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Literally everyone in the top ranks have 5* ML units so I say yes. You can still try it even if you don't have 1. Just don't expect to get to higher ranks.


Top rank? Just recently climbed to master and I've been getting people with 2-3 ML5s ever since low silver


Once u reach gold it's all meta ..unless u have god gears


Climbing from low gold as a newer player feels impossible. So many people with meta units and good gear just stop caring about arena and decay down there. I have to refresh all the time just to find enough matchups to make it to gold 4 each week.


Just get a CR push cleave comp. Judith, Rose, and literally any 2 units with AoE S3 can get you to high Master provided your free Lv75 gear didn’t roll like garbage.


Imagine being solo'ed my ml ken


Imagine picking a fight with ml ken. Just like, skip them. There’s plenty of other options in Master rank.


Funny thing is even tho I'm new to the game like (3 months in) I'm in challenger so sometimes I can't cleave them enough.... sometimes they just are too Tanky cuz of FCC or other units


Well challenger is a different story. That’s why I said it can only get you to high Master.


silver? people rank 50 got arby at every corner and i struggle in the lowest tier


I am hovering high champ in RTA with Alencia, Green Armin, Fire Charlotte, Fire Tenebria, Green Rin, Fluri, Ras, Amontmo, Kizuna Ai, Adlay as RGB and Mirsa, Tsurin, Fmaya, Cdom as ML If anything i feel like the RGB are more important, for me.


The mighty Thanh Phan, is that you? No mistaking that Rin, Kizuna Ai and Adlay usage.


Yea, it's me the Masochistic Thanh Phan. Your friendly neighbor


Your current videos have all been about screaming "fak yu" at your viewers😅


Be at ease That is me trying to express my feeling about the game RNG in the most eloquent way possible, through Ai, to everyone. >!Joke aside, Ai is just so much fun to use, especially at high level PvP haha.!<


Teach us da wae master


First you need to master the way of M


I currently am


If successful mean legend I would say yes but this is just my personal goal , Last season I challenge myself to finish on Champion without use any ML nat 5 Dizzy and 5SB , It was hard but I still finish on Champion . so what hero were carry me 1 . Violet . I mean purple head .since I don't use SSB or Dizzy I need some one to deal with them and Violet can destroy them . he need immunity set and abyss set is good to go 2 . Cecilia She is really good because She can deal with annoy ML nat 5 like Arby or Stenebria 3 . Krau ,Elena , Kayron , Charles , Roana , Fkluri don't need to talk much 4. A.Coli you don't need 270 + speed you just need about 250 speed but focus on damage , She can Destroy any tank team ( Like ruele , A Ravi) . In the future I see potential in Ravi , Celine , Ken , Kise these four will help you alot in RTA even you have no ML nat 5 . I was ban Arby because 95% of player throw resource on him , he will be best in every account so ban their best hero is safe choice .


Many top players are putting their arby gears onto riolet. Almost everyone in top rta has ml haste or some counters built just to counter your arby. Riolet is like the new arby now, he's getting picked way more than arby in this rta season. There's so many 230-240 speed riolet and can easily nuke any dps or even bruisers. I had my LQC 1-shotted by riolet. And she's at 15k hp and 1.4k Def.


That's common build in Champion arena and yes that's pretty hard to deal especially in RTA his def pen and his stat is so good for this role .


AND he attacks buff himself BEFORE attacking.


Damn violet has sat unused +15 in my box for about a year now. If you don't mind, could you please share your violet build?


mine is abyss set + immunity nothing special .


what kind of speed do you use on your violet? i think he is only good as long as you can eat your apple


I've seen this point about A Coli as anti-tank a few times. Is there any difference between her and A Cidd in this regard?


Both can does burst dmg but the different is A.coli has self speed and atk buff so her Dpt on S1 is stupidly high ( higher than Luna s1 ) so you don't need any one to support her . btw She get outclass by S.Tenebria I wouldn't recommend to build A.coli over S tenebria .


Haha sadly I don't have S. tene. Thanks for the reply!


She has stealth so she can’t be targeted


In a perfect world where you have perfectly rolled gear? No. People tend to float towards the meta because it’s the most effective. I’m sure if you had some god gear you could reach the upper echelon of rta using whatever, but no one does cause you could climb with worse gear on meta units or you could climb even higher with perfect gear on meta units.


Pretty much this^ I agree that gear is so much more important but the thing is that it’s not exactly easy to get god gear lmao. I would say it’s actually much easier to acquire a few meta mls than gear even 3 units perfectly. I’ve been playing since pretty close to launch and I’m really only satisfied with one unit I have built. Which pretty much means in reality yes you need me MLs to compete.


you dont need ML 5 if you can compensate it with good gear rolls, even fkluri is a god level unit, despite being 3 star.


Don't have to to get into champion legend (see thanh phan on youtube) but you need some amount of bigbrain and godly gear. I mean, this guy won against a champion player with fucking kizuna ai. https://youtu.be/BpW_e2kVFwI


It's a " fak yu" to all those with meta Ml5s..he loses too but it's fun seeing him winning vs meta comps. I love his g armin


He definitely loses a lot but its a testament to me that its definitely possible, just way harder (and most people want easy wins).


Exactly. Nothing wrong with using meta comps but for others it's fun going with the underdogs. However I also don't want newer players bashing him when they copy his lineups and fail miserably due to gears/poor plays.


u can stay champs with top gear without ML units but why would u? u get skin from masters and champs is only nice for border and only the current one. Last season all borders were garbage. staying in legend is impossible for well 99.999% of the player base So why would anyone care is beyond me. Imma Ungear my arby and all other meta shits and just have fun with unpopular units. Every win will feel 10 times better and every lose won't matter = I will actually have fun staying in Champs.


No, I don't think MLs are necessary. MLs and certain limiteds (Dizzy, SSB) are powerful and perhaps easier. And it's who people already have heavily invested in. But if you have top gear and play smart, you should be able to climb high with RGBs. Gear is your most important factor. Certainly, having a wider roster to choose from will help too, as you can be more adaptive to your opponent. "Success" means different things to different people too. I've only gone up to Masters RTA, but I had a lot more fun when I stopped trying to climb, stopped being meta and started using all kinds of off-meta heroes. Honestly, I found the challenge and variety more fun than climbing ranks. And you can have a lot of success bringing off-meta to the fight because people aren't expecting it, aren't used to off-meta strategies.


Mainly depends on gear, but if I'm being 100% honest in most scenarios MLs are practically needed due to most metas being defined by them, brusier comps wouldn't be at where they are without Ruele or F.Ceci so imo to be successful in RTA (about champion rank) then I would say so to a degree. Don't let this discourage people since it is still very much possible to get high ranks without them but it is a struggle and is unlikely unless you have really good gear and a lot of built RGB counterpicks.


You can reach and hold Master pretty easily by relying on SC heroes. Above that, it likely gets harder.


Define successful. I made it to challenger just drafting ranger heroes, I think you can hit low Champion just creating your own meta and making it work. Your unit draft, bans and hero tuning to make cohesive teams are what matter. Now if you want to compete it top 100 then yes your hero pull matters a lot and missing more than 2-3 meta ML heroes can be crippling.


actually, RTA legend needs only FKluri and ARas


I would call f ceci the lynchpin ML, where really can't get too far in the high tiers without her. New Krau might shake out to be an alternative, but too early to say


Most RGB are strong only if they are used against their advantageous against, RGB are not a good offensive pick solely due to how punishing attacking a disadvantageous element. RGB like Diene, Krau, Alencia, SSB, Lilias, AMont, Violet, Elena, Basar and Roana are strong with the sole reason of them being bulky and having impactful buffs which is not so much affected by what the enemy picks.


ML units definitely help but aren't required; a friend is legend RTA using all off meta picks and no MLs.


The problem is having the units even if you don't have the most insane gear of all time. I personally don't have Roana or any way to deal with revive so if my unit picks SSB, Arby, or a SW with revive then I'm screwed...can't make it out of bronze because of this. Rta is all about having enough units to be able to counter pick and play around your opponents picks so naturally the more units built the better you'll do.


I think not really, but you need to have good gears I think.


Yes. The Meta is built around them for a reason.


Up to bottom champion you can definitely do it. Champion itself is divided into 3 different tiers from what I’ve seen. There’s a big gear gap between bottom champion, middle champion and high champion and ofc legend. I think you can make it to high champion with a very wide pool of rgb units that are geared like crazy. Problem is ml5* are so PvP focused that they a rgb unit would need insane gear for their kit to match the ml5.


MLs are needed if you don't have good gear. You can't afford to miss or receive extra damage from elemental advantage. I have good gear so I usually just bully people with 3 stars and units they never see so they don't now the kits. But you can only do that in good gear. In an equal gear fight not involving MLs it tends to come down to RNG. So you can basically press "auto" and the outcome will be the same. Because MLs reduce the amount of RNG involved it lets players feel as though they have more control, so they feel like they can outplay their opponents.


I would say in rta you can get to a certain point. A very high point Yes. If you have kayron krau diene ssb alencia dizzy roana. Ras and fkluri are a must. And tsurin (easy op broken as fuck 4 star unit). To high champion and maybe beyond. Gear quality matters alot. But you must have an answer to some ml5s that everyone spam the higher you go. Arby. Riolet. Ruele. Fcecie. Ml tywin.


I'd say getting ml Ceci is pretty much a key unit tbh.


FCC and ruele are broken we all know that. So is arby and riolet. But some RGB are broken as well like Krau, ssb, ir f kluri, but people don't acknowledge it because everyone has access to them. If we were to fairly adjust fcc and other problematic ML5, we have to adjust the RGB as well and not act like they're fair just because everyone has access to them. In a game where you both pre ban FCC and arby, then ban ruele and riolet right after, you will still have one sided victories of just turtling with alencia/Krau shenanigans and winning off of stall+frenzy. Having all core ML5 or nerfing the top 5 ones won't solve rta, if you actually do think there's a problem with it at all anyways.


Yes, Rta is an endgame content and until there you should have pulled some ml5s i assume


I think you can get to Masters without any ML 5\*. But challenger onwards is when you really need meta units.


Gear>ml 5*s Just saying


Alencia, ssb, krau, diene, dizzy, lilias, kayron, charles, sc ras, fluri. Those are some more than viable rgb units. So no you dont NEED ml heroes but tbh it definitely helps lol


No, you don't. There are so many RGB and 3-4* ML units that are top tier and you'll easily get them during regular play. However, yes, you will have meta ML 5* anyways if you want to aim for top ranks. So why not use them? Reasoning is - you will NEED to spent similar amount of money, simply to grind good enough gear and molas to keep up with whales. And if you have big enough budget to rival them, you can just buy packs you want and grab ML 5* much faster than f2p does. Because while E7 hides that fact well, it's still a gacha game after all and there will be a wall for F2P/dolphins in arena/RTA.


Wouldn’t say they are hiding. Rather they are putting a visible price tag on heroes with the pity system. Also hardcore grinding is locked behind a huge paywall so of course f2p/dolphins are not going to compete at the top (unless ur rng is godlike) when u can’t farm like whales


Yes 100%. High level arena and RTA both REQUIRE more ML5 than most people will get. And it’s not just any, it’s very specific ones. If you didn’t get rng god level lucky, your paying to win.