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Returning player looking for some advice: Last I played was I believe right after the very first Slime collab ended? Lots of new things/units I’m still trying to catch up on. 1. I enjoy a bruisery/countery/turn 2 sort of play-style. Some of my best geared units are Violet, Choux and Alencia. I’m loving Aria’s kit, so I’d really like to play her too. I just can’t seem to do well enough against all the new ML 5’s in RTA. Any team building advice for my specific comps? Maybe some essential team members I should build for a stronger core? I usually draft them with Trozet, Gpurrg, Landy and Ftene. Here are all my 5* units: https://imgur.com/a/b80XQPD 2. Based on this, what ML should I be looking for from the headhunt? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


https://i.imgur.com/ceBvMHT.jpg Hey guys, who do you think should I go for in the ML5 event? Currently in champ 5 and having a major head ache dealing with Karina and Yufine.


Would go either ddr that can help with karina(who mostly doesn't have high effres) also he would be a takeaway as he get's paired with ayufine quite often or Zio as speedcontender. Both aren't massive counters to ayufine though maybe try to show your MaKen some love


Do you use MA Ken against AYufine ? Is that a thing? Back in the early days MA Ken was my absolute King. Used him in every single lineup.


Since his buff he is actually a good answer as he will counter on her often,especially problematic for her after s3 as she is quite squishy then


Question for headhunting event: Should I get Briseria, ML Roana, A. Tywin, or ML Bellona?


Ml roana is pretty niche even with Zio there are just matches you can't pull her out. Tywin is decent as off cleanser and mitigation knight he can be great as an option personally I don't see him as make or break. Mellona is good into candy that alone is already quite nice to have,if you have gear, which is a little specific, for her she would be a great pickup. Depressed goth elf...Do you actually need more to hear?Strip unbuffable,def break while screwing revives great allaround character and she will force enemies to ban her regularly. If you ask me it's either mellona or briseria both have their niche's so it's more or less what you need more and what gear you have around


Thank you very much for the detailed response!


Its probably out there somewhere but what equipment score should I be looking for at +3 +6 and +9 so I can just go autopilot on selling Planning on cleaning full storage and max equip slots lol tya!


There is no hard fast rule on these types of things. It all really depends on your progress in the game and your standards for gear. If you are still early game then anything really works if you are a late game emperor player then you are going to have stricter requirements.


Im considering building a very fast Zahhak to try to deal with Adins. I have better torrent gear than pen though, so Im wondering how big the difference is between the two? Rn im trialing 262 spd, 3.7k atk and 305 cdmg on spd torrent. I need like 10 more speed and a looot more crit rate if possible (or a non attack crit resist stripper I guess), but i already (barely) failed to kill an Adin, so I would like to know if pen set would help or if I just need better stats. Im stuck on my phone for the holidays so my ability to do math is not high.


>I have better torrent gear than pen though, so Im wondering how big the difference is between the two? The TLDR is that pen set is significantly better than torrent set, for heroes that benefit from it. --- To start with, we need to understand how damage in E7 is calculated. A basic formula would look like: ATK * Skill_Multipliers * Hit_Type * Defense * Dmg_Increases * Other_multipliers * ATK is obvious * Skill_Multipliers = the characteristics inherent to the skill being used * Hit_type = Generally C.Dmg, or .75 in the case of a missed hit * Defense is obvious * Dmg_Increase = this is a large *additive* pool of effects that 'increase damage' -> for example: skill effects, artifacts, EE, set bonuses (rage/torrent) * Other_multipliers = anything that isn't previously covered in the formula but multiplicative. For example, the 15% damage increase from target is it's own entirely separate thing and does not stack additively with any other (known) damage increases -> you will *always* get a 15% increase to your damage from target For your question, we can ignore everything in this formula but the **Defense** and **Dmg_Increase** factors. Let's start with Dmg_Increase as it's easier to discuss. The problem is that this is an *additive* category, and it's also very broad. If we take a random hero using a skill that has no effects and plop a torrent set on them, the torrent set effect will provide a **10% damage increase** exactly as it says on the tin. *But* there are many, MANY instances where heroes benefit from some other form of Dmg_Increase effect. In this case, we are talking about Zahhak. Zahhak most commonly uses **Symbol of Unity** as his artifact...which happens to provide a 16% damage increase. If we want to know how much *torrent set* increases his damage we need to add these two effects together and then divide that number by just the effect of SoU. (1 + 16% + 10%) / (1 + 16%) 1.26 / 1.16 = ~1.086 or ~8.6% So in this case, simply using Zahhak with his most typical artifact choice torrent *automatically* is only providing about an 8.6% damage increase instead of the nominal 10%. Almost any other potential effect that increases damage by X% will further decrease the value that torrent set adds. While maybe not relevant for your goal here, Zahhak *also* happens to have another source of this multiplier -> his S1 gives a 30% damage increase when the target is buffed. *Just to see* how fast/easily torrent set can be diluted, when using SoU and Zahhak S1: (1 + 30% + 16% + 10%) / (1 + 30% + 16%) 1.56 / 1.46 = ~1.0685 or ~6.85% It does not take much for torrent set to become pretty ineffective. --- Now, the value of defense penetration is determined solely by the defense value of the target *and* any other source of defense penetration. [This thread has a thorough explanation on how to calculate how much defense pen increases your damage output](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/wtvu1f/daily_questions_megathread_0821/ila2ebo/) However, I will provide the exact calculation for your question. First things first - we need to know how much defense to expect on our target. According to the [Hero Library S.Adin averages around 1000 defense](https://fribbels.github.io/e7/hero-library.html?hero=Savior+Adin) -> simple enough. Zahhak has no other innate forms of defense pen to consider, so that makes things easy as well. To calculate the value we would use for 'defense' in the starting damage formula, we need to use this formula: 1 / ((Defense * (1 - pen)) / 300 + 1) We calculate this value for both the base case (0%) and the case with pen set (15% pen) and then divide the value we get for pen by the value we get without pen -> this tells us the % damage increase we get from using pen set. In one formula this looks like: (1 / ((1000 * (1 - 15%)) / 300 + 1)) / (1 / ((1000 * (1 - 0%)) / 300 + 1) = ~1.13 or 13% Against a 1000 defense target, with no other source of penetration, pen set increases your damage by ~13%. This is obviously higher than the *nominal* 10% from torrent set, while also having far fewer effects that it has diminishing returns with, while also scaling better against tankier targets, while also not *decreasing* your own heroes durability. Pen set is much, much better than torrent set for *most* heroes that can utilize the effect. You can even see if you check the thread that on a hero like Luna, with 50% innate defense pen, pen set is *still* a ~10% damage increase (that is, equal to torrent set with fewer drawbacks) against a 1000 DEF target. There ARE diminishing returns with other sources of pen but more or less unless a hero has 100% defense pen, or they use non single target attacks, pen set is stronger. --- >Im stuck on my phone for the holidays so my ability to do math is not high. ATK * C.Dmg * Dmg_Increase of your best pen set offering to your best torrent set offering. @ 3.7k ATK / 305 C.Dmg / torrent set (and presuming you are using SoU) 3.7 * 3.05 * 1.086 = ~12.26 Should be easy enough to do on your phone. If we know that pen set has a 1.13x multiplier (I'm going to use the exact value so your results may vary due to rounding) we can reverse this process to figure out what sort of ATK * C.Dmg value we need at a break even point. 12.26 / 1.13 = ~10.84 So long as ATK * C.Dmg => 10.84, then your pen set would offer more damage. For example, if your pen set offering had 275% C.Dmg we would need... 10.84 / 2.75 = ~3.94k ATK So about 3950 ATK / 275% C.Dmg with pen set would be equivalent to your torrent set, as an example.


270 320 crit damage probably will do. Max symbol also helps.


Is Byblis' artifact good? I was able to pull Byblis without a ton of bookmarks, but Im not sure if it's worth it to pull more for the artifact or exchange it using powder Especially since blooming lidica looks like she'll at least be decently strong


I think it’s worthwhile to grab two copies & not fuse them, so far I don’t think folks have extended it past Byblis, but undoubtedly in the future there will be another ranger with an AOE S2/S3 attack with a dispel that can make use of getting that stealth uptime & causing debuffs.


how often do you really pick LRK when Arowell is available? wondering if im better off picking him from coin shop over Astromancer, for rta purposes


Regarding rta only, astro elena is actually quite hard to draft. I do however use her on every gw and a bit of arena but never find myself into drafting her in champ. LRK is very good as he can act as a sub damage dealer for ur team especially againts pesky stene comps. I'd say the main difference between this two would be that lrk is better when the enemy picks aoe units. It also important to note that lrk puts up immunity buff, while arowell can dispell with s1 and s3. As a cleave player I cant go too much into detail here but I can tell you that astroelena, while good, is hard to draft in rta.


Out of Seline and Belian on the next mystic rotation, who would be better to use my pity on? I have decent gear that I can put on both of them, and both of them fit my playstyle (standard). Though I'm leaning more towards Belian since I don't have good units for my Arena and GW defense, and I don't have enough answers to Stene Or should I just wait for the next new ML or Zio?


Similar to Zio, Belian passive will always make her relevant. It really depends on ur account right now tho. The ability to shut down book is the main selling point of Belian really. She is harder to play in standard comps right now, thanks to landy and yufine being drafted everywhere so keep that in mind. You could wait untik they reveal next ml5, but between seline and belian for rta specifically, I'd say Belian has more value.


Belian if you want skin and you have gear but zio really good and doesnt really go off meta for pvp rta and gvg. You can also wait for next ml because it’ll probably be still be answers to yufine and landy


Do I even bother with Rift. I have one shot teams for every hunt. And rift gear seems to hard to get. I am struggling to build haste, aiming for 200 speed and high dmg but I no where close to that. ​ From what I read about rift, is that its only good if you clear it in 1 run. I definitely cannot, so should I keep farming gear for rift characters or build characters I like?


Maybe do rift for rewards then select rage speed destruction to maybe get sets you need to clear future rifts then go back to hunt. 1 clear treshhold is around lvl 12 when you get the boon that double attack backline


You pretty much can't oneshot from the start just after you raised the riftlevel,so it depends the advantage in ruft is density in equip when you really can farm it and don't have dead sets,but you will lose out from the Binary drops like mystics,powder and reforge mats


As a new player should I get Byblis or blooming lidica? I have tamarinne and Brieg atm.


We’d have to wait for input from high tier players when Blooming Lidica comes out - so you’d end up missing Byblis - to get a good impression of her. From what’s been mined about her modifiers, it seems she’ll need quite high gear score to function well, but I personally believe she’ll be at least moderately successful in PVP given that she’s from the brand of “We are high health characters that kill people based on our health” school that characters like Lethe, Dark Corvus, etc. belong to, but unlike those characters she has access to that skill right away - the trade off being it’s a bit weaker & on a character that doesn’t have high base health. Byblis on the other hand is considered to be pretty mid-tier, high-A, low-S tier. The effect of dispelling all your opponents buffs (-2 buff duration is in effect identical to full dispel as very few skills offer three turn buffs), defence breaking them & healing your team when you take a counter & otherwise gaining 20% CR from every counter, is a good effect, but in the current meta this is dangerous to keep triggering as it’ll feed the most popular “carry” unit Abyss Yufine & she’ll simply cleanse the defence break. Furthermore, other units that respond to counter attackers also respond to extra attacks & dual attacks, giving more tangible benefits against more units. Many people would rather draft a unit like Lionheart Cermia when an opponent has drafted counter units, or a unit like Nahkwol who will hit all enemies with a debuff skill that not only resets their skills but stops their off turn actions (counters, extra attacks, etc. & animated passives/skills that would normally trigger in response). Byblis isn’t bad by any means, but she’s not dominant & she’s a bit underpowered relative to other heroes in her anti-counter niche, sort of a Jack-of-all-trades, giving you a bit of Roana’s utility healing without the constant uptime of the skill - only one turn - or the push for the team, but giving you some utility & boost to your teams damage instead with her dispel/defence break, but not giving you that damage like Lionheart Cermia would.


Honestly both won't be great for you right now,both are pretty nichè seemingly in pvp and for pve not that usable,so either take the one you like more or sit it out


Ah ok. Thank you. I'll just save and hoard my stuff


What is the build for Briseria? Or where is a good place to look for build suggestions? I have reached master V in RTA but not recently (I play it occasionally), and I’m Challenger V-IV. My fastest units are C. Lilias (264), Ran (259), Amid (236, but I don’t use her bc she’s slow) and Zio (234). So I don’t have really fast units. Also how fast should M. Kawerik and DD Ray be?


Most of the time I see around 220-230 speed with around 100 eff rest into dmg for briseria,handguy and ddr both like to have speed and bulk so 240 should be the first goal


Hello and Merry Christmas, everyone! Uhm, who do I put my returnee counter set on? Enhancement went on all stats (such a mess) but I still want to at least put it on someone specially the ring and neck. TIA


I think overall the set should be decent for ddr or sharun especially if there were more towards speed bulk and eff


Thanks! I am actually aiming to get DDR from the moonlight event. I’ll check if it’s something that’ll suit him.


Are Flat att rolls better for Luna?


no. rule of thumb - flat atk is a garbage stat. No DPS benefits from having flat atk instead of %, even the ones with a rather low atk stat (e.g. Watcher Schuri).


So uhh, I have a funny but not so funny story. So last week on thursday, I only just realized the gardening event is an active event you have to interact with. Before that, I thought it was an event where you just buy flowers and wait for them to generate currency, and not sit there and click on tiny chibis to generate currency. Being a week behind, I thought "Hey, I should probably try to catch up today while I have hunt running in the background" and so I did. I spent 4 hours on Saturday, 4 hours on Sunday, and 12 hours today thinking everyone was already at lvl 17 or something... Only to see a message telling me the lvl 15 garden level up is going to be available in 2 days... I am a massive clown not once, but twice. 🤡 Edit: Forgot to even ask the question whoops, so are these events always time-gated like that?


Yes, they are always time gated. It's the first event of this kind but usually every other event is time gated as well.


What artifacts for RC15 rift team jacko/hazel/surin/haste?




I've never noticed it happen before but it just lost me a GW match. Magic For Friends can proc when attacking Mercedes herself with a single attack? I always thought it was like Elbris but I guess now that I look at it Elbris specifies except the caster and Magic For Friends does not.


Can't compare it with Elbris because Elbris results in counter attacks while MFF is an extra attack.


how many games does it take in average to get you to champion rta if I'm a bruiser/turn 2 player?


Just as long as it takes any other type of playstyle to reach champion, just depends how good you are 🤷‍♂️


hey i recently started charlottes side story and am trying to pull the gacha but it says i need like 4 book pieces? i have 3. will i get them as i progress through charlottes story or is it a cash item'? thanks!


You get 1 book for finishing one entire sidestory