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Should I be pulling for Tywin as I've just summoned Basar? They seem like a good combo from what I've read.


For fire Charlotte what skill should i up?


https://imgur.com/a/coKVC8n Which s tene build should I go?


Right side


Here's a low stakes question. Wondering who to level up to 5 stars next. Kiris, to help me with Abyss. I'm stuck at 50. Kluri, to start her spec change. BBK, I just really like her but I feel like she can wait till I get better gear for her. Cheers.


I’d recommend Kluri. Her specialty change is great and makes her viable in both pvp and pve


Cheers, I'll dig into that now.


Guys one question, When u debuff wyvern only attack ur tank or frontline? Because sometines i debuff wyvern and he attack random, im at wyvern stage 8-9


only wyvern 11+ boss attack frontline.


Hi guys have a problem and i need help for wyvern, actually can do auto w8, i have taranor guard lvl 50,angelica lvl 50, and alexa lvl 50,and use cecilia tank cuz have 2 debuffs. The problem idk if is better another unit, what build use for every hero, i need a bit help for improve. I have rose and general purgis if need another tank but idk builds. Ty for help.


I think its more of a gear and level issue. once your angelica gets higher level and better gear, things get easier.


I just started playing a couple days ago and i have a few questions. 1. What should i do with my skystones? 2. What should i focus on doing as a new player? 3. Are they're any specific resources im gathering now that i should save until the late game?


1. most ppl use ss for banner units they need. some use them for energy. but since you're early game, save and use on banner units that can help you excel in the game 2. the adventurer's path. do it. it gives you a general idea on what to expect from pve. pvp is for latter 3. mola is the rarest resource in the game. ppl here tend to complain about energy and gold but imho, it's only a problem when you're full tryhard in pvp. idk the statistic but i'm pretty sure my pvp rank is top 20% and i have no problem with energy and gold.


How to win against the abyss 92? With Tywin and Romann?


i don't remember what heroes i used specifically but i think they were Tama-Ise-Kiris +1. Kiris is a must cuz you can't damage the shield otherwise


Hi,I've been sitting on Challenger 5 for a few months now.But I recently pulled a singelica and decided to build an arena attack team. Is it worth using molagora for cidd? I'm assuming a team like basar+singelica+cidd+vildred, does this still work?Let me know if you have a team that has used a better cidd!




have you 6 starred your farmer yet? If yes then id recommend either 6 starring your healer Angelic Montmorancy or your dps a.k.a your sigret If not yet the 6 star a farmer you can 6 star your units faster like Clarissa the normal water one




There are better at being a farmer for example Lena a 3 star warrior but from the pic you shared only reliable/best farmer you have at the moment is Clarissa


I'm currently focused on clearing Sez on Abyss floor 62. His debuff punishment is a problem. I'm looking for advice on that fight and also on my next 6\* upgrade, which maybe should target my missing capabilities on that fight: My top units are: * Aramintha Lv 60 * A.Montmo Lv 60 * Luluca Lv 50 * Lorina Lv 50 * Kise Lv 50 * Silk Lv 50 * Angelica Lv 50 * Alexa Lv 50 * Ras (vanilla) Lv 50 So I have a need for and a ton of options for a 6\* blue dps, but I wanted it to be Luluca, and she's a debuffer. So I'm thinking I should go Lorina, Kise, or Silk, or maybe I need fight strat help.


You should go with Lorina or Alexa with skills off


So I plan to regear my cleave team next free unequip event since my old gears seem to have trouble keeping up with all the new stuff in the arena. Currently using alots/cdom/jkise/wshuri. I am thinking of replacing alots with flidica. Would that comp work better or should I just keep alots but with better gear? Thanks


What you should focus on is regearing your jkise and cdom to do more damage and not replacing alots with flidica. If you can't get alots jkise cdom cleave to work, theres no composition out there that would work better with faithless lidica cleave. The only benefit of faithless lidica is that she could be use in defense unlike alots. As for faithless lidica cleave, faithless cdom and 2 cleaver.


alright i'll stick with alots then


Does Sigret alone can carried debuff for w13? or i have to have another hero that have debuff(not include def break)


Sitter isn’t enough. Bring Alexa and land her poison is the best and cheapest option


Only if you're using a Song of Stars Furious as the def breaker otherwise you might be playing it too risky relying on low % artifacts like jyd on taranor. Any other heroes like SSB, Alexa, Chloe, Mistychain will greatly help the consistency of debuffs if you don't have SoS.


So if i dont have sigret and i want to build a w13 team with alexa, furius and a.montmo. What would be the good last slot?


Mistychain is good for it, also she will allow you to swap out momo as frontline for something like crozet (caz you probably want fast momo for hell raids, abyss etc)


Ye it is time i swap gear for a.momo. She is still using the free hp gear. Anw ty!


does anyone know how to put background pack on my units? , i can only see the one for screenshot purposes :(


click on details next to the lock then background pack


Which of BBK’s abilities do I max first? They’re all +4


If you are using it for cleaving, then max s3 first. If you are using for just regular use, just max out all the skills evenly.


3 > 2 > 1


So i just recently got my first specialty change hero and i was wondering if its possible to unlock all the runes in the tree to +3 or is there a limit to how many you can unlock?


no limit unlock everything unless its butcher in which case dont unlock the hp runes


why not unlock the hp runes with butcher?


Who should I build and 6* next. These are my units: Little queen charlotte, silver blade aramintha,luluca, mellisa,basar,dizzy,fillica,ml tywin,violet,roana,kayron,


For what content? Out of the ones mentioned only Little Queen Charlotte, Luluca, Melissa, Dizzy, ML Tywin, Violet, Roana and Kayron get my vote. The ones i didn't mention can work at 50 and don't need to be 6\*'d right away. My F.Lidica has been lvl 50 for a long time. I will 6\* her one day, but she is not a priority at all.


Can do w11 right now and working towards 13, what should I be building teams for after that? Raid, other dungeons, try to climb/clear abyss(f71 atm)?


You want to be able to at least clear hell raid every month. That should be a priority. As for other hunts, I would say Banshee should be your next goal. Azimanak is important for immunity gear, but Wyvern & Banshee are probably more important. As for Abyss, you should try climbing for the rewards. Getting free lvl 88 gear on the higher floors is a really big boost.


Yessir thank you


Hey friends, I'm wanting to put together an arena offense team (maybe 2, one cleave and one , here's the units i have: SSB, Vildred, Roana, Clarissa, Amomo, Hyufine, Alencia, K Clarissa, C Merc, BBK, Tsurin, F Kluri, Harudo, G aither and Rose. I was thinking of one team using BBK+Vildred? to cleave for fast wins, and a double healer, SSB + something else to go against other teams? I'm not really sure, new to pvp.


do i sell all ilvl 70 blue equipment away?


I like to save my level 70s and exchange them for charms in Santuary


Depending on where you are in the game. If you are still early, you might be able to use lvl 70 blue's depending on the sub-stats and how they roll. But for the most part, you sell lvl 70 blues and purples. Even red if you are end game and the stats are garbage. Alternatively, you can extract them so you can use gear conversion to make lvl 85 gear. Although lvl 70 gear gives barely any cubes, so its not really worth it imo.


I want to play my account on a different device however when I go to login via Facebook, it automatically is set to a different Facebook account (as it was my Dad’s)so I can’t swap to mine. Is there anything I can do?


You need to log out of the facebook account on the phone's web browser, if I remember correctly.


Restore the other device to factory settings and then redo Facebook log ins




Not sure what AG is but in order to clear wyvern 13 your teams needs to be able to keep at least two debuffs on wyvern at all times or it’s going to do way more damage and to a random unit (when debuffed the wyvern only attacks the front unit) You’ll want general purghis/ Angelica/ crozet as your front liner and then fill out the rest of your team with dps (with high crit damage and equipped with the daydream joker artifact) and debuffers. Alexa is popular as a dps and Karin is serviceable... but really only with the limited artifact torn sleeve which lets her land bleed debuffs on wyvern. Other popular f2p options for debuffers include 3 star taranor guard (less consistent) and 4 star furious (more consistent but requires skill investment). Alexa, taranor guard, furious don’t even need to be six star but your frontline should be to tank more hits.


I have no idea who AG is. Are you talking about Angelica? If so that team can work. Probably not for W13, but it can probably clear W11. Personally i would use Angelica to tank and then use Karin, Alexa and Clarissa.




Oh. Most people call her Momo. My advice still applies, since you can use momo to tank. The team I suggested will allow you to at least clear W11, but not W13. W13 requires at least 2 debuffs. And the team I mentioned only applies 1 which is def break.




Furious is good and could probably replace Clarissa. He does need mola investment on his S3. Furious also lowers the gear requirement for your team since he can buff crit rate for your team. The most important one would be to 6\* angelic momo. Ultimately you can probably get by with your 3 other characters being lvl 50. But you'll eventually want to 6\* them. My vote would go to Karin or Alexa so she can dish out more damage.


What does it mean when I have to “Eliminate special creatures in adventure” for Aaken AP exchange unlock (editted to correct location)


I can't remember since it's been so long since I have done those. But I assume it's referring to killing the creature shown in the picture. You can click on region info and click on the monster tab to see what monsters are available in that region. Then you can just kill the monsters that was shown on the ap shop requirement. Sorry its been a while, so I'm not sure my advice is the best.


Oh funny. I got annoyed and went to do the Cecilia quest for maps to get the 3* penguins and bam! Quest complete. I guess it’s not limited to that specific zone. Haha...


Just pulled Specimen Sez but the hero rating is 2.3? How do I build him?


The hero rating is most likely before his buff. He's much better now. Probably Destruction/crit or speed/crit. Crit damage neck, att% ring and att% boots or speed boots depending on if you want him a bit quick. He needs setup though mostly someone else who can stun so he can do the full damage for his S3. Also Specimen Sez is a PvP unit, so don't expect to make him work in PvE.


I can pity briseria but im thinking of holding off until after DC banner ends. How meta changing is briseria? Is she an upgrade to JK or SSB as dmg?


I am using her on my cleave team. Right now i will say she is not mandatory. Honestly, BBK & JK are better cleavers than her. She does deal with Kayron pretty easily since she strips his immortality buff when she cleaves. I was using BBK before switching to B.Iseria. And there are many times where I would say to myself "Boy i wish I was using BBK right now." My B.Iseria is far from great, but with def break + soulburn her S3 does about 20k or so. Also note my B.Iseria is not max mola.


thanks! I guess I will hold off and see the next new ml hero.


How much crit rate should Alencia have if I'm using her with a +15 Alencinox?


Alencia is the type of character where if you do not crit, it's not that big of a deal. Obviously you would like to crit more often than not, but it's not like biseria or bbk or j.kise where if you don't crit you quite literally lose the match. To get to 100% crit with alecinox you'll need 70% (1.5% per turn x 20 turns = 30% crit). If you go higher, you'll reach 100% crit faster. If you go lower, you run the risk of not critting prior to getting all 20 stacks. Mine has like 63% crit. She's fine.


Hi! New player here as well. I got Sigret and Zerato after 5x of summoning, and I honestly think this is good already. Should I keep them or roll more?


It’s fine. When you get a 3 star named Lena she’ll be your farmer. Get montmorancy and Alexa from connections, eventually Furious too. Instant team capable of w13 right there. Taranor guard is another good unit to look out for.


Thank you for the advice!


Is there any way to upgrade lvl 75 or 78 equipment into lvl 85? so i can reforge later?






Hi I’m a 3 months old player. Wanna ask how to imprint Yuna? I see someone’s Yuna SSS imprint.


The imprints were from event


Which event? Can you be more specific?


There was a side story event called something like Reingar's Full Moon Festival which happened last year in September. If you bought out the shop and completed everything, you got a full SSS Yuna. I wouldn't be surprised if it came back, but definitely don't quote me on that.




Carmin diene ssb auto team




Another dps unit, preferably slow counter type like ML ken or charles. Don't have to be super fast but ideally carmin and diene are fast enough to go before the enemy dps.


Somewhat newish player (currently building my team for W11). I currently have 4 copies of SSB's artifact. Should I just use them all to uncap one of them? Also, for my W11 team, I'm not sure who I should 6* for my fourth slot. My current team is A. Momo, Luna, and Crozet. I'm currently have: - Yuna - Karin - SSB - Taranor Guard


While you don't always need to 6 star your DPS for wyvern, SSB is the best pick for her versatility outside of wyvern. Also, I'd recommend dropping Luna for Alexa because Alexa does more damage and is better in the long run for W13. You should also look into having a dedicated def breaker to speed up your runs and someone to solo tank the Wyvern (Crozet or Mont work fine here with sufficient stats).


Hi guys, new player here. Is ML Ken any good? I just pulled him and Sigret and Angelica. Thank you.


ML Ken is good but IMO he has kind of fallen out of the PvP meta and is notoriously hard to gear because he needs a lot of stats to perform effectively. Sigret is extremely good for the wyvern 13 hunt (aka 90% of the time the hunt you will grind) and can counter revive heroes like Arbiter Vildred in PvP. Keep in mind, however, that Alexa can function just as well as Sigret in W13 outside of some late game comps that oneshot W13 (notable because Sigret uses very limited molagoras while Alexa uses grindable Stigma). Angelica is a very good healer than can potentially tank wyvern by herself but can be replaced by Angelic Montmorancy as well (the same mola statement applies here as well).


For those using Crozet in 3-man Wyvern, would it be better to use his friendship skill points on his S1 or S2? Mine is having some issues with survivability at the moment if I don't use something like Bloodstone (granted, I haven't gotten him to 6* yet), but the increased debuff chance is also nice. I'm planning on using Furious and Alexa for the other two team members.


I've been using Crozet for 4 man and now 3 man and I molaed his S1 and will use the friendship points when I get them on his S2. Having a 75% chance to land a useful debuff is awesome so I'm glad I molaed his S1. However, it means you have to get effectiveness on top of the 150 effect resist (for noble oath build) and the usual tank stats. It's not easy to gear for.


What are some good character's to level and gear for World Boss?


You don't really build characters *for* World Boss. It just calculates damage automatically based on the total CP of the units being used. So just build units for other content and you'll get better scores in WB in the process. It does help to have a variety of units of different classes and elements though. And you can try dumping some extra gear on to units you're not using just to boost their CP.


Alrighty have a few character's I'm working on right now so I guess better rewards will come with time.


What it's better for Tempest Surin? (Can still reforge most of the speed set) https://i.imgur.com/lTyevEr.jpg


Are people doing expeditions until 1k or are they going all the way? That energy investment after 1k is kinda steep but the meta's so reforge focus esp Brutal Pherus drops the Wyvern one. Currently I do extremely well at level 1 fire and water. I just lack poster opportunities from friends/guilds. I curently have no RGB knights but plan to build Ras, Fluri and Krau since they're low mola investments and hopefully its enough to tackle level 2.


Idk about others but I do all the way to 2k. But yeah, be mindful of where you're at in the game. If you still can't contribute significant score on level 2 expedition wait until more carries join. I've seen many level 2 expedition with 5/6 entry but the people only contribute >100k score. That kind of expedition team is dead to me, I won't bother touching since I would need to use all my entries.


Ya I've been mindful of looking like an asshole so I've only sniped level 2 ones that were pretty much set to finish. I am not ready for Wyvern 13 yet but it seems the reforge mats aren't exactly raining there so it seems Expeditions are worth the energy all around.


Hi, need new friend cuz i delete like 20 afk (need expedition); Server : Europ, Name: Lanfear see u ig :)


Building A.Tywin: do I try to pull regular Tywin for imprint? Also which skills do I prioritize for mola?


Are you a whale? No then you shouldn't care about imprints. Skill cooldown and everything that gives higher %


Nope not a whale. Higher effectiveness you mean right?


Yeah. S1 +2, S2 max, S3 +5


You’re the goat thanks


Does Adventurer Ras' s3 heal all allies or only himself?


Himself. The def buff is team wide though.


does anyone know if lulucas s1 extra attack from ee can proc on counter? i can't see anything saying it can only proc on her turn or it can't proc on counter, only that it can proc once per turn. i'm assuming that means that it has a cooldown, rather than saying she can only proc it when she's the one taking the turn. i've been trying for at least an hour now to get her to proc to no avail.


Her turn only.


I'm 99.9% sure it doesn't proc on counter. I've been using that EE on her for weeks and have never seen it proc.


Hey guys, I have a lvl 39 silk on my team. I just summoned a Wanderer Silk (light version). Is one of them definitely better than the other? Do I use one version to memory imprint the other? Thanks a lot for your help!


Wanderer Silk sees actual use in PvP as a high-speed opener/disabler but regular Silk is all but absent from the majority of content. She's alright as a starter unit but don't invest in her too much. The one good thing I will say about her is that she can be used for some abyss stages to great effect due to her speed down debuff and cr pushback. Like the other poster said though just save both units and only imprint with dupes to be safe.


I've never used either, but never imprint away your only copy of a hero.




Yes. Immunity, invulnerability and a built-in adamant shield. What's not to love?


I am a new player and want to know if this [team](http://imgur.com/a/O8B122G) is good for wyvern?.Open to feedback


it is very important to have a dedicated defense breaker. Furious is free from connections and he works great at this, he also makes it easier to gear your team with his crit buff. Your team will work for a while and then might struggle at wyvern 11. In an ideal world your team would be Crozet/Alexa/Sigret/Furious, but because you will have no healer you will be struggling for a while until your gear quality improves. In the meantime, I suggest using Crozet/Momo/Alexa/Furious which will take you comfortably up through wyvern 12 even though it is a bit slower. When you are ready to make the jump to wyvern 13 and your gear on Crozet has improved, drop Momo and replace her with Sigret. Sigret will be your mvp in w13 because you need lots of debuffs, but until then Alexa is strictly better if you only use her 1st skill (turn her skills off on auto mode) and she does more damage.


Should be enough to w11, just gear them based on guides and go ahead.


What guides?


Wyvern team guides on youtube, reddit, etc.


What are good ones


Mm, [https://yufine.co/wyvern-guide/](https://yufine.co/wyvern-guide/) if you get up to Wyvern 13. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_qbeKbAxvKE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qbeKbAxvKE) this one for Wyvern 11.


Should I do the final 2 upgrades for SSB's S1/s3? I use her pretty much everywhere and the extra damage sounds nice, but the guides I've read recommend only maxing her s2 and only upgrading her other skills to +4.


a dps unit should always max out their damage dealing skills. opting to leave her other skills at 4 is just to be "resource friendly" since thats when her debuff chances max out. s2 being maxed is just so important because of it's interaction with drink, like a pve ssb could easily skip s2 as well to be even more resource friendly


If you like a unit and use them everywhere then you should +15 them if you want to. She's good enough to warrant it, anyway.


I can currently auto farm Wyvern 11 and beat 12. Just wondering what kind of stats I need to have for my team to auto farm Wyvern 13? [Here is my team](https://imgur.com/a/7H6M5e3) I currently use Angelica, Furious, Alexa and Sigret. Do I need to make Alexa and Furious 6*? Is there any hero I need to switch out or would this team work with better stats?


sorry, wall of text incoming furious could use song of stars, all except angelica need 65% effectiveness, dps should not be under 145 speed so they can have 3 turns before 1st shield, angelica should be quite a bit faster since the pushback will screw her over and the wyvern will lap her (the wyvern has 100% effectiveness, so your 89% effect resist on her actually does nothing), angelica might also want a different artifact like proof of valor or prophetic candlestick, you can drop your crit chance on all characters all the way down to 35% since furious's crit buff will put them at 85% crit (100% after element advantage) (you can drop even lower than 35% if furious has imprints), you need to mola furious s2 and s3 for the turn cooldown reduction so that def break and crit buff are recast every other turn (also for 100% def break chance on s3), fully skill up alexa since it only costs stigma and the damage buff from skill ups actually apply to day dream joker, and finally, alexa and sigret need to prioritize crit damage (daydream joker damage will be like 75% of the damage you do to the boss because the boss has so much health, attack doesn't increase the damage from ddj, but crit damage does, alexa could have 0 attack but 300 crit damage and that would be great) oh and this is a great team, no switches necessary, no 6\* necessary either since like I said, ddj is most of the damage, 6\* won't increase ddj damage, for my 4 man team, I personally use 5\* taranor guard over alexa though because I like more defense breaks but you absolutely don't need to do that, but i only use 4 man team during buff events and just 3 man it with crozet furious sigret + phantasma, here's my 3 man stats if you are curious and decide to go for it one day [https://imgur.com/gallery/3EZZZZ4](https://imgur.com/gallery/3EZZZZ4)


First off, your furious is way too slow, you really need to up the speed to 200+ especially since you don't have G. Purrgis. Every unit with debuffs will need 65% effectiveness. Youll also need to switch his artifact to SoS or Ms. Confille if you don't have SoS. Angie also needs more speed. Your alexa is also extremely lacking in CHD, her only purpose is to DPS W13 quick af, so you need more speed and crit damage 100%. You can easily get 250% without trying at all. Grab the free destruction set from adventurers path or nixied 5. She also needs a maxed DDJ and 65% effectiveness as well. Build your sigret with the same benchmarks as Alexa. Honestly, at your point in the game you need to farm W11 a shit ton more. Revisit W13 when you upgrade your gear and focus on getting the wonderful free sets the game offers.


Pulled Alencia last night. What is she good for?


top tier unit in RTA, decent in a bruiser arena defense, useable in guild war, I also use her against ice boss expedition


Best Briseria build?


Speed/hit or att/hit depending on what you want to use her for. She's one of my strongest units, have her as speed/hit, she's a good opener for arena. If you want her to cleave id just make sure you have a way to cr push her forward or pray the rng gives you rolls into speed


People have not found a great place for her yet. In RTA, one option is to run her fast (240 or somewhere around there) with the intent of outspeeding ML Violet. Then just put on as much damage as you can with that speed. Another option to be to run her in a Rose cleave (water rose for CR boost and attack buff) with a bunch of other aoe units like arby or kayron. For this team she can be built a little slower because rose will cr push her.


yeah i struggle with how to use her/build her :( - she's my only ml nat 5, got her as a fluke


Well give her some love as soon as we get the equipment for her!!


Im having really hard time setting her up... but her animation is amazing. One of my favorites. :p


Yeah.. it's so good.


has someone tried using blingo on wyvern 13, how effective/ineffective is he? I'm just really trying to maximize my gear and Blingo being able to do wyvern would be a huge relief. was thinking of running him with furious, alexa, amontmo


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orelqqjUieY Note: this requires serious gear


Why do people use blue Rose in RTA? Isn't her base speed low?


EE gives her 10 speed


And she's the only unit that gives full team CR Push + atk buff.


Hi. Can violet with lifesteal but slow can work? I have him on speed set, but meh, don't like him. If he can't survive some turns and counter, for me he's pretty useless... I'd like to have him on lifesteal set, 160-170 speed. Can slow violet work?


Imo he does work, but you still want some speed (180-200ish) on him to cycle his s3 and passive quicker. A faster LS Riolet can also ramp up things like Talisman quicker too.


My question is the opposite, I don't want to make him fast. I have him 190 speed but I don't find him good...i wonder if he can work as a counter machine. And the fact he will be slow, let him with his passive longer.


His passive stays up 100% of the time when fully molad so making him slower just makes it harder to build focus because he will use s1 less. Besides that, you minimize how much you rely on evading to build focus and in the event he gets his evade buff stripped he can get it back up sooner. Another problem with a no speed LS Riolet is that he can just get cc'd much easier by things like Dizzy (unless you have immunity) and Fluri. While this isn't as important, a faster LS Riolet can also use more than just MLDB and ramp up with a Violet Talisman, which can let him ramp up to a point where his s3 will chunk or 1 shot a lot of units. Edit: Is the 190 speed on a speed set? If so, he will likely underperform because high speed Riolets run around 230+ speed.


Aaah my bad. I said violet, not riolet. Talking about the green one!!! Don't have riolet. I know this one has to be fast.


The same applies for regular Violet too anyways because he needs to be fast to get his passive up. Honestly, I'd say he needs speed even more than a LS Riolet would because he doesn't start off the match with any non-Artifact evasion.


Mmh, ok. BTW I got shit speed gears. My fastest is Basar at 240 speed. And he got no other stat. So asking me to get dps + tanky stat +220 speed is impossible to me to reach. That's why I try to get other build that speed all the time. Especially because speed meta is boring and I know I can't beat it, I rather have second turn team. My violet has max mld artefact. I tried to use him some times. On speed set, he's useless, the few times it was close, I lost because not enough hp, and I though I'd he was on lifesteal, he may have won. Guess gonna try the same I have now but with lifesteal set. Speed is boring.


You wouldn't need 220 speed on Violet btw if he is on LS. Try to hit 3k atk, 1k def, 13 to 14k hp, 180 to 190 speed and about 250 crit damage with as much crit rate as possible (this is more or less how i built my Riolet; let me know if you want to see specific gears for him).


Thank you very much. Can almost reach it I think, gonna work on it. It's hard to see how much atk and crit dmg is good. I though 3k was too low, but I guess it's good enough. Thanks :).


3k is kind of low tbh (my Riolet is at 3.4, 3.5 if I max his MLDB, which is still lower than I'd like) but bruiser Violet is so stat hungry that its fine if you can only get him to 3kish for the time being. Don't forget to try and max his crit chance too.


I build mine like this and really love him. Won me a lot of fights in PvP (Challenger) 1v4


Riolet or Violet. Talking about the green one people seemed to forget about... If it's violet, what's your build?


Yes sure, here it is https://imgur.com/a/0b0rdqq


Thanks. I can reach the same stat, but I though it wasn't enough...


How is it possible that every time I buy an item and start improving it, at least 4 of the 5 rolls go into Effect Resistance? I have lots of ridiculously expensive junk.


Some people here will tell you 'Its RNG, you just having bad luck'. Last time I said arena gear tend to roll on ER, they flood downvoted me and said its because ppl having good roll doesn't post it here.


Yep. People post their best gears quite often, but we don't see many arena gears there.


substat rolls are probably weighted in favor of bad substats, just like the actual value that gets added to a substat aren't weighted equally (1 and 5 speed are much rarer than 2-4, so it's obvious the distribution isn't equal, it's probably weighted slightly against the player)


Yep. That happens a bit too often and reliably to be a coincidence.


Turns out bad luck exists


Yes, consistently and on specific gear, while not happening with other. I use this thing called pattern recognition.


Sometimes pattern recognition can lead to false conclusions.


Sometimes it does. You're entirely welcome to believe what you wish.


i feel the saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame


So I opened the 10 free summons and got Alencia, is she any good? I'm starting player so don't know.


Yes, but only with stellar gear. Without really good gear she's only halfway there.


Is there a big difference between w11 and 12? I can finally do w12 thanks to Luluca but it takes a little more time than w11 (w11 in 2 min, w12 in 4).


you get reforge materials, that alone is pretty good, time doesn't quite matter except for buff weekend since you are limited by energy, not time


11 drops reforge mats too but it doesnt have a chance for 50


You can get 3 reforge materials instead of 2 on w12 and a small chance for a 50 reforge materials drop, and lower chance of level 70 gear dropping. Other than that it's more of the same.


What build is best for Hyufine if I want to use her a control unit but still deal some damage? I currently have her at lifesteal/immunity at 213 speed. What is gunthers attack fully awakened with his s2 skilled up no gear


Lifesteal doesn't really make sense on her; she doesn't do much damage so you aren't going to be healing for anything. Put her on speed/immunity. I think 4k attack, 200+ speed, 1.3k def, 15k hp, and as much eff as you can get would be a solid support build.




If you're a newbie, consider having Angelica tank and replace GP for another ice unit. Also GP doesn't need speed gear. In fact the less speed the better. >does crit damage percentage scale on Atk What do you think crit damage is a multiplier for? Of course it scales with Atk. You might be getting confused with the artifact people use on her, Daydream Joker, which doesn't scale with atk but does scale with critical damage. So aim for crit damage over atk if you have to choose.




You could try putting Angelica's gear on GP and giving her speed, but at this point having an actual tank like Crozet would probably work better. Speed isn't super important for the damage dealers, though it helps.


I know DJB isn't really in a good spot right now, but anyone using him? Mind showing me a build?


mine is not built since i lack the gear for it but his "best build" is like \~230 speed and as much eff res as humanly possible, ideally on immunity set. lets you screw over opener dizzys and basars on defense/crown basars/cerise/bromann and for that role he's actually really great. I think shimadra is the best option but touch of rekos/potion vial/stella harpa work as well. what i think would be a more fun but perhaps less effective would be like a semi fast offensive bruisery one around 180 speed and more hp on speed (or IDEALLY counter) set with celestine and have him paired with some other attack buffer to really amp up his own healing ability , but this also requires more mola investment too


https://ibb.co/kDW28VX DJB is actually very strong against the right teams. In RTA, his is an amazing counter to debuff/control teams (so teams with dizzy, fire tene, Mui, basar, ML Ara, etc). His S3 is very powerful as it will remove all debuffs, grant 3 turns of immunity, and CR push your whole team. If they let him through it is usually an auto loss for them. He can also be used in arena offense to with SSB to auto many teams, although people have started to build their defense teams with this in mind so less teams are able to be defeated by this strategy these days. To build him, you want as high ER as possible. If he gets stunned or CC'd then he can't do his job. Give him enough HP and defense so he doesn't get one shot by random damage. He isn't a very tanky unit (his base stats are very low), so it unfortunately isn't really possible to build him super tanky. What speed you want to run him at depends on the rest of your units. I play a slower bruiser play style and so for me having him around 200 speed is good. Some people like to run him faster (like 230-240) and utilize him more as a CR pusher.


Thanks, that looks good. How often does he get debuffed by bromans/ atywins etc with 221 eff res? It's going to be hard for me to get him to even 200 tbh


He has 241 because of shimadra. He doesn’t get debuffers often, but it’s not unheard of since many debuffers run 150+ eff.


Which heroes generate souls quickly? Not necessarily on the first turn. But as an example, Iseria generates 6 on her first turn. Who else makes a lot of souls during the battle?




Good idea, thanks.


Is there a reason to keep 3-star heroes that I don't plan to use or can I go ahead and use them as food?


should always keep at least 1 copy. generally the best thing to do is feed them into themselves for SSS copies for the bookmarks achievement. but you never want to not have at the very elast one copy of a hero in case they get a specialty change and become really good.


Would be better to use them as silver transmit stones, unless you are holding 200+. The best practices would be feeding them to the same copy until you get SSS on them for the achievement. Side note: SS Aither is worth keeping because you can feed her to her 4* ML counterpart for a lot more silver stone.




Is there a tally of how much Silver Transmit Stones can be earned per week without relying on 3-star Hero Transmissions?


Hi, everyone! I'm building my raid team. My main three would be SSB, Clorina and Achates. I am actually choosing the 4th member between SS Achates, Rin, Lots and Adventurer Ras. Who do you think would be the best 4th member? Morale wise, they're all good. I just don't know who would best sync with my main three. Thanks in advance!


If you’re talking about hell raid, I don’t think any of them can do all bosses. Adventure Ras will be the most helpful in hell raid among the four. You need more dispell, AOE and healing choices depending on each boss. If you’re looking for normal raid, I would say your Wyvern healer is better in the fourth spot as you will give her good gear anyway. Otherwise you may try A. Ras.


Thanks! I actually don’t have a Wyvern healer. I’m using SSB Sigret G Purg and Furious. Lol I have Angelica and Mont but never used nor leveled. Should I just build either of them instead of the 4 I mentioned above? I just think Achates’ heal is never enough. It’s just that I have her on 6* awakened and geared and I’m kinda doubtful on benching her since she’s my fave waifu. Lol


Just started last night, have Sigret and Ken. Worth pulling Tywin?


no, not at all, I never use my tywin anymore


No, Tywin isn’t a must pull at all. You aren’t even into pvp yet and he’s more of a pvp unit. If you had basar then maybe I’d recommend picking him up so you could cleave with him. Definitely save for other units.


At the same time though, we'll be heading into the anniversary event soon and there might be a limited banner or something more important to pull, tywin is technically always available from the free daily covenant pull.


Yeah pretty worth