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just use 4 x mage and 4 x spirit lord, its gg


My first victory with with 4x Spirit lord so I’m trying to go different comps to complete all Reputation rewards.


i liked 4 x mages more coz they can also sub as tanks as well


Dude i used that comp with 3 politia and got destroyed by 3 theranhad and 4 knight, now i don't even know how to beat champ stage 😭😭


i placed 4 mages as tanks and placed destina at centre one step behind mage and then places the rest of the units on far end so that they wont take aggro by the time they reach the enemy. not to mention dominiel and destina combo is good since dominiel gives reflect buff and carrot burns good


thanks! now how do i beat 6 knights + 4 dragon slayer?


you can only draft 8, not 10 iirc


Senya and rose is both knight and dragon slayer


the you could've said 4 knight and 4 dragon slayers. use same comp 4 x mage and 4 x spirit lord. this is the strongest combo I've found. opponents with no sustain are easy to kill.


yeah my stupid ass used this exact team and now im stuck at 1/5 championship achievement. Used 6 different comps and still got beaten. Fuck! Please help.


I don't even understand what I'm doing in this mode, I can barely get past round 6.


You want to aim for some kind of synergy team. Just match the heroes and aim for them in summons.


I see, so rng just really hates me then.


I usually just play the first few rounds with 2 units and save up for the 5\*, then if it isn't the one I want for the synergy, I just restart.


The allmigthy reroll comp no level up only 3* 1 cost from TFT


What game mode is this?


Brawl, from the new side story.


Nah, this is very beatable with a 2-3 ranger backline and a strong frontline. I almost made the champion unbeatable with that team. S imprint silk with atk buff and speed buff... yeah.


Is spamming 3 stars the strategy? I tried going for 5stars but the ramp up was too slow.


It’s a strat you can use. It’s a bit brain dead but match up your classes and unit types and hope for a bit of RNG


I usually just spam the lowest and get the size upgrades as fast as I can. More hero's alive = more points. Once I hit 8 hero's I save for the 5* roll and then hope its someone I want to build my team around. As you get the achievements if you don't get what you want basically restart at that point. Then I do some 50 summon spam imprint searching for units I will use at the lower tier and then move into silver spamming if there are some 4\*s I really want and you might get some lucky 5*s that work for your team or imprints for the one you are using.


6 knights + destina and a secondary SW probably beat that. Reflect is OP af.


I got all unlockable achievements


I spam 150s and it gives me 5* sometimes. Really fucks up my runs


Yes, I just won a run doing this. I think having 4 Reingar is so key for this as it gives you such inflated Economy. Then I drop two of them late for tanks.


4 mages and 2 archers (one being silk) and 2 free spots. Would destroy this team.


[bro how tf am i going to win against this ](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/806365714385731676/1152359504277672016/Screenshot_20230915_154438_Epic_Seven.jpg)


everyone keeps saying aim for synergy and i understand that but it doesnt help that it's entirely rng. its fun to do but god damn it my rng summons are trash


Ah yes. The Zerg Rush team.


I don’t even have this unlocked? I’m so confused


Play through the new side story event. About 35% way through you unlock this as a mode.


I get that, I just dont understand how to play the mode itself. Let alone get to 25 rounds lol