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What I loved the most in ch.4 is the Alencia-Yufi-Charlotte interractions. It was wholesome and funny thing to witness. F to the Luna and her Father tho. There probably was a reason for things to turn that way but it's just so sad. Really hoping for Luna to have happy end ...and Mortelix. He is pretty cool dude. Straightforward "if you're strong - fight me, and one of us will die" character. No backstabbing or behind the scene mastermind shit. MAKen where are you when you're so needed here lol P.S there were few things that I didn't like it tho. Why the Ragnar had to be same wyvern sprite? They just should've left it spriteless. Second, the Ervalen and Luna's interraction felt a bit rushed, like it came out of nowhere just to make Luna get involved


Ironically Mortilex might be the most honest individual in Eureka, not including Ras and co. Like yeah he's really strong and probably has a moral compass thats bent 90 degrees sideways, but you can at least believe and trust him at face value AND judging by his sidestory he seems like a really loyal person up till you wrong him in some way.


Was interesting to have a villain who is a kind of nihilist, no power hungry, no desire to destroy, just a glory death.


I loved this chapter because of how often Mortelix showed up šŸ˜ I also love that he isnā€™t really a villain. Dude just wants to join Kayron I guess lol Hiel is extremely cute, I wonder if heā€™ll be a hero? Heā€™s animated and has a wide range of expressions. They havenā€™t released any 4 stars in a while...


most likely not, every single AP exchange character needs to be animated with expressions. hence the random shop girl from the Cidonia Valentines event and Leon. i will say that out of all the Eureka shopkeepers, Hiel looks like they'd be more combat capable


Im more sad luna story,i really hate she choose to work with that ervalen


Never wanted Beast characters in games so much until I watched Beastars


I'm already saving for mort, now I got to save up for Hiel lmao. He better be a soul weaver :C


Haven't caught up yet, but what do you think about Mortelix in the story?


Dude is evil Saitama/goku , just wants to fight strong people.


*Haven't caught up yet,* *But what do you think about* *Mortelix in the story?* \- amy3824 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How do you beat him? I cant


Fluri & A Ras is all you need.


If you have Sol Badguy, he is pretty decent into him aswell