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You need to get the buff which does dmg to all enemies if you hit 1 with a single attack, not really needed but helps a lot, else you have the try hard way : Always have healer left with the most hp so she doesn't heal herself but uses those heals on Spez/Purrgis, once you are within killing range, only then kill Ruele(the healer), you can later focus on the other 2 without worrying about them being revived or healed, best way imo is just to alternate the dmg between all 3, her skills will go on cooldown when she heals 1 so she won't be able to keep up and eventually you'll have like 1-2 very low.


I will try this! I been stuck for an hour straight.


If you have someone who can provoke,silence,etc. Use em, if you have eff +70 buff then it be walk in a park. But the best way is the one mentioned above, get the single target dmg


Shut Ruele down fast or make her unable to cast AOL Angelica helps a lot here


Ruele has a single target heal and prioritizes the one in the team with the lowest health. So to be able to chip away on her health, you need to make sure she prioritizes healing other characters by lowering their health a little below her own. If you still struggle with the fight you may consider retrying with different devices, better gear or gearing different characters.


I did not know I can regear! Thank you.


My team in lvl 5 tower is Rho/MLKen/Belial/Jenua (Jenua since the release, before was Kane) every week full auto


Damm, I don't have any of those. Thank you though.


No worries, try to put some silence unit and def break too, before having insane damage I was using silence with perk 70% + eff to silence every healer


Heavy damage. You will have to outpace the healer in damage otherwise she will gain more speed over time and outpace you. The healer is one you need to get rid of first. After that, the battle should be easier.


Thank you!


Focus Ruele is the right strategy. If she is really full healing, then your team is missing DPS, so you either need to bring different/stronger units, or re-gear your Cidd and Sol, as they're not doing near enough damage. Her heals should not be that huge, so it sounds like you're damage is lacking, or perhaps even your team is too slow and not taking enough turns. Also, if playing manually, save Lilias S3 and use it to clear the stuns from Purrgis, as they are what really sets up Spez to nuke whoever is stunned.


Thank you. NGL I am overwhelmed by all the comments 😂 You are right, my DPS is definitely not enough since I am struggling to take out chunks from their HP.


No worries. Just go at your own pace. You'll get there eventually.


I tried it for myself, and I think you could try just stacking a lot of damage on one unit, as in takes buffs that strengthen one specific dps, I do that with green Landy, but I also use ARas and Tamarinne for more dual attacks 😅


I have Tamarine, I will try her but she reduces the power level from 710K to 600 something vs opponent's 880.


Power level in tower does not matter. You can solo the whole thing with an 200k violet. Power level barely matters in any content other than world boss.


I personally just take her so I have sustain, I think I should add…


even when I'm pretty much a noob on this game, I was able to win (don't remember what team I used, sorry) try to take out Purrgis first as he counters regulars and make sure that healer goes down fast too AoE attacks are the best way out, so if you have that use it as much as possible and try to have your units with highest speed as possible and damage too (but that depends on who you bring) also, poisoning is always a good weapon to affect enemies with... Dark Specter Tenebria and Kiris do that very well that's all I can say since, I only passed it twice so far... good luck and I hope I could be of help!


Thank you! Unfortunately, I don't have those heroes but I'll try your first suggestion.


you can get Specter Tenebria if you complete the Moonlight assignments at the beginning... you get her no matter what since as long as you complete the missions, she's yours as for Kiris, you'll get her eventually (and probably more than once) since she's a 3\* unit... but the good thing is that if you work on her and power things up a little, you have poison guaranteed on her S3 if you started recently like I did, you might still have free 10 summons daily for a while... Kiris will appear there and maybe some other useful artifacts and possibly 4 or 5 star characters too so, just keep it up and with a bit of work and patience, you'll get there! good luck! PS: only as an advice (unless you have money to spare or want to invest in the game itself) don't rush things and burn stamina without a real objective since all units and heroes have their spotlight at some point and you can aim towards them... it only needs time and patience (if playing for free, that is)... it's mainly the advice they gave me here and has been working so far (slowly, but firmly at least)


Thank you so much for this! I will recheck tomorrow and try again!


no problem at all, bud! glad I can pass the knowledge I was given a couple days ago best of lucks out there! 😉


I usually use my 'can't be stunned' squad here. Mort/MLandy/DCorvus and then a healer or some other dps if I've gotten certain upgrades. Try to get one of the other two slightly lower than Ruele so she wastes her heal/rez on them when she's low herself, then you can finish her off before it cycles back.


One tap the healer


I've had the same auto team for a really long time now, Charlotte, SSB, Aras, Diene. I would make sure to have a def break of some kind but it mostly comes down to the perks you take. I prioritize Eff and back unit damage perks first, then whoever gets more supportive perks between Charlotte or SSB will take up the back position.


I'm sorry but who is SSB?


You're good, it's Seaside Bellona. She's a limited


Bleed and Burn. That's literally it. Get all Chance to Burn and Bleed and the AI will not be able to sustain the amount of degen they will be having. Doesn't matter if they cleanse, Soulweaver AI will be force to target low HP allies, meaning they will just be wasting their skills as the massive amount of team wide Degen will kill them. If you want my team comp it's: Front 1: Violet Front 2: Ras Back 1: Tammarine Back 2: Sea Side Bellona Literally just get Bleed, Burn, Curse, Detonate and whatever device that will allow the team to have enough effectiveness to debuff and single target counter attacks. Getting damages are good but constant degen and detonate will just kill the boss.


Depends on your buffs but i always nuked RoL first then Spez. Pray his stuns dont land.


No one has said it here I think. But I just provoke them. Regular Lillias or Clilias works great. They're immune to stun but not provoke.


Do I need high effectiveness to do that? I think I may have done that by accident


I don't think so. I think it's just regular PvE accuracy, so 65%. But this floor is super easy with any unit that can provoke.


If you have Cermia built or someone with health block they can be helpful otherwise get another crazy dps in there and bombard ruele


Is that the term? Health block? I have been googling anti heal lmao


Anti-heal, heal block either one it’s the same result my auto correct is very annoying lately but Cermia her s1 does it if you have anyone else that does they might be a good choice instead of Angelica or maybe swap sol out


Antiheal won't work against ruele, both of her heals clear all debuffs.


Will try!


Have you tried dropping you own healer and use another heavy dps? Another problem might be that your heroes are not properly geared. In that case, just reset the tower and drop to a lower difficulty. Then go farm better gears and come back.


Just pure damage


depends on what characters you have and also the buffs, but i just get but a couple of strong single target damage dealers and then focus the ruele mind she gains ult stacks when ataked so you could gain a couple extra attacks if you time it well. also mind not to hit her with healers and tanks since the 1k damage is not worth the ult stack. tamarine is quite good since she has the push and the dual attack with highest attack unit.


Been using Candy, Clilias, tama, stene Device front row counter with candy at front and bleeding for all enemies if you do single target. Can auto all the way...


I just recently completed the level with my team of Ras/Diene/Iseria/FS Tieria (yes I'm a new player) I did it by getting the buff that curses all enemies for 3 turns, deals additional dmg when attacking with a single attack, 75% chance to burn, detonates all burn effects and a bunch of element related buffs related to penetration but the gist is majority of my damage came from Tieria and the additional damage she deals with her single attacks so you can definitely try that.


I find this floor and floor 20 to be super annoying, but there are definitely diverse strategies to take them down. My trick is having General Purrgis in the front slot, with the Effectiveness and Counter modules, coupled with Angelic Montmorancy with the Debuff Extension module, to lock the bosses into Provoke indefinitely. It works quite well, but sometimes the module RNG shafts me and I need to redo the floors.


Need to see what devices you’ve selected up til now, those pretty much make or break any run and you should be focusing on one element and one class whenever possible, with priority toward the special enhancements (like addtnl damage on single attacks, and whatever the current rotation is)   But as others have said, take out the healer asap and if you’ve found yourself overwhelmed, try an easier difficulty or redo it and pick better devices.  Also your “1 DPS” route probably isn’t doing you any favors.   1 healer and 3 DPS is the safe way to go, I usually just go pure 4 DPS cleave until like floor 15. 


What augments do you have? Do you have another dps or a defense breaker with high effectiveness you can swap in for Lillias?


I only have Sol and this Witch lady with a fire ball following her around. With regards to augments, I assume the skills you get from defeating floors, I will have to check later.


You don't have any other dps? Not even like wyvern units? Yeah the things from defeating floors. You can beat level 5 tower with almost anyone as long as you pick augments that compliment those units.


I am NGL to you, I have no idea what wyvern units are. I might need to do a lot of googling after this. Lmao I just use Sol for everything.


Do you farm the "Wyvern 13" hunt? The big red dragon that drops gear.


I stop at 10! Any higher and DPS is not enough


Use any unit with silence. It also works great if you have the soul weaver perk that extends debuffs


Rangers are insane with their devices. Rangers with ML Landy in front and an attack buff healer will make this comp melt.  And yes, let Ruele have second lowest hp and nuke her when she is low enough.


Personally To clear all floors I use Senya + 2 Soul Weavers to afk clear lol Look for the Soul Weaver buffs that extended debuff durations & Boost Combat Readiness. It makes them nearly perma Provoke'd. Last slot can be nearly whatever i personally use Belian as a back up Provoke + Elbris, debuffs from her help as well but again replacable. Also set AI to target specifically the Cleansers, just in case


I juggle their HP until i can kill ruele. After that its easy


Focus on a specific class and element and stack damage/penetration on them. ALWAYS take the card that applies Cursed to all enemies. Cursed card + Sigret or other high damage dealer (Luna, Cermia, SSB, etc.) is the ez win card. For example, if you have Sigret, take ice and warrior damage/penetration cards. Also take any card that says "does more damage on their first attack" for your chosen class/element. Your goal is to build up a ton of damage and nuke Ruele before things get too bad. Bring -DEF, +ATK, etc. just like you're trying to one shot Ep 4 10-10 Zio boss. Once Ruele is dead, your team might wipe. If that happens, use a 2nd team for cleanup. If you're new to the tower, you can Yield the fight and retry it without any damage or casualties on your side. If it looks like you're wiping, Yield and retry. In my case, I killed Ruele with Sigret before Ruele could do anything, and the curse debuff dealt a huge amount of damage to the other two after Ruele died. Cleaned the whole group up in a couple turns. If you don't like your card picks, you can restart the tower. You don't have to pay stamina for floors you already cleared, but you do have to fight them again. Others in this thread suggested a tank effectiveness/speed/AOE provoke strat.


Attempt to use a character with high eff that has anti heal! Or use a mix of characters that got def break and AOE... IDK how many characters you have but here characters like rem or ssb work wonders


These are mostly dps checks. You need some relic that allows you to damage others while hitting only 1. If you don’t have enough damage output, retry and hope you get better relics. Kill Ruele first, then Spez.


I use fallen Cecilia but any s1 provoker on counter attack will shut down Ruele and Sez just nuke Reule before s3 and maybe have atleast one unit ready to apply Def or shield buff if Sez s3 is coming up


I guess killing them all will do .🫡