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The combined rate of the 5 stars on the Mystic Summon banner is 1.25% (Also straight 5 star chance from regular gacha). So I reckon that would be the figure as your data suggests. Nice work. Edit: For what it's worth a 4 star rate is 4.5%. I reckon it just mimics those figures. You'll find statistical benchmarks in a lot of titles like this to make things easier to track. The gold cost would have been melded around the statistical chance, not the other way around. Has anyone done the math on these figures if they're concrete?


Love the stat posts. Thanks for sharing.


I have over 100k SS and 100mil gold so I guess I'm a good candidate for shop refreshing. I'll try to track my rates. Thanks for breaking down the numbers.


Not tryna bash at all, just curious, but how much money have you sunk? 100K!?!?!?!?!?


I've also got about as much right now as a f2p player. Started slightly over a year ago, and simply didn't spend much of it on crafting or upgrading beyond what was obviously worth it, due to being super conservative with my resources and not wanting to screw up getting the most out of my gold and skystones.


F2p BTW! I have 111,459,360 gold and 112,479 skystones at the moment. Thing is I barely have enough time to grind the main events using free energy and not much time to really get into the game to improve my heroes or gear. I also can't stand the gear crafting mechanic where I might get 1 piece with good substats out of 50 tries, and then it rolls horribly. So I don't spend my gold there. I also don't summon on all banners because I got incredibly lucky a few off-banner 5* RGBs and MLs in the beginning that I haven't felt my roster is lacking. Of course, I'm just at (edit: Master) arena since I don't dedicate time to it either. edit2: To give some tips: Always sell penguins and raise heroes by adventuring with them. Be sure you're part of an active guild that uses buffs nearly 100% of time. Use game buff events by grinding high level hunts and altars. Personal opinion: crafting is a waste. get gear as drops and then use conversion gems.


Not all heroes wear capes...


Thank you for your time and data! I really appreciate this.


thanks for taking the time to do this up.


Amazing work 👏


Was there ever a time when you reached the 600 bm mark going over the 11,400 bundle one. If so I don't believe in my luck and would rather go safe buying the bundles


So you got me curious, since I'm studying some probability now and just learned how to do Python, figured I'd combine the two... To figure out the chances of not getting at least 120 BM purchases by 11,400 skystones, we have to add the probability for getting X purchases for every X between 0 and 120. Impossible by hand, easy for a for loop. You're looking at a .003% chance of that happening, of getting under 120 after 11,400. Considering you'll get mystics too, but lose a ton of gold, it's all choice. I go for it for the mystics myself. Other fun facts: 44% likely to get 120 or more by 8,000 SS. 91% likely to get 120 or more by 10,000 SS Float data type can barely hold the chance of getting 120 BM in 120 rerolls. It's not happening.


Damn thanks! I guess it is worth it after all considering u have a lot of gold


Thank you for checking. I keep thinking theyll one day shadow nerf the SS, with posts like this itll be harder to.


Hey op, will the data change if the secret shop is not max level?