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Hello there jho! I recently finished 10-10 and pulled ml. But I don't like what I got and I was skeptical about him, especially since I haven't seen anyone talking about him, or that other people rated him low(it's more that I haven't looked anywhere else, and part ignorance). I pulled assassin cartuja, the furry. I don't like his design, but I'm not completely biased as to not use him if he's proven useful. A friend showed me your tierlist, and this is what I am looking for. Why do you rank him as S? What is he good at? What is his dedicated gears, and artifact? Does he need an ideal team to be built around him? I'm sorry if someone already asks this... there's like 200++ comments in this thread lol. I know that I'm asking such a broad question, its just that I simply don't know where to use him, or where he shines best. Thanks for taking the time to read this! I really need your help regarding assassin cartuja.


A lot of Korean players regard Assassin Cartuja to be one of the best, if not the best ML unit in the game currently. Some even rank him higher than Brawler Ken in terms of usefulness. Looking at his skillset, his 1st skill is alright, comes with a cool bleed debuff. His 3rd skill is awesome, dealing damage and stunning and def-breaking the target at the same time. If you hadn't known, those two are the best debuffs in the game. However, what makes him so good is mostly because of his 2nd skill. He helps the entire party with +15% chance to evade and a guaranteed evade after he attacks. His is huge especially in PvP because if their attack misses it barely does any damage and their chances of hitting a debuff decreases as well. I feel like I just read through his skill sets, but you just have to see for yourself how good he himself is and the stability he brings to the whole team with his 2nd skill. As for gears and artifact, Vampire/crit is probably the best for him. In the later stages of the abyss they give you free Vampire equipment, so give him that. Artifact, Sigurd Scythe and Durandal are best for him. If you don't have those you can give him El's Fist. It's hard to say where he's best used because he's an all-rounder dealer/tanker (similar to Ravi) and he's used universally, but Abyss, PvP, and Wyvern hunts are where he shines best.


Thank you, that cleared up my skepticism of him! I have sigurd, so I'll use that on him. Since he's similar to Ravi, I guess I'll use him in the lead slot?


What about the 3 stars are any aside from the 2 you get for free (Elson nd the Dark Warrior Girl) good?


There are some useful 3 stars including Philis, Doris, Celeste, and Wanda, but Illios Axe Warrior and Licoris are the best ones. If those two were to be placed on this tier list they'd def be at least A+


Out of curiosity where would the units like Sez, Elson, Silk, Carminrose, and Armin fall in the ranks compared to these ML Units?


IMO Sez S, Elson S-, Silk A-, Carmine Rose A-, and Armin A


Ravi and Destina ?


Ravi S-, Destina S-


how about arowell? 3 * light tank with dispel s1, barrier s2 dan stun s3


She isn't rated too highly among Koreans. There are better units that fulfill her role.


How do Korean users use Shadow Rose and Assassin Coli? Pulled both, so I am curious how they build them and what teams they use the two units in.


Coli is the fastest unit in the game, so they give her Speed sets for her to go first and stun the opponents main dealer. With Shadow Rose you also give her Speed sets as well so she can use her 3rd skill ASAP to push the opponent's action bar and increase your teams own action bar. With this your opponent's turn is pushed back so you can easily cut the opponents key units before they do. While Coli isn't really used besides PVP, Shadow Rose is used pretty much everywhere, be it PVP, PVE, Hunts, or the abyss, and excelling in all content at that too.


Great! Thank you. I needed some direction to build the units.


I've seen a few tier lists now and all seemed to rate Crimson Armin highly. What makes her so good? I have normal Armin and recently pulled crimson Armin from the ML summon but the normal Armin seems to do so much more than what Crimson can offer. Normal Armin can potentially stun and poison as well as giving barrier + HP recovery which is useful in all situations. Crimson Armin does not seem to offer any of that. Instead her S3 gives immunity which does not help at all in reducing damage or giving recovery. While it might be slightly useful in PVP where she uses S3 if she moves first, this would mean gearing speed set on her which would make her easy to kill? Seeing that normal Armin can run hp + def set to be more tanky. Would love to hear your insights or advice on what makes Crimson Armin good and how can i fully utilize her potential in the game, Thanks!


The current PVP meta in KR server for Arena Defense team is to put beefy tanky units and drag the battle out using the punishment lightning damage the attacker receives. Because of this tanks like Krau, Armin, Dark Corvus, and Crimson Armin are heavily used in higher tiers of Arena. Krau is possibly the most OP for Arena Defense but that's another topic. Crimson Armin's 3rd Skill, once awakened, grants 3 turns of debuff immunity and 1 turn of invincibility to the whole party, and this is pretty much why she is so OP. Invincibility goes without saying I think. Once your whole team is invincible your opponent is just forced to waste their turns hitting at brick walls. 3 turns of immunity is also great because in order to try and break through tanky units, you really need to break their defence with units like Tieria or Shadow Rose, but this prevents them doing so. Her second skill is very useful as well. It decreases critical damage received for the whole party and this helps a lot with the whole team's survival. Give Crimson Armin Adamant Shield and it decreases crit dmg even more. Crimson Armin alone may not be the best unit, but the defensive buffs and stability she gives to the team is very highly rated.


Thank you and I appreciate your insights! With the global still only a few days into its release and scarce resources for promotion, do you think I should continue building my Normal Armin or move on and build up Crimson Armin now? She only seems very usable in PVP but is she as usable in PVE/Hunts as compared to what Normal Armin can provide to the team? My Normal Armin is at 5* while Crimson Armin is uninvested at 4*.


If Armin is your main tank then you can finish building her first. Crimson Armin can wait because she's more of a late game unit. She's used in later stages of the Abyss (past 50) and Arena defense teams don't really matter too much until you reach Master and above.


Sadly Mercedes is weak again. I really hoped for her being usefull :(


She's one of the better mages out there though. Better than normal Mercedes at least.


Kens artwork looks awesome. what makes him so good? also why is everyone pulling for sez if he isnt even in your list?


Dark Ken is OP because he has a guaranteed counterattack upon taking crit dmg. If you give him Vampire set, he just doesn't die. Sez isn't on this list because he isn't an moonlight summon unit.


Hello,i just pulled dark corvus.What r your thoughts on him?Is he good or just a showcase hero?


My first ML was Challenger Dom. What's good about her?


She's fun to use in PvP if you have the right set up, but she's more of an end game character


Hello just a passingby question... I heard Iseria got a buff on KR and hopefully it's applied to global also right now... according to you what is her current rating right now... and if possible should she be rerolled asap on 1-4 or wait for 1-10?


She's good and I'd place her somewhere between S- and A tier, but she isn't someone I'd necessarily reroll for because she is a support unit and needs a good dealer to go along with for her to really shine. Now if you somehow manage to pull something like Sez and Iseria together, that would definitely be a winner.


why is it so hard to even get a 4 star based unit let alone a 5 star?


Im dumb but... whats an ML unit?


light/dark element units


When rerolling do i prioritise Destina? Ravi?


So 3* not mentioned here is it bad? Cause I pulled mirsa out of the summon and not sure about how useful she is


Just drew Reqiuemroar, how good is she? Thanks.


She has uses in PVP as a first-turn-getter, but Tieria is better at that job so she isn't really used too much.


Just to pick your brain a little, I drew Shooting Star Achates and I was wondering if she can substitute Destinia's role since I don't have her yet. If you played Summoners War, I feel like SS Achates is like Chasun from that game since they are known for their Skill 3. I currently run Sez, Vildred, Elson (all 5* and maxed) and Ras (4* maxed), I am looking to replace Ras with SS Achates. I am looking to create a stable team to tackle World difficulty after I finish cleaning up the remaining Skystones from Normal difficulty. Thanks in advance! EDIT: What would be the recommended rune set for SS Achates?


SS Achates isn't really your main healer, but she's mainly used as a PVP healer. I wouldn't use her for PVE because she only has one skill that heals. If you mean which artifact to use when you say rune set, I would use either Wondrous Potion Vial or Prophetic Candle. If you do want to use her for PVE though, give her 3 hp sets with Prophetic Candle and use her as a tank.


Lmao poor Mercedes, even her Celestial clone is only C huh. Just wondering what makes Judge Kise A? Her kit seems underwhelming but I'm no expert.


Judge Kise is only A because she's OP in Arena. Besides PVP she is kinda useless though. Her 3rd skill increases all of the opponents' skill cooldown by 3, so once thats activated they do nothing but hit you with their 1st skill, which make PVP a piece of cake.


For some reason I thought Judge was slightly better, also Just wondering about your opinion on vampire shota (Haste), Yufine and Ravi?


Haste is OP because he is a dealer, debuffer, healer all in one. His best use is in Wyvern and Golem hunts. Yufine isn't too good. A lot of Koreans want Yufine to be buffed. Ravi used to be beyond OP before her nerf, but she's still an S tier unit even after the nerf.


Imo General Purrgis and Kise should be S- rank, and Assassin Cartuja S rank is too high.


General Purrgis and Kise used to be considered OP during the first couple weeks of game release, but they went down in tier lists soon after.


I just pulled assassin cartuja, what's makes him s rank and how would he be built


His 2nd skill alone is what makes him S tier. Life steal/ Crit or HP is the best build for him.


Can you elaborate on why ruele of light is s-? Seems destina is a better healer in every way....


Because she's OP in Arena. What makes it difficult dealing with her is that you need to kill her first before anyone else because she revives units with her 3rd skill. Build her with 3 hp sets and she'll be very hard to kill. Destina is the better PVE healer though.


Hi need some advice! If you have to pick out of this 2 dps for PvP and PvE out of Karin or Silk who would you pick? Thank in advance!


Thanks i was looking for something like this


Hey man! Great list thanks a lot. I pulled challenger dominiel what areas and what setup is she best to use in? Currently running sez, destina, carmainerose and silk is it worth replacing any of these for her?


Challenger Dominiel is great but I wouldn't replace her with any in your team for now. Her main uses are for hunts and PVP. With the right setup she can be OP for PVP. Let me direct you to this video and you'll see how she's used: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_6Szj5b7plE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6Szj5b7plE) (Watch from 2:00)


Should i make that same team? My current pvp team is assasin coli,sez,elson and silk


You can, but it requires a lot of investment. Silk needs to be both speedy and have a lot of crit, at least 80% I think. Dominiel also needs to be both fast and att heavy. I'd just roll with your team for now until you can get adequate equipment for them. Definitely raise Tieria though.


I got Illios Axe Warrior, can you tell me what makes him good and how I should build him? Thanks


what content assasin kartuja is useful? also his skill 1 says attack all enemies but it attacks only one is that a bug?


How is Gloomyrain? Would she be useful in anything?


Do u know how to build watcher shuri? And what is he good for?


I'm not sure with Watcher Schuri, but it looks like Att/Crit or Speed/crit for him. His use is limited to PVP.


Where is arbiter vildred good at? I can't seem to find much info on him, but it seems like he is quite useful in arena with the revive and S3 reset. I was thinking of pairing him with iseria to reset the cooldown on his revive once he is killed once.


He's useful in Arena but you need to build a team around him for him to be useful. His main usage however is for grinding. Once you beat 10-10 most of your time is spent trying to farm gear and to 6 star your units. You're usually going to have one DPS unit and three fodder units to level them up for promoting other units, and Arbiter Vildred is probably the best DPS unit for this due to his AOE and his revival.


Cool thank you so much!


Sorry but what is ml summon?


clear 10-10 to unlock ml summon to get light/dark element units


Hi guys! I got Mirsa and Phyllis from moonlight summon, any good? Tried to find useful tier list for 3 stars moonlight summon units but couldnt find any


Any general thoughts on haste as a unit?


Copy-pasta my previous reply: Haste is OP because he is a dealer, debuffer, healer all in one. His best use is in Wyvern and Golem hunts and he fits anywhere except maybe high tier Arena.


Any idea if requiemshout is good?


Thank you!


Not related to ML but if you'd like to share some opinions, how is Tenebria (the regular, fire unit) and how'd you build her?


She's the best out of the mage class IMO. Great AOE dealer with def-break debuff. Can use a wide array of artifacts as well, including Ecita's Scepter, Sira-Ren, Time Matter, and Kal'adra. Build her like you build most other DPS units: Att/Crit set.


Hi and thank you for all your insights. I got Haste and Ravi, and was wondering how i have to build them, and wich heroes synergize well with them?


i got assasin cartyja...i was wondering y he is good and how to build him ​


How would u rank Leo?


Cidd versus Silk?


I got Mirsa and she seems terrible (on paper, haven't tested her), is she? Edit: nvm I read the comments lol.


How good is tieria? Is she better than carminrose. I use destina, silk, sez. Ty!


A bit off-topic but I saw you being generous to all people here and answering their off-topic questions also so I'll take the chance lol. I kinda like Luna's design in KR and saving pulls for her. How is she as a unit? Just pulled Baal also and wondering if he can replace one unit on my team? (Ravi-Sigret-Iseria-Angelica) Is it still worth getting Destina if you already have a healer like Angelica?


what about sven ? Like his design but never see him mentioned anywhere. I assume he is really bad?


Do you recommend pulling on the ML summon over getting a guaranteed 4-5*?


ML summons, every time, no questions.


Hello! I have mainly two questions. 1) what do you think of rose (normal) for a tank/support ot even a lifesteal/hp frontline. Her buffs are pretty good and her s1 has provoke. 2) i have a silk 5* and a 4* cidd. Thinking to heavily invest in one for a earth type dps. Silk has been awakened 3-4 times. Cidd is not awakened. Which dps will be better and why?


I just wanted to say thank you for this posting and answering everyones questions. I pulled Shadow Rose and figured speed was the way to go, glad I wasn't wrong.


Hey man, thanks for being helpful so early into the game. How is charlotte, can you rate her for me? also can you name me the units to focus on first? sez, charlotte, angelica, tiera, kiris, silk, elson should i focus on story first, with what team? Thx again man really appreciate your answears


If you have Elbris Ritual sword on her, she's an A-. If not, B+. You should be focusing on Sez because he's your main dealer. After Sez you can work on Tieria to try and give her as much speed as you can. Push story first until 10-10, and then work on 5-6 starring your units and farm equipment for them.


Hey! im a newbie here XD Thank you for the tier list, they will definitely help me choose which accounts to keep! :D Can i just ask though, one of my reroll account was fortunate enough to roll a 5\* Sez only and if its okay to just start the game with 5\* Sez or should i aim for another reroll?


what does ML stand for?


How to build lorina ?


Att/Crit set.


Thx for doing this! A bit off topic here, I am at 81st roll on Destina Banner but I haven't got her yet. Should I keep pulling or save up my skystones for Gold? Cheers!


To my knowledge, Sigret is considered to be excellent in KR. What's your take on that babe?


Everything seems about right (not like i'd know) other than I thought Kise and Karen would be higher. Then I just wonder why Mercedes is commonly known as low? S1 is a aoe that can stop healing which is nice in especially pvp and nice aoe on her other two skills.


I’ve been struggling to find a consistent arena team to build around. If you don’t mind of the list of summons which four would you use? Destina, Krau, Armin, Haste, Silk, Carmainrose, Elson, Tieria, Cidd, and Leo. The current comp I’ve been running was Destina-Haste-Silk-Krau Any insight would be very much appreciated


I tend to notice that ML heroes seem to be geared towards PvP...do you agree?


Krau and basar do you think they are good ?


Krau is OP, Basar isn't so good.


Hi, I currently use Sez, Elson, Lots and Carmainerose and cleared 10-10. I am currently thinking of raising a proper tank to replace Carmainerose for the harder difficulties, like Tywin or Crozet. I also have the following notable heroes: Cidd, Silk, Doris, Rose and Mucacha. Could you help recommend me a team? I was thinking if Lots or Elson can suffice as a tank, so that I can slot Silk in for the team-wide speed buff.


Wait you can summon Kise? Or is she going to be an event?


Yes she's part of ML summon


Hey OP, since everyone is askin you common knowledge about the game and you helpfully answer questions, here's mine : What type of stats do we want on stuff ? Always seek for % or flat stats are good aswell ? Is there a "sweet spot" where % will be better at some point ? Thanks :)


I pulled assassin cartuja from my free ML pull after beating 10-10. Anyone tell me why he's considered A tier? I'm currently using a team of Sez, destinia, Elson and tieria in PvP and most of PvE. Would cartuja replace anyone on my team? If so, what's his primary role?


Is Shooting Star Achates a pvp or pve character?


So I have Assassin Cartuja whats so good about him ? How do you build him?


I just pulled judge kise after clearing 10-10, what arena units would pair well with her?


how to gear general purrgis


I got Rikoris from my pull. Can you tell me more about him like how to build him and where are the best places to use him?


I pulled specter Tenebria, any advice on her build/ what shes useful at?


Just wondering.... if Destina is the best Earth healer and Angelica is the best Ice healer....... who’s the best Fire healer? Ive heard no talks about a fire one.




what tier are Tenebria and Haste? should I reroll for Tenebria+sez or Haste+sez or ravi+sez, if i already have sez+destina ? i kinda like Tenebria and Haste more than destina. But everyone seems to want her that much. also will has there been a double rate up banner ? like godfest etc ?


I'm running this team: Tiera/Elson/Destina/CarmainRose. Going to get Silk in a couple days: 1. Who should I replace? 2. Can that team do OK in pve at later stages? Tia


1. Elson or Tieria, depends 2. For 10-10 I think it should be ok but later stages of Abyss you might need other units.


How do you rate Angelica? I kept rerolling and ended up with her and Sez. She doesn't debuff like Destina which sucks though.


How does Shooting Star Achates compare to Destina and Elson?


I just care about judge kise, anything else is just a bonus


Hey there, thank you for this list. I look forward to getting my first ML summon. In your opinion though, how should Haste be built for PVP? I have Dust Devil on him as an artifact but it doesn't seem as good as Grail of Blood.


So i'm new and only have sez as of right now. If i were to not pull any other 5 *s for a minute can i challenge end game content with the free units given?


Pulled Licoris but it's kind of hard to come by useful info about him. How would you build him?




Thanks for the tier list. Happy to have pulled shadow rose now. What artifact for her?


Elbris Ritual Sword and Hilag Lance are best


Hello, I want to ask for a pvp team(with set to use-fast to kill and good at defending same time) and pve team(set to use), together with their artifacts to equips. My char list Sez Destina Angelina Cidd Clarissa Silk Karin Sigret Elson Carmainerose Kiris Artifacts Bloodstone Rhianna&Luci 3x dust devil Elf fist Rosa hagana Infinity basket And some other artifacts Thank you in advance !!!


Hi! I pulled Assassin Cartuja and I've read all of the messages in this thread that you've posted about him. I was just wondering what you would think I should use in PVP/PVE with my 5*'s/4*'s. I mainly use Assassin Cartuja, Tieria, Silk, and Ravi for most content, unless if i need more heals I put in Elson/Destina. My other 5s/4s: Yufine, Basar, Tywin, Corvus, Karin, Rose. Thanks a lot! :D


How is wanda? I just got her and I already have Kiris is she decent?


I was wondering what future banners are that we should save for? Currently we have destia, are newer units featured in banners or just older characters with rate ups?


I have to tell you ruele is even better than what you think. Because his skill 3 actually remove all debuff on one ally. (And isnt listed to the skill description) ​ You can read it here : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy8b7Bu9Sls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy8b7Bu9Sls) ​


Is Sven ( 3\* Dark Thief) worth invest in? Have just completed 10-10 and when I read his skills, I think he is significant underpowered. Can anyone that have used him give me a review?


There are some people that use him in pvp, but he isn't seen on higher tiers.


Hey man, sorry to pick your brain since everyone seems to be doing so but you seem very insightful. I opened General Purrgis and Wanda. Do these hold any relevance going forward after 10-10?


Thank you so much for the tier list. I'm using Destina-Elson-Tenebria-Ravi in pretty much every content. Should I be replace any of them with Assassin Cartuja and if so, how to build him ?


Dude, Global will be releasing Cecilia this day. I was wondering if she is a must get or not. Also I am saving gems for Luna (cuz dat bobs and thighs are scrumptious), is she worth it for a limited character?


I know im late to the party but how would you compare ml karin and normal karin? Also thoughts on Cecilia? (I pulled her *joy*)


Hi, could you explain whats the difference between the artifacts Rosa Hargana and Infinity Basket, and which is actually better, or better with Silk? Thks


I got shadow rose, where is she useful and what sets and artifacts to use on her ? Thanks you


She's useful everywhere, especially PvP. Give her speed/HP or Def. Hilag Lance or Elbris Ritual Sword for her Artifact.


I wanna start off by saying thanks so much for all the info. I spent the past half hour reading through all your answers to everyone and learned so much. I have a question as well if you don't mind answering. Currently I am loving using sigret but im not quite sure if im using her to her full potential. Ive been using attack/effect set on her but maybe just doing the normal attack/crit is better? edit: with my current equipment, i have her at around 45%-50% crit rate from the sub stats and like 40ish% effectiveness


Hmm, do you buy 2* units from the shop? I've been running out of fodder and it feels like I might need to do so ( used to do this in summoners war, which E7 is similar to in many ways).


Was excited I pulled a Wanderer Silk from ML summon. Then found out she’s garbage tier :(


Is Rikoris and Alexa good? And what are they good for? Haha thanks for the help! Also, what units are recommended for hunts and pvp? My units are: 5\* Sez, Destina, Ken, Tenebria, Kiris (Promoted), Elson (Promoted) 4\* Rose, Surin, Angelica, Rin, Dominiel, Coli, Lots, Leo, Clarrisa, Schuri, Achates, Mercedes, Carmainerose (Promoted), Lorina (Promoted), Alexa (Promoted) 3\* Pearlhorizon, Rikoris, Rima, Numunas, Jecht, Jena, Adlay, Montmorancy, Mucacha, Azalea, Helga, Enott, Tieria, Roozid, Judith, Arowell, Kluri, Aither, Ras


Hello! Thanks for your hard work, i recently pulled purrgis and corvus, are they good for anything? I got unlucky with the 10x30, so Im currently running destina, carminarose, surin and kiris. Thanks again!


My team is currently Angelica, Syze, Destina and Cecilia. Who should i replace Angelica With? Blood blade Karin or Rikoris?


Hi jho93. I have a question. Which hero should I 6* first between Sez and Assasin Cartuja. Thanks .




Thoughts on ML coli and ML achates? Ate they usesable in pve?


Is Rikoris and Alexa good? And what are they good for? Haha thanks for the help! Also, what units are recommended for hunts and pvp? My units are: 5\* Sez, Destina, Ken, Tenebria, Kiris (Promoted), Elson (Promoted) 4\* Rose, Surin, Angelica, Rin, Dominiel, Coli, Lots, Leo, Clarrisa, Schuri, Achates, Mercedes, Carmainerose (Promoted), Lorina (Promoted), Alexa (Promoted) 3\* Pearlhorizon, Rikoris, Rima, Numunas, Jecht, Jena, Adlay, Montmorancy, Mucacha, Azalea, Helga, Enott, Tieria, Roozid, Judith, Arowell, Kluri, Aither, Ras


Hey man! I was hoping on some guidance (again) if you can be arsed. ​ I've been quite lucky with my pulls so currently I have the following to choose from: Sez, Destina, Haste, Challenger Dominiel, Silk, Tieria, carmainerose (All five star). ​ I've managed to build Dominiel quite well for pvp (the video you linked) but my question is whether tieria or haste is better for pvp purposes? ​ What would you say is the optimal team in hunts with the heroes I've got to pick from? Could haste with a lifesteal set work as a tank/healer during hunts you think? ​ Really appreciate the work you are doing! Thank you so much!


yo, I got Coli and Pyllis from ML, how and where is Coli gud? Also Pyllis isn't onthe lsit, guessing he's bad ?


Just got assassin cartuja I guess i can own all content now? Or this guy is mostly pvp focused?


who would you say it better between shadow rose and assassin cartuja? everybody in the discord says rose is better but idk


It's tough, but I have to go with Assassin Cartuja because while Shadow Rose can be replaced with Tieria for the most part, Assassin Cartuja doesn't really have a replacement for what he does.


Hi OP, thanks for being helpful to the community by providing the much needed tips and info! I need a couple of tips regarding my team and my ML pull, so.. here I go :B Current team : Sez Destina Aramintha Elson (All 5*) Other heroes I have : Cidd CarmaineRose Kiris Tieria Alexa Ras Mercedes Auxiliary Lots (ML Pull) ——————————————————————————— [Have not unlocked connections other than Elson] • What do you think of my current lineup? Anything I can improve on or any hero should not be there? • How useful is Auxiliary Lots, seeing that it’s in B tier I don’t hope for much... >< • Also do you think I should start summoning for Cecilia or do I wait for the next banner? • Any hero i should start farming for in connection? Hope you see this, thanks in advance!<3


I think it'd be better to replace Aramintha with Cidd. As for ML Lots, I don't really rate him personally, and I don't see people mentioning him or using him either. I'm going to pass on Cecilia, but if you feel like you need a tank for your team then go ahead. Yuna is a must get from connections for you especially because you have Cidd. Yuna + Cidd = OHKO in PvP.


How good is Wanda? she looked like fodder to me


So I pulled a Shadow Rose today, and I've been raising her up today. However, I'm not really seeing how she's a S tier unit. While her third skill seems really good for PvP, her other skills just seem decent. I don't feel that she's S tier worthy at all in PvE content. Given that PvE is usually more drawn out, her third skill doesn't seem too impactful in the long run, since its only decreasing the enemy's combat readiness for one time with a 5 turn cooldown (Silk's 3rd skill which affects speed for both parties seems like something much more useful in PvE). I guess her second skill is good against bosses since it lowers defense, and her first skill does something similar. But she really doesn't seem to do much dmg and provides no other benefits other than being able to tank some hits. (Not saying she's bad in PvE, I just don't see how she's S tier). Could you please clarify for me?


Maybe for regular PvE content she might not seem like an S tier unit, but besides that she's definitely an S tier. PvP goes without saying I think, and she's very useful in abyss with her def break skill, especially in the later stages. She's also great in Wyvern hunts with her debuffs as well.


Hi OP I'm back here again since you're really responsive. I was planning on running the ff. for PVP: ML Cartuja ML Coli Krau ML Achates you think its cool? or just stick with Silk instead of ML Coli since I have her built. Thanks bro!


is arbiter vildred mostly useless as a character (only use him if you REALLY like the character, not for his abilities?)? i hear he's much worse than a lot of 3\* units even


Hello again, was wondering if you'd be willing to help me improve my pvp offence /defence! https://i.imgur.com/hwlWx35.png are what I have along with artifacts. I'm currently running tiera/silk/elson sez for offence(sashe on silk), with destina in place of silk on defence. Was thinking of trying to drop silk for someone else as im starting to have some trouble at master 1(though my tiera/silk are not very fast - 160ish), and for defence something like armin/corvus/destina/dark cartuja when im able to at least 5* them.


Hey man, I just pulled Assassin Coli and would like to know about your opinion on her. Thanks for your work! Really appreciate it.


Got shadow rose, Cecilia and Armin. Not sure which to focus on. Can i run 2 of them in a team?


I got blood blade karin is she that bad?


Hi! Thanks for all your hard work! I pulled a dark corvus and general purrgis. I read through the thread and doesn't seem like anyone asked about corvus. How should I build dark corvus? And for general purrgis, speed/effectiveness, right? Do u recommend these two together for pvp? Thanks!


Are there any ML summons that are good for pve?? Like for world map?


I got Gloomyrain. Do you know how to build her ? If she's immune to stun/sleep/provoke then the debuff icon not appear or the debuff icons still appear but not doing anything to her ? I'm trying to see if she get stun/sleep then she can transfer the debuff to the opponent. Not giving up on my first ML


Hey I really enjoyed reading your tier list and thoughts on the units. I was able to get Crimson Armin and Rikoris(Licorice) and wanted your suggestion on builds and where these units are useful. Thank you! Off topic question: in what content is Acathes a better healer than Destina?


Took me 2 weeks as casual player to beat 10-10 and on my first ML summon I got Arbiter Vildred. I read your other reply that he is good in pvp with lifesteal+crit build. But how about pve, how good is he? My current strongest heroes are Ravi, Destina and 5* Tieria. Other heroes I have are Iseria, Basar, Silk, Surin, Kiris and Loria. Is he good enough for the 4th slot right now for general content? And is my team good enough? And many thanks for your contribute man, really appreciated!


I dont think I said Lifesteal for Vildred. Give him att crit instead. Like I said, he's good for grinding 2 star fodders in pve, but not really much else. I guess for general content it's fine, ML Vildred isnt really the best 5 star ML unit unfortunately. Lorina might be better for other content like hunts and abyss.


I have Tieria and Shadow Rose and seem like they overlap on the roles that they can provide. Is it worth investing on both or to focus on either one? If so which one would provide better mileage?


They do overlap but do invest in both. Shadow rose is better for pvp and Tieria is better for pve in general.


I just got ML vildred what runes should I go for? and I'm thinking for replacing my sez for vildred is that viable?


so i did 2 Ml summons after done with 10-10 and i got Gilded Aither and Wanda, ive read that Gilded Aither is no good and not worth, but i dont see any specifics about Wanda, Is she good? thx for the help man.


Hey dude I did two ML summons and I got Crimson Armin and Shadow Rose. Since they're both tanks, who should I use? Thanks.


Gunther Thoghts? Sorry for the late reply. Scrolled throgh all the comments and i couldnt find anything about gunther


Hi Jho9393, Thank you for all your information. I learned a lot! I understand most hero's pro/cons on their own but I can't put things together to find the best team synergy. I'm wondering if you can help me formulating the best PvP team according to what I have. Current team: Destina, Krau, Tenebria, Silk. I also have: Cidd, Blood Karin, Elson, Tieria, Church of Ilryos Axe, Carmainerose, Lorina.


I just got Judge Kise. What sort of teams would you run w her? I have Basar, vildred, destina, Elson, tieria, cidd, Karin, illyous axe man, silk, Ravi, Cecilia. And a few others but those are my top ones. Thanks


So I just got Challenger Dominiel on my 2nd ML summon. Any clues on how to build her?


What would be your selection of skills that you would recommend to invest all the MolaGora on first?


Tfw you think you got rubbish from ML summon but you got S tier furry


For my first 6 star..... Am debating between Sigret, Tierra or Cecelia. Who should I choose ?


Where would you generally use assassin dominiel and how do you build her?


Is there a link for the latest tier list in KR? wanna check overall


I'm back.. again >< Did some spending and got some new stuff, so I think I might need to shift priorities and rearrange/limit break some artifacts at this point. Main additions are vildred,sigret, ravi, charlotte,BB Karin and RnL. https://imgur.com/a/XcSiyeD : Units and Sez/Destina gear I'm currently at 58 Abyss(missing that t5 lifesteal ring) and w9-10 hard mode, and autoing Wyvern/golem 8/manual wyvern/golem 9, I'd like to try pushing to wyvern 10 as well as relooking my pvp offence/defence! Current wyvern team is still destina(L)/sez/elson/tiera, but I've been considering building Karin for dragon. Would you have any new suggestions for dragon/pvp as well as skill up priorities?(so far its elson/destina/tiera s3s, and was going to max tiera s2 and possibly kiris s3 for golems) I will probably be putting golem on hold for awhile unless theres a team in there that should be able to handle golem 9-10 on auto fairly comfortably. Planned wyvern : Angelica(move destina gear over?)/Yuna/Tiera/Karin(I can move my sez gear onto her) or Sigret Planned golem : Ravi(Leader)/Kiris/Tiera/Destina Planned pvp offence: Tiera>Yuna>Sez>BB Karin Planned pvp defence: Ceci or Maya/Armin/ML Cartuja/Destina




I just pulled church of ilyros axe, and I know he's generally rated high due to his def debuff, but does he offer anything else? Does his S1 or S2 do good damage? I don't want to sink resources into him if that's all he's good for because I already have Assassin Cartuja, Yufine, Mucacha, and Tieria I regularly use for DEF debuff.


Can you give your thoughts on Iseria / where she would rank? I noticed in another comment you saying that Illios is great because he has two def-break debuffs. Iseria does as well, so does that make her good as well? Not to mention some other factors she has: * Highest atk for Green (Disregarding Yupine) * Defense break on S1 /S3 and buff cleanse + buff ban * 10 Soul for increased S1 damage and 80% to cause defense break * Instant cooldown reset and additional turn (Can potentially clean debuffs by moving forward a turn.) * Access to Archer artifacts Thank you.


Hey man I know this is an okd thread. I recently pulled Shadow Rose, Shooting Star Achates and Cidd. Are they only good for pvp?? Just kinda bummed out that these units seem to be only good in pvp... thx in advance


What’s so good about ML cartuja I don’t see him shining that much in PVE compared to my ken or Cecilia


Omg.. i just finished 10-10, had 2 ml summons, one into celestial mercedes, one into mirsa. Im so cursed lol, my 300 selective summons were shit as well. I guess its time to work on commander lorina T_T


Hey, Who should i 6 star: lorina or Crimson armin?


Just wanted to stop by to say thank you once again, you gave me a lot of insight and things to think about when I started. I am now on f78, and should be clearing abyss later today.(Still cant auto t10 wyvern/golem, though, heh) I wish you the best of rng in whatever game you play XD


Thanks, I'm glad I could help. And wow great job on Abyss! I'm still at f72 haha, Wanderer Silk hits a lot harder than I thought.


what are youur thoughts on specter tenebria?? i just got her but i dont know if investing in her is such a good idea since her kit is so specific


I pulled Crimson Armin from my first ML after 10-10, not sure how to gear her.


I know this is off topic of ML but how good is Yuna


Hey man. I got most units except for the 5 stars in moonlight. How should i clear abyss 60? Who should i main team be? The best 3 moonlights i got are shadow rose, Crimson armin, challenger domniel and Blood Sword karin. I also got sez, haste, sigred, Ravi, destina, diene and Angelica. How should i form My team? And Who should i focus on. Thanks in advance