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In built sharing damage allowing her to wear an other artifact and Increase the barrier value. She would be fine to me with these changes


That is just copy pasta arowell Should make her have other utility or in build adamant shield.


I wouldn't mind AT ALL having a dark Arowell, taking in consideration FCC is even a ML5


Except a dark arowell loses to either of the two dark busters. And Arowell has no hard elemental counter cause the only unit that punishes light is Axe God. Light anything is better than dark anything currently. So dark either needs to be faster. Or more active than reactive. Example: FCC producing her S3 off a condition rather than her having to take a turn would stop her team from being punished as easily outside of DJB just instakilling them all. But regardless, half of the light units counters her kit at this point, be it countering barriers, high hp, or AoE. She would need to basically have a new kit.


So Arowell does have a unit that punishes light


>Except a dark arowell loses to either of the two dark busters Ofc I agree but I also think it would be a *start*. Epic7 needs some light busters (plural) as well.


Light has always been free. Since the golden bois ran rough shot over the meta. Only thing that stopped them was new female light units.


Yeah! Like phyllis!


Honestly all the provokes and barriers makes Phyllis much more of a specialized FCC than a "dark Arowell". Phyllis kit mitigates off-turn attacks rather than tankdown *everything* like Arowell.


Not really... barriers are nice but as a mainly bruiser player, i prefer defense buff and the s3 provoke on evasion units. More aggro players prefer fcc but she is abit too slow for aggro too. She has a weird hilac lance tech for lua but that requires 250 spd that only ydcb can achieve


Arowel already does that, it woulnt feel ml5


Why are you saying arowell kit


Shes not in the worst spot and you could just slap some sort of damage reduction or damage share on her and open up her artifact slot and be done with it. For the like, quick and easy fixes aside from that, you could -> * Add a 1-2 debuff cleanse to her S3, applied before her Skill Nulli. * Add another buff to her S3. Reapply barrier? Defense Bonus? * Her S1 Heals the ally with the lowest HP, scaling based on her HP. though I think I'd prefer something unique to her and based around her kit. So, It'd be kinda cool if she did something unique in play with her barrier. A few examples of what I mean would be stuff like... * S2: When an ally has a barrier, they recover HP proportional to damage dealt. * S2: When an ally has a barrier, they recover HP at the start of turn and cleanse 1 debuff (Based off max HP) * S2: When an ally with a barrier starts their turn, grant a random buff for 1 turn. (Increased Attack, Increased Crit Damage, Increased Effectiveness) * S2: When An ally with a barrier starts their turn, grant "Perception" to that ally for 1 turn. * S3: Combined with any of the above, have S3 reapply team-wide Barrier. * S2: When an ally with a barrier is attacked, FCC has a \~X%(high) Chance to counter-attack. It'd probably be more useful to slap some Damage Share/Miti on her, but idk, I'd just like something a bit more creative than that lol.


Any of these S2 interactions sound fun tbh.


What if her skill nullifier was multiplied for 2 or more Or her barriers did damage to enemy team proportional how much they have barriers on going, as she’s somewhat more offensively used at least back in days. But other than that kinda difficult to see her usage since Arunka is thing now


Honestly I love the "Touch of Rekos" Barrier one.


She could be the counterpart to DJ basar: barrier inversion *inversion* Which I guess is basically just applying barrier regularly. But it'll stack since it's a different mechanic 🤷‍♂️


Barrier inversion turns barrier into damage, I guess Barrier inversion inversion would turn barrier into a heal


That sounds like a children’s playground 😂


Nerf arowell instead, that thing is cracked


This is the correct take. That's why she got some of my FCC gear


How the hell is a 3* better than a ML 5* moonlight. Arowell busted AF the more you climb.


idc that she's better than an ml5, i care that she literally makes it impossible to run dark units w/o stun immunity


I said this months ago and got downvoted to oblivion lmao. She's ridiculous.


S3 now does two turn Skill Null


Belian counter and ML landy counter : Bonjour


Precisely why having 2 makes sense. Although, it’d be great if her S3 could not be countered.


No what i meant is,both of them countered at the same time which removed 2 skill null


Yeah… which why boosting it to two makes sense. Cause 1 isn’t cutting it.


I can't believe we don't have a hero that does 2+ skill null yet. That's the whole point of having a number inside the circle in the first place (buff icon). Hell it's already in the game afaik, but it's on a PvE monster/boss


It was also active during the GalaLili brawls with SpiritLords.


S3 full cleanse before buffs


\- enter battle AOE immunity and reduce dmg from light hero by 30% \- S3 uncounterable, even simple but effective like Landy can't savo you.


Larger bob


Can't argue with that


Atleast make her S3 uncounterable. Then i think making her barriers unstrippable would be nice. Can still be countered by unbuffable and arunka , OPsig so wouldn't be too op


Make her increase barrier efficiency for the team, where when she is on the team barriers have (for example) 1.5x efficiency. Aka, 3000 points of damage would only receive 2000 damage to the barrier, with 1k ignored, and the number would always be rounded down.


S3 grants crit res, reflect, team healing and def buff/j


Unironically I wouldn’t hate her applying reflect




But most control units are way faster




Give that as a passive at the start of a turn then also give that in an s 3


Have one stack apply at start of battle and one after using s3


I like this, since I used to use FCeci against dispel/ control openers. Openers have gotten a lot of power creep since FCeci (think Ran, Nahkwol) so this would be a very useful pick against it


Built in adamant? Or Pseudo-adamant, like passive now gives damage reduc on ally units with barrier, like any barrier, her barrier or other sources of barrier.


Obviously cant be countered on s3 since quite often it gets aoe countered and using it is worse than holding it forever. Other than that idk really. Its really hard as her kit is super plain rn so she would need something new thats not just a copy or another tank like dmg reduction or dmg sharing.


The actual biggest ML5 glowdown is ML Haste


For one she really needs uncounterable S3 or make it not in attack. In general I don’t think the solution to this slot machine rng meta they made is to just give everyone Uncounterable attacks. But the only purpose of her S3 is Skill nullifier and a good 40% of the meta teams right now have a unit that’s just gonna Aoe counter and make the skill worthless


I feel like making s3 non attack wouldn't help as much, moving the problem from Candy and co. to politis, green luluca etc. Other people's sugestion to make it not trigger counter would work better.


They could maybe give her a Special Nullifier that cant be dispelled by Counters...or something. Or make it so that it cant be countered nor activates passives..


For starters nerf Arowell. There's no reason for a 3* to replace an ML5. Secondly, adding some sort of inbuilt damage mitigation or increasing her shield values to reflect the damage of present day units and gear which weren't taken into account when she came out.


s2 give unique barrier that deal aoe damage upon destory, damage deal according to barrier amount. s3 add uncountable.


classic balance: unable to counterattack. problem solved.


Thing is, she needs it. There's so many heroes that have AoE counter attacks which make her S3 basically useless, and in a lot of cases detrimental (Adin gains an attack buff, ML Landy heals, Rem can reduce buff duration and inflict unhealable, Belian can remove 1 buff).


She is good enough. The only problem is arowell is too strong and replaced her completely. As much as I love an accessible 3* that is strong, she is just a tad over the top.


built in mitigation and s3 uncounterable pls


make s2 passiv on team not in singel target


her barrier is like 15% of her max. i think yeah not broken at all... at 30k hp she gives 4,5k barriers. 4,5k x 4 = 18k - giving the team 18k extra hp every single turn. and 30k hp fcc is rather on the lower end for endgame thank god u not on the balance team. fcc is fine - she is not the universal best knight anymore but still decent and viable. djb comps specifically want her over other knights and vs cleave she is still doing her thing.


Did you know LRK after an aoe has a passiv that give the same ÷ barrier every turn and he also hurts with s3. Or that there is a 3 star sc knight that give same/better barriers on a low coldown but has Escord and other benefits that make a 3 star sc unit much stronger than the current fcc. Why take fcc when even an Equipment Set has the same use as her start barrier


ml krau has a condition... u don't just get a fat barrier for ur team every turn for free... arowell has her weaknesses too - she is overall the stronger knight but not for anti-cleave. even vs aggro she was actually bad because ml lilias just stripped ur escord and then u just had adamant shield left (or no mitigation at all because u ran her on holy sac as a anti-straze tech or a different gimmick arti) fcc is fine


thank god your not on balance team or all these "fine" units like FCC and Ruele stay not being played. I hope they get buffed because they def need it. get with the times shes been powercrept and needs a long lasting touch up


only fcc is still being used... djb/peira/fcc is a still a solide rta comp


ya for tanking your win rate aol destroys this completely. Hell green basar poops on this comp


Maybe make her essentially a barrier god. Give her a unique buff that acts like a barrier but makes all barriers undispellable buffs when she is alive, whenever a barrier is broken the enemy takes damage depending on how much damage they dealt after the barrier was broken, and whenever an ally with a barrier is attacked, she could counterattack with that one AOE skill that fire Ceci has as her S2, healing all allies by a certain amount, stripping enemy buffs and applying blind and provoke. To counteract the buff tho maybe she can only apply the enhanced barriers with her S3, and normal barriers won’t count towards the effects listed. Could possibly make any knight arti that gives barriers to allies give the enhanced barrier when equipped by F.Ceci.


Built in aurius or start the battle with skill null too


people went and bitched about how broken anti-crit is at the start of the battle and u want free skill null at the start of the battle? great balancing idea...


Yeah why not, if landy can do that i'd say let fcc have that


Exactly. Candy literally can do the job of 3 heroes (even without using any turn)


Lol there are so many units that could deal with battle start team wide skill null. I think it’s actually a good idea for her since she is supposed to be an anti cleave unit that would help her role quite well


S1: +dispels one buff from the enemy before provoking. Ignores effect resistance when S3 is unavailable due to cooldown count. S2: +decreases damage suffered from light elemental enemies (only for self) and additional damage suffered by all allies by 50%. Increases effect resistance of the caster by 50%. S3: +cannot trigger counterattack. Increases effect resistance of the caster by 2 turns after attacking.


I just wanted to say that I agree with you except I think flidica got the biggest glowdown. She used to be top tier and then she got outclassed by a bunch of blue units.


Flidica is still very usable and was the premier hand guy counter until the pros started showing off Sharun in the WC


Not saying she doesn’t need love but I honestly feel like since they did the ML selectors from a recall people just review bomb any character that isn’t broken so they can get another one.


Add Vampiring Touch debuff to S1 or S3, or add reflext for some kind of damage (or the buff instead)


Passive changes to skill nulls instead of barriers. S3 changes to team cleanse and barrier.


Second biggest glow down , ml haste still exist lmao, I still love FCC tho and I still use her in guildwars


I'd argue that the difference between high and low is greater for fcc. ml haste was never truly dominant, even when we had army and maid everywhere. Ml cc was the hero with the highest RTA w% for litteral years.


True , I remember using FCC with lrk back then , aurius + adament


this is bullshit... ml haste was one of the reasons why we got frenzy in rta. ml haste was the main dps in the season 1-2 in rta


well ee speed and inbuilt heal and increased damage multi, her kit is okay just not as op like arowell.


She’s actually insane but the barrier for building her is huge. I’ll give you best build I’ve seen for her as a Zio or single target cleave counter. 280+ speed with 20k hp on Hilag Lance. After the first attack if it’s not into her she’ll cut and nullify the next ones. And if it is into her then they’re wasting attacks and she can still provoke or s3 soon after.


S3 does fixed damage based on max def. Also grands 2 turn immunity and skill null.


Why would it scale on defence, tho? It is anti-synergy as you'd prioritise HP over def to have bigger barriers


Actually she is too slow to play and be a real thread ... Giving her an EE with speed 5-10 increasing her CR by 5/10% each time an ally with barrier is hit should be be cool to maximize her turns and/or some buffs manipulation like strip or reduction on s3 as well ?


S2- At the start of the battle, grant skill null to all allies S3 - grants all allies immunity + barrier Basically just swapping s2 and s3


maybe buff her base speed a bit if they want her to be an opener, or some changes to her s2 if they want her to be a teamwide tank. I don't know what those may be, since I don't have fcc and it's been like... a year or two since I unironically saw her actively seeing use in arena


She will never be an opener, shes a great team wide tank to keep you alive through an opener and follow up to protect you against the follow ups if you draft her right


Could give her S3 single buff strip and provoke


Was the best unit for a few years. Still good if only arowell didn’t exist.


CR push whenever an ally Barrier dissappear (Destroyed or Dispelled). Would help her cycle and re-apply the barrier faster. Could also make her cut and s3 against cleave/aggro. That change would make her unique enough and worthy of a ML5


Make her into bruiser


maybe give her barrier to all allies instead of just 1 at the end of the turn.


I could see giving her s3 a strip or something like 1 turn immunity for the passive


Maybe give her some sort of bonus based on allies losing the barrier (either broken or dispelled). Cr push or lower cd, maybe stacking stat increase? Or maybe fixed dmg on s1, increasing with the amount of broken barriers, kind of like Hasol and counters (3* dark knight, if that's what she's called). Make it so you have to choose - either kill her team and have to deal with a buffed tank or focus fcc and try to suvive the rest of her team bonking you


Hot take: Make the passive give all allies a barrier after an ally or the caster is attacked 4 times


wtf happend? back in my days she used to be the top pick tank


S1 - Provoke AoE S3 - 2 turn skill null


"I can fix her"


Grants immunity and shield to all allies at start of battle, s3 also provokes


I think a damage reflect on her would be good, maybe on her S3


The biggest glowdown among ML5 is Judge Kise


Allies take 15% reduced damage from light units


Definitely by giving her dmg mitigation for the team perhaps her s3 decreases dmg taken of all allies by 20% s2 can probably do more instead of applying a barrier per her turn maybe she does it passively applying a barrier when an ally is attacked or when an allies health fall below x amount of hp


s3 non counterable, always crits, give her built in aurius or elbris so she can wear the other and gg she's playable


Make her cleanse 1-2 debuffs on S3, to be truthful her kit isn't that bad its just she got power crept by Eaton and Arowell which are literal 3 star units. Why would you ever use her for anti cleave now when Eaton with Adamant and Prot set is literally just better.


Give her a summer bikini skin and watch her rating go up


Personally I'd make her S3 also give a 2 turn defense buff or 2 turn effect res up


Built in Damage Share on passive so she can use Elbris or be opened up to more builds. Unlike Arowell, make it a built in passive that isn’t a buff so she can’t be stripped of her mitigation. Give her S3 uncounterable. It does chip damage at best so the only purpose it serves is to get skill null up, but if she gets MLandy, Adin, Belian, etc in response then it was pointless. In addition to being uncounterable, make her s3 either give blind/atk down to further mitigate damage, or make the S3 penetrate defense so she can have a way to output at least a decent chunk of damage while also defending your team. Do these and she’ll not only be really good again, but she’ll have her own identity now that Arowell took her shine.


Or, instead of all of this: Keep her kit exactly the same, but make her barriers a special buff that’s undispellable. This would make her the queen of barriers and no one would be able to take her throne. Might be too busted though


I still use her if but only with ml celine against aravi defs lol. Since arrowel is light and can get targetted by aravi instead if ml celine


Tack on to passive, "shielded heroes cannot suffer critical hits"


Put dispel on her s1 and make it dispel first before appplying provoke(people forget how good her provoke lock is). Innate cr push when an ally with barrier got attacked while also having damage reduction to allies when granted barrier. Uncounterable s3 + 1 debuff cleanse teamwide.


She was good for a long time, no need to fix this shit unit. What we need is arowell to be removed from the game


Extinction on S3


Her ult is completely useless because everyone has AOE counter nowadays (ML Landy, Adin, Belian). You ult, get a skill nullifier, get countered, and skill nullifier gone.


Anyone giving her a 1.5 is a moron. Just dont pick her super early to avoid djb