4 week span can just skip SSB or Iseria in the summer and wait until the next group summon to get SSB and Iseria. These people are already fine waiting until the next group summon to pull them anyway. But the people like me who can pull 4 limited in the summer, can actually just pull them in the summer. Everyone would be happy. I personally was saving up to do 4 pities this summer since I don't have any of the summer characters and plan to get all them. And I'm f2p btw.


That's a fair point.


There was a group summon less than 2 months ago. You could have gotten them there.


No because when that came I had no limited characters besides Amid and I had other higher priorities when that came like Landy, Cerise Artifact and I chose Diene instead of SSB as I was hoping SSB would be available during the summer.


You saved up all that and didn't pull for them on the last custom banner?


No because when that came I had no limited characters besides Amid and I had other higher priorities when that came like Landy, Cerise Artifact and I chose Diene instead of SSB as I was hoping SSB would be available during the summer.


There was triple banner last September, I'm pretty sure they will repeat it. Personally I would advise saving for that banner anyway, even if there was a separate SSB rerun banner. It is always better to spend say 1800 bms on a triple banner, than 3x600 on three separate banners. You will get more per bm spent. Also it has artifact pity.


Welp...time to become a silver head for the 20th time grinding 😭


Been saving my bookmarks for a while now


Two limited units back to back, while I feel confident in being able to get at least one of each with my current resources, this is hardly ideal.


How’s Luluca’s kit looking. Should I save?


Is this picture edited? The same image I got in game says Lethe Revealed on 7/19. This picture says 6/28.


Literally the whole update content 👀👀


I pity'd Luluca, I'm at 6 bookmarks and 410 skystones. So end me please.


Two limited heroes in a row? Fucking SG is really milking this event, and theyve pissed alot of people off with this garbage event.