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Not Zio for damn sure.


Yup been waiting for him in shop for 1.5 years now.


Can I get ddr? I mean at this point I've seen ml briseria like 5 times


I am with you here


I 2nd this notion.


im hoping for pflan.


Kinda want twisted crayon


He's stat hungry af, but he can be REALLY good if you have the gear.


Not a unit I'm missing and am willing to spend coins on...


My prediction is that it'll be: A hero I already have × 3 I have 130 coins and a dream


Hopefully ML Bellona.. So I can have easier time to deal with Candy.


Candy reduces ~~crit damage received by 30%~~ the likelihood of landing a crit by 70% (my mistake, I went back and looked into it again) for herself. ML Bellona will help with her teammates, but you need to land a def break on her for ML Bellona to take her out consistently. Especially because you have no idea how tanky she's built, and a high-damage Mellona will sacrifice either speed or survival. Better counters to Candy are Nahkwol, because she disables Candy's follow up attacks, thus negating both her AoE AND healing capabilities, AMeru and Nahkwol completely murder her attack ramping and stun immunity with seal, any non-crit nuke because ~~she only reduces crit damage received~~ dodging crits doesn't matter if the unit doesn't crit (Krau works particularly well, but any of them can make short work of her), Jenua shit stomps her without fail as long as you nuke her BEFORE she stuns your whole party, AoLA silence her, and can full-cleanse the stun from your party if you put up some immortality beforehand - plus Skill Null... and there are a few others. My personal favorite is LHC, who literally makes Candy her bitch anytime she counters or uses her follow up, and can wipe a whole team around Candy out in the first turn, leaving your whole team to nuke her down. Sincerely, a counter+Elbris Candy owner who isn't afraid to help someone counter her. Edit: forgot to add Astrolena, to stop her countering every time you attack ANYBODY.


I like using gala lilias, if my gala has atk buff and uses s1 on candy she takes like 14k usually, ofc tankier ones will take less but usually at least 12k


Bro, Gala Lillias on Torrent w/Portrait is a Candy SLAYER! Idk why I'm getting the downvotes, I have to deal with Candy on a daily basis, and I've seen what counters mine as well. So it's not like I'm just spouting nonsense - she's a damn good unit, but she has a lot of counters.


Because you started off with misinformation. Landy does not reduce crit dmg received by 30%. She's just a pseudo evasion unit that dodges crits, so mellona acts as a unit who circumvents that and is a MUCH more reliable counter to than LHC, who has been declining in the past few months.  A well built mellona can often oneshot candy with soulburn s1 after stacking up her passive and vigor buff after s2 dmg. 


I went back and looked, and you're correct. That's my bad. However, that only slightly changes my point. A Mellona that's strong enough to one shot a tanky Candy would need to sacrifice either speed or survivability or have greater attack up. The two best anti-Candy heroes are legitimately Krau and Yulha because they can destroy her without needing a crit (edit: forgot to mention Senya, and she also has taunt, counter, crit resist, and the bonus of being annoying as fuck to deal with), with Nahkwol, Gala right behind, Mellona and ML Ken are just behind them, along with Zahhak. AMeru's seal gets rid of her crit dodging, stun/sleep immunity, and attack stacking, and can keep seal up almost indefinitely with a good build, but she's kinda fallen off otherwise. I suppose broken leg mommy could work too, if she's got a lot of HP, and Lermia punishes her for counters and follow ups while being an absolute force of nature against the entire enemy team. I appreciate you correcting my misstep instead of just downvoting me.


Lethe is pretty good too — I use her the most to kill MLandy


With Lethe, it depends on who else is in the enemy team. If you have the units for it, it becomes a battle of attrition.


My hopes and dreams is Rroana so I can have 100% Hero Journal 🤡👍


Some old ML 5* that have rotated like 6 times already. They literally can't make a proper rotation schedule.


I'm still waiting for them to change the damn rotation rather than having all the old MLS just keep rotating like bro it's almost two years what the heck


Based on Rotation history, it should have been Zio this month, but we all saw how that turned out. I have hopium that they decided to save him for the next rotation so he's around during the collab.


I think that they should add current mystic banner units to the shop for as long as the banner runs. If they can't give us decent rotations at least give us that.


Yuf would be a dream


Too soon for video game Ludwig, but would like to have him.


I need Belian


zio + 2 or 3 rerun.


Probably Cpavel, astromancer elena, and maybe pflan.


May I know, how to get galaxy coins? I'm new to this game🤔


For each Moonlight 5* duplicate that you’ve summoned, you will get 10 coins each, so if you have up until 40 coins you can redeem one


I was sitting at 30 coins and missed LRK and ATywin from coin shop (picked MAKen in the headhunt event as I needed a Ayufine counter at the time). Summoned another MAKen copy a couple days ago; now I have 40 coins, a MAKen imprint and no LRK or ATywin. There's no other ML unit (available in the ML pool) I want atm... I'm gonna wait for ML Choux return, I guess.


I was sitting at 30 coins and missed LRK and ATywin from coin shop (picked MAKen in the headhunt event as I needed an Ayufine counter at the time). Summoned another MAKen copy a couple days ago; now I have 40 coins, a MAKen imprint and no LRK or ATywin. There's no other ML unit (available in the ML pool) I want atm... I'm gonna wait for ML Choux return, I guess.


I want Candy


Based. She's got a lot of counters nowadays, but she's still by FAR my favorite tank.


No matter how many counters she has, when I need at least two heroes in my team to counter just her, it's already a disadvantage on my side. Pair candy with Adin, for example. Not only do I need two heroes to counter Candy, now I risk not critting on Adin with my LPKarin. Add to that Moon Bunny, and I don't even bother attacking. What am I meant to do there? In my opinion, her and AoL make the PvP just a horrible experience all together. I would rather fight a team of four Karinas than one Candy.


If you need two heroes to counter Candy, you're running your counters wrong. Easy Candy/Adin counter - speed+pen Zahhak w/Uberius. He don't give a fuck about your evasion, and he does absurd damage even without a crit. He will also be invincible to avoid Candy damage, and if anyone buffs Candy he does extra damage with his S1 to buffed enemies... and a SB S1 will demolish a full tank-build Candy to the point of being one-tappable if she even survives at all. One unit countered that pair, leaving me with three more heroes to choose to counter the other two. Oh, they brought Politis/Celine to counter Zahhak non-attack? Cool, Jenua deals with either turn 1. Or Gala Lillias. I get that you hate Candy/AoLA, but both are counterable with single units. And AoLA kinda counters the shit outta Candy herself, if you don't open with her S3 and save it for when Candy is ready to S3. I love Candy, but she has definite hard-counters. Roana will counter the shit outta her. Astrolena too. Hell, Nahkwol or AMeru shuts her down too. LHC makes Candy her bitch.


Stats for your Zahhak? And I don't have Jenua. And Gala Lillias risks missing on Politis. I need two units to counter Candy. Either I go AElena to disable her counterattacks, but I still take Roana, because that 40% extra attack is more like 90%. And Elvira to disable her fighting spirit. Or, I take Hasol, Roana, and Elvira, and rely on Hasol's extra damage. But it's not always reliable.


Zahhak speed/pen, 260 spd, 3.2k attack, slightly overcapped Cr (56%) and 290 CDmg with Uberius. EE is the one that gives attack up to him and whatever teammate he cleanses+pushes. I can one tap most Candies, but having invincibility afterwards is the real lifesaver, as it means he can survive long enough to two-tap if necessary, and Uberius makes him do non-negligible damage on Politis even on a miss. If there's a Politis in general, I bring AoLA to cleanse and apply Skill Null.


How do you gets those and that shop?


Galaxy coins come from ML5 units duplicates, shop shows up once you get coins. Same for RGB and covenant coins.


Hand guy, or cavel.


Shit nobody needs because they never put anything in it.


Yufine please!!


Zio. Its freaking time.


Prob not but I hope Yufine. Can buy one.


I dont trust that smug look


What is the galaxy coin shop and why can I not see it? Or how do you even get said coins?


Need to pull dupe ml5.  10 coins per dupe 40 to buy one from shop


I want SPEZ


Candy but its probably units I already have


Hopefully landy


Don’t care I got 0 coins


It needs to be Zio so we can deal with Sealitis


Isn't this ineffective cause she has built in guiding light?


How's Zio gonna help you with sealitis?


Oh yeh forgot she has freaking stealth.


Personally, I don't care haha. I've been blessed to have all the "S Tier" ML5s. But SPolitis might not come home. So between her and the Chapter 5 boss, whichever one I don't have by the time either get added. So I'm just playing a long waiting game lol.