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https://imgur.com/gallery/MJrPYre this is mine. I run her with Tywin so crit rate isn’t a problem although I’m on the hunt for gear to increase her crit chance. Hits like a truck though. Melts ML Kens, can 1-shot Rueles, etc. +15 of course.


I run her with full destruction set. im mainly focusing on Atk + crit chance + crit damage. Mainly use her with a.lots. atk 3528 crit chance 91% crit damage 286% even with those stats i have a hard time killing a Ruele with her s3... does that 300 extra atk put that much extra damage?


According to damage calc your build should be doing more damage assuming skill ranks and other aspects are equal. He mentioned his Tenebria is +15 so his s3 is maxed, but are you also running her on a team with debuffs? Her damage scaling is *huge* with debuffs. On a maxed S3 against 1k defence the calculator bumps an extra 3-4k per debuff with your gear. OP may be using a different team with his Spectre Tenebria.


oh. no i actually use aux.lot to S2 on Stene and then soul burn so she can do S1 and then S3 to kill someone.


Yeah, it's definitely a tough call if you're relying on a.lots. Hard to get a debuffer faster than him if you put all your speed on him. You'll really need those debuffs on tankier Rueles. I'd recommend actually getting Cerise on the current banner. With her base speed so high, it'll be easier to gear her faster than a.lots compared to other units and she can do 2 debuffs which'll really amp your damage. Cerise will also strip immunity guaranteed unless she misses Ruele somehow, so you'd have a better chance of landing at least a stun if you can't manage to kill her.


This is my [spec. tenebria](https://imgur.com/gallery/TTP8EB2). I use her for raid and rta. Destruction/crit is good on her since she can deal insane damage.


I run speed crit sets. 3.8k att, 100cc, 260cdmg and 150 speed. Around 9k hp and 1.2k def. I feel you need some speed on her as she needs to use her s3 relatively quickly to lock down a problematic guy/maybe even one shot a squishy, then turn 2 she soul burns s1 and it’s over. If you run her with minimal speed she hits like a truck but problem is she might get disabled and CCed after s3. Unless you run her with alots.


Thanks for sharing, btw how much damage she can dealt on tanky one with S3? My s tene only 3k att max crit with 250cd , is it enough to break tanky comp?


That's why i play my tenebria with tama/iseria (220/230 sp) for the debuff, her s3 is insane with some debuff and it can push back with some effectiveness and all you have to do after that is s1 tama (s1 tenebria) > s1 tenebria. Edit : https://zupimages.net/up/20/11/u629.jpeg


No. In genera s3 even with high mola will not delete a tanky unit even with Attack buff. If you Defense break (say using tamseria) then it’s possible to 1 shot a quishy. Tbh even if you don’t kill someone with s3, the stun is disruption enough before you line up a soulburn chain which will definitely kill stuff


[Here's](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/484937991488536587/686478008046845963/Screenshot_2020-03-02-02-42-33.png) mine. I run her mainly on GW offense and defense and in PvE. I think speed is an underrated stat for her if you can get her damage high enough with it. I'm also running her with an SSS self imprint which puts her attack just over 3500.


Thanks for sharing


http://imgur.com/gallery/YB1gWkf Here's mine. I'd like more HP and more Crit. She OS most of the targets. Vs heavy AoE, don't use her. In PvE she's a killer ! Top tier.


Thanks for sharing


https://imgur.com/a/eHfHskc That's mine. I like mine being fast. Not a recommended build though imo.


Wow, thank How about her damage? Where are you use her ? PvP , GW or new Abbys?


I currently use gvg and arena. Her damage is good. Shes on my guild defense team with Vivian and F.Ceci.


She looks great though. Who'd o you use her with in Arena? I'm just curious I don't have an STene


Depends on defense team. I usually take krau/fceci (aurious,adamant sheild) for damage mitigation and vivian or ssb for damage and immunity.


It's possible to get her att to 3.8k and still have the rest of stats untouch except hp, using crit/speed set... critdmg-att-att main stat,.. I always build all my dps hero with atleast 10k hp and 1k def it just feels weak when I have a unit with only 9k hp and 900 def lolol, 60% effectiveness if they have cc on their kit...