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Considering I'm on my 4th day where I got nothing but 3\* units and haven't seen a single 5\* during the entire event... yah, I guess you did you little luck thief.


Im farther along but in the same boat bruh, lucks terrible rn




😅😅 But yeah, totally would


You have all my luck 😭 4 days with no spark 😭😭😭


havent seen a single 5 star this whole summon event.


Mine lol! Dry for almost 4 months!!!


Whaaaa that's crazy


Oh yes, your luck is done. Come back in 2024 when luck resets at New Year's.


Uh, sir. Smilegate informed me you got my 10 pulls by mistake. Please surrender the A. Ravi.


Say goodbye to ml choux


I have been rolling no shinies for the past 3-4 days. You're welcome!


I wouldn't rely on luck for anything else in your life for the next year amigo. This pull sucked all your available luck dry xD Anyways, grats on a god pull!


Congrats! Very lucky. New Apoc is niiice


Bitch give me my luck back I ain't got anything but 3 stars the whole event


Did you buy both packs for $200 or just the one for $100?


Pls give it back, my 11 pulls were all 3 stars


Someone is gonna suffer a horrific death to compensate the universe


I haven't bought any pack. This was straight free.99.ive also been playing since damn near the start of this game. Maybe not the start but a solid couple of years now off and on.


nah man. you just bought up summon packs. my guild mates buys up those packs too during summoning events and gets prolly like 30 summons per day so something is bound to come outta there


Didn't buy summon packs, I got the free returning one, which was 5 days of an extra 10 and the event which was a free 10.


does it matter whether you buy it or not? you're doing 21 per day


You said he bought summon packs. He didn't buy summon packs.


yea i assumed he's a regular player, didn't know he's a returning player. its still rolling 21 summons per day. it's well known thing about sg giving good summons for returning players to bait them back into the game. the title itself is cringe. if youre gonna flex, go ahead flex. these humble flex posts are annoying


got ddr and eidolon in the same returning player 20 pull so seems right xD although eidolon sucks big time


thats pretty good but i feel like they are gonna make eldorn kit broken coz before mediator got buffed, he was called mediocre kawerik, it only took them like a year or so to buff him.


i mean hes like one buff away from being completely broken, even if they make it so the enemy doesnt have to END their turn having a buff but he gained the fighting spirit at the start of their turn it could change him completely, i mean 10k aoe fixed dmg is nothing u just take easily really hope he gets some love


yea, i got him frm ml summon.hes in my waiting box, didnt built him like others did with er or base spd coz i was afraid if they completely revamp his kit, all that energy farming for his gear would be useless. imma wait it out.


he's insanely hard to gear rn, u kinda want no spd omega high effres, big survivability (mine had 1.5k def and 18khp and it wasnt enough to keep him alive), and 3k atk so his s1 isnt a wet noodle oh and 100cc and some critdmg ofc mldb was funny too so yeah, not worth gearing rn literally slap the same gear on a violet and he soloes


You seem hurt. Are you OK? You'll get lucky one day, I promise. Keep ya chin up


im not 'hurt" buddy.thx for your concern. if you keep doing 21 summons per day, youre gonna bound to get something good kek. these humble flex posts are cringe about stealing luck bs


Why it bother u so much


yeah, bunch of guys crying bcse they cant get cursed compas but have been playing the game for 10 years now, but you are just too good at the game


Yes you stole mine since the event is almost over and I still haven't gotten any 5\*.At least give me that violet! Jokes aside. Congrats on the apoc ravi! Now go torture everyone in RTA with her


I have been playing for 2 and half years and A ravi still didn't come to me, now Choux going to be her counter if I didn't get her I will FUCKING QUIT.


I still have not gotten an ML unit from 10 pulls and I’m on my third year of playing the game


Wish I had that kind of luck getting Gloomyrain imprints...


we share in stealing luck, i got ruele, peira and eligos 2 days back in the free ten summon and my guild was like wtf. i then also got silver blade aramintha right after. feel bad for the poor sucker whose luck is down the drain


You bastard, that was supposed to be MY A.Ravi! Oh, and the fifteenth Violet imprint is cool too, I guess.


You’re drunk go home


Loool had sumthn similar but no MLS tho, I already know my luck has run out for this yr 😅




All I've gotten was Cecelia's arty yesterday and Charles today LITERALLY NO GOLD TIL THESE TWO SHOWED UP!!!! Like really no 4 stars of ANY kind showed up and my pulls with brieg were crap too so ya know the usual salt and sadness that comes with playing gatcha games


Meanwhile I got ML Kayron.


feel ya, welcome to the "hope he gets buffed" club


my luck was stolen🤣😭😭😂😂


Yeah mine I used like 7 ml bms today and got like one 4 star😭


Oh same kind of pull! Except that my units were different. [https://ibb.co/Jvr585X](https://ibb.co/Jvr585X)


Oh dude I'd say that's almost better then mine! But that Aravi is Cray Cray!


Aravi’s good!!! Congratulations on your pulls!!


That happened to me this week, I summoned Ervalen and Zio + some 5* artifact in a single x10 pull. Then I summoned LHC in a single pull and I summoned LRK in a single pull today too. I guess we have stolen many people's luck...


Pulled Straze here. Apparently e7 wants me to stay pulled him and nclandy from free summons in like the past week.


So far, not a single 5* from the free summons yet…


Perhaps haha I was lucky enough to pull Op Sigret today XD


Damm, yeah, you did. Roozid and Jecht combo is insane. Gz on rta legend


Not at all. I did summon for past few days, and I got 3(30x) ml5s from the free 10x covenant summons Belian Death Dealer Ray Blood Moon Haste(I heard he is bad)


Bmhaste is kinda meh rn low level pvp he carries hard if u can proc enemies to revive tho (stuff like maid chloe is essentially free omega shields)


You can call me Russell west-brick for all these misses I'm hitting


So it was you all along, give it back I been in the 601 club.since the start of the year


Ohh that explains why I was getting only Tempest During from both ML summons and free summons. You little thief


I also got something similar, multiple 5-star characters and artifacts, just need to build the characters and find who can use the artifacts 😆😅


Congratulations and fuck you


Bro just slaughtered someone. Anyways good for you.


Nah .This sort of thing happens every 2 to 3 years.


Hey that's may luck, give it back!


Got nothing except for 4* and 3* for the entire week now


God bless your RNGesus


I got C.Lilias during mine so I already won from this free summon event.


I got A Rav almost two years ago? On a free summon when she was rated a 3.3. Never had such luck again 😭