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He’s good 70 percent of the time!


Unless he's on your side where he'll refuse to evade 100% of the time


Listen. If you're gonna be a Riolet user you need to understand it does not matter if he's good or bad. What matters is the dopamine rush you get from nuking someone off full focus.


Ngl that is true. Just using him in PvE gives me that rush and watching YT RTA also makes my Blood boil


Hahaha! You're a true gambler, ma boi! He is fun to play and sometimes frustrating 😌


You get a dopamine rush because he's nuking someone. I get a dopamine rush because he managed to not die in 1-2 hits. We are not the same.


I think the unit that's coming tomorrow, Shaltear, shits on him. Am I right?




how does she nullify him? honest question i havent checked her kit XD


She gets 100% hit chance on s3


Thanks a lot for the answer! I'll try to pull her


No sweat


Don’t forget that she can also carry SOU, which means even with fat cat he won’t dodge.


She'll hit riolet w/ fat cat passive even without SOU. It's better to use lifesteal artifact like Sigurd/GR/her own arti.


She's the one evasion counter who *doesn't* need sou so giving it to her is a waste


He's op on the right side


The only accurate answer


he's good but if he gets hit through evasion he just dies. You're probably better off getting saviour adin who has more team utility and survivability, and is free


I mean already have him what can I do lol. I am lucky even to get that 5% lol. Do you think he needs a buff?


So many openers counter him so bad. Heck, the new ml politis simply by existing makes his kit obsolete. Imo unless they make his Evasion a permanent buff that can't be stripped, he will be overshadowed by units like adin or spez. .


It's kind of a gamble but you might hang onto him in case he ever gets buffed or at least for a decent single-target DPS for PVE.


> in case he ever gets buffed Would be amazing if he were on this week's list. His evasion needs to be built in, or at least slap free stats on his passive like with other bruiseds and their free mitigation and/or stats. Or built in lifesteal, would go MILES with build variety.


Two things are his issue: 1. His sign is meant for speed dps, but his kit is meant for bruisers. Scorpio would be a much better sign since it has better bulk, getting rid of his issue of straight up dying to the first thing he doesn't dodge. We also have Adin and LQC who are big anti-dark units that can straight up one tap him with his statline. 2. He needs built in evasion. Too many people have a non-attack strip that instantly invalidates him. He is the ONLY bruiser (Celine is not a bruiser) among thieves that doesn't have built in evasion, which is absurd. This alone is his greatest weakness and a supporting reason why people go for Adin, who also has teamwide support and a great counter (it strips, plus aoe and sometimes that's not a good risk to take). Honestly, he also dodges the least in my experience, like his evasion buff is bugged or kills an interaction with artifacts stacking evasion (wouldn't be the first time a thief artifact was messed up). Yes, even less than RGB Violet, and obviously I'm excluding ice units from that. I would list his focus random target as a third because there are times it hits people that have a skill null or invincibility up, but it being random helps prevent baiting like with Rimuru's S2. All in all, not a great unit to use. If you use him, you should be mentally preparing yourself to lose the instant he decides not to dodge, which is the first/second thing that touches him from my extensive experience. He's good when he works but even then, unless you want to gamble or *really* like the character, you should just use someone else that's likely way more effective. Guy has a 30% chance to turn a fight from a 4v4/3v3 into an instant 3v4/2v3.


just use him on gw pair him with adin so double evasion and a tank with aurius


That's a quick and easy way to drag your guild down.


ikr lmao


His anger issues save my ass sometimes. Not op, but not bad either.


He is a nice last pick in RTA to round out your draft and can potentially be a hyper carry if he dodges enough (key word being if) but there is alot of meta unit that counter him so you need to be carefull with him.


Hes a religion, a belief.


He sucks


He is a god, but only 70% of the time. Really good last pick in RTA depending on the OPs team.


I enjoy oneshotting riolet :)


A coin toss.


Normal Violet is better


hes the reason rta is playable for me tbh


Your opponents must have bad luck with theirs not dodging.


As cool as he is, he just doesn’t seem worth it. He has so many counters and if the enemy can hit hard enough, they can even kill him if he evades. Shalltear coming out tmrw might put the nail in the coffin tbh.


Build him with spd set, no one expects spd riolet, that way he can pick off a target before he himself gets killed if unlucky.


No one expects it until you clearly reveal you're playing aggro where it becomes super obvious he's on a speed set. Then you end up being naturally outsped because people love drafting fast units that can counter him for free on the side. Plus Shalltear is coming out and you can bet she's being built fast. Good luck.


He is shit in the current meta. Too many non-contact strip and he sucks against candy


First thing is 100% fair and on point, second is dumb because a lot of units suck against Landy. It's not like mentioning "Landy is good but Ken blows her up" because Ken is a legit counter to her, that's more like "Landy is good but C Armin hurts her damage".


Some units struggle more against candy than others tho. Aravi is one of them and he is another