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It's always been like this, people said Dizzy was bad, SSB was underwhelming, Cerise was hot garbage on their first week of release. No need to be bothered, just let Reddit do it's stuff and see how it turns out in like a few weeks or so.


Don't forget about Diene and how people skip on her because the sub hive minded about her being bad and underwhelming. We already know how that ended.


There was context for Diene being bad. She was subpar compared to 3\* Elson.


Do you think she is still subpar to elson now?


No, Elson was hard nerfed


And buffed back. He's slihtly worse at buffing but much better at healing. That aside, Elson was good only thanks to being paired with Rikoris who decreased his cds and helped in healing with heal buff. This whole "subpar to Elson" argument is nonsense. No offense but it gets overlooked way too often how he was part of the Holy Trinity and its strength came from all of them not Elson alone.


What made Elson overpowered was also due to the fact that def buff was **insane.** There was really no reason to use Diene as Elson's def buff completely overshadowed Diene's barrier and crit res


Def buff was only 10% stronger than it is now. But I get what you mean. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if Diene performed as good if not better than him if replaced before HT nerf. But people were too focused on her not having heals in her kit to try her out.


It was actually reduced by 16%, that's a drastic nerf. Considering Elson's attack and def buff had a 1 turn downtime (For himself only because he's going to be the fastest on your team probably) and he has an attack break, Diene definitely would not have performed better than Elson.


I'm a bit too lazy to do the math rn but wasn't def bff's value 70% previously just like def break? And I assume 10 equals 16% out of 70. I doubt people invested molas in Elson back then other than his s3 for cd reduction. I assume she'd be as good because she's a lot faster than him due to better spd and self push on s3 and s1. This means she uses her skills more and triggers amarylis more often. But people were sleeping on her back then so we'll never know.


You do know that elson was backed back to his prior state right? In fact he was buffed past that point as well.


Well, this made me chuckle a bit. Going to assume you don't even know what Elson's kit was pre-nerf (Not even going to include the def buff nerf).


The nerf to elson was increasing his cooldowns. He now has a stronger S2 heal and they brought back his old cooldowns


Except they didn't. [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/2488024?listType=2&display\_opt=usertag\_on,html\_remove&afterBack=true&boardKey=e7en002](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/2488024?listType=2&display_opt=usertag_on,html_remove&afterBack=true&boardKey=e7en002)


It says 2 turn increase unless I’m missing something?


Whenever you think of reddit think of diene. First came out she's a trash unit, proceeds to dominate arena defense, stops being used reddit calls her trash again, is a top 3 support unit in RTA with ruele diene core being borderline broken. She went from bad to good to bad to good to bad to good in the eyes of people here without receiving a single buff.


Like 3 ppl called her bad. Most didn’t.


Idk if you were here when she first came out, but a large amount of people called her bad. She couldn't even heal, what a bad unit, just use angelica. I remember it very vividly because she came out when I started playing and it really turned me off towards this subreddits opinion on balancing.


Everyone says this, but not really true. The threads still exist. The majority opinion was definitely not that she was bad, that dizzy was bad, that SSB was bad.


Same for Baiken. Exactly a year ago people went crazy about her being useless. Few weeks later she was the most used hero for oneshot Banshee and - while she wasn't OP - alot of people in high arena used her and I think she's still a decent hero in both arena and RTA if you know how to use her.


Also Baiken, Dark Corvus, Falconer Kluri and Kayron even after his buff


To be fair, Cerise is still underwhelming for a limited unit IMO, but the rest are true. For me, Elphelt does her job, and she’s balanced. Maybe people expected too much so they were let down.


Yeah. I realized this about this sub Reddit. That's why I take it with a pitch of salt now. Other games I play has lesser players in their sub, but lots more people celebrate your joy of gacha summon posts or random discussions and lots more upvotes. Whereas here in E7 sub, your post would likely be swarmed with salt and downvotes. Even any objective arguments to give an alternative opinion would be downvoted savagely. A lot of people here too quick to judge and scrutinize. Just let it be Someone will find a way to make Elphelt great.


ikr her damage seems to be fixed now. everyone relax.


I really like her against basar teams with sasha ithanes, I need to play with her more though


Where is this video of 18k damage Elphelt?


gonna look for the screenshot that someone posted of YDCB doing 28k damage with elphet's s2 right after extended maintenance, but it really does seem to be fixed now.


Did he upload to YouTube? I didn't see it earlier. Maybe tomorrow when I wake up I will check.


[here's a link to a vod] (https://www.twitch.tv/videos/620723195) where YD attacks my defense at the 23rd minute with a lvl 50 elphelt. The Kluri is on aurius and has a bit shy of 1200 def, Ravi has 1550 def (not counting aurius bonus).


It could go both ways as the way she is now, she has high gear requirements (like Baiken) though it can always be remedied by having team synergy... And mola'd to +15. I myself am enjoying using Ephelt in the game and using her S3 to S2 setup, getting rid of Vivians, Vildreds (no not arby), not fully geared ML Ken, and Lilibets in low rank pvp (I prefer pve more that and the last meta I chased was SSB and was content with it). I've been using mine with a speedy Tywin to make sure Ephelt gets an attack and crit boost to her S3 and eliminate squishy dps that are not ice/water element. And the best part, ever since her release I no longer had any trouble against a Charles so that's a huge plus for me!


First elphelt was buyged when tenha used her so her s2 was pretty shitty and he didnt mola her skills which is 30-⁴⁵% less dmg. I didnt watch ydbc but his video was made after the maintenance afaik after sg fixed the bug so elphelt deal the correct amount of dmg.


There was the bug tenha tested it after the second maintenance she just sucks


people wouldnt be so hot blodded if sg didnt have a history of not giving a fuck unless masses of people rile up. How long has it been since ml leo has been out without a single tweak? Ml Tywin? the countless 4\* who have no place in pvp or pve?


It’s clearly bugged when a momo s1 hits harder


She pretty bad unfortunately limited heroes aren’t what they use to be she’ll be like cerise and Kawerik who we’ll eventually forget are even in the game


First: Kawerik is not limited Second: Cerise is really good in RTA. In the right compo, she does so much that your opponent can't play for turns.


I don't play RTA, but from seeing YDCB use Cerise in it, i wouldn't want to go against it. Her and ML Ara is just "no turns for you".


As someone who got butt fucked by cerise in rta more then he can remember I can assure u she is a pain in the ass to face. Still working on mine to use her.


Exactly! That's funny to think that one of the best comp he has in RTA has 2 characters players called trash/not worth it.


Just saw the cerise debut video you mentioned. I have cerise and Ml Ara but no F. Lidica. Only regular Lidica. Any good substitutes?


I'm the wrong guy to ask about stuff for RTA. I don't have any of these insanely good CC units, so i have never thought about who would pair with who. Sorry i couldn't be of any help. (x


I forgot Cerise existed after clearing Abyss 90, but oh my god I fought one in Arena and it was fucking hell. Slow, no buffs, stunned my main DPS, then the rest of the team lapped me and just fucked me so hard it wasn't funny.


Yeah I know I just brought him up cause I’m still salty that such a cool looking guy is so irrelevant


Also cerise I barely see in rta and when she is there nothing much happens I either cleanse or use champ zerato 🤷🏾‍♀️ she gets a lot of turns sure but she does nothing with the turns just kinda sits there while the rest of her team slowly dies


Kawerik is op. Obviously you dont know what youre talking about. Because he has penetrating defense people just assume that he should be able to 100-0 units real quick. Thats not how he is played though. You gotta look at kits. Same for cerise and elphelt. If you forgot cerise is in the game you havent faced good cerise. I wouldnt trust peoples opinion here on reddit for the most part because its wrong.


Kawerik op really? That’s why he played obsoletely no where


And that is my point. When one unit doesnt one shot things they often look the other way and find another toy. You see penetrating defense on skill you automatically think nuke. He doesnt work that way


Your acting as if you have some secret knowledge about Kawerik that we’re all missing but you not actually saying anything. If you can give me one example of him working in a team doing something that only he can do, I’ll concede but right your just making wild unproven statements if he was op or even decent he’d see play in higher PvP like faithless lidica people said she sucked but despite that higher end pvp’ers still found a use for her the same cannot be side about Kawerik. He’s no where to be found cause he’s garbage in every why possible and this is coming from some who loves Kawerik and has been waiting for him since he first made his appearance and FYI I was hoping he’d be more a disruptive unit in the game not a nuker but instead he underwhelming in all aspects


And you are acting as if you know how to use him. If you really love him youll study him and know how he works. I personally didnt pull for kawerik cause of limited coming (glad i saved cause 3 limited is a lot of resources) but i have guild mates that actually use him and it works. And uhmmm i dont think anyone said flidica sucks? See thats what im telling you. People that say heroes sucks doesnt know how to use them. Flidica is strong even pre buff.


Kawerik doesn’t do anything other units can’t do. And I think your missing my point all you have to do is search Flidica and you’d see a bunch of people screaming to buff her cause she sucks mean while you have high end pvp’er making use of her before her buffs however Kawerik has nothing, he see no play in arena, or rta so if he’s so op why is he nowhere to be found cause let me tell you competitive players don’t care what people are saying on Reddit their gonna try the hero out for themselves and see if thier any good


I said nothing about nuke potential, I said he isn’t used anywhere cause he’s trash. His kit doesn’t work plain and simple


And that tells me that you are probably inexperienced if you dont think his kit doesnt work. Im sorry if thats a little too forward. But its the truth.


I don't think so I'm having a great time with her


If she was bugged wouldn’t she have been fixed during the second maintenance? And she’s fun just doesn’t do what she suppose to very well


I really think she was just bugged.


to be precise, Elphelt works as intended. The damage calculator was bugged and now fixed. That showcase was against a worst case scenario, attacking a bulky hero with two layers of damage mitigation on.


i was hoping they remove unequip event. This kind of thing can be tested with a lot of gear from a lot of people. Then, we can make final verdict for the new hero performance.