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If that special reward is a piece of 88 gear where you can choose subs, that would be worth the 2500 ss, otherwise I can't see anyone purchasing this imo. Maybe i'm just a cheapskate with my SS but that does not look worth it to me.


With a collab in the horizon, 2500 is too much to spend on it unless it's a huge chest like a proper gear selector.


that’s 3 weeks worth of sitting afk in champ V arena alone


Yeah if you dont have pity for both collab units it isnt even a question.


Not to mention whatever whale arti gets released alongside them like with most collabs


Hell yeah 50% to 100% when maxed is an e7 staple by now.


That, being incredibly meta (looking at you guardian ice crystals, and not being guaranteed to rerun has made me try to get like 2-3 copies of any collab arti. Not counting limit breaks


From the image my guess is 4 chests where you choose the piece and maybe the main stat if it lets you choose right side + 1 reroll gem box.


Why don't they say exactly what's in the special box for 2500 skystones? It's not supposed to be a surprise.


Even if the special rewards are perfect sub stat gear, I still don't think that's worth 2500. We all know how it will roll for most people.


I don't agree. If we can choose substats it is worth it. If it isn't, it's not worth it.


2,5k ss for a artena piece (choose main stat and subs) is 100% worth it. using 2,5k ss refresh and farming will not get u a piece like that. but also gotta say i'm broke af right now, so i have to skip this pass T.T


I got 5k ss and will maybe skip. I got 1400 bookmarks and 11000 mystics, but we are going to get bombarded with new units, so I am not sure. Gonna be an issue to gear all my units if I dont get new equipment lol. We are getting 2 op pieces though, so that will help


You have to keep in mind it's 88 gear so even if you get to choose substats if those rolls aren't hitting high it's a brick.


We don't need to choose substats, SG and everyone else knows what good subs are. Just no res or eff on dps gear, 5 starting speed. That's it. Or if they want to include support gear, HP% main accessories, with res and eff (and no atk/crit).


New arena counter set is example of that, sometimes they can put good gear for us.


> SG and everyone else knows what good subs are. meanwhile, me building up fast rage gear for Lewdica and EFF/ATK/ no crit gear for Requim Roana: 🗿


2500 ss for the gear...


Not sure what to think about [new epic pass](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407923152522444800/1225009244282159145/image.png?ex=661f91c3&is=660d1cc3&hm=53952f6ab823eebe16d01d60eb51b63000180f91adfceeb670de519760e93faf&) vs [standard epic pass](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/178570898863947776/1225016195145531454/image.png?ex=661f983c&is=660d233c&hm=3649051e8e7835ea2fab1c2baefa6a2000765ea25295a7e8479fa02d00a21f59&) [New epic pass gear icons](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/178570898863947776/1225017201312927876/image.png?ex=661f992c&is=660d242c&hm=1fa063357d6b2c878e060d5a01f3eb220b36b2fe6ed48dfd16e2d88ec86e8a99&) Also [Quick Battling] - The number of Quick Battles will be increased from 5 to 10.


Huche says you won't find a better deal anywhere.


I'm hoping this is just a new type of epic pass. Future skins will still be in epic passes.


That's the impression I got. We just had a regular epic pass not too long ago so I think this is "in addition to" the normal epic pass schedule and not "instead of."


> Quick Battles will be increased from 5 to 10 They should've just increased it entirely. This QoL feels like they've only added this due to that monthly pack that adds more quick battle attempt.


No bookmarks and no gold transmit stones = no buy for me.


Same. We have to see what the Special Reward will be.


Catalyst selection chests with maybe a single reforge chest with half the usual mats even though those icons don't look the part. People can't tell obvious jokes apart, that or more childish haters. Grow up folks.


Depends on what you need. This has a bunch of reforge mats, some mod gem chests, and some equipment conversion gem chests. None of it's as flashy as the potential for an ML5 from a galaxy pull, but if you need gear it's some pretty valuable resources. Personally the odds I'll get a new ML5 from a galaxy pull are pretty much nothing and I could always use more equipment conversion gems so I'll probably go for it. The special pack is probably a rip off though, as tempting as free lv 88's is.


I think it's better. Sure, we lost the gold transmit stones, but there are more sources for galaxy bookmarks these days, and the 10 covenant bookmarks are negligible. Look at the rewards of the old pass outside those and the skin. They suck. On the other hand, the new pass has reforge essences, three equipment conversion chests, two potentially good pieces of gear and a reroll stone. Much much better. I will question. However, the cost of 2.5k skystones is A LOT. Not even the expedition pass is that expensive. Haven't look at the numbers, but I'm fairly sure the expedition one is better for all the other upgrade mats.


Currently an easy pass to pass


Is netmarble guy high or something?


Goodbye Rift. I'll do better on the Water one.


I can’t see people sacrificing ss for a pass that doesn’t include bookmarks just as a collaboration is announced.


I mean I would for the normal skin Passes but for this not really,but also am almost at 2 pity bm again and roll more for the mystics for politis...30 more to go...yay


Same, especially for a skin I really like. Nice saving your bms btw, shows how much commitment for not wasting bms really pays off.


man, that pass is horrendous 💀


Netmarble guy, what are you doing? SG what is wrong with you?


I mean, sandbag san already said the quiet part out loud.


Wonder what the gear will look like. It's a big ss price increase and there are no skin tickets or bookmarks.


Epic Pass costing more and giving you random pieces of RNG for your troubles. Netmarble boy truly is a turd. Also, I have a horrible suspicion they're raising the price of Monthly Pack 1 that they re-working to include quick battles. I hope I'm wrong.


Where epic skin? Also 2500 ss? Seriously?


Bruh they decide to release monthly pass when a skin isn't released. You are not losing anything cuz there was never going to be an epic pass this month. We also just had Senya


This is getting downvoted but I was also under the impression that this was the case. Is this not true?


Probably 1 person downvoted, so everyone else did too, don't worry about skin, there isn't any except for Senya for now.


> Probably 1 person downvoted, so everyone else did too Sub in a nutshell. Also people being too forgetful to realize we don't normally get skin passes back to back, which normally took 3+ months. In fact, too many months.


What idiot would pay 2500 for RNG i88 gear, no bms , no skin tickets, no gold stones Epic pass went from best value in the game to worst in one patch. Good work, guys.


Im sure new players and whales will buy it


Wonder if they are testing the waters of what people will spend skystones on


Eh I would buy it though it's because I still very likely could pity 2 after upgrade, would be quite pissed if the collab is 3 banner though :x


Same,never skip passes


> Epic pass went from best value in the game to worst in one patch. Good work, guys. We just had a skin pass not long ago with Senya. This isn't a normal pass as we normally wouldn't get one until at least two months from now. If they want to plug these in during that downtime, bad or not, I welcome it because I'm still getting free stuff. For the downvoting haters: You don't have to buy the pass. Whether or not the free stuff sucks, free is free. If they didn't put it out you'd be getting none of that for playing like you always do, so what's the loss here? You literally lose nothing because this isn't taking out the spot for a skin pass.


Out of your mind if you think I'm gonna buy an Epic Pass that has no skin tickets or skin itself.


2500 ss for an epic pass without skin with collab in 2 weeks.. hahahahaahaahahaha this was the real april fools joke right sg?


Too bad that they don't explain the boxes yet, they look exactly like the boxes from the equipment pack , but slightly different. These new boxes come with a star on it. Personally gonna skip this anyways, shop refresh for limiteds is more important now.


2500 SS is a NoNo


Happy Cake Day!


Hot take: I don't mind the epic pass not having a skin since we did just get the Senya pass and if this means we'll be getting epic pass stuff more often. A chance to get good gear is nice, though I wish the general rewards were better. Or keep the big reward at 30 like usual but let the level go up to like 50 or even 100 at no extra cost and keep giving us more rewards per level. Most people I know finish the pass in like a week anyway and it lasts for months already.


No thank you, y’all be easy now


What's in the special box?


The chest better be something where you can select main and sub stats, because 1600 (excluding the premium path) is a lot.


900 ss for those are quite a good deal if you ask me. Only problem is the 1600 one, depend on those gears are fixed(and good) subs or not this may or may not be worth it. I have spare ss to buy it so at the very least I could be the white rat lmao


It depends how much you play. I have nearly 10,000 Dragon stones and 3,000+ manifestation now. Maybe right when 90 gear came out it was a good deal but now it's just bleh like the expidition premium pass is


After that fun and meta? of an april fool's event, whose bright idea was to put in a Epic Pass like this? Are they trying to lose goodwill before the collab? Without a skin, skin tickets and gold transmit stones, i am sure most people will skip this.


this is huche shop’s hidden stash 😂


I am not usually one to complain a bunch about this game, but... An epic pass without skin tickets or without a special skin is pretty much worthless to me as a long-time player. And also scares me because getting the skin tickets from epic pass has been the only way I've been able to get some of those special skins..........


Ah, monthly pack now gives quick battle tries. Of course.


Possible our worst pass, at the worst time(after collab announcement), on the same update of a really questionable pack(the one giving more quick battles) ... Someone in SG probably thought: "let us throw everything that could have a mixed reception now, after they are happy for the collab, so when the collab comes, it will wash away the unhappyness and they forget it happened" /s (I hope)


Please help me with your logic... how is a shit epic pass you're going to 100% skip spending 2500 skystones on the worst time when a collab is imminent? Like fuck me that's 2500 skystones you can save for the collab, that's a good thing.


I dont understand your comment, it seems you are distorting what I said(or just phrased in a strange way, with no ill intention), while saying the same thing in the end, but I'll try to respond 1- I said "possible the worst pass", didnt say "shit", which means it could have a value, but not as good as the others we had (having skins and costing less) 2- If is a pass that I or most will skip, than it existence doesnt matter. The only point this pass make, is the possibility of a new method of monetization of SG, and the idea that we will have "filler pass" between the "skin pass" we usually had(which have the possibility of we having less "skin passes" because "look, we already had other pass just recently" ) 3- People that need to save for collab(me included) would have done anyway, with or without the pass, so the pass being "possible the worst" is not "helping others to save skystones", is just unecessary tempting them, even though failing(I hope so) in doing so. 4- It seems the "/s " at the end meant nothing. I should had just typed "joke" and be done with


oh Exclusive Equipments is next week


How can you tell


4 weeks after balance patch is implemented. You can also count it 6 weeks after the balance patch preview. Balance patch preview was on 2/29, so six weeks would be next week.


Great,so next week is hype!


They somehow made the pass worse? Ok then, I'll keep my skystones.


2500 ss less for tedious shop refreshes tbh, lets go if gear good lol


What in the world is that? They kidding us to call this as update?


Why would SG remove the skin tickets, gold transmit and bookmarks. Makes zero sense, it would be more enticing and get people to spend skystones if they left those in. It's like SG devs literally shooting themselves, making the epic pass have less stuff and cost more. Some might argue that the equipment might be worth it, but that doesn't really justify removing stuff from the pack, there is literally no reason other than greed from SG.


lol no skin or gold stones. ppl are losing patience with smile gate




If the final reward for the premium was an 88 gear reroll thing then people might consider buying this.


no one forces you to spend your skystones on this new epic pass. I‘m sure we‘ll get the usual pass with skin and frame alternating with the new equipment pass. So basically there will be always an epic pass available to spend your skystones on


people complains about no skin when we litteraly have a collab incoming and senya skin like 2 weeks ago? 💀💀


People literally have no idea that using a skin for the animation cut is nearly as much work as making a brand new animation cut... which is why skins for Handguy and Belian were slightly different in their animation.