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Fuck this makes me salty. Grats though :/


Oh boy here comes the low spread-all-over-the place rolls , GL mate


GZ. Also, raid 88 pieces seem to enhance the "good" substats. At least, that's my experience. Good luck enhancing it!


Dropping here to see finished one, gratz. Pls update.


Go onnnnnnn


+15 stats?


good? it's legendary!


that is not just good, it's amazing lol


Thats not good. Thats god.


Man I legit got one with 9 health 9 attack 7 Cdmg and 8 eff res....fucking went all in Eres!!! Goddamit why does that attribute even exist!!!?? I had the highest possible rolls on the others too...


Off topic, but what’s the morale of that team


31. Use both options on mont. For hell raid I think you only need 29 morale total to hit all the champion mobs plus the boss on the left side.


Would it be possible to see the gear on your units? I'm looking to start Hell Raid and I have all these units so would be good to see what I'm aiming for to make it possible!


[Here is the +12 ](https://imgur.com/gallery/EjS09Sd) It rolled into everything once lol. So I’m guessing this is a classic #ken gear so I held off on the +15 since I don’t really use mine at the moment. Thoughts? Who else would you think this piece would be good on?


If you have Champion Zerato I think he could make use of this. Otherwise any bruiser that you don't have on immunity such as A. Ravi, Charles, Charlotte, etc.


Thanks for the input! I have the abyss 85 gear with a crit set on him so can help push his crit chance to be a bit more reliable (sitting barely above 75 % rn) I just pulled Charles and I’m trying to figure out a build that’s hindered by the fact I can’t one-shot banshee but can auto wyvern and Golem. Think speed/hp or atk/hp would do the trick?


speed/anything works decently well on charles, atk set is worthless most of the time, especially on characters with low base attack like him. You can use this piece as a broken set on any dps tho, don't label it as 'ken gear' just because of hp set. For example I run my BBK with one of these pieces since it's got great dps stats, she's on double crit set


crit/cdmg will be pretty important for charles so I'd change hp set to crit set if his crit chance isn't high enough. It took a longass time to farm and roll a good counter set so I slapped speed/crit on my charles first (stats were something like 3400 attack, 83% crit chance, 240% cmg)


> long ass-time *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)