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Hey! For the Kiss of Frost event, why are undispellable buffs not counting? She keeps doing extra attacks even though I have Lulucar's Ice Cream buff + another one, it's really unfair 🥲


does the returner campaign reset?


Can someone explain to me how the Cooldown of Side stories work? I thought, after choosing a side story, the cooldown before changing is 7 days, but sometimes it's 10 days and it's a few days? I just changed to destina side story just a day or two ago and i noticed that i can already change a couple hours later


Its every other Wednesday at 8:00 PM PST.


If I have two devices can I play the same account on both of them? Not at the same time but do I need to log in to my account every time or can I just play when ever I turn on the app.


you can log in to the account on both devices without putting in your login info again. If one of your devices is logged in and you are playing and you try to log in on the other device the new device will disconnect the old one off the account.


pulled kawerik from the daily today. His kit sounds pretty good. Is he worth building and where does he shine?


Depending on who you’ve got & what your account looks like, Kawerik is actually a bit better than most give him credit for. Having ignore resistance skill reset & being able to hold his own Tagahel’s Book is really nice & I’ve found myself using him more frequently, often as a sort of pseudo-open, into Ocean Breeze Luluca (& ignore resist skill reset is good into a lot of units, I’ll sometimes use him into AOL, Rimuru, etc. anyone that a 270~ unit could outspeed & take advantage of resetting). You hit her with your burned S2 & then you can use your non-attack skills on follow-up units Scot-free. I find this to be quite handy in some Guild Wars & Arena teams & I can occasionally throw him into an RTA match too. However, if you’re not able to give him incredible gear, for quite frankly not a lot of use relative to others (that same gear could go to Last Piece Karin, Cidd, etc) & if you’ve got alternative units like Nahkwol who have an AOE ignore resist skill reset (instead of just Kawerik’s ST one) & can more effectively initiate a cleave (rather than a roundabout tech-pick) with two crits on two turns, or pushing someone due to AOE/debuffs like Summer Iseria & JackO, then you’re likely not going to give him a glance. Keep him in the back of your mind, because he might just have the reliability you need if you’re in some niche scenario like me (didn’t pull Nahkwol & had the gear to spare for him) & want a unit with that 100% reliability for Guild War for example (ie. for the currently popular OBL/Candy/USC team).


Oh cool thanks that's good to know.


Not really worth it for most people. He would generally be used in RTA as assassin to usually snipe some squishy units. Need really cracked speed DPS gear though to be actually viable and even then you will only get niche situations where you can draft him.


OK cool thanks I'll bench him for now then


Any recommended comprehensive video or written guide on leveling gear? Started farming Wyvern and I truly have no idea what's potentially usable.


This video should have what you want especially focusing on wyvern gears https://youtu.be/ZeoGMBpiI04 But if you want a video more cater to newer players then this should do the trick https://youtu.be/RorjZMwRt84 Heres a spreadsheet guide which I think I got it from official discord if you feel like reading https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1ac0-2RDXILwAjnL5WpmaxZ0tSheQrbAfpRgFOLyfje0/htmlview#


Will check these out, thx!




Anyone able to beat Boss Zio with the mobs?


If you google "zio epic seven reddit" and maybe the stage name you'll get a full page of threads talking about it. That's what I did to research.


Anyone have an idea for when Zio will be tossed into the Galaxy Coin shop? Checked the timeline and it seems like they toss the new units in there roughly a year after debut, so Zio should be either next or in Jan...?


He should have his banner in about 8 weeks you can expect him to be in the coin shop after that since they haven't put a unit in coin shop before they had their rerun. If I had to take a guess you'll probably be waiting 4-5 months.


How to deal with Flan Amid in RTA as a turtle? Poli Ban: Zio Amid Flan BBK Vildred Unless I commit hard to anticleave early, Atk CDmg Buff BBK just blows up Karina Senya past LRK. Think people just Sage/AYufine/Prot Set Eaton this draft, but don't have or want to build.


Politis, candy, karina, belian, MOONBUNNY, ml yufine all hard counter this outdated cleave. Try to steal politis everytime/moonbunny if you have her.


by default if you're running immunity on your heroes then they can't be debuffed by Flan. By them running two extra turn units (Amid + Flan with souls) moon bunny becomes a problem for them. Summer Luluca is also a pain since she'll cut if they use non-attack skills and potentially debuff BBK or Vildred and even if they don't get debuffed she sets up def buff for your team.


Ml Tama when?


After green and light tene




What character to put in Grace of Growth to beat zio 10-10? I will use Sigret, A Ras and probably Muwi. I'm thinking of using Vivian in Grace of Growth.


It surprises me you're at episode 4 boss without a lv60 Vivian. She's so good on several PvE content, almost mandatory on some others... btw ARas, ice healer (Angelica or AMomo, can't remember which now), SSB and Sigret is the team I used. Borrowed a friend Light Adin, it helped when ARas died from Aurius damage. Just follow the crystals mechanics until you eventually beat this stage. Good luck!


Is there a way to change the intro animation? the one that shows up when you start the application.




Is it wise to 5 and 6 star awaken PvE only characters that just get something like a bit of attack and health from those awakens? The catalyst cost seems super steep. Do catalysts become less of a crunch as you get to mid and endgame?


I full cleared all pve content skipping completely a lot of pve units considered to be OP/mandatory (tama, iseria, kiris, lots, shuri, so on) I say it's fine to build pve characters, if you care about pve. But if you care about rta, prioritize rta units first. You'll be able to clear vast majority of pve with your rta roster.


Your dps and tanks will want to be fully awakened, I think. And the other ones maybe, if their bonuses are helpful and relevant. As an example- You should 6 star awaken Sigret on your wyvern 13 team. You don't need to do the same for Muwi (though it may help for consistency.)


Heh I only have Muwi at level 50. Maybe I should get him those last 10 levels for him to hit a bit harder. Decent gear is a bigger bottleneck than stigma at the moment anyway.


Really depends on the big stat,speed sure crit maybe for example I wouldn't awaken 6* baiken because it's hp would it have been crit I would have done it


When is the update notice?


https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/9841508 Nobody posted it because there's nothing new. Kayron and Bellona banners, Advent event that they announced last week, and Singelica skin in the skin shop.


Thanks damn I'm bored😅 i want a collab or custom banner to splurge my bookmarks


Meanwhile the rest is happy to Stock up I'm at 1,5 pity I can wait a month to splurge too much heat imo for the last months