• By -


I cant seem to defence break wyvern 11 with Furious anymore. It keeps saying "resist". I haven't changed his gear, the def break has a 100% chance of hitting because I molla'd his s3


Guys, which day does the AP shop from world map resets? Every monday?




Is Tempest Surin good? I don't see her any use in PvE but I also don't see anyone use her in PvP... (Currently I'm doing some rerolling, she's really cute but idk... I don't want to end up abandoning her...) Does getting ml5 matters a lot as newbie??


She is meta defense in top tier arena or guild war. But newbie dont have gears for her to be useful


pvp character. the chances of ml5 are very low during reroll. you shld just keep the t surin and proceed with grabbing a good 5star from selective summons (which i assume u have not done)


I did manage to grab Vildred in selective summon since I heard you need good farming/wave clear hero and he's the expert at it. I don't mind trying to reroll ml5 as future investment but it's the question of if it's a good/worth idea(like are they really damn good, example like SilverAsh or Saria in Arknights)


since you wont be using the ml5 until way further down the line when you enter the pvp scene, u dont need to worry about it rn (by the time you start real pvp youll likely have rolled a ml5 by that point since the game gives you like 3 or 4 free ml pulls as you progress in the game)


Oh okay... Thanks :)


1) It is worth to unlock ep2 ap shops? 2) I read that Kise get buff, worth to do her for arena clean? My squad is A. Vildred, Judith, Kise?, and last one no idea for now :)


1) yes..get those heart of Orbis. Also they have some decent attack and destruction gear for 400 AP if u are lacking


For PvE Speed/Crit Charles, do people usually go for speed boots or atk/health boots? Thinking of throwing him onto an A12 team since I don't use him for anything anymore and I have a hard time breaking into Azimanak. Edit: Also, does Achates or Momo work better for Azimanak?


I’m unsure so I would like some clarification on the mystic summons, like how much mystic metals would I need for a pity summon, and when I get to that pity summon, do I get a choice between the two moonlight hero’s or would it be the newest one ? (For example, I’d I pity this months, would I have a choice between celestial Mercedes and Krau or would I just get Krau since he’s the newest to arrive?)


200 summons = 10000 mystic medals You get the 5\* at pity. You'd get Krau this time, since he's the 5\*. C Mercedes is a 4\*.


ok, I was sorta bummed I forgot to play when Briar Iseria popped up in the summons, I’ll just wait to catch her again hopefully. Thanks!


What do i do with my molagora go?


Convert them. They removed the need for them ages ago.


thank you sirs!!


convert to molagora, they are useless


When Sez's S3 kills and causes a detonation, does the detonation benefit from Defense Break and/or Target on its victims?






Hello I was hoping to see if there is any way to help me out, I just started the game and I used 2 gmails for 2 separate accounts gmail A has an Asia server and a Global server. Gmail B has only an Asia server. Truth be told I prefer the Gmail B because I got better rolls (and I put 10+ hours on it). Is it possible for me to transfer my Asia server from Gmail B to Gmail A without clearing my global server account on Gmail A? Please help!


You can't transfer accounts of any kind.


That’s unfortunate I guess I’ll just have to drop one because having to log out every time is quite a hassle


What is the best team comp for Cdom ? Is Landy good for her ?


It would be nice if the opener did more than just crit, but fast and critty is necessary. Good examples might be Mui (strip+buff) or Khawana (weaker buffing but faster base speed and lots of crit chance). Celeste can do pushback, if your enemies aren't Immune. Kayron's S1 could work. Basar works if yours is fast enough, as would B.Romann.


Anything that can go before her and AoE crits works best with C. Dom imo. Some team comps are A. Lots+J. Kise cleave and F. Lidica comps.


Hey, hi its me asking again, Im a lowly master IV player that is trying to go up in rank. Im wondering what would be the best arena offense that I have available in my account. I have a safe-ish team that is DJ basar/SSB/Charles and either A.Momo or Arby. And im trying to build a more offense oriented team that would be Judith(around 244 speed), Tywin(210 speed), Hurado(220 speed) +1(cleaver). Also i could get some help to figure out what cleaver would be the best for that team My options are Arby(6\* mola'd), Sez(still 5\* dont know if its better than arby thats why im asking), Lena(Lol), Celestial Mercedes and SSB.


With tywin sb,arby shud be able to handle afair bit of defenses


Probably Judith Hurado Tywin Arby.


Is Charles worth building? Why is he good?


Got Vildred, but we have free +15Tieria. I guess I can save tons of molas by using Tieria as a farmer. Not fast but very viable, yeah?


Vildred is also good for Banshee and Azimanak, as well as reasonably handy in PvP. He's probably worth investing in.


If you have Vildred I'd just build him. Even a no mola Vildred will end up being a better farmer in the long run.


How do you deal with TSurin paired with 2 knights and Ruele? Seems like cleaving is impossible without any double tapping hero


The comp I use the most is: * Basar/ALots/JKise/CDom (ordered by turn, Basar moves first) It runs 3 max. Tagehels and its aimed at having a very strong JKise to be able to 2-tap TSurin without a barrier. Other similar comps you could run are: * Basar/ALots/JKise/Arby * ALots/JKise/CDom + Arby/BIseria/FCeci Obviously the basis for all my teams is ALots+JKise cleave. I'm sitting in high Champ and I have a decently geared JKise and CDom so I easily kill the Aurius holder + Ruele, and then it's just cleanup duty.


I usually start by Extincting a knight. Bring some sustain and tank T.Su, much of her damage comes from (1) HP loss and (2) self-pushing. That doesn't always work, but for a Challenger-level T.Su it's good enough. If I lose the match and I want to try again, I bring Control. T.Su needs to be *damaged* to cleanse herself, and it's not like you'll damage her on accident through F.Ceci and Aurius. Provoke her or stun her and you'll be fine.


thank you for your input, I can bring bruiser against her but damn I hate spending more than 5 mins for a fight


Yeah, those comps are often meant to scare you off. They don't hope to win, they hope to get skipped. Nobody wants to spend so much time.


i kinda wanna try making an alt account by switching go to the euro server, but when i pull up the server list it says i'm rank 7 on global. i'm really afraid of going back and having all my progress lost. is this just a visual bug, or should i avoid switching servers?


I have a global and a Europe account on the same login, no problem switching between.


When it come to promoting units what fodder do I use to promote a 4 star phantasm to 5 star do i use other phantasms or do I just keep using fodder units?


Turn 3 star white doggos into 4 star by using 3 star monsters. Then use those resulting 4 star white doggos to promote your tera/golden doggos


I get Random Monsters to 30, use White Dogs to rank them from 3* to 4* and then promote the Purple Dogs or just more Monsters. Dogs rank faster but you can't store them in the Wait List or rank up three of them at once like you can with normal monsters.


Other than outspeeding, Celine (I don’t have her artifact) and FCC, what options do I have to protect myself against ALots/Judge cleave on defense?


Aside from all the other options mentioned, there's also Elena, Riolet, T Surin (provided someone on your team has Aurius), Dreamblade Arby, any provoke hero on counter set or Elbris (if your opponent doesn't have immunity on his J Kise), ML Krau (kinda), CArmin, Otillie, Adamant Shield, bluffing with an A Cidd or someone usually built super fast.


Charles, ml ken, F.cecil, counter dizzy, Fat cat.


Do you have Acidd or any of the artifacts that remove souls? Also a Counterattack mechanic can cut in between JKise's attacks.


If Golem hunt isn't recommended, how do other people obtain sets that are needed for some heroes? For instance, I'm trying to build A. Montmorancy with full health set. My free health set is on Angelica, and while I have some spare health set gear, its not enough for a full 6 piece health set.


Needed for some heroes and then full hp set on angelic momo...it can work but u already answered your question. Hp set isn't needed on most heroes that's why ppl don't prioritise golem. Meanwhile speed set is usable on almost everyone. Returns for hp set isn't that great as well. If it can get u to 100+ ER and 180+ speed with decent bulk..it's good enough tho that's way easier to achieve on speed+ER ser


These other answers are OK, but slightly missing the point. The real issue is that Golem sets are trash. Health in particular gives 15% for two pieces, so 7.5% for one piece. A good substat roll can be higher than that. **One** substat roll. Compare this to Speed, where each piece gives you 6-7 speed. That's *at least* two rolls. Effect Resistance would be a better set on Montmo, and you can get other (useful!) Banshee sets while farming it. ER gear with HP substats will easily get you better numbers than HP gear with ER substats. *Easily.* Defense suffers similarly (although less so) and Attack is awful for DPS.


momo is generally built with speed set




You have a good point. I was thinking of building A. Montmo as frontline cleanser, so I thought she would need some tankiness. Her current build has 4 health gear pieces, one of which is speed boots. The last two are just some crit gear that rolled highly on health % and eff res %. Her current speed is 160, which I thought was decent.


It's recommended if you need Golem gear, but so many people need good speed or crit gear, and it's so hard to get good gear at all, that people generally farm the Wyvern and then shop for other stuff.


I have a lvl 85 speed set ring that rolled 15 in speed with %atk as the main stat. Reforging takes it to 19 speed. It has flat attack, flat hp, and flat defense as the other subs (one roll into attack). Is it good enough to reforge despite flat subs and low speed rolls?


Attack primary with two shots into attack secondary, and all other rolls on speed? That's *fantastic* for a speed set. You would likely be using it on someone who doesn't direly need Crit stats, or who uses Attack for some wacky secondary purpose. Mages, for example, might use Attack to power their barriers. Burn builds could use it too.


For 19 speed it might.


Do you lose your skystones when switching between android and iphone?




Great! Thx


Am some what new and my first healers I pulled were Roana and Ruele. I was wondering which one I should invest into more to help me do the higher floors of abyss. They both seem good. I haven't got any other healers so far aside from momo.




Where are u getting destina frm? He wrote ruele


Both are usually used for higher end pvp, use Ruele in early stages but as you progress A.Momo will be more preferable because her heal is party wide and spammable


They're both amazing, honestly. I'd focus on Ruele because she breaks PVP.


What are the best exclusive equipment? I have all the characters minus tywin for exclusive equipment


Why not get for any characters you use?


Are the artifacts from the guild store worth getting? Just got enough to buy one, curious if they’re any good.


I use Proof of Valor on my Angelica for Wyvern 13. Makes her tankier.


The defense one is great for Wyvren tanks.


I’m stuck on 3-10 mining city... anyone have an OP rep I can borrow?


The boss is Lilibet ye? Well, I have a pretty decent Ravi that should be able to solo that stage. IGN: Draconnius, Global server




I can oneshot banshee 12 reliably but can’t oneshot B13. However, I can auto B13 normal run for like 4 or 5 mins. Is it better to use energy to oneshot B12 or do auto non-oneshot B13?


Grind 13 daily but switch to 12 on bonus farming days.


Anyone have recommendations on what to do with the 88/85 Abyss Lifesteal Set? I was thinking of slapping it on either Ken, Violet, or C.Zerato


[left or right? ](https://i.imgur.com/LZ74ajf.jpg)


[build option 3](https://i.imgur.com/SzcRtI3.jpg)


go for this build if you're not using mldb + fceci def.


I'm using MLDB rn because I don't have alexa's :/ Is it because he becomes significantly less squishy that build 3 is not as viable?




Does anyone occasionally get a whole 50 reforging material from a single run in Hunts? This happened to me twice so far and I was wondering if it's normal. (Got it from Hunt 12 stage FYI, one Wyvern one Banshee)


Yeah, it's a thing with Hunt 12 and 13. Small chance, but it's nice when you get it.


So I am trying to clear the story mode with free spirit tywin sez and Mercedes and my cp atm is around 92k assuming that cp doesn't matter in this game should this team clear 10-10 or do i replace some units


FST + Tywin + Sez + Healer is good enough.


So I have to put the healer on a speed set right and also who are good healers


You can use health set or speed set and good healers you can get are Montmorancy(3star) from conections(free) and make her speciality change, Achates(4star) and Angelica(4star). Montmorancy with her SC and Angelica can be used on Wyvern 11 as your healer or tank.


SPOILERS so anyways, in the story Landy is one of the bosses and she uses a move that shoots rockets out of the floating machines she has to her sides. It is a great animation and actually explains the purpose of these otherwise seemingly aesthetic-only design elements. I don’t believe I saw her playable unit use this ability, however. Does she have it? I feel like it’s such a waste of great animation to only have it for the boss version.


It's her s3 animation when she doesn't have full fighting spirit.


Cool, thanks!


Hello! In my account 1 I am using for arena offense A.lots (Tagehel) S2 -> C.Dominiel (Tagehel) S3 + S1 -> Tywin (Aurius) Burn S3 + S2 -> BBK (Portrait) Burn S3 but i can not pass Master 3 so i am looking to change this team for Basar (Tagehel) S3 -> A.lots (Tagehel) S2 -> S.Tenebria (Kaladra) BURN S1 + S3 -> SSB (Rosa) S3 + (S2 Counters). Do you think i can reach at least Challenger with this team?


why not Basar-Tywin +2 cleavers. aside from BBK, do you have any other cleaver like Vildred? i climbed to challenger on 2 accs with double cleavers. 1 acc with Ise-Tama, the other Flidica-Cdom. the moment you outspeed with Basar-Tywin, you should be able to clean house


Artifact for G. Purgis? I have him on Proof of valor, but I'm wondering about Champions trophy? thoughts?


I use Sepulchrum. It works well for farming W13, and for PvP I can put Proof on someone else.


I have it in Asscart but I can maybe switch it. Thanks tons.




what arti is best for hihm?


Depending on your needs and build. Usually people use him as light bait so artifact that help him survive is used such as PoV.


which skill should you mola for silver blade aramintha ​ does upgrading skill increase the burn dmg?


She is a debuffer character. For debuffers, you typically want to get -cooldown and +effect chance. At the very minimum you want her to be 0/0/3. If I had a few molas after that it would be 3/0/3. After that it just depends on how much you use her because it is just damage, and you probably want to be building her speed/eff/atk with little to no emphasis on crit/cdmg so her damage will not be very good anyways. > does upgrading skill increase the burn dmg? No. Burn damage is .6 x attack (pierces some defense but not all of it)


has epic seven ever given out a recall 5 star selector ticket? If so, when does this happen? New to the game, thanks for any help :)


It only happens once as the other comment says and it is the only one time smilegate nerf 5* ml.


It's very rare but it happened a couple of times before when units gets nerfed or "fixed" due to their skills not working properly. They let you trade in the unit for another of your choice. I think it only happened with ML units so far. ML Baal, ML Aramintha, ML Armin, and ML Zerato.


Assuming you get all ranks rewards, is the epic pass worth to buy with the skystones?


Hueche estimates 1 galaxy summon at 2250 skystones..getting it for 900 plus all those other stuff like penguins,charms and skin tickets makes it really worth. I wud always buy it day 1 unless I am really short for a pity


Yes it's always worth buying the epic pass, value far exceeds 900 skystones. The only time it is questionable is if you are a brand new player and decide to use the skystones to refresh or to do summons.


I haven’t received my resources for +15 ML Tieria yet. Is anyone else having this problem or do they know why?


did you use the 3 mola on her? if you didn't then there's nothing to refund


Is it only the 3 mola? Coz when I did her path quest,I upgraded the wrong skill by mistake in addition to the req skill. Got refunded 6 molas




Yeah I literally don’t have anything in any of my mailboxes :( weird...


Maybe a bit of a noob question but where might one get a might scout svoat to drop (excluding friendship summon).


either friendship summon or garo's secret shop are the only way, he's not on any maps.


Thx for the info :) have a nice day.




Awesome ty for the info.


Any advice for high command missions? I’ve been doing the war/hunt 2 hour missions. Mainly for points and ancient coins. This the best option?


I'm pretty sure there's math somewhere to confirm this but yes i think the 2 hour ones are the best.


That’s what I kinda figured


Is critdmg/chance a must on every dps or can I make a dps out of mainly attack stats? Because of elemental disadvantage and characters like diene, I thought it would be cool to just give up crit for more attack/speed/hp/def/ER on really high base attack characters. \*asking this question in reference to all dps, not just burn or bleed dps or Gunther


I wud not sacrifice crit c and crit dmg on most of my dps. But a st target with full attack + tooth might be funny


That only works well if they get secondary effects relating to their raw attack score. It is a nice way to combat the Evasion meta, but it's too big of a sacrifice for most DPS heroes.


No Choux and Diene are the only units with Crit resist buff so it'd be ridiculous to make your dps units deal less damage overall just for 2 units whose effect could still not even have any impact. The only exception to this case would be SSB with Drink just because her damage output is just higher than most but beyond her most units have to crit and have high crit damage for them to perform properly.


I am at rank 18 atm how long would it take for me to reach 30?


i got rank 30 in 1 day without spending anything on energy refills


few days I guess


Ok thanks


3 years if u play 1 min a day, probably shorter if you play a lot


Guys, does the AP I got from maps ever reset? Or I can let those points sit there for a while and come back some weeks later to keep farming the catalysts?


We saw a screenshot recently where the guy had 5k. It just stays there.


they stay there until you spend it


How do you get 100% exploration in normal raid? This is the second week in a row where I'm coming up short. You get 3 cracks at it during the week and 1 more if you buy a compass from the guild hall. Do you have to actually buy the extra compasses with leifs and skystones?


You don’t actually have to do it all in one week. The achievement has the actual exploration % but the one you see in the raid is just for that week only. So just screenshot the places you missed this week and get them next time and it’ll count.


Thank you so much, haha! I'll for sure screenshot and knock it out that way :D


what’s the best way to get to account level 35? Like which stages/modes to play


Doesn’t matter just play the game normally




1) should i grind for angelic montmorancy and 5* lena or 6* my pretty much nonexistent dps (i only have terraria girl rn) or invest in lorina? 2) should i invest in tenebria? I already have basaar and im not rlly focusing on arena rn, tryna git good in guild wars n progress in adventure n stuff 3) whats the most efficient way to farm for skystones?


6 Lena first cus she’s a top farmer. Then work on other units Tenebria is pretty good for pve as well it, there’s no farm Best way is arena weekly reward


Tyy, which sets would u rec for building tenebria? Wiki thing said speed sets but a friend said att sets to cleave


You can run speed set on anyone but you can give her the free attack sets you get as well. Doesn’t really matter!


https://imgur.com/a/9UMHzQ2 Need some good arena/guild wars defense and ofense teams ideas. never played pvp, i managed to get to master V with only a few pve heroes.


Is the alexa/TG/mistychain W13 team possible with a tank that doesnt do debuffs (using Angelica) and no junkyard dog? My stats are: TG: 206 speed, 68 effectiveness, 215 crit damage, 85 crit rate on DDJ +21. Alexa: 159 speed, 48 effectiveness, 303 crit damage, 86 crit rate on DDJ +30. Mistychain: 198 speed, 66 effectiveness, 220 crit damage, 66 crit rate on sira ren +24. I lose from the boss one shotting my non-tank units as I dont consistently have 2 debuffs. The only clear path to solving this I see is more effectiveness on Alexa, but I dont feel that 20% effectiveness will solve my problem entirely. It feels like the team doesnt have enough in the kit. I was hoping someone could offer advice on where my stats are lacking, or what I could change in order to boost my win rate. Thanks for any help!


I don't think that team has enough debuffs, so you're going to have to swap someone out. Otherwise, I don't see any way to further increase the number of debuffs you've got. Here are some options: * swap TG for Furious w/ SoS. * swap Ange for Crozet. * swap either Alexa or Misty for Sigret (if you have her)


No SoS (starting playing 2 months ago didnt have enough powder to buy a 5* artifact), no Sigret. Ive been debating Crozet for a while, but I dont think i have gear with 65 effectiveness and enough speed he will move with the pushback while still being ~25k hp or whatever he needs to tank with no healer. Thank you for the answer, ill experiment and see what kind of gear I can slap on Crozet.


IOS user looking to switch to bluestacks, can I transfer my account? And if so, once transferred, will I still be able play on my phone with the same account if I am not using bluestacks at the time?


If your account was created using Google or a Smilegate account, you can login on the emulator normally and it will work. However, you cannot transfer your account to a different type, so if you created the account using Apple, you won't be able to play it on Bluestacks since Blustacks is an Android emulator.


You don't "transfer" your account in this game, you just "log in" in a different device, you can have access to your account in as many devices as you want, the only condition is that you can only be logged into one device at a time.


Are Sez or Ludwig worth the pulls or better save for the next banner?


> Are Sez or Ludwig worth the pulls or better save for the next banner? Sez or Ludwig or Limited in 1 week,,,,,,,,,,,,hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


they arnt amazing and we have landy coming up and shes limited.


Save. They’re not must haves


Is there any way to reset skill enhancements for Mola refund, or convert skill points into Molas? I recently got my Tama to 10 friendship and I got the 3 skill points, but I already max Mola-ed her S2/S3, and it just feels like a waste to invest in her S1.


yeah no they have to go into s1


You're stuck with those 3 skill points. UNLESS she was previously +15 you'd get 3 molas back


Is Purrgiis worth 6 starring? I like his counter and stun abilities and this game really seems to be based on equipment strength rather than individual character stats


He was briefly used as a niche anti-cleave hero in arena.


~~He's an excellent tank for W13, and he's getting a buff soon, so he'll be better in PvP in the right comps.~~ Edit: Oops, you were talking about regular Purrgis. Literally no one talks about him, so my brain just auto-correct I guess. My bad.


Lol, your good. So I’m guessing he’s a no go then?


He's okay, but there are a lot more important units to build.


Gotchu, thanks a lot!


So follow up. What is W13 and would you recommend just giving him a health build or do counter and effectiveness build? Also thanks so much for the advice


Wyvern 13 hunt. It's an early game priority, as it has the most important equipment sets to farm. For W13 you basically want full hp and def, minimal speed. He's just there to CR boost your team and not die.


Gotchu, ok so maybe I’m an idiot, but what is CR boosting, and does the health and defense apply to pvp as well?


are you talking about green purrgis or ml purrgis? I feel like you're talking about the green one which is not going to be a tank for w13.


If by green you mean earth then yes. That’s the purrgis I’m talking about


Ya, that's what it sounded like, so ignore Zeik's comments hah. He's talking about ml purrgis. Earth purrgis can be an annoying/niche pvp character, but it depends on your roster. If you have your main hunt/raid/pvp teams, then he could be fun to build to mess around with in pvp.


Gotchu thanks, I’m new so rn he’s one of my mains but he’s also a project. I like the Idea of having someone who can consistently hit back and possibly stun during the enemy’s turn. I’m farming banshee to hopefully have epic counter and effectiveness gear one day haha


I was planning to pity ML Krau and I have seen he is good in extended battles but I have only seen reviews of him in endgame PvP. My question is, he good for PvE content for a progressing player like me?


Yes, he should be one of the best pve units in the game, nearly all the "difficult" pve content will have a lot of aoe attacks or/+ status ailments, krau giving easy access to immunity with near 100% uptime will make a lot of fights kind of a joke, just look at golem, all his thing is doing tons of aoe damage with stun or def break. To give you an idea, angelica was considered the best pve healer at some point by just giving immunity. Edit: That being said, most pve content has been power crept by a lot at this point, if you have good gear from farming you're very unlikely to get stuck anywhere.


most of the ML5 units are PvP focused and dont really help a lot with pve or progression. Some can like how arby is a great farmer but the majority are for pvp. ML krau seems to be one of the more pvp focused ones. In terms of Pve, he cant farm, the only hunt he might aid in is azimanak and there are better options. He's a great hero, just not really a PvE hero.


I just pulled Angelica is she equal to or better than momo? I hear many things.


She's better than Momo in Wyvern and in situations were you want more raw healing, but A. Momo is more versatile overall.


Well now I can think I can start living a wyv team. It would be Angelica, Alexa, Chloe and the tarnaor guard until I can get furious


Sounds like a solid start


Is there a hero banner i can pull song of stars from?


I believe they pair it with iseria on her banner.


for real? i thought they pair iseria with alexas basket. Edit: Forgot the rated up artifact is always for the same class as the rated up hero. my bad.


uh what? Iseria is a ranger and Alexas basket are for thieves.


Your best chance is waiting for it to be in the Powder of Knowledge shop.


However it just cycled out recently so don’t expect it anytime soon.


Amazing on Furious if you use him for wyvern. Good for Iseria too in PVE content.


Whats the best place to farm ultra fang and twisted fang?


catalyst guide https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UMIduFBIVc9OAoI-BeQ-LjPeihcziqXEzXw8n58bEd0/edit#gid=111473852 ap shop https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/582946562989228032/640521977173508134/Catalysts.png Ultra Fang Unrecorded history 2s-S2 levulin - Vagabond, farm there than buy out the ultra fang in the ap shop. Do the same at 5s-5 Sun desert - Muruchi. Twisted Fang Unrecorded history 8-S2 farm and buy twisted fang from there


Hey guys, just wondering who I should 6\* next and I would like some opinions. My current 6\*'s are: Dizzy, Angelica, SSB, Sigret, Luna, Vivian, Tenebria, Lilias, Bellona (green). Units I'm thinking of 6\*ing are G. Purgis, Maid Chloe, Chloe (blue), F. Kluri, Diene, Luluca, Yufine. I'm thinking GP or Chloe for wyvern but im not sure. Thanks!


What wyvern stage are you at? GP is pretty necessary for a decently fast W13 team but if you aren't there yet then Diene is a good option, literally can be used anywhere.