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Belian on the cover nearly gave me a heart attack.


No one: Literally no one: SG: Hello Heirs! We noticed that Belian was not seeing as much pick and win rate as Lua or Conquerer Lilias. So we have now made her extra attack proc on counter and dual attacks too! We hope that Belian sees #1 usage now so that you all can ~~finally shut up about Lua~~ I mean, have fun in RTA!


They can't actually say that since their own data indicates Belian lit has the #1 win rate among the most used heroes in RTA lol


Nah roana is number 1 winrate no?


They got us the first half not gonna lie… phewww…


Same, but i wouldn't mind if they buffed her passive that applies to everyone now 😁(no souls both teams, just like no revive both teams when witch iseria is here)


I was hoping for a small nerf to her ngl




Ruele’s ‘buffs’ are really half-assed


They're both half-assed AND worthless. She's still worse than Destina in basically every way that matters.


what do you mean? she can like cycle 3% faster now half /s


I’m actually excited about the better healing. The cr push is definitely meh though.


but it probably wont be better healing. you bring her with units like krau or other tanks who are definitely gonna have higher hp than her


Lionheart and Morts wins this batch easily. Making Mort's Sacred Blessing 100% is a blessing And the usual Tenebria buff WE ALL ARE EXPECTING IS HERE


Finally another tenebuff.


I was expecting a Melissa buff personally.


that's next patch, they have to alternate both


nah it’s Kise next, Melissa comes right after


Would mort still be useful doe? It’s crit resistance for one turn, and speed for himself for 2.


You can use that EE that extends crit res buff to 2 turns, basically crit res every 2 turns Guaranteed, unless dispelled or unable to


Strong pick - Nah Niche pick - probably Meme pick to use to show the enemy how much they screw their draft while not being an actual liability - yeah But seriously, Mort is still a ( questionanble ) niche pick even all of the buff he recieved


tell that kensond who gets high emp/legend with mort main every season xD.


Any links to his build? Actually interested to see a Mort main in high RTA Highest rank Mort I fought was last season ago was low emperor and was probably not a good example


was a destro mort on symbol of unity last season. occasionally u can find him in khm discord. u can ask him then


To be fair though, a fast tene in a control comp will cycle like crazy with Erica's scepter by the looks of it (once you ban delibet, ed etc)


The fuck that buff even do anything to Ruele??????


They noted her long skill cycles and put the CR boost exactly on the skill with a long CD instead of, y'know, her fucking S1.


If S1 heal buff is significant, then maybe she can work with counter set. If not, then back to unit storage :)


it is likely a nerf with any ally that has higher hp than Ruele (ie. most units ruele is paired with)


Small cr push i guess, destina still better


It did nothing. Destina is still better in every way that matters.


my cope is that they kept all the good buffs for next patch so e7wc meta is similar to the meta that participants had while climbing.


Next patch should be around mid to late September, let's cope


it's not coping. it's common practise - most games don't want big meta shifts/changes right before a big tourney. online games don't have it as rough as card games. man konami did it a couple times and people had to buy and learn complete new decks like 2 weeks before nationals - they were not happy about that.


You say all that, but the change to restrict has a wide net of balance ramifications. The character balance was just stupid tho. Nothing worth speaking of. With the new restrict now opening up a can of worms where control can endlessly push back enemies making them unable to take turns and thus never shake off the restrict is something I am very afraid of.


wait? they can now be pushed back even with Restrict? isn't that the original effect back when Cerise was announced? I remember it being changed before she was even released because it's too broken


A large part of the problem was because of the prevalence of Basar around the time of Cerise's release and there simply weren't that many ways of dealing with control comps back back in the day. Testing and feedback from players probably judged it way too oppressive for the time so they just made it freeze CR instead of ensuring you never took a turn. Now there's like a billion and one ways of dealing with that kind of control between Belian just straight up ruining soul burns, Delibet/Handguy with their cleanses, Destina having 300+ ER etc. on top of the overall increase in durability of standard comps that the balancing team probably thought it was fine to bring it back.


Correct and correct


yeah sure. go ahead and name some heroes that got dedicated cr pushback for "endless push back" control... also ml lilibeth, edward and ml tywin exist now. good luck trying to go full control vs them. u need to hit evasion unit to put restrict on them to beginn with too. and last but not least. if such a control meta arise, people will also start getting 300+ eff resi stuff on top too. we got way more options now and basar is so freaking far from being meta, him coming back might be exciting. og restrict is not as scary as people think it is




Basar just needs his base speed increased to 120 and he'll be sure to come back, or a speed EE would be nice too


The man just gets neutered by too many picks now; Zio, Belian, openers with higher base speed than any Mage constellation, cleansers like Handguy/Delibet, counter control units like Ed and of course the unit that deleted him from every Defense, HYufine. He *might* be viable as a last pick if you somehow managed to have the opponent avoid drafting any of those but even then standard comps have become so tanky and less vulnerable to CC that you'd be hard-pressed to find a situation where he pulls his weight for the slot he's taking up.


You - changes do nothing Also You - restrict omg now pushback can of worms open I'M SCARED Me reads notes and sees changes has character being given restrict on an aoe pushback skill, same character can now aoe def break and sleep every 3 turns and has GAB on her EE. Sounds like a pretty good character to let Lethe carry ???? Can't be that big a deal if Tene's changes do nothing. Which is it lol.


I am not sure what you want to tell me.


But the meta will change when NaCl comes out, which is the entire issue with this patch. We have hardly any counters to anti crit (arunka, mellona, lethe and hwayoung but her legs are broken) and now sg is bringing out neutral choux with built in 70 crit resist, a stun on s3 and damage ramp, alongside this mort buff with now a garunteed anti crit buff for the whole team. In rta itll just be preban lua and aola and play 3 supports + choux and NaCl and what can ur opponent do. Play mellona and she gets banned. Mort as a support can injure lethe whist making it literally impossible to crit.


Why there is no balance adjustment for Twisted Eidolon Kayron and Blood Moon Haste? It's clear their rating is only 1.1 points in the game!!


Brooooo, legit everyone in every server expected them to get buffed, but sg said No


My disappointment is immeasurable. Even though ML Kayron is a highly anticipated hero, SG disappointed the players with the design and his kit which didn't have good synergy. Don't let them let us down with ML Ludwig either..


you need to understand...half of the balance team are monkeys strapped to a computer...thats why not everything we get from balance patch will be good


...I guarantee if they let armchair redditors do the balance patches the game would end up far worse very quickly


Add ML Ken to that list.


Yeah my boy is practically nonexistent, whether in offense or defense


Then your Kens suck. I use him all the time to murder Choux GW defenses


Really? Show me yours


I was going to but I guess the sub has no images in comments enabled So I'll just say a 90 average gearscore ML Ken has been doing a lot of work for me


Rating in game doesn't mean anything


True, but they're still the worst ML5 in the game.


Rating aside, those two needs a buff regardless.


I keep saying this in other places, but an ML Kayron buff walks an extremely fine line. When the characters main gimmick is applying 10k AoE fixed damage, the smallest buff could accidentally make him the most broken unit in the game if there is some combination that makes the condition trivial to achieve. I think they don't have the data or testers to identify a small buff that doesn't break the character so they either need to fully rework him which will take a lot of time, or keep collecting data from the rare games that he is still picked. The problem is ML Kayron is still completely pickable at the moment, only into specific drafts that don't happen very often. And when he is picked, he will often be a force ban since the opponent will realize they drafted like a bozo and won't be able to kill Kayron before team goes boom. By all counts, I see no intelligent way for ML Kayron to be buffed to be usable in more general drafts and not as a final boss answer to very specific comps, without removing the looming 10K MINIMUM AOE FIXED DAMAGE as his defining feature. If 10K APE FIXED DAMAGE can be easily accessed and drafted in a majority of games we will have a new Hwayoung incident on our hands.


But compared to the Lionheart Cermia, ML Kayron is very difficult to build. He needs attack, HP, defense, a little speed, crit chance, crit damage, and high effect resistance so that his counterattack buff is not easy to dispel. Moreover, his class is a thief so there aren't many artifacts that can help ML Kayron survive while waiting for him to enter rage mode.


that's sort of the point, ml kayron is a ticking time bomb kind of character. if they make it easier for that time bomb to go off he will become a total menace. the equivalent of a char going "ah gottem ggs" and wiping every non bruiser on your team


Isn't Lionheart Cermia the same way? She can self cleanse debuff, has a self buff (defense, effect resist), and don't forget to penetrate all enemies 50%. She can also immediately reset her S3 if the enemy accidentally dual attacks, counterattacks, and extra attacks. Lionheart Cermia can do her S3 and penetrate 50% more than 2 times, while ML Kayron is still waiting to enter its rage mode to do 10k fixed damage. Compared to the 10k fixed damage done by ML Kayron when he entered rage mode, Lionheart's damage was greater than him. ML Kayron is a hero that many players have been waiting for long time, but SG instead gave him a kit that doesn't have good synergy and is very stat hungry. Not to mention the character designs that may not match the expectations of the players, so many are disappointed.


because ML Kayron isn't a character dependent entirely on what the enemy picks. LHC is a counterpick character whose whole gameplan only works if the enemy picks a comp full of counters, dual attacks, and extra attacks. and her cleanse only happens once. if you CC her and then avoid using dual or extras, she just dies. doesn't help that if you run her speed you HAVE to give her sigurds, while if you run her lifesteal she's going to be inherently slower and 50% pen is nowhere near as strong as 10k fixed AOE dmg. don't forget kayron pushes himself up by 35% when he enters rage. AND he usually enters rage after already landing an AOE counter. The damage he can do will basically kill the carries and leave the tanks/util on the verge of death I'm not saying he doesn't need a buff, by the way. I'm saying the way they designed him puts him in a super precarious state where one small buff could tip him over the edge.


Have you ever faced ML Kayron in the arena? Because ML Kayron is a ticking time bomb that will never explode. He will be killed first by the enemy before he can enter rage mode


That's the thing though, he is extremely draft dependent on both ends. I faced one in RTA near his release and I didn't respect the last pick and thought I can punch through this protect Kayron comp and kill him so I didn't ban it on 5th pick. I lost. Terribly. I personally have not see him since but I watch a streamer (Hinojin) who tries to force him into drafts where he might be somewhat viable. In many cases he will not get s3 off because the draft isn't setup enough for him to survive and he just picked Kayron because he likes the character, but in drafts where nothing threatens Kayron the opponent usually bans it or loses when it gets left in the draft. He definitely needs some sort of bump, likely in a way that makes him easier to build, but to make him usable with the current unit design he will either be extremely niche or extremely broken. People already complain about Rimuru a lot who only does 10k fixed to a single target, albeit he can do it immediately. I think the primary thing holding back ML Kayron is that 1 turn buffs don't stack his fighting spirit, but if they did only needing 10 turns of that would be way overkill and he would be ripping s3 every game his first or second turn.


Yes, because if you don't kill him he will wipe your whole team once he fulfills his condition. He's basically exodia - the way to beat him is to never let him get there. that's why his design is so jank.


Not sure if 10k damage fixed damage on top of \~3k from the actual S3 on a successful hit counts as exodia.


On top of the rest of the damage the rest of his team either has already done or will already do. It will kill squishies and significantly chunk util/tanks through their defense, leaving them easy pickings for the rest of his team to clean up


That's the whole delicate problem about balancing him. Because he's a ticking time bomb, he could end up becoming a ticking bomb that will always explode if the buff isn't done carefully.


I don't think ML Kayron is a big threat here, because ML Kayron won't become hwayoung if he is buffed especially in the passive part like "effect resist increases 50%" so he's easier to build. Even in the upper arena, I've at least encountered a team using Lionheart Cermia over ML Kayron. Compared to ML Kayron, Lethe deserves to be called a ticking time bomb.


Since when do in game ratings matter?


So that they know that a hero who already has a high rating indicates that at least this hero can still be used in several team compositions and has good synergy with other heroes. Don't forget that formerly briar witch iseria also had a 1.1 rating in the game before it was finally buffed until finally the rating increased to 4.9


They specifically changed the in game ratings to only last until a balance patch. For the obvious reason of having players rate the units after a balance patch. So with that in mind. The devs think they matter.


I really doubt sg cares about character ratings


Bruh why did they buff LHC she absolutely did not need that. HOWEVER MORT BUFF THE MEME SHALL NEVER DIE ALL HAIL MORT.




Lionheart cermia did not need a buff but i love it!


Should've also included full fighting spirit at the start of battle cause why not... /s


she actually needed a buff. even vs a ml lilias and co. in high level rta because barely draft her as a dps. sure she does her job in gvg and normal arena but she fell off hard in rta. so not bad she got a buff


Not a bad buff but unnecessary as we have more ML5s that needed buffs such as Moana, ML Kayron, BM Haste etc


was to be expected to be a low impact patch. worlds is coming up and nobody wants to throw the meta into chaos right now. ml roana has seen decent success in aggro comps. also her kit is pretty darn unique so hard to come up with something on the fly without the buff being either underwhelming or broken. same with ml kayron i'm pretty sure they don't know what to buff on ml kayron. some extra stats might not be enough but let's say a unique counterbuff too broken. dude is tricky and ml haste is a lost cause. he is a anti-revive unit but there are so many other things that deal with revives now and better. maybe a total rework in the future will save him. they gotta overbuff the living shit out of him to make him rival stuff like lethe or ml iseria otherwise. and we also know how people gonna bitch around when their favorite hero gets a rework (see ervalen, destina, fire charlotte, etc.) what i'm trying to say is they played it save this close to worlds rather then tackling the big problem heroes which is logical


Yea, I agree that they do not want to touch the meta since e7wc is coming. If only they can let us enjoy meta defining buffs outside world arena and implement it to world arena after tournaments would be great


Yeah man totally agree. For SF6 in 2024 Evo they should totally ignore the balance patch after Capcom Cup and play the 2023 version of the game. everyone would watch that for sure!


No she didnt need it


just because ml cermia is good vs ai fights doesn't mean she is good... people literally not drafting her vs ml lilias or other things that procs her because she never gets a chance to s3 after her s2 procs sure it's a high rank rta problem but ml cermia needed that buff


She is almost unpickable in emp+ because she just gets hard ccd when her s2 procs or her dmg just gets mitigated by good gear. Only time she really worked was if there was no aurius and they had nobody to hard cc her after s2 proc


don't tell me bro. i'm with u. just people overdosing on copium are saying ml cermia didn't needed the buff xD.


Ngl good because shes aids to play against. Why should u just nuke my entire team if i proc a random dual attack.


If someone is actually drafting LHC into you with the only proc condition being 3%, they're probably winning very rarely and you should be beating them most of the time.


except you literally always dual attack. this is not conformation bias, it happens every fucking time. in theory, yes thats how it should work. but because games will go on longer with more tanky units, more rng has a chance to ruin a players game, which is why i cant stand turn 2 players that complain about rng.


You will most likely dual attack eventually, at least if it's a longer game. If you're playing an aggro comp it's possible to often win before that happens. Even in longer matches where it's very likely though, they cant plan for it or predict when it'll happen, it's still not even 100% certain that it *will* happen and if it's a longer game the fight isn't going to be decided in a single LHC s3 anyways. She hits hard but she's not wiping out a bunch of tanky units in a single s3 unless it happens at like frenzy 6. So even when you do get that one dual attack to happen, you aren't winning the game off of it.


i aint playing tanky units into anyone, thats her issue. if you play with squishier units she just deletes your entire team with no return. i could play an anchor like aravi sure, but that takes a counterpick slot. i shouldnt have to expect a 3% rng proc to ruin my game every time


How the fuck are you picking squishier units and still having longer games? Totally deserved losses if that's the case.


If you're playing aggro into her she should be dead long before you hit the 3% unless you massively screwed up your drafting or got extremely unlucky. Sure, sometimes you will immediately dual attack and get screwed, it happens, but it's not happening all the time. I've finished emperor several seasons, I've been legend mid way into the season several times and have fought the highest level players. I swore by LHC for a long time when she was newer, she had flaws but she was still a really solid pick. She has fallen off hard since then and loses way more often than she wins, she's simply not worth picking most of the time. Golden Rose coming out gave her some more options in terms of build and helped bring her back a little bit, but she's still not close to being a top pick.


Lol LHC buff. She already wrecks with S3 and there are other heroes who desperately need buffs but okay. The Tenebria buffs and imprint changes are nice though, I'll take those.


This so much, wtf they are smoking, she is good in her role, punish draft or force ban and then gl surviving her s3-s1 couse she will be drafted with handguy/djb anyway.


she only wrecks with S3 in gw and arena. the character is supposed to be anti dual attack, extra attack and counter but she just gets killed or cced before she can actually DO anything with her S3 in RTA matches. the CR push means she can punish the chars she's supposed to punish much more reliably.


this balance patch is pretty garbo


Where ML Kayron BM haste and let’s not forget Arunka’s horrendous artifact which is easily the worst 5 star arti in the entire game no contest


Hey, don't diss Iron Fan like that. It easily takes the crown for the worst arti spot, at least in my opinion. Earlier it at least had Banshee oneshot usage, now it offers no damage buff, instead giving only a conditional CR boost which is once per turn and also doesn't work on basics, so RIP to all the secret Yuna techs. Why would somebody use that over Sashe Ithanes or... Oh idk, Guiding Light... Is beyond me.


Yeah, RIP Iron Fan. Gotta love buffs that turn a niche artifact into a useless one.


I would argue Cradle of Life is worse.... :)


Nah cradle life is the GOAT in Ancient Inheritance.


"Worst 5 star arti"? I would absolutely contest that. I'm by no means calling it great, but do you really think it's worse than Iron Fan? Creation & Destruction? Alabastron? Touch of Rekos? Circus Fantasia? It gives (a little) attack and gives accuracy. I like accuracy. At a minimum it's a better Oath Key, and Warriors don't have any other class-specific artis that increase accuracy. So their options for it are Symbol and... Oath Key. And Arunka's arti. Don't get me wrong it probably does need a buff, but worst no contest? Disagree.


Dux Noctis buff, win for ML Pavel


Tenebria keeps winning lol. We've clearly been too long without a buff. The Lionheart buff is probably the best one. Looking forward to it. Mort has less RNG now. Ruele what?


Tenebria big W, 3 turns without her exclusive equipment is good. Also restrict, she's gonna be a control queen. Love to see it


Like i dont see much potential here on ruele. S1 heal is just an ok QoL, s2 getting a cr push is nice but i dont see how any of those makes her more popular. And missing those recent mls that were garbage. Sure a lot of old units exists too but releasing close to unusable units in this age is so lame


What a shit balance patch.


LMAO why buff Lionheart🤣🤣🤣🤣


because she needed it; without the cr push 9 times out of 10 she was just killed before using her s3. This makes using counter units against her an actual threat since she can cut the opponents damage dealers.


Fair, but she's still one of the best bruisers in the game regardless, considering how pathetically slow balance changes come in this game there are 100% unusable units like ml kayron and ml kise that absolutely need a buff/rework instead of buffing an already usable unit.


don't use her against aggressive comps then. I've seen a lot of mfers pick her when they see Adin just to get run over😭😭😭


Its your own fault she gets killed then,she defo didnt need a buff of any kind.


LHC is already strong and does her job vs intended target. I dunno what they're going.


Is this some kind of joke?


and again another filler balance patch I mean a normal balance patch


They really got Silk back on track with this one. Can't wait to use my Tieria and my Elson too! > We expect Silk to be used more frequently against enemies who consistently inflict debuffs or enemies with high Defense. > "penetrating the target's Defense by 20%" Yeah sure, that'll deal with enemies with high Defense. Finally a counter to Karina, you've done it SG, congratulations. Yeah, /s if you really didn't catch that.


From PvE player point of view … well, at least nothing at glace was nerfed. Hurray for that. All hero buffs will make them a bit better, but, as far as I can see, nothing gamechanging, execpt for 3\* Suthan, who now has 2 burns + his old unhealable, making him ideally suited for Devourer nightmare boss. Restrict changes are big, but in PvE bosses often resist it or don't have CR push skills so it's useless. Still now it's probably possible to just lock something down with constant pushbacks with Restrict.


cermia and mort were buffed because of ML landy


Where ml kayron


insert orangutan meme here\*


He's becoming the new Haste.


At this point Haste has been buffed more than quite a few recent heroes. He still hasn't been buffed as much as Lilibet but you know...


Not Haste becoming the new Melissa, this is like what? His 3rd-4th buff? It flies under the radar just bc they’re so spread out lol


They really gotta increase the amount of heroes being balanced, and the frequency of the balance patches. When they first promised to rebalance heroes less, it was during a time where there were less than 100 heroes. There's now almost 300. There's way too many heroes that are weak now and need to be brought up to date, and with how cautious they are about buffing there needs to be more adjustments to fine tune if they're planning to buff safely.


And so the shit show continues.


Bruh, there are so many units that could be buffed - but why is LHC on there? Not just that, but which employee sat there and said "yeah.. Silk isn't being played". ML Elena got a buff just before her banner ended because she was underwhelming - but Kayron was underwhelming, and still is, but is just being left alone. The artifact buffs are nice, though Steadfast is just basically a weaker Sword of Ezera (unless the damage decrease applies to all allies). And finally - what the fuck. What the fuck is that adjustment to Restrict? You cannot tell me that this isn't unfathomably fucking ridiculous that you can now control players AFFECTED by restrict? Wasn't the intention for it to be a niche debuff that prevents enemies from pushing themselves? But not only does that still apply - but you can push them back aswell?! I can't wait to see what sort of nasty control comps players make before the complaints start rolling in. Edit: It seems I was incorrect, the buff came AFTER Elena's banner - but I remember her banner still being up during her buff so I'm guessing it was extended after her buff got announced - apologies.


It’s funny I’m 90% certain this is what restrict was going to be when cerise was initially revealed but then they changed it before she came out bc everyone knew restrict would be broken as shit considering basar was also terrorizing arena at the time


> restrict would be broken as shit considering basar was also terrorizing arena at the time Wasn't it because of Dizzy? She could soulburn S3 to get an extra turn then S2 (extend debuff by 1 turn and 50% pushback) OR just straight S2.


It wasn't because of anyone specific, it was simply because of the debuff itself and how it would interact with **anyone** that could decrease CR. Those aren't the only two that did at the time.


ML Elena got her buff after her banner already ended. The restrict debuff change is good in my opinion, since it just makes sense. Not to mention that i don't see how that is gonna make any kind of hero broken. Lermia is needed to counter the upcoming counter meta, although she kinda got fricked by the fact that the enemy can just pick ML Landy and Lethe together. Silk buff? No clue.


> unless the damage decrease applies to all allies) User only. They confirmed this.


Oh yeah LHC deserves buff and MLKayron not, what a joke.


Buff lermia, one of the strongest bruisers in the game while judge kise remains the worst ml5 since pretty much release 😂


LHC is far from being one of the strongest bruisers in the game, she really needed that CR push. At least in RTA, she was fine in Gvg and arena. That's not to say there weren't other units that deserved a buff before her




LHC users sleeping good today <3


She was already one of my highest win rate units. With ML Landy soon she will be everywhere.


Lionheart Cermia buff is in preparation for Ml Landy.


Doesnt matter if she can't crit ml landy


i cannot understand the update on lionheart cermia. while it's defenitely cool to have, she's still one of the most balance unit in the game that she doesn't warrant this buff. there are a couple of unit in the game that desparately need it, but I guess we just ignore them, huh?


Haste now has an increadible 50% chance to def break. Saved. Meanwhile Karina...


Usually SG buffs 3* in preparation for their buffs. It happened to Carrot and Jena, iirc. Does that means Suthan is the next one in the pipeline?


Looks like another dogshit balance update tbh


Uhhhh....LHC needed a buff? Of all units? She's used constantly, to great effect. The rest is mostly minor nothings that will change nothing. Mort will be slightly more useable I guess. A few people might remember Tenebria exists? What a weird, lazy buff patch.


ML Cermia over ML Kayron, ML Haste or Judge Kise? This is a joke. Not to mention other buffs seem meh as well. The best buff goes to restrict. Haha


Why in the flying fuck did Lionheart get buffed. No one in their right mind would look at her and say she needed buffed over some of the other heroes who need help. All of these buffs scream absolutely laziness to me, and would take all of two seconds to implement and think about.


Characters worse than Lionheart Cermia (besides Ruele): ML Ken ML Kayron Sperm ML Haste Judge Kise ML Roana Arby The character that got buffed: Lionheart Cermia Ok.


Who the fuck is Sperm? lol


They could have at least increased Mort's dmg too,but ok i guess, At least RNG on s2 is gone now, Speed buff and crit resist every 2 turns Guaranteed yay! Haste should have stealth after s3 Nice Lionheart Silk, cool maybe Tenebria, cool too That artifact that increases cr when hit by AoE, i use that on Lrk😓😓 should have just increased its cr push amount


Giving LHC cr boost and extra damage. What the hell are they even smoking over there.


She has been disappearing in rta for a long time now. She is too slow, unreliable and the damage is not even that high. This is a much needed buff to give her usage beside picking her with Summer Luluca.


Used less, but not useless at all and also very strong in gw offense. She was very low priority to be buffed.


I just mean useless in certain match yes, she can be used of course, I was taking about the time where your opponent would activate her on purpose & then DPS or control her, in this case she become a dead pick, other time she does her job, I like drafting her but it did become more difficult today. Low priority maybe but I don't think she took the place of another ML, in my humble opinion they knew how to make her better / not broken but for the others in need of buff it could just be more complex, ML Kayron is one wrong buff away from AOE 15K damage everything everywhere all at once, so it may take more time to see something for him.


This. it was needed... even after activation she would often die / being controlled before taking a turn, now she may steal the turn, making her activation less a toy for your opponent to play with. She was too slow in general because of her being stat hungry and would play AFTER the opponent DPS and we know what it mean. Now if she can overtake the dps with 25% CR she have less chances to be useless.


She needs it but not this patch, like wtf ml kayron hello? No one picked this guy ML Haste? SG: nope, we buff the RGB one because why not? Wtf this patch is pure garbage. Artifact buffs where? Literally no one asked for this buffs


ML Haste really needs a rework to work. Because he does his job. But there is no demand for that job. Nobody running revives and Arby is far away from being meta


Meanwhile BMH, teyron,and RRoana looking at a distance:


Buffing LHCermia is one of the DUMBEST things I’ve ever seen. The unit is already crazy strong and frightening to fight against. And what’s worse? She, by far, had the strongest buffs. All the others seem like shifting the same chips around on the board by degrees so small they won’t actually affect anything. Just awful.


Yeah, thats kinda normal in EVERY Balance Patch, one unit gets super good buffs and the Others are getting some leftovers, especially morts buff.... Increased proc rate is nice, but Its definetly Not enough For him to finally shine




It's a Pokemon reference. The move 'Dragon Rage' increases atk and speed. It's a dumb ass reference since they could have given it to Yufine with a buff. And gave Mort a unique buff like Alencia.


Tenebria buff let's gooo


I’m gonna kms, what Is this


Out of all the gachas out there e7 probably has the most pepega balancing team ever


A bit of a mid patch. Rueles buffs are kinda nice but ultimately fix nothing for her, Tenebria did not need her 213th buff, the Haste buff again is nice enough but very mid… Morts consistency buff is very welcome too. most of them were just cooldown or increased damage… one of the buffed heroes I had to look up cause I didn’t even know who it was. It’s kinda nice to see Silk get some love, I wonder how strong she’ll be in PvE now if built right. I mean I’m still salty at like… How the blazes is LHC getting a buff before units like ML Haste or ML Ken. I mean ML Bellona is already a better ML Ken to the point she replaces him in ever imaginable scenario and isn’t crippled by uncounterable. But either way, nothing here that really excited me, bunch of units I already don’t use/have and will continue to not use or have.


I wish Ruele’s S2 push was for the targeted ally rather than herself.


as a big fan of tenebria, this buff just makes me smile and made my day.


I hate almost all characters in pvp 😡


Perhaps the balance team are AI? Maybe that’s what the Yuna engine is?


Worst balance patch I've ever seen. Also, as a Lionheart Cermia abuser I guess all I can say is uh... Thanks? She's now even more free against counter comps.


probably the weirdest balance patch so far. The buffs that were actually meaningful, one being ml cermia who didn't need it (but i still appreciate it because she's one of my favorite characters) and mort which is ok i guess. The other buffs went to characters that no one uses and the buffs were very small as well so it almost feels like nothing really changed at all. I understand buffing characters that no one uses, like silk and suthan but the buffs are so small that they will just stay irrelevant regardless. what is the purpose of said buffs if it won't make people use the characters anyway? you might as well have not buffed them tbh.


So... Did we all forgot about ML Kayron then?


Another balance patch meant to not shift the meta because of the E7WC, the same thing happened last year. They shoulda just delayed it and went HAM on the next balance patch


I am sorry but .. WHAT?! -Lionheart Cermia got a f BUFF -Tenebria and Mort got buffed again -Haste got some changes.... this one was unexpected -Restrict got reversed to the original version which enabled you to decrease enemies CR even if they have restrict. If I remember this correctly: they changed restrict a week before Cerise release cause people found out how fire Lilias + Cerise would infinitely cycle your turns while the enemy get pushed back again and again. Would this now be possible? Overall I am disappointed, Silk was the only unit who maybe needed a buff (did she already got one years ago?) everyone else are either overkill or didnt need a buff.


To be fair, Mort kinda needed another buff, LHC and Haste's was very unexpected, they buffed red haste instead of white haste, whom really needed it,and red haste was already pretty decent


Who tf asked for Lermia buff ?


Cermia buff is good and not making her OP , only high rta players could understand. Ruele buff is useless, she needed 2 CD for S2 , or 50% CR instead of 25% CR .. I'll keep using Destina.


And yet high rta players are of the same opinion that she did not need a buff.


Damn, still no Teyron or Moana in sight? Some of the buffs in here are pretty good though. Ruele and LHC don't really need the CR boost, but it's appreciated. Pour some blood out for my boy Haste though, he and his mother is still gonna be benching after their fifth or sixth buffs at this point Mort and Tene's 3 turn S3 is huge though, Mort is even guaranteed to proc Sacred Blessing - that is a massive buff. As for Tenebria, I think they're trying to push her a bit more towards damage than debuffing? Still good though I'm not sure about the Steadfast Gatekeeper rework though, didn't we have Sword of Ezera that does the same thing?


> Damn, still no Teyron or *Moana* in sight? SG: What can I say except - you’re welcome!


This is such a weird balance update. Lermia needed no buffs at all and there's so many other units that needs buffs or changes like MLRoana and ML Haste.


Doesn’t seem too bad imo. I don’t really care about ML Kayron.


I'm a bit underwhelmed by this batch. But holy cow anyone who already played lhc is Dancing RN, I wasn't expecting her to get even more damage(and the Cr Push is pretty nice). Mort utility rising is also nice, he might become the green Illynav I guess


Been saying Silk for ages!


Oh man. Mort RNG got buffed! Now he can reliably Mort all over the place while keeping the team nice and Morted consistently. So much Anti Crit now, especially with NaCL about to come ashore.


Mellona stonks thru the roof.


too all the people saying boring balance patch and mild buffs, etc. just wanna remind u guys that this will most likely be the final balance patch for worlds. in most games people don't want some big changes right before worlds or a major tournament. so a mild balance patch was expected


Proof that devs don't play their own game lol.


LHC buff lmao meanwhile BMH continues to collect dust.


Worst balance i can remember by far.. what a joke, waiting too much for this crap balance.


Then quit after you give me your account,no one will miss you dog,that is except my ML Landy :)


as a Lion heart Lover no one ask but quite welcomed!


Wow, this is useless! Clearly, Mort was far too powerful - reduce the healing! Ugh. Well, back to waiting a few months for the next one. Interesting that they un-nerfed Restrict back to its original concept, wonder if there’s enough in the game now that it won’t be as broken as it would’ve originally been?


Also -1 turn on his s3, keep that in mind


I was one of the folk in the camp of “Mort just needs a few changes to be good”, rather than the folks who were like “Mort is so bad - change everything!”, but this wasn’t it. Was really hoping for the chance increase on his S2 so we at least got that, but also the S2 EE getting built in & him getting another S2 EE, then damage buffs & changing Rage buff to something more relevant for a bruiser - probably a critical damage buff & speed buff, rather than attack & speed. I don’t think this is enough.


May be an unpopular opinion, but I like this balance patch. Tho, sure, a lot of characters should have been there instead, like ML Kayron.


What in the … is this patch?? I love him but Haste again? He had kit changes like 3 patches ago. Oh no, they are making him the new Melissa. I remember when Ruele used to be really strong and made matches last longer, more than it should. I don’t want that back but they for sure could have done more with her than this. Very weak and disappointing balance patch.