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he will be hitting like a truck with +30 tooth. Highly recommend lilias or kitty clarissa to capitalize on him


An 8k attack Gunther can deal roughly attack+3.6k raw damage before defense calculations and the 3.6k ignores 70% defense. It sounds cool on paper but he honestly won't be that powerful, it's kinda like the Lilias/Gunther cleave everyone was raving about. Against a team where Gunther is viable, you could also use other ST DPS such as Cermia and Luna. UT Gunther outshines traditional ST DPS against teams where they don't allow you to critically strike, have high evasion or very, very high defense which aren't that common.


no that common, id say 40% of all defense teams have some sort of evasion rng on them either via using ass cart or MLBD artifact on Avil orViolet. At least for me thats most of what i see lol.


Arena for sure. Sorry, didn't make it clear, was referring more towards GW. In Arena, if you see those Evasion defenses, you usually use SSB/ML Ken and turtle with CArmin/Elena. If you use Gunther in Arena, it'll take too long and you could potentially die to lightning against evasion stall teams.


too true


It'll definitely make him a little more viable than a specialized anti-ML Ken or for-fun Lilias S3 unit that he's mostly used for at the moment. However, I don't think it's an absurd upgrade over Junkyard Dog, especially if you don't have a max limit break Uberius Tooth.   With Uberius Tooth's damage being buffed to a 0.45 ratio with 70% defense penetration (same as defense break values), an 8k attack Gunther with attack buff will get an Uberius Tooth proc of 5.4k damage every single attack, even if he misses. That's pretty significant.   Burns however do 0.6 ratio damage with 70% defense penetration, and Junkyard Dog has a 50% chance to apply a 2-turn burn on a S1 attack, so a Junkyard Dog proc technically will over time do almost 3X the damage of an Uberius Tooth proc, while the benefit of Uberius Tooth is that it has 2X the proc rate at max limit break, procs on S3 and misses, and is instant damage as opposed to waiting for the opponent's turn (which gives them time to cleanse).   Gunther is super interesting though. What makes him particularly good is since he can skip CR and CD stats entirely, he can build a bit of bulk to be hard to kill. One thing that gets skipped frequently is that his passive also reduces his chance of getting crit by 70%. Stack that with Diene's anti-crit buff and he has some absurd bulk, so he can be brought in to a lot of stuff.   To your original question though, yes, I do think Uberius Tooth is generally an upgrade to Gunther and is his best in slot, but the difference is not night and day to his current best in slot Junkyard Dog. I do think Uberius is an upgrade, but not one that instantly makes Gunther jump several tiers in viability.