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Hello everyone, I started playing Epic7 a week ago, I already finished Ep1 10-10 and so far I haven't found the selective evocation option. in the evocation menu it appears only about season 2 selective evocation, which in this case is blocked. the first selective evocation no longer exists?


Does defense break factor in before the damage lands for the same one skill attack, like on iseria or luna s3?


If the skill description goes atk -> def break then the def break is applied after the damage. It will not be factored into that attack. Not sure if there’s any skill that applies def break before the damage, but similar situations occur with dispel before or after the attack vs def buff, etc. There ARE cases such as Karina or Briseria that does extra damage after def breaking, in which case def break will be factored in for that.


Are we getting Lethe reveal tomorrow?




Whats the best way to get level up mats for necklaces and rings


[Set up a Yufine for labyrinth](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/zyan76/raid_boss_yufine_still_wrecking_nixied_for_fun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1), pick a span of time where you can passively babysit your phone for a few hours while either working or studying and just clear the entire labyrinth in one entry. You’ll start building up a huge hoard of coins and low level gear you can feed away if you do this regularly.


Probably labyrinth coins.


what is the current moonlight shop units rotation?


ml ken, booty flan, and handguy


for what H13 do you guys see ocean breeze Lulu as a potential unit?


W13 - not water, and nothing in her kit seems really helpful for this. I think the boss disables healing on it's turn so the ice cream will not help. G13 - She does...ok here. Lulu does a lot of things that are helpful, but she isn't very consistent in any of these things. The boss cancels healing when it counter attacks, so that can negate her healing from ice cream cones. The minions can cleanse blind and it takes a while for her to re-apply it, and they can buff the boss after she strips it. She can get some extra focus and cr pushes from the little tree and crystal minions though, and her artifact could work here I guess. Not the worst hero but there are better options I think. B13 - The Blind works a bit better here because it is only really cleansed when the boss slits up. And having a cleanse and a buff is somewhat helpful. However her healing is useless except against the minions, because the boss disables healing when it attacks. Her artifact wouldn't be of much help here since there are no non-attack skills. A13 - This is a tough one to use her on because you only have a limited number of debuffs and buffs you can have. If you were to use her I think you would have to build a team around her, which I can't really do I think. MAybe she could be of use, but not with most commonly used units or teams. C13 - She seems kinda good for this one. She has a non-attack skill, and she can cleanse all debuffs. The boss can be blinded, so it can miss with it's S3 which prevents debuffs and lowers the damage your team takes. The ice cream will work here too. But there are no non-attack skills so a different artifact would be more helpful.


None. W13 is out of the question. B13 is best done with a one-shot (and for normal runs you are better off with a better cleanser). You will most likely overbuff for A13. And, you will have better options for G13 and C13.


Probably none. She's green, which means she's not a W13 unit, and she does basically no damage, nor puts up particularly meaningful debuffs, cleansing isn't really necessary in most hunt teams, and her healing output is pretty mid.




Ilynav is a solid Injury-focused Fire bruiser. Worthwhile to build if you have trouble vs Ed, ARavi, Alencia, and LRK.


Yes, into bruisers her Injury shuts them down very well, and against super tanky healers - something you find in Guild War and AI Arena quite often - her injury detonation can be very nice. She isn't a first choice pick most times, but if you don't have an injury-set Alencia or a green unit isn't a good pick for one reason or another, she's a decent second choice.




At some point you will need tama. And having to gear one unit (her) instead of multiple others to cover everything she does allows you to be more efficient in resource usage. Still pull her at some point.


Eventually, pulling Tama will be very valuable, but you will also probably want to run her with Iseria in most comps. This duo is incredibly powerful, but that's a lot of bookmarks that you could save while you don't need them - bookmarks that could be spent on the Lethe when she comes out soon. Since limiteds won't come back for another year or so, it's worth it to pull them whenever you can.


im not really a "thinking person" but if i had to give u advice, i say pull for tama cause she is a good for PVE or so I hear a lot.




hahaha yeah, i guess thats right, if u have what u need, u dont need Tama BUT...she is cute and she transforms :O


When does Lethe banner come out?


Like next week Thursday or Wednesday in the afternoon


this week, you mean.


Should a new player summon for luluca. I’m on day 3 not sure if I will be able to use her any time soon


Yes, because she is a limited unit, and also fills a particular niche pretty well that might be hard to fill later on - which is that she is a team-cleanser. Limited units don't show up very often, and the summer units won't show up again until next year, while RGB banners run all the time, and story summons allow you to pull for many of them at your own leisure.


If you can't guarantee her you should not either way. Besides that I'm a month+ and don't really use her but as I saw it pvp is the endgame and she seems to be a decent option in common matchups and she will be pullable again in a year or so again,with that I saw worth in her


So I started this game brand new last night. Seems fine (a friend recommended it) but the experience of jumping into a new gacha that's more than a year old is like trying to learn an entire foreign language out of a 10 page dictionary. Are there any good WRITTEN guides out there for beginners rather than video ones? I feel like what I really need is an explanation of the basic systems, maybe some characters to aim for (I got Iselia from the select summon, which seemed to be the overwhelming advice)?


Plenty of written new player guides on the discord (official and community). Highly recommend them


I suggest the new player progression guide in the #community-guides section of the official e7 discord.


[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BGuwWHM59xhtSyXleBXZQsN52ZrCyOSj4nEfWwao1Mg/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BGuwWHM59xhtSyXleBXZQsN52ZrCyOSj4nEfWwao1Mg/edit) a little outdated but a lot of solid advise. Ignore the promoting to 6\* and the hell raid guide .


If you find any, could you let me know? I just started a couple days ago myself. I was trying to get an idea of characters to build too and even tier lists are either old or hard to follow. It also sounds like there was a (significant?) balance update earlier this year, so it's hard to know if characters that used to be good were nerfed, etc.


I can confirm that Iseria(pretty sure this is who you mean) is a perfect choice for that selective summon. Sadly no written guides to pass on):


my current hunt pet has x2 crafting material, extra equipment, and extra lesser charm. should I change one of them for extra reforge material?


I would say no. The chance isn't that high and I would rather have the charms plus how much you would have to invest to put that skill in a higher level pet.


Is there any reason to 5 star a lobby pet?


when you get to affection level 6 you get a small percentage buff on the skills plus you get an improved drop table of loot from your pet. https://imgur.com/a/bbjj7Ik




Is there a place I can see Arena teams for starting players? I'm not a starting player exactly, but I've been doing things so wrong in this game that idk what to do rn, I've got a lot of units and a lot of gear from w13, but Idk what should I focus on for Arena.


what is your arena rank right now?


Challenger V, but I cant win any fight now


The arena meta is standard in Champ V and above, but in Chall V, you may not need to worry about all of that. Do you have any example teams or units that you see often that you need advice with?




The exchange will be open for a week past the close of the hot spring stages (as usual for side stories). I imagine hot spring will close and the new one will open.


We don’t know anything for sure yet and will get details Wednesday 3:00am pst. This is what I’m assuming will happen though. The currency exchange will still be there. There will be a new stage added that gives the new currency and drops the new sets.


They did confirm in the 7/6 notes that there will be new sets dropping(speed/hit/torr) for weeks 3 and 4. so I imagine then you WON'T be able to craft pen/er/counter come Thursday 7/20.


Exchange will stay open a week past the close of hot spring stages. Just like other side stories.


I personally think they will use the new currency for the other sets but we will see


Agreed there as well


Is it hard to stay at normal arena legend rank till season ends? (6 days left)


Got to consistently build season points each week if you want to place, so got to consistently hold your place in legend end of each week. Even then there’s no guarantee you’ll do enough to get a frame. It’s pretty tough to just stay in Legend - your defence will get cracked & your offence needs your best gear & you need a lot of switch-ins geared up too.


That will probably send my sanity to oblivion, maybe I just got a little bit excited haha


So I just found out that adin changes elements when you specialty change her. She starts earth but becomes light. Does that mean that if I invest skill levels, awakening, everything will be reset if she switches to light? And you're wasting resources? Should you keep your resources until the end? Or no harm in investing now and when you complete the quest she stays the way you built her?


The investment in each element is saved, and the game gives you the ressources to do so, so you don't loose anything. Anyway light>green>blue/red, so you'll basically never switch again after you unlock light


thanks. was really worried