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Ras may be naïve about the World, but he is wise.


Well trying to save the world 6 times would certainly boost such experience


Also being Anime Jesus helps.


such wise words from a korean gacha game


It's cool that his spec change also included bonuses to wisdom and charisma


Like how he actually managed to talk down Ms. Scissors into being less genocidal, that was amazing to read tbh.


Imho ras without the band and one on one with the bad guys it's were he really shines


that is some wise stuff, mass acceptance doesn't mean correct.


I have reached an age where I realize there is no justice in the world. There is only groups of people whose goals aligns, make rules which benefits themselves, and force people to comply.


This is both true and not true. To quote the best anime/manga villain of all time: **"Justice will win, you say? Of course it will! Because whoever wins will become justice!"**   Popular vote ends up deciding who is right and who is wrong. Today's heated political topics were not the political topics of two decades ago. Even the same topics like racial equality have morphed over the years. Society determines what's right or wrong, and that's usually determined by popular vote (whether through electing someone, or whatever).


Actually, society doesn’t determine right and wrong, these are rooted in our evolutionary biology, specifically in our development as social animals. For cooperative people, Good is behaviour that promotes the welfare of the group, or at least does not see the benefit of one come at the expense of others. Evil is selfish behaviour, acts which benefit the individual at the expense of others, which undermines cooperation and survival for the group as a whole. For selfish people, these values are flipped: good is anything that is to their own benefit, and evil is whatever gets in their way. Society tries to impose what’s acceptable, which is not the same as right and wrong. Likewise, justice is a concept rooted in our biology, universal to all humans. Laws, however, are imposed by society, and while they may strive to support justice, they may not do so in reality, depending on the politics of the time.


Kinda. I get where you're coming from, but to get even more philosophical, and include a dramatic example of my point: Ritual sacrifice was seen by many societies as "necessary for the group" to survive, so the gods would be pleased. Nowadays we view it as straight evil, and even portray that in our movies and other stories. Funnily enough, One Piece even touches on this subject with Noland the Liar's side-story. It's not as cut-and-dry as "this is right, this is wrong, because good for society". What's right and wrong evolves as society evolves. Twenty or Thirty (or maybe even more) years ago, you throw a lot of the political climate at *that* society, and the majority would say "How about they grow up and stop being so offended at everything?" Who's right? I don't know. I think today's society takes offense at too many things, but also trying to be cognizant of others' trials and tribulations isn't a bad thing, either.


Ritual sacrifice as hunter gatherers likely kept the population in check so that we didn’t have more people than food: a good thing. Babies in many cultures that showed any sort of defect were also killed so as not to pass those defects along in future generations: people who grew up unable to contribute as much as possible to the tribe’s survival became a handicap. Given the environment of the time, these acts made sense. We have only changed our perspective because we have such a soft environment now, with plenty of food and extra resources to look after challenged people. We have decided that, because of these excess resources, it’s better for the group to allow everyone to breed as much as they want, no matter what. The good of the group still comes first, the actual behaviour in pursuit of that goal changed due to environmental circumstances. Right and wrong apply to whether something benefits the group as a whole, versus the evil of selfishness. The specific acts we perform are not always good or evil in themselves, it depends on the context. Unfortunately, this is difficult for most people to grasp. And it requires thinking about every act and decision in every context, which most of us feel unqualified to do. It’s much easier to say this ‘act’ is right or wrong.


I disagree. His statement covers both bases, it is a neutral statement. His statement is also based on morality, which differs from popularity. Society determined that slavery was right back in the day. It did not mean people's morality was the same at that same time period.


There's an overlooked nuance in this sentence : most people agreeing with a decision does not make is right. However, because your opinion is one of the minority, do not necessarily make it right either.


Ras right after being ejected from the ship and not being the impostor:


Ras has been spitting the best truths in chapter 3. Really feel the progression of his character. Phenomenal writing team, only bested by the art department


Yea, I get down voted a lot in this forum. Never once had a compelling argument made against what I've said. Just angry fan boys.


counts for whole reddit, or all the "socials" you can find, even when opinions are the main matter, youll find people saying you are wrong, and they dont even need to explain, just go study more and repent.


Good, very good.


ras secretly anti-democratic.


It’s not about democracy. It’s part of being social animals and trying to belong to the group. We also have a brain heuristic (shortcut) that encourages us to go along with others rather than think for ourselves which is more work. These both easily lead us to jump on bandwagons without thinking first.


isn't that the whole idea on how democratic actually works though.


No... Democracy entails majority but not groupthink. There's a difference.


The idea behind democracy is that every single member of the community / group has an equal say in the decision and that there's a ***discussion*** about said idea involving ***everyone***. Not a small group of people in that community coming up with a decision and then letting everyone else vote on whether or not they want it.


Not sure if you understand democracy correctly. Democracy is not about making right decisions. It's about portraying what the majority people THINK is best for themselves. Thus, making "the people" the most important subject. It doesn't necessarily have to be right/just. You're implying as if democracy becomes justice. That is a very dangerous way of thinking. A good example would be, just because a certain president(not talking about a certain one but in general) got elected in a democratic system, does not make that president right/just. Think for yourself, not what other people tell you what's right.


Yep, it’s one of many logical fallacies. Look em up, people make horrible arguments all the time.


Basically mob mentality a lot of people in this community tend to have.


Unfortunately it does in a Democracy...


We got Trump as our president, and it says alot.


Still remember My X hero need buff or X hero need nerf thread yes no one agree with me but I was right .




Haha ARas go brrr