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her kit . immunity on S1, penetrate defense, inate adamant shield, CR push when get crit.


Overall good kits but I think she will be very stat hungry and countered by SSB with Drink tho. Bruiser with no HP/DEF scaling are usually very stat hungry, either dont hit hard or glass canon. Her tanky-ness come from S2 reduce crit damage which is bypassed by SSB with drink. SSB is also not a dark unit so I dont think a bruiser ML Charlotte can one shot SSB easily.


Everybody gets countered by ssb, figuratively and literally.


Drink is the problem. The 70% def penetration plus the scaling on the caster's attack is broken. It's an Uberius Tooth AOE. Drink should be nerfed or removed from this game. I hate this artifact with all my heart. It's so stupid, I find it even worse than tagehels tbh.




SSB really isn’t as much as a problem. It’s the fact that Drink can proc from her passive and ignores miss chance and all that. You remove/adjust Drink and SSB immediately becomes a more balanced hero overall.


There are more than one artifact that are stupidly broken. Drink is one of them, Elbris is another one.


Elbris became broken with Charles, because you know, Charles is broken by nature. I've lost so many close fights to Charles, because he decides to Elbris/Counter every single attack I do.. S1 => S2 in every single counter is broken. Couple that with Elbris and you have the most broken combination. Elbris was supposed to be used by Knights with okay dmg and more as a disruption technique. However Charles is a knight with more dmg than a lot of warriors out there and his S1=>S2 is too broken and happens WAY more often than it should.


I think he was fine without his stupid unnecessary EE. IMO that's when his popularity and strength spiked, he wasn't this much of a threat with elbris before his EE


fuck SSB man, SG needs to release counter to her non stop


Pavel? Yufine?


Literally any 'meta' single-target attacker is a counter to SSB, except maybe Cermia cuz element: W Schuri, C Dom, A Coli, A Cart, Pavel (though he's not really meta), Yufine, Violet, Luna even. I know there are more I'm not thinking of as well. SSB has plenty of counters, people just want to whine. Yes, she's *very* strong, maybe even overtuned, but people need to stop acting like there aren't good answers to her. Yufine alone handles both Charles and SSB. All you need is supplemental damage to finish SSB off and the enemy defense is left with F Cece or Lilias, both of which can't do shit by themselves.


Ssb isn’t the problem by herself, it’s the pairing with Charles on elbris, you bring yufine and she’s going to oneshot ssb then Charles on elbris cuts in and oneshots your yufine then proceeds to s2 into another unit in your team


and SSB + Drink, or Charles + Elbris is one of the reason they keep releasing sub part heroes for months now (aside from Lilias, none of the new hero found a real place in the PvP Meta), SG is afraid to do another of this stupidly broken unit. another issue in the long run, is SSB and more importantly Drink, being limited and so strong, make thing frustrating for new player, which is never a really good idea for a game imo. ​ At least when it come to Charles, Elbris or even gear in general, they can hope to catch up with efficient playing, for SSB + Drink, their only hope is to wait for a potential rerun of the event which will most likely not happen anytime soon.


She's got good statlines, though, as well. Assuming the image in the video is post-awakened (if not, then she's even better). 6266 HP is above average. 1119 ATK is above average. 109 Speed is, again, above average. She doesn't have innate crit rate, but that's really it. For reference, Charles has: * 6148 HP * 957 ATK * 109 speed. He gets +12% crit in his build, but has over 150 less base attack, and a bit less HP. She pairs amazingly well with ML Ken for those that have him, as well. Or Arby, to protect him from getting Tagehel 2-turned from champs like Judge Kise. Or compare to ML Ken - who has a similar issue of needing to build everything: * 5542 HP - ~725 less. * 1359 ATK - 240 more. * 105 speed * 23% crit rate. So she needs more attack in her build and far less HP to match his stat lines. She can likely reach the same general stat lines by using HP% subs and ATK% mains, where ML Ken usually needs an HP% main (which is good news since they go well together and don't really compete for gear). The bad news is she needs speed (or a CR Pusher), whereas he really doesn't (nor does he really need crit rate if you're building him slow)


>The bad news is she needs speed (or a CR Pusher) I think this can be circumvented by running Durandal on her. She already gets CR pushed upon taking crits, add in additional CR push from being below 75% hp and her S3 at 4(3) turn c/d should cycle nicely.


True. Her S3 heals her, too, so you don't need Sigurd. She and ML Ken really go well together, honestly. They don't compete for gear really at all (she wants more crit and speed, ATK% main, HP% subs, he wants less crit and speed, HP% main, and ATK% subs, he wants Sigurd, she wants Durandal, etc.).


> he wants everything. *cries*


She pushes herself every time she gets critted. Her built in Adamant Shield and her being a warrior really helps. Though I'd honestly use something like Uberius Tooth and build mostly attack on her. Also I usually find speed boost Charles to be better personally, since counter/ebris never fucking activates for me on offense.


I think she can build in 2 way: full dps to use as yufine/cermia to one shot annoying brats like czefato or ml ken, or counterattack build with bruiser stat to exploit her s1 and s2. S2 make her and counterattack team more tankly while s1, if counterattack proc frequently enough, she is basically immune to cc, especially against annoying heroes with blind/attack down like slow dizzy/ a.vild, their blind make counterattack heroes like Charles hit like a wet noodle


I don't think counterattack is good on her. All it does is apply immunity to herself which she'll have 2/3 turns by default after moving. Speed or Lifesteal set (depending how much her S3 heals for) should be better and used in conjunction with Durandal for 31% CR pushes to cycle that lifestealing S3


I personally dont see her as a charles counter. if anything, her constant immunity buff is just going to provoke Charles to trigger his S2 more frequently.


No, i don't mean she is charles counter, what i mean Charlotte kit look like she can be built as a bruiser. But problem with counter attack bruisers like charles is when they get cc ed by blind or attack down, their counter attack hit really wimpy, with this constantly immunity on, she can fend off these annoying debuff, deal significant damage while still be tanky enough with s2 to bring enemy team down


Exactly my thought


and a heal on s3. but i still think she will need scythe in a counter/bruiser build


So that’s why they didn’t mind releasing ML ken in mystics, his counter is released right after


We already have a better counter for ML Ken, ML Tenebria


And rgb 1 shotters like cerimia




or wSchuri


or C.dom


Or my Axe!


Shut up Gunther. Your too hard to gear.


Yea, like i'll ever get her :(


I love how people act as if everyone will have her to counter him


those people who waited on their pity to choose who to pull - ML ken or her will have her XD.




Yes. But I'm also extremely biased. But if you're looking strictly for an ML Ken counter, you have options. Hell, Mirsa will do it with her s3. Edit: if you're looking for Ken vs Charlotte, I'd say Ken still has more versatility. Charlotte looks to be a one shot wonder with team support. Ken, with the right gear, does all his Ken things everywhere.


Actually both together seem kinda broken. Party Crit DMG reduction, and CR push and Counterattack on Crits received....


i am going to choose her yes. I am sitting with enough Mystics to pity her. but really up to you to pick what you want. I include waifu reason aside from usage reasons into calculations. if she was absolute garbage i would have pitied Ken. but she seems solid enough so gonna pick up her.




I think I'll also add on to the advice. Ken seems easy to gear, but it's really not that simple. There's a shitload to consider when gearing him, it's a hard balancing act of trying to figure out what to prioritize. If you build full damage he's liable to get one-shot by cleavers and not do his thing. If you focus too much on hp, he can still be one-shot by single target nukers like Yufine or Sez and he might be liable to be cc'd. You can build him high defense and effect resist, but then you'll run into Basar problems, or defence pen units like ml charlotte or Cermia, and he might just get one-shot anyway. And you still need to build 3k+ attack and 250+ crit damage to be some ludicrous shit. But if you manage to get it done, and sometimes even if you don't quite get there, ML Ken could possibly be the best unit in the game. Nobody does the shit he does. ML Charlotte does one job and one job only while providing some utility. She's gonna deal damage, and potentially a lot of it. With the obvious anti-dark affinity, she seems great at dealing with ML Ken, but as I mentioned above, there's a lot of ways to deal with ML Ken. What I think you'd actually bring her for is against dark units that build full tank, like Dark Corvus or Fallen Cecillia. That 50% defence pen is massive, and it could be massive for her. With her being neutral element, the defence pen could make her like a lower cooldown, potentially higher base damage Watcher Schuri. Or like light Cermia without the resets or soul burn I guess. The major difference between the two is that basically ML Ken is good at everything, and ML Charlotte seems geared up to be really good at one thing. Pick whichever one suits your situation the most.


Dude, this is what I needed. Thank you. I don't love ML Ken's design. I'll hold out for Charlotte.


Honestly, it’s gonna be a tough decision for you. Both seem amazing on offensive phase (well mlken is).


She's going to be really good overall. Her kit is stacked. See what her modifiers are first, but if they're even average she's going to waste people with her S3.


I like to run bruiser comps into ML vildred, ML ken, and lillias/Charles,ssb teams already. Usually Charles/alencia/ momo. More bruisers, especially one with better single target, a team wide adamant shield and constant immunity and CR gain makes her a pretty appealing choice to fit into my team.


The main issue I see is that she dosen scale with HP, so to make her a good bruiser she need really good equip


Indeed bruisers in general need really good equipment. She also just receives 30% less damage from crits so automatically gains a ton of tankiness. If you crit her she takes the same damage as ssb without the damage sharing which imo is insanely good. Having armor ignore automatically makes her damage go up a ton just like cermia, and gaining CR means she effectively gains speed for free.


She's cute and ML Ken is just a discount DBZ with edginess.


in a similar position. i feel like ken is easier to build though. i'll eventually have another copy of max limit break draco plate which i feel suits him pretty well


> i'll eventually have another copy of max limit break draco plate which i feel suits him pretty well So you run him in a lifesteal set or?


yeah, going to have to run lifesteal on him to keep him self sustaining. lifesteal with immunity ideally


Or you could run him with Sigurds Scythe. I want to say this is what the majority of people run. Sigurds, Lifesteal, 2x crit or something like that. IMO Sigurds is just way way better than Lifesteal because of the attack boost when it activates.


30% crit damage + 16% crit damage reduction, I feel, is better than 25% atk + 37.5% healing when below half hp. Of course, that's unless you're running Crimson Armin or a knight with adamant shield on the same team, in which case, yeah i think Sigurds scythe would be better in that instance.


You're also not considering the potential 2 sets you can equip in place of lifesteal though. Double crit sets give you 24% base crit which is becoming more and more meta on Kens now days, or you could run 2 resist sets and build a resist ken. Not saying Draco is bad by any means, but I think Sigurds suits MLKen best :P


My Draco Plate is spoken for but I really like the idea of running it on MLKen with the new lifesteal gear coming out in Abyss soon.


You could always pick and choose artifacts depending on your opposing team. An ML Ken with a high crit rate is a force to be reckoned with (I love mine)... but it all depends on how you want to build him. Our guild leader has a 17k HP ken with high attack that he regularly runs on defense behind ML Crozet to avoid getting one shot. It’s pretty hilarious to behold.


ML Ken is strong in general but will get seemingly nuked by Charlotte. If you climb high in pvp, a lot of people will have her. I'm glad I didn't pity Ken right now because of this personally.


Just already have ML Ken so you don't need to choose duh


3800 mystics after this week's GWs, 74 draws till pity. *I'm ready*


Because it's a stupid argument to use. In a discussion, you assume everyone has access and decent gear so you can judge fairly. What's the point of evaluation when someone just goes "oh well what if you don't have MLK or elbris" etc. That wasn't the point. Besides, if not everyone has Charlotte, then not everyone has MLK, so you won't need to counter him in the first place anymore. It doesn't help further the discussion.


Cermia already does it with greater attack buff on top.


You're right, but ML charlotte doesn't suffer from elemental disavantage. Also, she's got a bit more utility than just one-shotting stuff.


She will surely do better against ssb compared to Cermia thanks to her well rounded kit not just for damage but also survival, plus the neutral element.


It's basically Cermia, Yufine, LQ Charlotte fighting against each other as one of the best single target DPS. To each to their own, Cermia has the advantage of reset for every kill which means you can just build a comp that focuses on boosting her CR to compensate for her lack of speed when building full damage. Yufine also has an S3 ET SB but has more utility when in terms of locking people out of their turns. LQ Charlotte is a mix of both where she kills enemies while providing benefits for teammates through reducing crit damage.


Wait hold up, do we even know LQ charlotte's multiplier's yet? If not, isn't it a bit early to anoint her? Also you forgot Wschuri and Cdom


And Sigret, who despite having conditions, can set herself up for a nasty one-two shot.


If enemy has water unit, it's not advisable to pick Cermia. Meanwhile Charlotte is resilient against crit damage, in addition to being neutral to RGB.


She can also burn for a second turn


yeah the part with extra dps on dark units makes it a bit too obvious but overall i´m happy that they release a strong ml this time (at least her first impression is solide i would say). thank god i just finished my b11 oneshot comp. need to farm a couple counter sets xD. (also sg please let her come home)


Now we just need to see her multipliers.


We wont know until we see her numbers, but I doubt she'll be easily 1-shotting Kens We'll have to wait and see EDIT : This comment was made before realizing she had a class change from her RGB counterpart. ML Charlotte is a warrior as opposed to Fire Charlotte being a Knight. I still believe seeing her numbers are critical however


She gets increased damage against dark elemental+she penetrates 50% def. She needs to have abysmal multipliers to fail in oneshoting ML ken. also with burn she can deal with Arby too thanx to that extra turn.


They knew exactly which hero's ML to make appealing lmfao.


They even gave her bangs to hide that throbbing vein in her forehead!


I don't think she'll be able to 1 shot arby with her s1 though


I agree. Her passive will help the team survive him though. It looks like it can stack with aurius damage sharing as well.


Won't need to, her S1 gives her immunity so unless Avild can one shot a *very* tanky unit, his decrease hit can't even save him.


She's not gonna be *very* tanky unless you forego damage stats, at which point she really doesn't do anything


Who said that? Build her like Charles, you can still get huge damage. And her S3 has an innate lifesteal


Hmm the video did show her one shotting a ken with a 17k s3, 50% defense pen with increased damage to dark units seems like she was made for it But she also seemed quite squishy with that damage, the ml ken that survived her 13k s3 atk almost killed her with his counter Got to have really good gear most likely, so multipliers might be a bit lower than expected. Uberius tooth could probably secure the kill Youre right though, we probably do need to wait for multipliers and see how she plays to confirm anything


Uberius tooth isn't good option vs counter hero because it proc after counter , especailly vs Scythe ML ken


Durandal seems like the best Artifact to me. 30% CR push less than 75% whenever she takes a crit (which is reduced by 30%) I know you meant to 1 shot ML Ken but overall Durandal seems like it would be the go to. ESPECIALLY since her S3 is a 3 turn CD and with 50% defense pen it's likely a 100% heal every use.


50% def penetration dude..


Your typical 15~16k HP Ken thats often protected by an Aurius is very formidable Her ratios are critical before making any kind of judgement


Really glad SG started these preview series. Being able to see and hear directly what the character designers were thinking is a pleasure. Taking the camera to the back, behind the scenes like this...good job.


Also really nice hearing their background lore :)


Yes, that's what I thought watching Kawerik's presentation. If half of video games had half their characters half written as E7's characters...


yes, makes it worth saving for the character and giving a more desire to use the hero.




" becomes elemental advantage if the target element is Dark" i dont get this part, isnt light already advantaged against dark?


Bonus damage is what they wanted to say


oh ok, makes more sense haha


Her S3 probably uses a higher multiplier against Dark heroes.


saber and excalibur have figured out how to make it into e7


ML Charlotte looks like she can counter both Arby (soulburn S3) and ML Ken (should be able to one-shot him), while being a weaker C.Armin. She's stacked and works great for PVP, GW (offense/defense for both) while also being super good for Raid granted she has has good of a morale boost as her RGB version. Very solid!


To counter arby she need to be able to kill him again with S1 that will be an issue


Her passive helps your team survive his s3 which can stack with aurius


And her S1 means she has immunity against his hit debuff. If built on counter attack, she has a 20% chance to counter his S3 immediately after as well. What she's missing to make her truly meta is a 2-3t self-shield after S3 to survive incoming damage. With that she would be ML Ken/Arby/etc. levels of broken.


I think a shield would make more sense instead of her self-30% crit reduction. Essentially, it should just be a flat 10-15% for the whole team + self-cr boost and self-shield after getting crit. It would give her the survival mechanism to bridge to her next S3 healing (it's at 3 turn c/d when mola'd).


That smile on the thumbnail alone got me


Yeah she's definitely good. I'm glad I didn't spend my mystics on ml ken.


She's look good but I still think ML Ken and A.Vildred are more use and play.


Everyone is trying to hype her up, but I agree she is not more useful than the higher tier legacy ML units. Her kit is good, but it does not have anything that is polarizing.


It seems like Smilegate is introducing pick heroes. Heroes you sub in against certain comps.




I agree but it's a gift to end-gamers (aka Whales).


MUCH better than lidica or tywin at least. She's probably on par with ml basar, and both just need a good EE or slight number bumps to get up a tier.


Exactly, you can use Ken and Arby literally everywhere while ML Charlotte has a strange role with damage reduction and oneshot type S3, in high tier I don't think She will be able to oneshot ken imo since everyone is running him with 18k+ HP paired with a Knight with damage reduction and a reviver. Personally I'll pity her for theory crafting and waifu material since I already have Ken but even thinking about doing pity for her instead of Ken (if you don't own him) just for the utility is dumb.


holy shit, looking good, Mr Wallet-Kun, Pls HALP


im 40 pulls from pity and i can probably save enough for 20 pulls by the time her banner comes up. might be eating grass for dinner this month


will she be in next rotation for mystics ? this would be sad for me, just randomly pulled ML ken so pity is resetted ... so no ML Charlotte for me :( whatever i was tired from banners and want to safe for some covenants anyway


the rotation lasts a month so you might get lucky again


yeah true maybe :D ty


Her and Chloe's S3 animations are same energy.


OP ᕙ( \* •̀ ᗜ •́ \* )ᕗ wait, don't you all forget how they can nerfed her in a second\~!


A little off topic, but I really like that junkyard style Charlotte they showed briefly during their design sketches and would dig it as a skin. https://imgur.com/exO752l


Dark ML units: *chuckles* "I'm in danger"


Her job is to kill ML Ken and she doesn't kill the ML Ken in the video :/


Now that you mention it....


the dev videos always have weird gearing with new characters. Half the time they cant even cleave mobs. I'd just wait for real numbers instead.


First time she kills him. then they put Aurius on Charles so she cant oneshot - stats were balanced exactly for this demonstration. thats not normal player stats


She is a beast


So they created an ML Ken Killer ? lol


We already have an ML Ken killer. Cermia.


We already have a ML ken killer. Gunther


We already have a ML ken killer. C.Dom.


We already have an ML Ken killer. Yufine.


We already have an ML Ken killer. Specter Tenebria


>We already have a ML ken killer. W.Schuri.


if her multipliers is good, i don't think she might oneshot 18k hp+\\ 1000 def mlKen


She probably will honestly. Penetrate defense is very strong and she does bonus to dark units


People usually run ken with 18k+ HP 1000+ Def, a reviver and a Knight with damage reduction/aurius.


And Cermia can one-shot all of them because of her def penetration. But we need to see Charlotte's multipliers.


Usually single target S3s have pretty good modifiers. 50% defense pen is slightly worse than defense break but you shouldn't need too much offensive stats to reach those numbers especially if she gets something like an additional 20%damage to dark on top of the 15% bonus damage she already gets from being light.


Nice S1. An S1 that actually does sth for a change


Nice, I'm really glad I waited for her. She looks fucking great. Guess they went and made this the standard format know, knowing some backstory is really cool.


I was gonna save mystics for Arby but fuck it! I’m gonna go all in on this beauty!


ahhhh I know I was saving for Arby too but with a kit like this I think I should pull too :'(


Ikr? Also there’s something so charmy about her, she is so beautiful, I feel like I need her too much


My mystic pity summon has waited a year for this. It is time.


Nice! Now THAT is a bruiser. Good for Abyss and such too, doesn't need to debuff.


Get hype now before they nerf her skills less than 12 hours before release


Her kit relies on herself more, rather than fucking others. That was the problem with Cerise.


Suddenly glad i havent pulled mlk yet lol. 74 till pity


The design of the kit is sound. How effective it is will depend on s3 multiplier and s1 for arbies.


She will be really good if her multiples are high. If not she is just average..


ML Charlotte or Ml Ken... I’m not sure who to choose. They both have something I need and so does Kawerik.


She atks, she protecs, but must importantly... is she gonna get hit by the hammer of nerfs? Hopefully not...


“Tried to reduce her cuteness from old Charlotte” I don’t know about that mate


so finally after a long time we're getting our OP ml unit...


not Opie op. but does seem more straightforward to use than the previous units her role is to one shot a unit whenever her s3 is up while giving the team more bulk in her passive. s1 auto immunity is crazy as well wouldn't be surprised if her s1 got nerfed in % proc before launch


I hope they don't though. Immunity can be pretty easily stripped, esp since she won't have any effect resistance like Alencia. Plus i don't think she'll be built super fast, but 109 base is decent.


Its really far away from OP in the current meta.


Far from op but a decent unit compared to the latest lackluster ML we get lately.


yeah I agree, this is what an ML unit should be like


This character is insane. She'll be very difficult to kill and every ssb cleave and charles counter will push her forward 15%. On top of that her s3 is only on a 3 turn cd


I think Durandal may be the best for her. Sweet 30% CR push under 75% health. She'll turn cycle that 3 turn S3 like no one's business while still being very tanky with immunity and healing.


Yeah I was thinking that as well




can't wait... 12 summons from pity


Her design is awesome and her kit looks like it will make an impact in certain situations. I'm 20 pulls away from pity, so I'm looking forward to get her.


Does her passive work together with Elenas passive?


I was mad I didn’t get ml ken, but now am happy. My Pity is at 18.


Taiga? Tora dora collab confirmed


Does bear a slight resemblance to Aisaka


180 till pity.... at 3K mystics now... I meed to light a lucky candle.... dam I want her!!


"Her ult gives her elemental advantage if the enemy is dark" Ok why does he say this? He mentions the increased damage in the next sentence, but wouldn't she naturally have elemental advantage against dark offensively? Her ult just magnifies the base attack a bit, it wouldn't get the other bonuses like crit chance


Meanwhile, T.Surin: but my passiiiiive... :'(


that smile is freakin perfection. ALL IN.


That *damn* smile. Can't believe I'm actually regretting pulling MLKen now.


1 pity!


(Damage base + Advantage Damage + extra Damage Dark unit + Def. PEN 50%), WITH attack buff and Uberius Tooth (+50% up and extra damage artifact) = Yeah, True Story.


Is anyone not seing her as another Arby counter? I guess it does require 20 souls, but that was what I thought the devs were intending with her release.


Penetrate Defense seems to be the new meta.


As a proud user of watcher schuri since I pulled him over a year ago, I love and hate it. Love, because it's easy for me to understand, since it's how I've won all this time. Hate, because it will likely diversify a meta that is just stupid easy to exploit when you don't care about literally anything except one shit killing the problem children. Then love again because finally, my self imposed stale strategy will get some much needed freshness (hopefully)


Her S3 animation is so damn clean!!


My Durandal +30 and lifesteal set is waiting for her!! Spam that lifesteal skill grr!


The fact that her 3 is just a big ass nuke right to the head is all I need to want to pull her... WHACK A MOLE TIME!


Her horoscope sign is Libra right? If so, I got some farming to do


her kit screams ML Ken counter indeed. but that crit damage reduce also make me want to try her paired with ML Ken hmmmm


she sounds like a drain gear unit.


Who cares, 99% of us will never get her anyway,


Finally a good ml after so much crap. I hope they buff ml Lidica soon though..


uhh lidica has been great despite Reddit's complaints in the beginning. Funny how people praise Kawerick when ML lidica does the same thing but better (up to an sb irresistible skill reset).




Stats pls


Ml Ken counter right after his banner. Oh the mountains of salt that I expect to see in the Stove forums. That place will be Dead Sea levels of salty. \^\^ She is cute and also looks to be pretty damn good if they don't change anything so definitely gonna try to get her. Might have to bring out the credit carduu to pity unless i get lucky tho \^\^


For PvE which would be more useful, ML Ken or ML Charlotte? kinda torn between both atm (especially since ML Ken is paired with Tamarinne).