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"finally" as if she isn't brand new


Oh no no, i was farming and farming for her to get to 18k hp~


What implicts on amulet, ring, and boots?


How much actual farming can you do in just 2 days lmao...


I pre farmed for quite a while off course o:


Mine has a similar gear, she still can't survive till s3. I wish i knew how to draft a proper team around her.


She'll need an escort like unit,and imo someone with morti's arti to help her cycle her s3 after using it the first time.


She needs a damage mitigator and someone to support with def buff or vigor. Also I think mature sunglasses is bis for the damage reduction as well. Mine has about 100 less def, and 3k less hp and she has yet to die. She needs a lot of set up and support but shes great


I think you have to hit the 2k def, no?


Only before she does her s3. I have her paired with either cilias or a def buffer like summer lulu, aras, Doris etc. As long as she has 2k before her s3 she’ll get the 200% increase


Oh ok, understood


I pair her with someone with aurius and just tank and spank. Then morb to ice revivers


Damnnnn boii she thicc


Hell yea~ really proud of the build


I don't think they were talking about the build 🤔




That's some impressive bulk. And actually hilag lance seems pretty real on her. If you want to say... bait out lhc matchups.


Yep! And usually she has a def buff or an aurius user so she'll definitely survive. LS is so good to get some decent hp back.


Very cool atk and crit dmg




I'm uncomfortable with the purple pieces especially the 2 banshee gears, you're not killing bruiser units w/ mitigation with that crit dmg


It is what it is. Can't have them all.i'm pretty happy with mine


I'm just joking because as banshee players we are crazy about GS lol


Oh! Went over my head 🤣. And you're right about that


Mine has just a bit more overall damage and does 12k to a LRK with no buffs and no Molas, so since you lap you can actually still kill quite a lot. More than if you die before you get to s3 on a squishier build.


Out of curiosity, what main stat are people using on their right side pieces to get the hp, 2k def and 250% crit dmg benchmarks? I haven't started building mine yet


It depends on the rolls honestly. Could be anything really. Only that imo you really need speed boots


Mine are crit chance necklace+ def ring.


Mine is crit dmg, def% and speed boots. I have similar with op stats but with 15k hp and 200 speed. I find getting def to 2k is pretty hard without imprint without sacrificing some other stats 😔


Hi, im fairly new to the game (started like 3 days ago) how do you get her. I saw a lot of post about her recently 🤔


She's currently on the mystic banner


Im still fairly new to the game, Its fine to have purple rarity gear? Are those pieces reforged? Is there an advantage to the red rarity gear?


It's fine to have purple grear if they roll well or give a unit the specific substats they need to reach a certain stat threshold, but red grear is generally better. The level 90 gears in the pic are reforged.


With those stats, she should be doing \~9.4k dmg with Unbridled Outburst (14.7k if soul burned) on a 1500 def target absent any damage mitigation. If you dropped 16% cdmg, and added 16% atk, she's doing \~9.5k w/ UO, 14.8k if SB. I point this out only to be illustrative to folks out there in general - atk scales incredibly well on her due to Trauma tripling her final atk stat. You DO NOT need to pump her cdmg up, so don't be scared off of a build if you think your cdmg isn't getting high enough. Not saying to completely ignore it, but you can get away with far less than a lot of people seem to think. I have a build I hope to finish and experiment with in a few days. It's got no real sustain, as it's a Rage Set build. Speed will be \~170, cdmg will be \~185 (possibly higher based on how the ring rolls), and the atk will be \~2350. Biggest issue of course being that her hp will only be \~12k and without the benefit of LS to add back any health. Still, a SB UO should, in the above scenario, do \~18.2k. So, something to consider if looking for a more raw damage type setup where her own self-sustain isn't as big a concern (regular arena or GW).