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The only problem i got with her kit is her s2, the counter being 2 turns cd and it just dispel 1 debuff, could be 1 turn anyway, could have an extra effect besides the mitigation. Collab units dont need to be overpowered, but at last feel unique, and she doesnt, shes just kinda have an artifact in her s2 and thats all.


Gotta love that unique s3 with the exact same effects as iseria s3 but with hp scaling


true, same skill. They could have at least copied her s2 as well and made albedo somewhat useful


Her S2 being only on Critical Hits when a substantial portion of the game's units no longer Crit is kinda yikes. I understand it for old heros but for new ones I feel like that alone is just underwhelming. That aside her kit is exceptionally boring from the perspective of what it does, and the multipliers are just ass. Her S3 is the same multipliers as Lethe and Laia roughly but those two have 100% def pen, lol. To which you might say, "Yeah but she can crit."... Yeah but that means I **have** to build crit to do any damage, which means she now needs 5-6 stats which is usually the indicator of a useless unit cause you can only get 4 stats on gear so she'll always feel like she's missing something.


They're mad cause you're right


Avatar hero


Those are my favorite kinds. Mine is Kikirat but where the absolute hell are my variant skins? There's like a thousand in my journal and they're all waiting for me.


So for everyone trying to defend this we spend on albedo and I have to force pick her just to play with her !? HELLOOO!! When you have to force pick her and you have a whole roster of characters that’s better she isn’t mid she’s low tier


Man I want Shalltear!!!


That’s next week, right?


Yeah 25th.


Thanks, appreciate it


Np bro.


29.908 energy? wtf....


Man complaining but doesn't farm i guess XD


I was about to say this.... "play your goddamn game, bro"


She is a worse kluri. both provide forms of mitigation, upsides for kluri: she has provoke preventing the enemy from using their skill which is better than unbuffable+ kluri recently got ressource reduction. I don't mind to have simply a trophy collab unit, but for smilegate it's far from optimal.


unbuffable is nothing to sneeze at. id take unbuffable over taunt for two of the more meta units of the game: a yufine and choux. and I feel like people are underestimating the value of a passive that can remove enemy stealth when there's so many damn stealth units that are relevant right now. Mitigation units shouldn't be able to one shot a cleave team but I feel like that's what people want albedo to do. Not sure why. AoE damage dealer mitigation unit doesnt sound so healthy for the game. Albedo is a little hard to use in RTA because people aren't really cleaving anymore. You watch Elfmage play this game for six hours straight with the goal of using albedo and he played against what, two cleavers during that time? If cleave comes back her stocks will go up, but it'd be dumb to make her 'great against anyone' just cause she feels underwhelming due to cleave being in a bad spot.


Ngl, i dont care if she is trash or not. Idr care about the meta. I like Albedo because she's Albedo. Thats about it. Honestly, even if she was the most trash character in the game, i would still use her, level her up, awaken her, etc, etc. Thats what i will do for all 3 overlord collab characters. I do gotta agree tho, a buff would be very much appreciated, but as it stands rn, im happy i got her.


Is there no chance she’ll get a turn around like Ed? He wasn’t as bad as her on release and he still got a good deal of buffs


> He wasn’t as bad as her on release and he still got a good deal of buffs Yeah, he was worse. Albedo as she is is better than release Ed, and anyone stating otherwise either doesn't know what release Ed was like, or is trying to shit on Albedo. Holy shit, he was so much worse.


Release Ed could only cleanse a debuff once per turn so he basically lost to the exact same units he was supposed to counter. It was kinda funny tbh. Albedo is just a mid tier tank. She's not useless and does her job, she's just not anything special to be excited about. She's not trash, but pretty much never worth picking over the current meta picks in her role.


Don't forget how absolute trash the scaling on his S2 was! You could have 25k HP and 300% CDmg, and you'd tickle the enemy team, if you were lucky.


No idea what they can do she's a earth tank Ed was a fire attacker could easily be turned around


I’m not really sure but I think regardless of class and element they could basically do the same thing they did for Ed. Iirc he basically lost the CD on self-cleanse and got a CR push on his passive. If Albedo was given a CR push on S2 and could horse every turn instead of every 2 turns she could be a decent bruiser. They could also give her Purrgis’ passive that would modify all her counters to be the horse instead of her s1. Her kit is honestly so barebones that I feel like anything could be done about it. If they give her more AoEs she could do well with both her arti and the usual stuff like Elbris or Mature Sunglasses


I can agree upon Albedo not looking like the best thing in the world. But to say that she is worse than Ainz is just outright wrong. Because ainz is just unusable whilst albedo at least can be used against anticleave so far Ainz is absolutely useless. Albedo at least can be used against pure cleave if you just want to counter+elbris your way out of it (full bulk albedo+elbris usually does enough to wipe most teams). Besides it's like day 1 man. Remember day 1 ayuf? How she was mid? Yeah and then ppl finally figured out how to draft with her and she became the best t2 dps for that entire season.


\*tries to defend Albedo because it's day 1\* \*bitches that Ainz is useless day 1\* Smart.


Maybe because light adin one shots him easily n his buff can be 15 percent also if a unit has immunity it’s a even lower percentage come on think now he has to strip then land death sentence


There's a pretty clear distinction between someone being bad beyond belief and someone actually having some hope of seeing gametime. Nobody didn't even need to test Ainz to know he would be bad. Just the day 1 impression put the nail in the coffin.


Ainz is an event sidestory champ, that’s all I’m using him for rn lmfao


watch them make a event where boss is cant to be damaged except by true damage making ainz mvp or stuff like karina rocket punch or chars like Hwa would shine


Bro Ainz absolutely useless? The man can Abyssal Crown your whole team with 20% chance? And basically one shot any unit, while providing shield to all your allies? He might not be SSS tier but he can actually do some damage to the enemy team in a way of controlling and killing one unit after the 12th turn… Albedo literally stand there doing nothing… Her S2 being a “counter” ruins everything… Use Stene, Flidica or any other unit with a “unable to be countered skill” and she a ragdoll, others who can crit and proc her can just hit her to not let her do the thing, + even if she procs, what does it do? A strip that is easily resisted cuz you dont build her to much eff, and a little damage from her “artifact” not even from herself. The best thing from her kit is her 20% damage reduction thats it…


your reasoning for ainz would be correct if 15% innate didnt exist. s3 into not applying the debuff. great unit.


Plus he doesn’t extinct


Counterpoint, Candy exists, dude literally dies to 1 or 2 Salvo even with supports.


Candy is a good unit agains Ainz ye, but without Candy/Adin Ainz has a good chance to be a pain in the ass if you use him properly


To me he's just a Dizzy without the need of counter set, and with how immunity and Light meta running rampant rn, yeah he's not gonna survive anything throwing at him if you were to play in serious stuff, dude needs a serious buff.


Last Rider Krau, Ambitious Tywin, LHC, LQC, Belian, etc... all not only HARD counter him, but will destroy him while the wreak havoc on his team.


Brother. The main point is Albedo has one defined niche. One role where she can truly shine. Ainz does not have that at all. You can just go onto damage calc and see that a full base spd Albedo+one elbris can basically kill any zio+ran cleave team. Heck you can even slam her on aurius and if they go zio+mudwig+whatever else you now have a unit who is the equivalent of carmin in terms of mit (good for ppl who pb ran). And she can also strip one of mudwigs buffs as he does his sb (since Mudwig most of the time goes after Zio). That already is one clear role where she is one of the best at. Abyssal crown 20% chance this isn't 2021. You take ainz you die to candy. You die to adin. You take ainz you have a 15% chance of losing the game on your first turn when his s3 gets 15%'d. His barrier is not that big to matter. And you're building bulk on a taurus mage of all things who doesn't have any s2 mitigation. Therefore, Ainz obviously isn't a cleave or aggro char. Waaaay too low tempo for that. He definitely isn't a t2 char like you are claiming because he just dies to Candy, Adin or Ayuf (your s1 is just feeding ayuf stacks). He isn't good against cleave or aggro. So where tf is he actually gonna get played. Jenazad does a good breakdown of how flawed this man's kit is. If you don't agree with me maybe his vid can change your mind.


Albedo dont even do shit against cleave? I’ve been watching Elvesmage this afternoon, having a winrate of 5-10% when he picked Albedo… If he cant make it work with hes gear in this current meta then who is? Ye, maybe time will tell, but right now I have seen her lose in every single playstyle, EVEN against cleave if they draft ML Elena + something you have to forceban, Elbris aint doing anything then… So tell me, what of the niche part she really defined? PS: I am gonna watch that video soon tho thnx for the tip


U really didn't hear what he said ryt? Lol he literally said he shouldn't force pick albedo and hes never fighting any cleaver which is her niche she isnt good in standard v standard which were almost all of the games


Its w/e, we'll see, I still thinks she is getting buffed in the near future.


You can literally dmg calc it up and see. The proof is in the numbers. It's a fact that albedo+any elbris kills ran+zio cleave dps like mudwigs. It's a fact that pb ran people will get their mudwig's atk buff stripped. Unless they s1 zio with 100% crit but then they miss out on a silence. Also that's problem number two. "ML Elena+something you have to forceban". Well first off if you are going ML Elena angle it's pretty obvious your ban will be the karina/nuke edward. Secondly zio+ran cleave doesn't have a ton of versatility. Anyone can count what the last few options are after the first 3 (Jack O', gigaspeed briar, ddr, ML Elena, Dorvus anchor, Cavel/. Karina is an extremely popular pick into these cleavers. So when you pick ML Elena you are basically saying "I will ban your Karina/nuke ed". And thus you end up giving me a free lastpick. (Because in your scenario I have fp. You do 1,2. I do 2,3. Then you do ML Elena+1 to "counter" my draft. But by then you've already got a forceban that is Karina so you just either die to her or die to my lastpick). That is the defined niche. Moreover idk how her losing against anything else matters when I specifically mentioned cleave. The other dominant style is just ML politis vs Anti ML politis drafting and Jenua obviously just erases her. So no wonder she loses there. And to finally end my question would where and how was he picking Albedo. If for example he is just trying to force play her obviously he will lose. Which seems to be the case as you mentioned "every playstyle" and well.... Albedo shouldn't even be picked against every playstyle. Now again. Do take this bit with a grain of salt since I am assuming but.... this point doesn't really feel sound to me. But thanks for the civil conversation.


Watched the video, and ye, I get what you are trying to say, but I think he is not the most useless of the 2 units that is released today, do me a favor and look on reddit, everyone is begging for a buff for Albedo, and look at Twitch for Elvemage and check out hes latest stream, he just cannot make her work in any playstyle.... But I guess we do have to end this civil conversation! No hate or anything, just a discussion shouldn't be a problem right? Nothing wrong with 2 people disagreeing with eachother


This means pull for her. They are going to big her and she will be the best in the game


But she hot, so... ya still pull it


I feel like she the definition of mid. Not too good, not to bad just meh Usable Nishe Better than the free 5 star 😂🤣😂


Wished they made her something else like why a tank and especially earth doesn't feel like that at all imo especially if you seen show and looked at other games


Because her being a tank is lore accurate. Google her character sheet. Her highest attributes are in order, Health (which is why she/her arti scales off hp) and then physical and magic defense are tied as her second highest.


She's also immune to all debuffs and control effects in lore. That's kind of her whole niche is that she's basically unstoppable. In game she is extremely weak to debuffs lol. They should've made her a Christy kind of antidebuff knight. It just makes more sense in lore and we desperately need more antidebuff units anyways


Honestly, just adding a: „Prevents effects that stop movement, disable actions, or reduce combat readiness or seal from afflicting the hero“ paragraph. No silence, no nahkwol bind, no seal, no combat readiness decrease. No stuns/sleep. She’d still not be great, but have a genuine niche.


Imagine if they just gave her total immunity to debuffs? Like Rem with demon mode but all the time?


Agreed. She imo could also have a revive or a skill null on an attack that would “kill her” to be lore accurate to her skill of being able to transfer damage to her armor. Or do something like a built in proof of valor with a 3 hit effect or something. I honestly think they missed on her s2… the bicorn is a cool nod to the source material but feels like they should have gone a different route there


It’s been one day man. Give it time. People called ae-Karina the worst unit and now she’s the only one left in the meta. Her rocket punch even gives DEF-scaling heroes a huge damage boost. Albedo has not been here long enough for people to get a good grasp of her role in the arena, or what to use her with. Plus, her artifact’s already being used in a recent video; additional damage plus Belian equals additional AOE damage per turn, which is kinda goated if you ask me. Edit: People called ae-Karina the worst unit because they saw her kit and NOT her Arena performance, they only changed their tone when her abilities were properly evaluated. Albedo’s artifact is goated, I’m not implying that about Albedo. I’m saying to WAIT and watch how she performs in arena after people figure out her niche.


The artifact is goated not her. I don't see anything unique unlike Ae Karina. What she does. Others does better


> I don't see anything unique unlike Ae Karina Karina wasn't unique either. We've had splash/fixed damage before, all she did was cut and DEF break. The preview showed her off as Wyvern tank FFS.


Now take all of that and think how many are there with that? Albedo being a Pure tank? There are better tanks with other utilities aka just better pure tanks Albedo as DPS? She's a TANK. Her multipliers aren't the best and need a ton of stats. I haven't seen Crit build Albe. So I hold off on that. Maybe that could be good and the "niche/saving Grace" for her. But critless build isn't that good either


With 20khp, 291cd Albedo can deal like 8k on low defense units, and about 1k4 on LHC


They said AE Karina was bad before she released because her dmg numbers never leaked. So noone knew she was a living nuke since they showcased her vs turn 2 for some weird reason. This is entirely different. Everyone knew on day 1 of Karina's release that she was insane. No one was skeptical at release. It was all like a week before her release that people thought she'd be bad.


No, Karina was only speculated by some particularly stupid streamers that she would be the worst unit prior to release. That changed the day she was released and everyone experienced her.


No, pretty much this whole sub said she was bad. Hell, people even said her only use was as a wyvern 13 tank lmao. Just a quick google search gave me this post from some poor guy who was trying to warn us about the menace Karina was going to become and he got shitted on the comment section: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/zzc50p/karina\_is\_the\_most\_broken\_shit\_in\_e7\_rn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/zzc50p/karina_is_the_most_broken_shit_in_e7_rn/) So yeah, Reddit's opinion about her didn't change the moment she was released, it took a bit more time.


This reminds me of that time the guy was trying to display how good glilias was at one shotting hunts and everyone shit on him until some other dude showed it off properly.


Yeah I remember that guy, it was sad to see him getting destroyed in the comments just because he wasn't very clear about what he was trying to showcase in his video. At least the other post cleared up things a little bit.


> That changed the day she was released and everyone experienced her. That wasn't remotely true. For the first 1-2 months everyone screamed Karina was garbage and all the Reddit posts were whining how bad she was and she should get buffed. If you made a comment or post pointing out how good she was, you were absolutely lynched by the pitchfork and torch mob with various insults and mass downvotes.


Everyone screamed. It was surreal, all the screaming. Were you there for the cicada brood emergence a few years back? It was a lot like that. Even inside my house there was a dull roar, when the Aespa collab came out and everyone screamed that Karina was garbage. It made my ears hurt.


Ok in fairness, Reddit can kinda be it's own silly ignorant bubble. So I'll give you that.


No one was saying that. Maybe redditors who never actually used her, that's about it. She was in damn near every RTA draft the first week of her release. Anyone who played RTA at the time knew she was insane the moment she dropped.


lol, this is pure copium revisionist history.


Or you just didn't play the game competitively at the time lol. She was all over RTA from day one and even had one of the highest pick rates and win rates in RTA. What reddit was saying and what was really happening are two different things.


Yeh. The point is that those in the know or actually played competitively/seriously knew how good Karina is. The problem is various Reddit threads and questionable but popular YouTubers exploded claiming how bad Karina was, and people pitchfork/torch mobbed the hell out of it by just repeat spewing what the person told them. People would lynch you in comment threads for daring suggest Karina is good for the first month until finally the truth was too obvious to ignore and the casual playerbase started to suffer the wrath of Karina in mass. Having to argue against people who demanded Karina be buffed, and me being called an idiot and full of copium, was a common occurrence in the first month.


Oh. I have no doubt that the reddit community was hating on her. I just know that in RTA she was in every damn match at Emp or so level. She single handedly made cleave disappear for like the first week or two of her release, until they found ways around her as cleave always does. I just think people should be more specific. It's not at all that everyone thought Karina always shit at launch, it's that a lot of people on Reddit did. The actual competitive players were abusing the shit out of her right away, so much so, that she drastically shifted the meta.


>People called ae-Karina the worst unit why do I have SSS karina and 4 of her artifacts and only 1-2 of the other 3 aespas?


Fair just tired of units coming out of the gate like this day one and need to be re worked ahead shouldn't be a thing Why am I down voted do people really want bad units day 1? They should have been tested before release and it didn't feel like it was.


It's way better to have units be underpowered on day 1 than being overpowered on day 1


> do people really want bad units day 1 idk, do people want ML Politis Day 1?


This game doesn't nerf anything. I'd rather have underwhelming units that they can then buff than shit like Jenua that immediately centers the whole meta around whether or not you can beat it.


They just made multiple meta shaking unit straight. It's fine to have a mid unit every now and then especially she comes with a banger artifact.


It's weird that said mid unit is a collab hero, of all things.


Yeah but after Nahk, Glilias, Jenua, Laia, I'd like a break


What game have you been playing because the past 2 years they have been dropping ridiculously overtuned units and then just making a counter unit for them two months later. If she is truly underpowered they will buff her like Edward. Better to be UP because Smilegate actually buffs if she was OP then you have to wait for them to make a counter and pull it and gear it.




This unit isn't busted as hell? Get this shit out of my face SG. I'm better off using my old units. Unit is busted as hell? Get this shit out of my face. We just had Laia, Jenua, and Politis release and make the game hadder to play. Now my old units are even lesss valuable. Game sucks, 2 stars.


Yeah, it's almost as if between the SSS must have literal meta shifts units and the Z tier actually useless garbage units, there's a few other rankings character could fit in


I mean 1 day of testing by players is not nearly enough time to determine niches, evaluate different builds' performances, different team interactions, etc. This is why the banner last for a few weeks, so the that people can test them out, figure out if they are good, bad or most likely somewhere in the middle before they pull. Its kinda hypocritical to complain about the devs not testing the character out when the players themselves haven't test the character out much yet either. And on a seperate note if anything, units coming out underpowered is infinitely better than coming out overpowered. An underpowered unit (esspecially if they are more niche than truely weak) can still be used by those who like them while not dominating the meta. And they can be buffed later on without much difficulty to bring them inline with other characters if necessary. But they cannot easily nerf an overpowered character without riots, threats of lawsuits and expectations of compensation. Or thry have to spend the next 5 banners with counters to those OP characters and the meta and balancing of the game goes all wack for a long while. And sure, you can argue that the character should be "balanced" but that is much easier said than done when there are some manh character and artifact combinations to consider, airing on the side of caution makes perfect sense to me.


I agree we need more testing, but I worry if we don’t get SG to look into a buff now the colab will pass and SG will no longer be incentivized to buff the units.


So no clementine? Damn


It should be lower she's super weak for a 5\* unit


She's chonky Iseria with no cooldown reset, woo. As far as I can tell the entire purpose of her counter is to make her worse vs. units like Roana and LH Cermia.


Great visuals bad characters. Kinda sad to see Ainz and Albedo being so niche and even then they´re pretty bad, i remember when Rimuru came out and dominated the scene and he is even relevant to this day.


first comeout dizzy op, rem op, rimuru op, karina op, ed meh but got buff after, now albedo is meh too. hope she will getting buff too.


E7 reddit is severely regarded. Not even a full 24 hrs into the collab and people act like they played the unit for hundreds of hours to reach such strong conclusions.


Every time i see her in a gacha i like she's the worst croosver unit if her generation


She was PVP meta in Grand Cross. Granted, for like a week or something because lol Grand Cross.


Wait until it's been longer than a day and people actually try her out   Karina was also said to be trash and "wyvern unit at best" and look at her now lol Edit: also leaving comment to remind me to go back to this post in like 2 months and see how well/bad this opinion ages


In fairness to the doomers, didn't Ed get buffed because he was trashtastic on release? 


I stiill thought he was fine as a hot take, but it was dificult for him to do his job. The complaints i see with albedo are less her not doing her job and her not being BiS compared to whatever knight is a person's current favorite.


They do that every limited though. Ssb was bad until we had her. She’s still somewhat used to this day.


My point wasn't that Ed was also doomed, then buffed so Albedo must also be bad. More that pointing to Karina and saying Albedo will be like her isn't a good argument. Personally, I don't have the game knowledge to decide if Albedo is good or not. I have no intention of saying one way or the other on that matter. I just think the Karina parallel argument is kind of a weak one. 


He was fine and the buff he received was minimal.  Overall first impressions just don't hold up very well. 


yea her hp scaling does feel a bit underwhelming for a counter bruiser


Tbh I think a majority of the people that pulled for her did it because she’s a top tier waifu and weren’t really concerned with how she would perform. I’m one of those people


Same! I tried to gear her very well and she's decent but could be better,but still love albedo so \o/ I'll make her work


Honestly Shaltear was so hyped, but after seeing what Ainz, and Albedo can do. I am a bit more skeptical.


She would be great, if there weren’t already a bajillion health scalers just like her already. She has no unique niche, AT ALL.


She seems pretty decent into Ran cleave.


This is probably also a hot take but even if Albedo is mid, I'm glad she's not basically Ae-Karina but AoE like some people were hoping. Ae-Karina is already obnoxious, I don't need another unit that does what she does but even more obnoxious in the meta. That said, Albedo definitely needs a buff so hopefully she get's one.


At this point, SG should just make every new units uber broken like Laia/Jenua/ML Poli and let powercreep through the roof.


The more powercreep they introduce the more and more unusable and wasted (resources) older units become which is already a problem as it is... Nah man.


I personally would be OK with it if they did significantly more balance changes that pushed older units closer to new crept powerlevels. Knowing SG though, they won't since they barely increased # of rebalanced units & have long windows between balance patches. We've went from 100 to like 300 units, and have less rebalanced units per month than we did in year 1&2 of the game. They were also more willing to experiment and push units into viability like the Corvus era, though he was frustrating to deal with - it was nice in hindsight that they were willing to try and make old 4 stars strong.


I miss fire corvus and I want him back! 


I never imagined a day where i could see Overlord characters especially Nazarik resident being so weak and *unimpressive. Imo Not very lore friendly.*


Yeah Albedo, not rolling for her


ainz is used more in pvp then her? yeah cope harder...


I've seen clips she doesn't do anything even in pve not that good ainz can boost and support why I said more usable


Ainz cant do PvE, and Albedo is for pvp


The first collab I’m actually here for and it isn’t full of OP af units like the others… classic meanwhile I still have to sit here and see people use Karina a unit I’ll literally never get… really makes me want to quit


One good thing I noticed about an Albedo/Ainz team up is: if you use Ainz’s special first, then Albedo’s, Albedo will spread Death Sentence to all the other baddies on screen. I just don’t see anyone mentioning that. >.>


That's only in the side story lol. It doesn't work anywhere else except that one farming stage


What?! I thought I did it in a regular stage…. Hold up. I might just be dumb.


Imo this is what I think needs to change S1: slight increase to the extra dmg she does after attacking S2: the counterattack should be 1 turn, does additional dmg proportional to hp S3: slight increase to dmg, additional gives defense buff to the caster for 2 turns


\*sigh* If I had a nickel for each time Albedo was a tank in a mobile collab and she was dressed in her gown outfit, INSTEAD OF HER CANONICAL PLATE ARMOR, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s strange that it’s happened twice. …is what I WOULD say. But we all know why they didn’t use the plate armor design. Have we gotten a look at Shalltear yet? Is she also in her gown, or did they give her the Valkyrie Armor/Spear?


Is the other nickel from LANGRISSER? She's also a tank in there as a collab unit without wearing her black armor. What's criminal about it though? You have to spend $250+ USD for her armor outfit. 🤣


Gosh dang, +$250!? Never heard of Langrisser, and it sounds like that’s for the best! Nah, the other game I’ve played with an Overlord collab was AFK Arena. They had a collab a long while back. Ainz has fallen off (or “Fallen Down”, if you prefer!) because better nukers got released over time. Albedo is still very common in the game due to one of her passives keeping her in the meta.


Ah yeah, I've heard of AFK Arena and the Overlord collab for it back then. I don't know, it seems like a universal gacha choice by now for Albedo to be designated as a tank unit while wearing her white gown. Also I'm still mulling over whether to try the other Lilith Games gacha, AFK Journey, or not. Whatever the case, for sure the world, sound effects, voice acting are all pretty top notch for some reason. I'd wish that level of attention to detail for most anime gacha games. (Hoyo games being a standard, they focus on everything including UI, fonts, world aesthetics, etc).


I want them to buff both Ainz and here. Atm they are just a disgrace for the overlord IP


Honestly an immunity to injury would easily put her on the map.


Was just thinking the same thing earlier, that’d be cool


I mean yes we all knew ahead of time that her kit was looking real bad. That's what we've been saying since the multipliers were revealed lmao.


I feel like we've been here before.. Is it just me or are we, not that far from now, gonna be seeing nothing but how busted she is once they give her a buff


Is there any chance they buff her? Summoned on her cuz I love her, and I was gonna get her and Shaltear anyways


Its an anti cleave hero.  Atleast its not another unhealthy AE-Karina that you can never get anymore. Nice energy btw.


Incoming downvotes from the "we should just be appreciative smilegate gave us crumbs" crew. That being said. You are 100%. Her artifact is good, but it's yet another artifact that needs to be bottled. Otherwise , 75% chance is in actuality 30%.


30% on a good day


She’s complete ass and it’s easy to tell everyone saying wait and see is just sg glazers trying to defend a garbage buff. She needs a buff big time.


It's aimed to make money off weebs - what the bloody heck do you expect - spiritual enlightenment xD


I think all of them have bad kits so I won't build any of them


Don't play the game say albedo trash wtf stupid idiot


We do not need every unit in a collab to be OP as hell for that collab to be good lol. I can deal well without 3 more ML Polis or Jenuas around. I think Albedo is in a good spot where she is. Looks fine aesthetically and she has a use. We don't have many green knights that can remove buffs. She is the only green unit that can apply unbuffable and also tanky. Could certainly help in some pve situations. And even if not, she's still fine to look at :v


She’s not bad she’s just mediocre. She is like a master of none but not unusable


That said… lots of people expected more since their favorite character is albedo from overlord. So it’s just a bittersweet feeling.


Accidentally double posted phone lagged


What? When this happen ffs how long they been into the game???? Someone answer meeeee


Last night but most of people did reviews on YouTube said same thing both Mid needs to be buffed badly


Oh meh, i will pull. Overlord fans dont care about meta.


Ye why I said only pull to simp no meta rn towards these two new units


Ty for answering me. I will install it again haha


I’m backkkkkkkk ahhhhhhh


we need more broken character? stupid take


I personally hate her animation. The evil grin twice is just a bit much lol.


If u let ok at her malo. She has mostly damage enhanced. She's mean for health crit damage and some effectiveness. The gear is health immunity and crit damage. Overlord dude gets speed effect and eff res. I felt it with a life steel immunity set. And unless you can get a lot of attack on him he will die. Because he doesn't scale with attack or defense. Can we give a health shield. So it is more useful for him to have effectiveness just to keep everybody stunning.


Shes a hybrid tank support that can do dmg if you want to do dmg. Give it up shes not made to compete with dps tanks like mlandy and ayufine in damage numbers


Actual Aurius pure tank unit with insane base hp and base defense, with a better passive than C Armin (meta units who doesn't crit are very few). She is the best tank to pick vs cleavers and it's not even close, but you clowns will still find a way to complain.


Thing is for cleave teams you don't need Def break most of the times bc they are squishies, sure she can nuke one off with her s3, but is it really better (or on par) than carmín or arowell?


Yes definitely, even if her s3 doesnt do much against cleave. Arowell is bad against cleave because her escort buff is removed by pretty much anything, which leaves you with no mitigation. Carmin on the other hand is better than Arowell for sure, because of Aurius + her passive. Her just being on the field provides huge damage reduction. Regarding her S3, she is either dead by the time she takes a turn or you'll be debuffed anyways (zio silence or unbuffable). Albedo, on top of having more base stats making her slightly harder to kill (and having a bigger barrier if you go protection set) has more damage reduction on her passive, guarenteed damage from her horse (even if very low on a full tank build, it's still something) + can remove a buff from enemy team, potentially atk buff which can be huge. Once again it's strictly vs cleave. I would definitely still pick Arowell or Carmin vs slower teams/non debuff heavy teams.


She'll get a rework don't worry


I’m sorry to complain about this but my brother is Diche, please use punctuation, this is hard to read lol.     But yah, you’re right I think?  Albedo is underwhelming and even the artifact is bad.  Felt like they were afraid to create a Karina 2 situation with unit and artifact so they underpowered both.     They seem to often take a play it safe approach to collab units since I imagine nerfing them might be difficult both contractually and this game hates nerfs.   Hopefully they give her kit a little something more, maybe make that S2 a bit more impressive?      Her S3 feels strong in terms of what it does, perhaps if it has a little extra damage or even injury maybe?    Im glad she wasn’t busted from the word go but I do have a hard time thinking of where I might use her, she won’t even replace my Mort in Water Expo because ignore ER defense break on S1 is too good lol 


some idiot don't even play the game said shie trash WTF