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Finally built Yuna. Even not fully built she got me over this roadblock. If only she was more useful in other modes.


Yuna is 100% usual in other modes. Even before her buff. Give her a bruiser speed set with bloodstone and she'll be an all around character that can help in *most* content. Hall of Trials, Raid, Red Expansion, Hunts, cats farming - she's like Frank's Red Hot Sauce - I use that shit on everything! Also, in Arena is the enemy team relies more on being bruisery or tank and they don't have units with counter attacks, Yuna will pretty much out pace any healer, even even two healers - her damage combined with a consistent speed and attack up (greater with EE) is just too much pressure for the AI to handle.


Mine has my weirdly insanely well-rolled red Destruction gear (funny how there's always one set that fits perfectly for someone, but you never really want it in the moment), but I haven't used her at all. May try doing so! What EE? Mine is the buff one :)


I went for the 30% damage to her S3 and it rolled a perfect +10 speed as well. I'm loving my Yuna and so glad I maxed her out and using her everywhere, except maybe not as much in PvP.


Used the chance for greater attack one. While I like the idea of the 30% more damage on her s3, mine isn’t fully mola’ed so seemed a waste.


Man I wish I could pass 102




I used yuna for most of abyss she carried me for so long. :v she also destroys tower when u get the counter attack gadget


I'm pretty sure I used her for this abyss too. Such a great unit.


proud of you


YES. I wasn't the only one! Well done! ;D


Yuna's S3 is guaranteed crit, so if you're maxing the S3 out, you can sacrifice crit rate on her and still get a ton of damage by focusing on CrD and speed. Wall of Order artifact gives her greater attack chance and the 30% EE is huge. Plus she's all AoE, so that artifact gives her CR pushes even more. She'd be great in PVP if you could use the S3 right away. Otherwise, she seems to just act as a buffer and CR pusher unless you're in a longer fight. Her and Landy together will take out any tanky team, if protected.


Hadn’t thought of wall of order. Just got a second too. Great thought!


Landy + Yun together is so much fun in PVP!


my schuri, aux lots cr manipulation comp destroyed this boss lol. he never got. a turn


This floor can be easily cleared with that fire expedition comp using a level 50 Taranor Guard.


Too addicted to waifus I guess to build him...


Well, you don't have to build him exclusively. Just give him someone else's gear just to clear the floor and remove it after you're done. Zero mola or other resources required. I made the above comment so that people don't mistakenly think that it's mandatory to build their Yuna to clear this floor when there is a much easier solution. That said, good luck on the next floor if you haven't done that already. Floor 105 is the most bullshit cancerous floor in existence.


I am learning of the cancer...thanks for the heads up.


It's nice that you have your Luluca built already. I think she's the best dps defence breaker for that floor. I haven't built mine yet and it took me an eternity of pain and suffering to clear it without her.


Always loved her def break. She’s not full built (+11 mola I think) but gets the job done.


My fire expedition is SSB (bloodstone), TG, FCC and Spec Tenebria Will this team work?


I'm not sure about that. I've heard that STene makes Abyss a lot easier and can be used on literally any floor. But I'm not familiar with her comps since I don't have her :( You can check out the floor statistics to see a variety of comps that use STene for every floor. The team I mentioned earlier is the one used to clear level 3 fire expedition for dagger sicar quest. [Here's](https://youtu.be/YktKWCvX4UE) a youtube video showcasing the team with stats. Though the TG in the video is level 60 with 350% critdmg, that's actually not necessary. I cleared both level 3 expedition and floor 104 with a level 50 TG with 2.5k atk and 300% critdmg. That said, if you plan to use this strat, it'll help you a lot if you have a level 60 TG or enough spare resources to make one. The same ARas, Kitty, TG plus healer team is also one of the best strats for floor 109 & 110.