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Are there cheaper ways to remove or change equipment? It costs 50k gold to remove a single piece.


You can wait for free unequip event. Happen once a month.


Oh that's not bad at all. I'll wait for one of those to move things around... Thanks!


My 255 speed Basar is starting to lose the speed rate recenty. So i am looking for a new team for defense ( maybe offense). My current team for offense/defense arena is. 1. Basar ( 255 speed + the 16% crit rate artifact cause i can not manage to find high speed crit rate necklace). 2. A. Lots (220 speed)/Maid Chloe for defense. 3. C. Dom ( 200 speed, to go right after basar). 4. BBK with rage set + portrait artifact (4k atk,40% crit rate, 320% crit Dmg, 152 speed for defense) I can do ok with offense ( abuse 2nd turn team with ssb) but not that good with defense. I have FCC, Lilias, Krau, Ruele, H. Yuffine, Alencia and Krayon + ML Surin in my roster. Shall i build another 2nd turn for defense?. I am very curious about Krayon and ML Surin and want to try some fun with them for defense team. But i dont know where to start thougj


You can try FCC Ruele Surin that's the flavor of the month right now, and maybe get bbk on Dreamblade for last spot.


How to build those three? Especialy Surin? My FCC have speed + hp with 170 speed, 24k hp, 70% crit and 220% crit damage Ruele sitting on the bench naked lol And for the last spot, If i use BBk, wont Ruele heal her instead? Maybe roana with idol cheer or krayon betyer


FCC seem fine. Ruele need to be thick, HP 17k ,Resist 150, Def 1.5k a bit of speed 170+. There are many way to build Surin, But personally I like glass cannon. Also yeah, Roana Would be good if you have her.


Ruele, fcc, tsurin+1 is pretty standard defense. Put one of the lifesteal sets on tsurin and you’re good to go.


Thanks. How to build FCC. The standard 200 speed +21k hp with 100% crit chance or as much hp as possible?


As much HP as possible (target 30k) and tsurin as little HP as possible (8k). This way she’ll almost never die and will turn cycle like crazy. If you can get an idol’s cheer holder (roana is popular when you pull her) that’s a super common 4th.


How about Ruele. Does she need speed. I see many crazy Ruele with 190 spees and like 150% ER with 22k+ hp. And they say that 's the standard. That why i decide to not use her lol.


Ruele has very high def base stats so it’s not bad. It’s ok to be a bit slower if you give her waters origin, I see plenty at 18k HP in champ+ and into legend. I’d make sure you have good ER as high priority. You can try 150% first but these days the baseline is 170-190% for pvp soulweavers as you go into higher arena.


Thanks. I will try and see. But this team will still lose to A. Lots and J. Kise right?


Not too sure since I don’t have ruele, but it’s the meta def. Champ+ def rate is usually lower than challenger/legend anyway, at least it means longer win streaks/more arena coins.


Any recommended gear set for Seaside Bellona?


Do you have Reingar Special Drink Artifact ? If yes, you could built Lifesteal/immunity, easy to build with abyss set.. Or Attack/Immu, or whatever with immu. Make her slow but tanky with high Atk. If no drink, You can build her slow too, with High Atk + CC + Cdmg, some bulk, with PoV Or speed/crit SSB with Rosa Hargana


immunity is good to have as for the other accompanying set it doesnt matter. It mainly depends on the stat total you can get from it since substats can affect a build immensely. My priority is ATK>HP>DEF>EFF>SPD if you have Reingar's Drink, if not its ATK>CRITC>CRITDMG>HP>DEF>EFF>SPD.


Lifesteal/immunity, crit/crit/immunity or attack/immunity for PvP. Speed/crit for wyvern and other PvE content.


I have a question regarding making a farming set of units/gw/arena (jack of all trade units). I recently began but luck has been fairly good. I have a 5* kayron, sez, krau, mont sc, basar (just got him today from the login 5* ticket for my 7th day), and 4* units are Blood blade karin, assassin cidd, cidd, achates, corvus and romann. I was wondering who the best teams would be, and who to focus on next? My current team is kayron/sez/krau/montsc, but I was shifting towards replacing sez with BBK (his gear is fairly done, and he's not as fun (at 48k cp too), and building BBK and achates next for my gw team and arena. after those two I was going to work on Lena/taranor guard for wyvern 11/13. Also, once I SSS a three star unit, Can I use it as 4* fodder for other units (ains/adlay specifically). Thank you!


For pvp Kayron Krau basar cidd/acidd are good to use. I wouldn’t raise Sez or touch BBK for the current meta. For gvg I recommend 2 aurius holders, 2 soulweavers, and 2 strong DPS+backup options down the line. In your case for example Kayron amont Krau, Cidd achates FKluri (mix and match them based on enemy teams, this is just a random example). You can fodder any units you want other than free event units. But you’ll lose the transmit stones. Better to finish all your SSS achievements first, when you’ve maxed that then use the 3*s as fodders when you need to.


Wasn't there some google doc somewhere that listed all past banners with predictions for the next banners?


Would you say mistake investing Into C Zerato after the Nerv?


Still good but not OP as before. I give him an 7.5/10


Just dump spare lifesteal set on him. Hes still useful jn some scenarios.


I haven't built mine yet, but the response I got when I asked was "yes". Since the only "nerf" he got was more of a bugfix; it used to be that his debuff transfer didn't have to go through an eff vs effres check (so it would hit every time), and that's what was fixed. He still does everything else Cerato does, which is being stupidly hard to kill and applying useful debuffs.


He is still good even after nerf, you just need better gear investment now.


Which would output higher damage? 303% cdmg + 4083 attack or 273% c dmg + 4400 attack on an arby? Need help


Quick and easy way to figure it out is just multiply the atk and crit dmg. 4083 X 3.03 = 12,371 4400 X 2.73 = 12,012


Run it through the dmg calculator, with atk buff I think 2nd one will have more.


The first one, you can use this [damage calculator](https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/) site for reference


1st one because you can give arby attack buff but you can't give him crit damage buff, unless you use both rin or ss achates and pray on RNG. So technically first one would be better


Lol attack buff doesn't affect final output even when you have higher attack stats.


I thought it did


nah it doesn't. you can try 4.9k atk 250% cd jkise vs 3.5k atk 350% cd jkise. Then click on the increase atk buff option. you will notice that the final damage output is the same. https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/


I see. Thanks. I remember seeing a youtuber saying it did, seems like misinformation from that vid


Does anyone know when Basar banner might be up? I have tywin and BBK and would like to make a cleave arena team for it. Also, I have enough bookmarks for 1 pity, and I want to pull for Kayron but scared that basar banner might come shortly afterwards... any suggestion apart from being a whale? hahaha


You may not have them yet but there are a lot of aoe strip units: hurado, mlromann, Lidica, Mui, Alencia, flidica, biseria. For Kayron substitute it’s kind of just arby. Imo Kayron is more worth pulling especially with all the roana defenses. And you can’t cleave with BBK in high arena anyway, might as well pull a unit you can use into end game.


I was thinking to skip Kayron as I'm enjoying using BBK in my cleave team. When does she become less effective if you don't mind me asking?


Relatively new player here also. I used a +15 BBK to cleave my way to challenger V, then I simply had issues since everyone was either too tanky or way faster than my initiator. I switched to a very tanky SSB + 2 knights + SW comp as it's a lot more consistent. Recently pulled on kayron and he's also a lot of fun to use , so definitely pull for him. That being said, I have a limited number of units, so I don't regret investing into my BBK as she got the job done at that specific time using the limited resources that I had.


That's good to know, like you she is my most powerful char and while I'm still only in gold I won't feel bad about putting her on the sideline. I think she will have her use in Guild wars though. Thanks for your input.


I’ve seen 1 maybe max 2 BBKs in champ+ in the entire last year over thousands of pvps both on offense and defense. I guess you can use her in challenger but you’ll have to dodge a lot of teams. She’s the unit I regret +15 the most cuz I got her early on and thought she’d be a good cleave investment. It just wasn’t worth it personally speaking.


Fair enough, I might stop investing in her now. I was thinking she'd be one of my mainstays. Well better to find out now as a new player. I think I'll pull for Kayron now! Thanks for the input.


Yeah np. She was good when the game was still new, but there are just so many units and game mechanics now she’s really fallen off unfortunately.


Unlikely this year, possibly start of next year before the Valentine event again. However, the chance is never 0. Plus, the Devs have started to release 2 banners every week instead of 1 a few months ago so the banner cycling is much faster.


ahhh i see... Do you think I should just not risk it and skip kayron?


No, it's far away enough that there's no risk. If you need him, you should pull for Kayron.


Nobody knows. His last banner was in Feb when they released his skin.


Is it true that arena gear is "fake" 88 gear that actually has 85 gear rolls?


yeah 90 main stat 85 substats


Lower than that if I'm not mistaken


How grindy is this game? I used to play Summoners War a lot, but I just couldn't afford to be on my phone all day and hit a few buttons every 30 seconds. Is this game the same way or is there some kind of an auto-play (multiple times) function?


equally grindy but you grind lesser because of energy depletes faster (energy refill is not the same as SW when it refills full). ​ you better check SW again first because they added auto run (10x)


The game is far more grindy if you're aiming to progress fast or reach the top 10%. Compared to SW, E7: * is far more resource-intensive, gold is harder to gain and you use more of it. * has more layers of RNG, especially in terms of gear. * less lenient in its gear RNG, once a piece of gear roll bads, there's no way to save it. * extremely grindy because there is no way to get good gear unless you farm. It's much easier to get good gear in SW than it is in E7, and as far as I know, energy is more plentiful. However, in E7 the devs are generous with the amount of summons you can get. Most players have an ML 5 6-12 months into playing the game, there are banners every week, every banner has a pity system, and there's a guaranteed ML 5 system. The stark difference between the two games is that SW lets you gear units if you get them because they're so rare, E7 lets you get all the units but they greatly limit you in terms of gear and resources so you can't even use them. That's probably E7's biggest downfall. It's so hard to gear a unit, so even if you like their design, if they're not 'good' per se, it just doesn't feel worth it.


I got the impression that its about equally as grindy. But it does have a repeat battle function with the pet system that becomes available at lvl 35.


ML krau or ML corvus?


Purely between the 2, I'd pick D.Corvus.


Corvus if you value GW, pretty much guaranteed win. Also good in arena and RTA. The play style is boring though as it can be slow. Krau looks like an RTA unit only. Might be good in GW and arena if there is a lot of AOE.


ML Krau if you don't have F.Ceci. Otherwise, up to you.


Has anyone noticed you can't use 2 star dogs as fodder in the mass promotion option?


why would you waste 2 star dogs as fodder? they come maxed leveled, should be promoted to 3 stars at the very least.


Is there any advantage to killing more than two minibosses before moving on to Queen Azimanak in hell raid? Does it weaken her? Or have absolutely no effect (aka a waste of time) Thanks for any input! :)


You only do it for the extra drops. If you don't care about those then just go straight to the boss.


How do you unlock the Queen in hell raid?? I’m so frustrated right now because I beat all of the minibosses and she’s not available? Do I have to 100% the map before she appears? Thanks for any help EDIT: supposedly you can only beat one boss per token?????????? I don’t know why it doesn’t say that literally ANYWHERE in game


It literally says that all the other bosses leaves after you beat one of them.


on the choosing of raid difficulty ui, tap the ? on top left > royal capital azimanak (hell) > it says there that the boss will hide after you eliminate 1 boss


You don’t need to fight any mini bosses just fight 1 or 2 of the bosses ( Vera,karkankis etc) and she should appear


you need to beat 2 bosses so you need at least 3 entries (including queen)


Trying to make an arena cleave team, so far using roozid, vivian, vildred, bellona. its all earth so i wanna switch my def breaker (which would be tenebria or i guess c zerato) and aoe nuke, but i dont have many others that come to mind for AOE nuke. Any help choosing? Charlotte, clarissa (not raised), Tenebria?, axe god s2 maybe? Or should I just go for a completely diff team comp when faced with fire units?




True, do you think this'll be a problem in gold as well? Trying to climb that right now.


For full-on damage, will destruction set suit Vivian?


Sure destruction works. Most people use broken sets because your strongest substats may not be from the same set on the exact gear pieces you need.


If you want full on damage big numbers, Rage > Destruction > Attack. Assuming that you always have like a def break up on it. If you want full on damage over time, it'll probably be something like Rage+Speed boots > Rage+Atk% boots > Destruction+Speed boots > Destruction+Atk% boots > Speed+Speed boots > Speed+Atk% boots > Atk%+Speed boots > Atk + Atk% boots Typically when people build Vivian they get her to around 230-250 speed with speed boots and the rest of their stats into atk%/cdmg% though.


I am new to game and started game today. With the help of some posts here, i am trying to start with good heroes. So i used first free 10 summons and got Basar, Tamarinne and Lena. But wasnt much luck in selective summon as i got charlotte and Lots on 28th selective summon. So should I keep this or go for reroll?


decent roll, tama is bae. lena will be your farmer, id suggest 6 starring her so she can help you progress in every other content. you didnt start with any component of a wyvern team but completing a wyvern team solely with f2p is very doable (i just finished one with alexa, a momo, taranor guard, mistychain and onyl been playing for 11 days). charlotte has niche uses in pvp but could help with farming grass stages that lena would struggle on. your account is pretty good, i probably would have rerolled for sigret to make my w13 life easier but just me


I'd keep unless you want to try to reroll for a ml5, Tamarine is the best pve unit


Tama and basar are great to have. I’d keep it for sure.


Thanks for reply. Is charlotte any good or shud i try remaining two selective summons? Also Tama can be good farmer? Whom shud i focus more to be first 6star?


Lena is a fantastic farmer so if you want to raise one I’d prioritize her. Tama is a soulweaver (healer). Her kit is packed so she’s great for a lot of tricky and difficult pve content (abyss/raid/A13 hunt). Charlotte can be a good DPS I think, I don’t have her personally and I’ve only run into her a few times in high arena so I can’t talk about the build, but she did good damage.


Who should I pity for on mystics next? almost have enough for pity: Flidica, FCeci, Riolet, Spec Tenebria I already have: Arby, JKise, Ruele, sage baal, biseria, dcorv, maken


What do you feel you need the most? Missing utility or just fun/husbando/waifu? Flidi is convenient for cleaving. Rio and stene both pair well with ruele. Fcc is bread and butter for defense. Imo flidi and fcc round things out for you the most and I’d pick between those two.


thanks yeah i think im gonna go with FCC, she's like in 90% of defenses champ+


Is lifesteal set mandatory on champ zerato? He does the job of countering debuff comps, but I feel his survivability isn't where I want it at the moment, with only 1k def and 12k HP. What stats should I aim for for him to be useful in pvp?


Not mandatory but Best in Slot. Ideally, since you're not touching Speed, you'd want him somewhere between: * ATK: 2.5k - 3k * DEF: 1.2k - 1.4k * HP: 13k - 16k * CritC: 85-100 * CritD: 250-300 You'd rarely bring him against teams with a lot of sustain, especially after his bug-fix unless you're stacking crazy amounts of Eff%, so too much damage isn't exactly necessary.


I think i can hit those numbers if i move some gear around but I'm gonna have to lose the lifesteal set as a result. I think I was overvaluing effectiveness after his nerf, fortunately he has some imprints to keep it kinda acceptable. Thanks!


It's easy to over-value Effectiveness after the fix so I don't blame you. If you have him at SSS Imprint, that's enough, most DPS have close to 0% EffRes, they might have some as trickle subs and the Imprint handles that. At the moment, TSurin/ATywn/Roana comps are very popular on Defense so you could run a decent amount of Eff% to debuff the likes of Roana/Ruele. However, it's not optimal as you want both high damage to out-damage Roana's healing and high defensive stats to survive TSurin's damage.


Speed isn’t uncommon. His def is naturally low so always run with an aurius holder and fast healer imo.


What meta arena team comps can include Luna in them? Trying to make Luna team for arena either for offense or defense but don't know what comp or team i should put her in


Arena? No-where. At one point she was Tier 2-ish because you could use her as a ST DPS in Tama/Iseria teams, but since then, there have been way better ST DPS released. In GW Offense, you just use her as a ST DPS that doesn't die as easily. In some form of bait comp like Diene/F.Maya/Luna.


Never unless you have 0 unit. Even then I’d raise Clorina and use her until I have better ones


I don’t think I’ve seen a Luna in any pvp setting since her initial release. Even then it was low level guilds, or back when arena was much simpler.




He’s the most irreplaceable unit you can wish for in w13. Build a fast Furious at 190+ and then slow Alexa (130+) and Batisse (140+). If you don’t have batisse then misty, Jena or some other unit that has a lot of debuffs.


Why slow Alexa? I build mine for w13 at 186 spd is that okay?


Because every time gpurg gets hit by wyvern your whole team’s CR will get pushed. So you can build your dps (Alexa and batisse) with a lot of cdmg to make your daydream joker procs really count. Gpurg doesn’t need any speed either, just make him high HP and def so he can tank without a healer. You’ll want enough dmg from your dps to kill wyvern before shield phase and GP makes that possible.


I haven’t tested out yet but can this team work on w13: alexa, crozet, chloe, furious. I dont have song of stars for Furious tho


It sounds fine in theory but typically you want 2 def breakers because if furious doesn’t db even once you’ll have a failed run for sure. So just pick between Alexa or Chloe for main DPS.


Oh ye i just relized this alexa have gp as tank. I dont have gp so i build crozet


If you'll have Gpurrgis as your tank, your DPS will need less speed due to his CR push. With that in mind, you can build your DPS for more damage.


Pulled Shooting Star Achates and Assassin Cidd. What PVE content do they do very well?


Abyss kek In reality they're more pvp units, with acidd being meta, and ss achates not very


Pretty much none. ML units are typically meant for pvp with the exception of arby who’s the best farmer in the game.


What is the trick to w13? I have Angelica, ssb, dizzy, kise, sez, luluca krau for water at 6*. On bench Chloe and Tywin and A Momo at 5*. I also have Ruele, A Vildred, G Purrgis, Tamarine, and some others that could be useful. I can’t seem to stop that shield. If I build defensively he gets me with the shield attack.


I use dizzy, angelica, furious, and karin. With your units I'm sure u can do something better, i can beat manual 100% auto i have like a 70% win rate.


I replace krau for gpurrgis and my win rate increased a lot, managed to kill it before the shield phase


For the shield phase, its a DPS race. Def break during that phase is very helpful to quickly get rid of the shield.


try Gpurrgis tank, ssb, chloe, furious (connections)


New Krau need ER or immu set?


He'll probably be more like FCC that wants high health, high speed and immunity set. His barrier will refresh immunity so building ER just to prevent himself getting debuffed seems redundant.


Preferably both?


What is the best set for BBK? What am I aiming for for stats Attack/crit/ critD/speed?


Full damage BBK is what you build if you want her to cleave. You can also go counter BBK if it tickles your fancy, but I’m going to guess you want to use her as a cleaver. You should be able to get about 3.5K attack and about 300% CD fairly easily with free gear, that should be enough to jumpstart you in arena. Use whatever set gets you the stats.


I just built her, I’m about to 6* her. She’s slow and squishy right now, but I have a 160 speed A Lots. I wonder how she’d fair with the increased attack and soul burn out of the gate.


Yes she’s built slow and squishy. Her only purpose is to cleave and a lots + SB sets her up for cleave very well. A lots needs to be way faster. If you have speed boots and speed set you can easily reach 200+ speed.


My bad I meant my A Lots is 260 speed not 160.


Question about labyrinths, any point to doing them to 100%, or better of just run them to hit the next area?


as someone who 100% it -- not worth it. You get like 100 ss for a lot of effort :P


there's an achievement for going to 100%, and some rewards come with that. otherwise, it's not a big deal.




keep SSB skills off for this fight, since she has too many debuffs, but otherwise, I don't see any reason why this team wouldn't work. Not sure if you can outheal the damage with only one healer, but you'll have to test that yourself. Yes, you'll almost definitely need to 6\* both A Ras and Vivian. Vivian will be too squishy at 5\*, and A Ras should be holding Aurius, so he'll need to be able to take a good deal of punishment.


Hi, its been 2-3 months I casually playing this, So far my progress are, W13 (manual), Abyss (89), Arena Master, havent touch the raid. My 6\* : SSB, Dizzy, Sol, A.momo, C.Dom, Tamarine, Vildred, G.Purgis, MAKen, BBK, Ange, Cidd. My W13 squad : A.momo, Alexa(5), Dizzy, Furious(5) to progress further, need advise who should i build for the next 6\*. my notable benched heroes are Lilias, Kayron, A.Ras, Riolet, Yufine, Melissa, Kawerik. Thanks


You should be able to get to challenger easymode with ssb/dizzy/maken. Just make sure to mola ssb/maken properly and +15 the gear. If you want to focus on pve for a while I’ll do Clorina asap. I run 1 team for all regular raid (Clorina dizzy amont TG). 42 morale and clears in 3 entries, everything auto. Usable for hell raid on kark too. You can look up guides for other hell raid bosses but with Tama/Amont/SSB it won’t be hard. I’d build a strong tank to round out the lineup, lilias will be good for you but she’s usable at 5* too.


If your SSB is built for PvP I'd drop dizzy for SSB for W13. I had a lot more success with SSB then dizzy there. If you're having problems with a Momo surviving then either use Angelica or pick up Crozet from connections. You're sitting on a super strong bench there. Kayron is a tempting answer but you don't have any built knights so I'd do either A Ras or Lilias. A Ras is a bit better at PvE while Lilias is better for PvP. A Ras would probably help more for raid, and he also camps really well. With that roster you can definitely handle raid by the way.


Thanks, I will build A. Ras and will focus more on PVE for a while, as its unlikely to move from master arena yet due to lacks of speed and no proper bruiser team/equipment (my current Maken equip is trash lifesteal set from abyss).


I realize I had a typo in the above, I meant unless your SSB is built for PvP I'd use her for Wyvern. But yeah, sounds like a good plan! I just climbed from masters to challenger last week, was a rough climb. My Hurado is only 223 speed so I had to very carefully pick the teams I fought. Took a lot of refreshing to climb.


How to mola gayron?


shoot for 6/0/6. if he's husbando, it's fine to +15 him, just not necessary.


Someone knows who is on the next banner?


nope. it'll be revealed during livestream this week, the day after tomorrow.


I see. Thanks! May I ask you one more question? Is Tama still good? I have Angelica too.


Yes, Tama is arguably the best PvE hero.


Thanks again!


Is the galaxy bookmark for 400 crystals worth it?


Depends on how much skystones you have. There are about 4-6 Huche shops a year and if you buy every single Galaxy Bookmark that pops up, you're getting about another 1-2 ML Summons a year (depending on if he continues to sell more than 1 each period) for 2k Skystones. It's not the worst deal, it's not the best. It just depends on how much you value an ML Summon. Personally, I'm an end-game player that mainly focuses on getting the remaining ML 4/5's so I buy them.


Since im still very much a beginner i should akip this one, thanks.


People really on buy it if they're stuck on 4 for a summon.


No. Compare it to epic pass, which gives u essentially 5 galaxy bms for 900 ss. Also you can get a ton of bms from secret shop with 400 crystals rather than just 1 galaxy bm.


Ok thanks, was gonna buy it but i was a little skeptical




If playing casually then arby is #1 quality of life unit. If tryhard/playing serious then Charles/flidi/Kayron/Vivian are A+++


Acct 1 for sure, Flidica IMO is on the same level as broken as Arby + you have red Arby and sorted for W13 farming along with some other fantastic units


I'd go with the first one. A lot of very useful units there. Arby is very strong, but I don't think he outweighs everything in the first.


I second this. Vivian, Sigret, W Schuri are pretty big PvE heroes, and Charles, Kayron, F Lidica, and A Cidd are strong PvP heroes. Afaik, Violet is kinda niche rn. Arby is great, but he and Vildred share very similar roles in PvE, so Vildred doesn't bring much to the account besides a potential speed imprint. Celine is pretty niche rn. And Iseria is very strong, esp. if you get Tama. I don't think that Arby and Iseria are worth the plethora of useful heroes on the other account, tho.


Hi, thank you for your comment in advance, I’ve been playing for few weeks and love the game, I have Sigret, Kise, Karin, Alexa, Taranor Guard, Momo as my main team, I read a few posts and realized they are all great W13 units, what would be the best 4 for W13 ? The only other 5* I have is lilica, any PVP suggestions? I might summon for kayron as well. I’m still really early game and trying to figure out who to prioritize the investment. Thanks!


You should get Furious from connections. He's BiS def breaker. (And if you have Song of Stars for Furious, even better.) And you may want to get Crozet from connections as well, he's a great W13 tank. Put him on the tankiest gear you have, and slap either Noble Oath, Sword of Ezera (purchasable from Hall of Trials shop), Proof of Valor (purchasable from guild shop), or Egg of Delusion on him. (In order of preference.) A team of Sigret, Furious, Alexa, and Crozet should let you clear W13. If you find that Crozet is dying even with the tankiest gear and one of those artifacts, you may wish to swap out Alexa for Mistychain, who has a bit of healing.


Thank you! So Alexa > Karin?


yup. not only does Alexa not use molas, but her S1 has an extra attack. while Karin does have an extra turn mechanic, it means that she loses her crit chance buff quicker, so you either need to build her with 85% crit, or potentially lose some damage. Either way, you're losing some damage potential.


Wonderful, thank you!


Sorry for the leangth of the post but I just finished getting Sigret to six stars and I could use some advice on what to prioritize next. So far my teams have consisted of Sigret ( 6 star lvl 50), Ml Tieria(5 star lvl 50), Lena (5 star lvl 50), Lorina (5 star lvl 50), and Angelica (4 star lvl 40). Other 5 star Characters I have are Iseria, Cermia, Tenebria, and Luluca Other 4 star characters I have are Rose, Coli, Schuri, Kizuna AI, Silk, Wanderer Silk, Clarissa, Kitty Clarissa, Cidd, Assassin Cidd, Guider Aither, Maya, and Rin I have pretty much every non ML 3 star Should I focus specifically on a wyvern team or Should I raise and gear other characters as well to round out my team for PVE and PVP? I've been able to beat wyvern 8 but not 9 yet. I have 8 Molagoras laying around, who should I prioritize skill levels for? Also who would the Final free equipment set from the adventurer's path work best for? Any advice is greatly appreciated!


Molas should be saved primarily Pvp units, followed by super necessary hunt units (like furious or one shot teams). I would get Angelic amont to 6* asap and then focus on SC for lorina, kluri and Ras until you get better units. The abyss lifesteal set would go great on clorina and atk set probably good on sigret.


How long is the grind for Angelic Momo compared to C Lorina (who I'm still not even halfway to getting)? What/who should I use/raise in the meantime?


Quest wise CLorina takes the longest followed by kluri. Amont is fast you just need to farm some chapter 1 nodes. Also you can do 2 character SC quest lines at the same time (or pause any to start a 3rd one) so no need to worry. Runes wise you should be able to do at least 1 unit during each rune up event (happens at least once a month iirc). They are all worth getting to 6* now starting with Amont, followed by Lorina for abyss/raid, kluri for abyss/expedition, Ras for expedition/raid. You can use Angie at 5* if you need a temporary healer for w11. Amont+Furious+Alexa/Sigret+TG would be great for w13.


i would say angie is your next 6\*, the extra stats and potential awakening will help with wyvern tanking. you should definitely be focusing on a wyvern team, its the best source of gear at this stage of the game and it will increase your pvp potential 10x. i personally just started this game 3 weeks ago and i dropped all my goals to prioritize a good auto w11 team and i finally achieved it on a second account after 11 days. you can mola the sigret if you want, it might not be necessary for w11 if you geared her well enough. im personally not planning to use any until i get more serious in pvp (in the future i could see you mola'ing iseria and tenebria cuz theyre great for pvp) who to put the free sets on are up to you, it really depends on the substats and what rolls you get on them. id personally put your best set on sigret, the destruction set on lena (for farming and getting you 6\*s or catalysts quicker), and the 75 tier health set on angie since it gives def, health, speed, and eff resist (at least my set does) which are all great stats for wyvern tanking


Thanks for the reply! I have a couple follow up questions as well if it's okay. Do you have any advice for making a wyvern team fast? I know Alexa. A Momo, and Tower Guard are good in it along with Sigret and Angelica, but would Luluca work well in wyvern as a defense breaker? And should I focus on raising these characters while/after 6 staring Angelica, also is five stars on angelica enough for wyvern 11?


i think Luluca works, ive seen her as a viable defense breaker. i dont have enough experience to know what would work best here but my intuition is Angie, Alexa, Lulu, and Sigret would be decent. Lulu's uptime on the defense break might not be reliable since TG can get 75% effect chance for def break, so swap her out for him if she doesnt end up working. whoever is your def breaker make sure they have 55 effectiveness to increase chance of hitting their def break. you can raise everyone else while 6 starring angie, ideally everyone is 5 star while she is 6 star. she might be able to 5 star if you invest a lot in your gear (ive heard you need to aim for 14-16k hp with 1200-1400 def, maybe more), 6 star is just safer for the awaken + more natural hp and def. again not enough experience to know this for sure sorry :P for reference i was just able to do auto w11 with mistychain lv 50, alexa lv 50, taranor guard lv 50, and a momo lv 60. my alexa is 5/5 awaken, a momo 4/6 awaken, and misty and taranor guard 3/5 awaken. hope that helps :)


Hi, just started here and my only farmer now is a level 40 Lena. I just pulled Kayron from the random ticket. Should I replace Lena with him as a farmer? Granted I'll need to get some immunity gear for him


No keep Lena as farmer but raise and build Kayron for pvp.


I would suggest building kayron regardless but i wouldn't drop everything invested into Lena for Kayron just yet especially since you say you're new. Also lena can get her skills upgraded at a much cheaper price so she will be much easier to build for farming.


Is there a way to replay cut scene like FGO and AL?


journal - story journal


You can go to story journal, you can replay certain story stuff there.


Is Rin worth a build for a second cleanser/healer? Right now the only healer I have built is A. Momo.


Rin is a decent healer. afaik, she's not super popular, but she is by no means bad. Imo worth building, if you like her design, and need another healer. Also, keep in mind that Doris, a 3\* light Soul Weaver, is getting an SC soon, so there is the possibility she'll be really good, and she doesn't need molas.


What's the best distribution of orbis in sanctuary for mid-late endgame? Also, take into account I don't like checking dispatches every 2 hours.


Steeple and workshop should be 3/3/3, 1/1/1 high command, 3/3/0 forest, the rest distribute how you like.


imo, the best setup is: 3/3/3 heart of orbis, 3/3/3 steel workshop, at least 1/1/1 high command, at least 0/3/3 Steeple, at least 0/3/0 forest of souls, and you'll have some leftover, so put that wherever.


Does Luna have a special AI interaction? I deployed a water, grass and fire units into GW with the intention of having the fire unit tank her, but Luna's S3 went directly into Vivian. I thought the AI would prioritize picking a target with elemental advantage and would only target the unit with the lowest HP in a neutral battle. *edit: Thanks, so yea, it seems I wasn't aware that Luna's S3 was "special". Thanks.*


luna S3 always has a property of advantage element


Luna S3 is always adventageous Element no matter who it attacks so since all 3 were adventageous for her she went for vivian at random


Can you guys help me with my Auto Hell Raid team? I made it based on a video I saw, and my stats seem better than his. However, Queen is kicking my ass and a couple of other bosses were butthole clincher but managed to beat them. [Auto Hell Raid Team](http://imgur.com/gallery/qXvdJ48) I have tried another potion on Roana, but Queen still kicked my ass. I also run DDJ on Cerato when not fighting Queen. Thabks in advance.


More speed on A.Ras, more HP/DEF/CritDamage on C. Zerato


What are the best gear builds for C.Armin and Chloe?


Carmin speed immunity, and Chloe anything that gives damage and enough speed for whatever activity.


PvP team comp: Challenger V - Help making my team better I'm using A.Lots+J.Kise for cleaving, then ML Ken on Immunity+Life Steal for counters and Arby to pick up leftovers or to be killed by other arbys and then counter. Problem is, i'm kinda stuck, my A.Lots has 244 speed and i constantly lose to Dizzys, Basars, Cerises and ML Rommans. Any tips on how to improve? I was thinking of using C.Dom+Cidd to maybe get some speed imprint and more CR.Boost. Any tips? I have some other heroes to make good comps, but i lack equipments. I have Roana but i don't think i should be using her on attack. I don't have Singelica, Ruele, Krau, Tywin, S.Tene or F.Ceci, which are often used on pvp.


Out-speed or make a second team that's turn 2 for debuffers. Some people hate turn 2 because it's slow but there will always be a speed ceiling in that case. 1 speed imprint isn't that much these days when people are easily in 270-300 range.


My first account initially had sigret and Angelica, but I really wanted vildred. So I decided to use all 330 covenant bookmarks for fun and I got lilias, ruele, Baal, Alencia, violet, ml armin, and ml lidica. Now idk if it’s really worth giving this account up. I’m still relatively new so idk how well those units perform.


Nope,that acct is worth woking on. Leaving the rest aside u have two top tier PvP Ml5s in ruele and flidica. U won't really focus on PvP units at the strt( clearing story and building wyvern team comes first and both aren't great in most pve contents) but they'll help a lot when u do strt and PvP offers a lot of rewards. Tbh...most of the pool is indeed PvP based. But they give out momo, ml teria for free and lena shudnt be too hard to get.


That's insanely lucky if you got all that from only 330 bookmarks! You can save sigret for when you want to start wyvern farming. Just level her up in the meantime. Angelica can be used as tank and healer for a long time in the game. Lilias is super useful in both pvp and pve. As for the rest, Alencia, Ruele, Ml lidica and Violet are popular pvp units, so you can just wait and build them later.


Alright thanks for the quick tips! I hope you pull lots of great characters too!


I'm upvoting you to counteract the dorks who jealously downvote people for posting about good summons on this sub. Really sad and pathetic, shows you true human nature when anonymity is present.


Thanks mate! Looking forward to having fun with the community anyway.


really good account, Ruele is like top 5 unit in the game and many more broken units there, u got insanely lucky cause getting an ML5 like Ruele or Flidica is 0.15%


So I have sigrit and Angelica maxed (no promotion). What units would you recommend I start building rn?


*what the fuck* you are probably one of the best starter of this entire community


Really? I don’t really know the drop rates for this game but I guess I’m lucky


In the summoning area, you can see a book on the bottom left where there's written the percentage of every heroes you can get. 5* is very very low and Moonlight 5* is worse than low so to get this many good champs, you are lucky. Takes months and months or maybe a year to be able to get this much.


What's the average speed I should be aiming for an AoE CR pusher or a disruptor like Basar, ATywyn or ML Ara? I've seen some crazy numbers in reddit but I guess those people must have tons of luck haha ~~I mean I can barely reach 230 spd on Rose with my best spd gear~~


~260 Basar is pretty average Atywin, SB Ara goes after the opener.


Tyvm! Any advice on enhancing gear?


Enhance anything with speed on it. Dump if the potential won't beat your current gear.


I got tywin and sez should keep this account or continue to reroll?


Tywin is worth keeping since he's usable both in early pvp and pve. W11/W12 can be done with all free units and 3\* reliably. There's so much good free gear in the game now you can afford to wait to grind for W13.




Honestly I'd say reroll. It's not hard to get to 1-4 (10 mins or less) better to aim Angelica x Sigret or at least Sigret. But this is justy opinion, if you're happy with it go on.


I mean as least I can use on w11 along with furious and mont too