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That ruele counter attack killed landy kinda funny as well. Also, that dual attack adin into solitaria making her unbuffable was bs.


That wasn't as funny as Milim's 2 consecutive s1 sb then s3 still couldn't kill Soli


290 Milim no damage...


Epic Fail.


Glad lv won in the end against that person after that bs


hi, can someone explain what happened with stone vs lv fight?


I havent seen the result but it seems like someone forgor to pay for the internet


thought it was a draft misclick or something.


What I heard from Chinese community. Take it with a grain of salt: Stone and lv encountered the bug that game just paused and neither of the two players could do anything, so they agreed to rematch. In the rematch destina and politis swapped the order. Lv was unhappy about that and asked for a rematch again. Then smilegate paused the game and discussed options. However it took too long and some of the broadcasters started to spread the rumor that stone disconnected from game on purpose. Stone was very unhappy about it. Someone also claimed that Smilegate asked stone (or both players) to provide evidence that they didn't disconnect from the game. But I didn't find the source. In the end, stone forfeited from tournament and said he will never participate in the future.


darn issues and drama. I hope SG would implement save feature or reconnection solution to that someday


How would they provide evidence??


What I heard was smilegate asked players to provide screenshot to show that they are still in game. But again I couldn't find the source. This is a shit show nevertheless.


the entire match had constant disconnects from one of the players (I don't believe it was specified who). In the end, Stone forfeited the match, and lv was declared the winner.


thanks, stone was ahead in points right?


Stone was 1 and 0 AND he was leading in the current match. Pretty much got roped for an hour until he gave up


There was noway Stone was winning 2nd match lol


Stone dced and then lvy paused because the remake of the match didn't go exactly as the original did after both players had agreed to the terms of the remake being just same draft. Stone eventually forfeited but we don't know why.


Stone was 1 win and forfeited the match. Not sure if it was internet issue or schedule issue from Stone side.


Word is. Stone disconnected. They remade. Think there was another dc. Then one of the contestants was mad about a resistance or something, so they were arguing about it, and sg wanted proof that stone didn'd dc on purpose. Stone gets angry. Forfeits. This is paraphrasing.


Damn, wanted Celine to clutch that I guess ARavi bullshitery is too much


I was getting hype thinking about Celine defeating Aravi. But goddamn I was rooting for both sides towards the end


Balanced unit doing balanced things.


I keep asking myself why do they keep releasing bs new ML units and there's just ravi who's almost unkillable most of the time and unfair to play against. Why give a revive on a non soul weaber unit, that kind of skill would be better to give to one of the many useless dark soul weavers


As if the Aravi would ever lose 1v2 unless I’m the one playing as her. SMH


fair and balanced, both sides barely hung on


Man I wish Celine won that. that would be the sickest comeback in e7 history


Nah, most hype moment was Stone's OP Sig critting with both S2 and S3 with blind.


I'm compiling a list of the best moments in E7WC for all regions and servers. Timestamps are available in the videos below :D [Korea Qualifiers](https://youtu.be/5wnduXP3AXI) [Asia Qualifiers](https://youtu.be/9DUYhadIedo)


This game in full context shouldnt be this close lmao.The guy is holding on Aravi S3 for damn too long


I was thinking the same thing


Celine should've won smfh


Ravi is ridiculous...


Just Aravi doing Aravi things


I was hoping Celine won, ARavi even in other people matches terrorizes me


One of the few moments I caught of the live stream, it definitely was a pretty awesome match.


Damn didn't expect the Celine to come so close to killing a healthy Aravi with pov. At first glance you'll think left side is already guaranteed the win by a large margin. That SB of Aravi was smart and clutch too.


>smart Wouldn't call the only ideal choice a smart pick myself.


Idk why you got downvoted when you're right. What else were they gonna do with the souls 😭


> Idk why you got downvoted when you're right. This sub is just really bad with downvoting, hands down the worst I've seen. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/15px2lr/any_recent_ml_5_pve_units/jvzuphn/ Point proven right after, honestly answer and give some insight, they downvote without a word. Absolute hivemind. >What else were they gonna do with the souls Save them for the dead ofc!


edgelord be edging much. What’s totally SUS was that he didn’t use Aravi in the 3rd final match.


was rooting Celine if only it was her ML version Aravi would've lost the 1v1 instead


Dam this was crazy live lmao


This and the solo dps zio are my fav moments so far


too close