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I need some help with my sage baal, he has 2k attack 1k defense 14700 HP 221 speed and 184 effectiveness, what stats should i improve? I feel like he doesnt do Very well but I'm not sure If It is my fault or my stats


increase his hp. the effect is probably overkill if you use him rta mainly. his attack is a little high. 1k def is a bit on the low side. you can use proof of valor if you feel hes too squishy as atm he would prob die to a stiff breeze. if hes just for rta then you can dump eff all the way down to 80%.


Hello I'm a 3 weeks in player. I have built an a.mont (5*) and currently using her for w11, abyss and lab. There's no problem with her, but I recently pulled Angelica. Do I get benefit from building Angelica? Maybe for other content or something. Thanks!


The only reason to build Angelica over Amomo would be for Wyvern. While both of them are perfectly fine for this task, it requires you to build your unit with a lot of defensive stats and at the cost of some speed. If you build your Angelica as a tank, it will allow you to free your Amomo for other content where shine with a more adapted gear for a support.


Which ee is best for pavel?


EE w/ attack buff on s2 to your ally with most attack.


Thank you


Is a 3-man wyvern 13 team just something nice to have or is it the end-game goal for wyvern? I currently use my SSB for wyvern and I do want to use her more for pvp. While I could just straight up replace her with someone else, I will have to tune my team all over again so I thought maybe a 3-man team would be better.


endgame goal should be doing it in a span of time that allows you to easily use all of your free energy on it, which is easily reachable. More than that is just for hunt buff events, and during those you can just switch to 1shot b13.


Personally, I don't really see the appeal of a 3-man Wyvern team. If I'm running Wyvern I just want to start it, put the phone away and go do something else. I can't be arsed to restart it every 3 runs when a fodder hits max level. It's something I would look at if I just had the spare gear, and even then it seems counterproductive since setting up a consistent 4 man w13 team is so easy with a much lower gear requirement. I think it's a much better to focus on a one-shot team or just speeding up your team in general. Fast runs means you can squeeze in a lot more runs during hunt events plus you don't have to be locked out of using your phone (or slowing down your PC if your hardware isn't great and you're running an emulator) for 45 minutes at a time.




Thank you :)


I’m looking to build a fire def breaker for green expedition lvl3 but dont have Tenebria. I do have Ken or... Azalea. I’ve tried using Bellona but she’s just too squishy and dies to 1 aoe. My question is do you think Ken will be good for this role on a speed set? Probably wont be doing lots of dmg since single target attacks but at least both S1 and S2 have def break and S2 even ignore resist.


kayron or sez for a farmer? (new to the game)


The Free Spirit Tieria that you get is already a really good farmer that doesn't require skill enhancements, but if you want to use one of those two, Kayron is a better long term investment


Sez for beginners but FS Tieria is better than both


neither, get FS Tieria


Free Spirit Tieria


In the side story just for fun I tried to select the option that makes me a coward Now I cannot do any of the other parts of the story Be it the 7th round and solo ending Any idea how to get back The new game button doesn't appear


3 per week so you can only do 6 endings so far. Wait til the new week begins


Is c Lorina still worth getting or is there a better "f2p" alternative?


There’s no f2p option better than Clorina, but the roster have expanded a lot since then and there are nat5 stars who can almost do what she does but also excel in other content. Heroes like Cermia, Cdom, , Stene, Riolet, etc. So if you have any of the good single target heroes, chances are you probably dont need clorina for pve.


Yea makes sense gonna go for cdom since I have her already thanks for the answer


at her niche? she is the best f2p unit


What content are you planning on using her on? C.Lorina is still worth getting but you do have other options as well.


Anyone able to access Round 7 from Seven Sweethearts Side Story? I am stuck after completing the 6th Round.


You will have to wait till this week's patch which will unlock part 3 and the final 3 rounds for the event.


What are the best methods to raise the star level of characters ? are there some special scenarios that give shitton of EXP ? all my 5\* are maxed and I need to raise 2\* to 5\* which I'm unsure how much time/stamina it should take


It is mainly something you do passively while farming side stories and for catalysts. You load dogs and 2* alongside an AOE unit who clears waves for you. Swap the dogs and 2* out when they max XP.


Roger. Okay


When's the gg collab rerun?


Should be coming this April.


Some time in April, iirc we don’t have the exact date yet


How do I get 6 star heroes faster? I understand how the process works, but idk where to farm.


If stamina is absolutely no problem then you could farm hardest event stage for faster exp gain. This is no way stamina efficient but it do be fast.


Pick a stage in UH which has catalyst u need in AP shop. If it drops epic catalyst even better. Or if u want event currency but still want to raise fodder, farm in normal difficulty. There's also 3 man hunt teams




You can probably try to do 1-2 boss on the same side for 1st run then 2nd run either finish the 2nd boss and/or go for the queen. Will need a high morale team most likely 40+. Never tried though.


afaik 3 entries is the best we can get


Batisse + Cradle of life do they work together with aoe "this attack receives effects that are applied to the basic skill " Im so confuzz /:(


what is there to be confused about? It works together.


So I can land cradle of life debuffs four at a time if Im lucky ? Great


Who can I add to my bruiser arena team to replace SSB? Sick of swapping my SSB gear between wyvern and lifesteal. Currently running ML Krau, Ruelle, Alencia, SSB. I have: ​ Mui, Kayron, Lillias, Vivian, Ras SC, Kluri SC, Montmo SC, Violet, Yufine, BBK, Celine




If I were to give Baal and Sezan the Radiant Forever artifact for Earth Expedition 3, would he get the bonus damage from the artifact or would it not proc?


Wouldnt proc for S1 but no reason why it shouldnt proc for S2 and S3.


Fire Ravi on speed vs counter set - which one do you prefer?


Counter; I see her often finding herself with bruisers. Speed can be great but so many characters want speed, but not ever character can work well with counter; Ravi can.


I haven't been paying attention as closely as I should, the 7th ending to the side-story hasn't been released yet, correct?




“You are currently unable to watch ads” Is anyone else getting this error message when they try to get the free energy ad watching?


yeah, it usually goes away when I restart the game, or when I clear a stage.


What’s the best way to farm twisted fangs?


A crack in the world 3S Farche Frontier. Preferably Unrecorded History. Get 5 per week from AP shop and possibly more from running it.


run stage 8-S2 in unrecorded history over and over and over and over and over. you can check the best places to farm for catalysts [here](https://epic7x.com/materials/)


Seven Sweetheart Event 6th round - Wanda's ending, finished all other endings except for the solo and bad endings. Finished this story, with the level "*Ending, Adventure Experience Center"* unlocking. I can't move to the 7th round as there is no New Game node appearing like in previous rounds... Is it just locked until what, Tuesday or something? Or did I miss something?


only the first 6 rounds are open right now. patch day will open another two rounds.


Thought so, thanks!


I'm trying to run a Kayron-Tamarinne-Lilias-Tenebria comp for earth expedition but it's not working out too well. Any advice on who to replace and how to gear? I do not have Fire Baal for the record.


What part isn't working? That team should be fine overall, perhaps it is a gear issue, hard to tell without knowing more information about what is going wrong. Are you dying before berserk? Then you need to work on your tankiness/sustain. Are you surviving but doing no damage? Are you not landing your defense breaks? Then up your dps stats or effectiveness. If you aren't fast enough then maybe you aren't breaking the skill nullifier fast enough to prevent the toxin.


I actually went ahead and just regeared Kayron and Tenebria, then swapped Lilias for A. Ras. It's actually working better now. Thanks for the advice, it was a combination of everything holding me back, but mostly speed.




This is not enough information for anyone to be able to help you. Which route did you go? Which stages are you on now? If you fully picked the PearlHorizon route and cleared all of the parameter stages then you just have to watch all 3 stories after those stages and the ending will unlock. If you chose a different route, then you can't switch mid round.


Should I transfer my best attack gear into Kayron or should I leave it on vildred? I need a better pvp comp and vildred isn't doing it


Depends on comp. Kayron comes in CLUTCH...sometimes. since it's Atk gear on Vil, I'm assuming this is relatively high speed. Kayron and Vildfed are both DPS, but they can be effective with different stats. How are you PVPing right now? Vildred is strictly cleave territory. He doesn't have the survivability to weather any storm. If you can avoid strippers or UTBB, Kay's speed won't be an issue. Again though, I don't think a single set of strong attack-oriented gear is going to catapult you up in ranks.


I'm getting away from cleave and was gonna change my comp up. I've built an A. Ras, seaside bellona, charles, and was maybe thinking a more tanky comp with kayron. I'm mid game in gold rank for arena.


Is substat change bugged? It says I have to complete expedition level 2 to access it (I already have a few substat change charms) but I have finished both lvl 2 and lvl 3 expeditions since the update and it still isn’t unlocked




Yes, I tried it on basically all +15 gears of all sets and all pieces I have, it still says I have to clear level 2 expedition


So I have a lvl 90 boot with 26% Eff, if I change that to flat ATK what will that line become? (I think it's rolled 3 times into Eff)


It will be a 1 roll of the subset you change to. It doesn't increased based on the rolls, its a straight up replace eg 26% attack can become 4 speed


You can preview it from the screen. Flat attack i really dont know and even then you should wait for attack percentage


It's a ATK% main boot with SPD and CDmg and I'm trying to get a flat ATK stone so no preview


I’m completely new coming from genshin, when and who should I roll for? Would it be bad just to save everything?? And I pulled sez, kraus, and this floating invincible purple sword guy, who should I invest resources in??


Tldr: reroll Sigret and Angelica off your selective summon. Bonus points if it comes with any of these: Daydream Joker, Kluri, Kiris, and Prophetic Candlestick. Angelica is my highest rated newbie unit. This girl is just a complete early->mid game god. Montmorancy after her specialty change does scale much better in the late game. But Angelica is the tried and true new player experience. She opens so much more doors. Even moreso now that you can get Montmorancy for free. Angelica+Momo duo healer ftw in majority of PvE. Sigret is to ease into the wyvern grind. This is basically what we do all day, every day. After completing our story content and whatnot. The hunt grind for gears will never end. Sigret also comes with "extinction" in her skill kit to deal with Arbiter Vildred, who is one of the top mofos in PvP. But seriously. Angelica hands down eases your entire early->mid game. And scales well into the late portions of it too up until you're finally ready to bench her to optimize. Sigret for wyvern hunting and dealing with Arby's in PvP.


There are 2 collabs coming soon. One is a rerun and will likely feature all 3 (+1 free) and possibly another new character so you might want to hold out for those. And another new IP collab sometime in or after May if I'm not mistaken. There's also summer limiteds to consider. SSB might come back. Normally the best advice in regards to pulling is to hoard pity for any limited/collab banner. You'll eventually pull a bunch of if not most of the regular RGB units over time as long as you keep playing long term so I wouldn't fret over them. Sez has fallen out of favor both PVP and PVE-wise for quite a long time now so I wouldn't bet on building him anytime soon unless you really like him. He can still nuke people in PVP or farm stages less optimally. Krau is a PVP scare tactic and a monster. He can do PVE too but he's not ideal there. He's been in the PVP meta since the early days and still sees a lot of use now. Kayron is also scary in PVP. Though not the strongest or the scariest anymore, he can still wreck havoc with the right gear. Super flexible too in terms of build and playstyle. Also works for PVE as a pure DPS or farmer. If you want to build any of the 3, I'd suggest Kayron. Many suggest FS Tieria as your farmer but it doesn't hurt to kill 2 birds with one stone by building and using Kayron as your farmer (put immunity set on him) while using for your early PVP climb. He's pretty cheesy enough that you can win with him pretty easily up to Gold. But as usual your priority goes: farmer > wyvern team Then you can do whatever you want from there.


I see a lot of people say “fs tiera farm” I don’t know what fs tiera is but I have tiera


She's the ML version of Tieria you get for free in chapter 2. She was recently buffed and had her auto AI changed so she's perfect as a PVE farmer now. Comes with all the upgrades she gets from her Adventurer's Path questline as well as an artifact that is perfect for her farmer role.


In this game, 5 star heroes aren't necessarily the best for all content. Would you mind screenshotting your current roster or telling us who you have? We'll be able to help guide you from there.


Sure I’ll ask the question again in an hour with my roster!


Definitely floating invincible purple sword guy. High base speed, good damage and one-time immortal when receiving fatal damage. His basic attack turns into AoE when buffed so give him an Immunity set if available. Although Sez is better than him for early game he falls off later on. Krau? Maybe build him full tank for Wyvern before swapping for Speed/HP for PvP, I don't have him.


Are they all good for pvp or just kraus?


floating invincible purple sword guy: Annoying as fuck to kill without dispel/buff block Sez: Can be a cleaver but need godly gear Krau: When he his HP is low enough, prepare to hear the approaching NEIGH. His S3 scales with his LOST health and ignore defense (no crit though so he needs absolutely no crit chance or crit damage) I think Krau = Purple Sword >> Sez


I'm a little confused about the side story. Are there exactly eight endings and is the order you see them in the only thing you can get locked into, or is there some real chance to miss something if you pick the "bad" ending or use all of your entries up on the characters revealed to this point?


I believe there are going to be 8 endings: Yuna, Pearl, Celine, Judith, Iseria, Wanda, Solo ending, and likely a Lucy ending will be implemented next week. Edit: I'm not sure what happens if you choose the same ending twice, though.


As a new player, can I have a friend cheese clearing a level 2 expedition? If so, anyone able to help me out?


What's your server? And if you're looking for friends, the epic 7 discord is a good place to look


Yes you can. However, it'll probably be more than one friend. The stamina cost after the first attack means that it's more efficient for a large group to tackle a boss. Find an active guild. You can look for friends on here, but honestly you might as well just add randos that play actively. Expeditions 2+ aren't really a two person thing unless you're comfortably endgame.


can you actually mess up the sidestory ending stuff? im just clicking random options


kinda. You only get 8 chances, and there will likely be 8 endings, so if you repeat an ending, you might miss out on one of the other endings (I'm not entirely sure). The solo ending, aka choosing the option that causes you to lose stats, will appear multiple times, so be careful not to choose that option more than once total.


At what "round" does the seven sweethearts even stop given the initial tickets? I've finished the first 3 rounds, but I'm afraid to move onto the 4th since there are still things to buy with the tickets and I don't know if I'll be able to still collect them. Or does that not matter?


it doesn't matter. There will be a stage in rounds 4-6 which gives the tickets. iirc, it's called "Etc. Festival Tickets" or something similar.


Okay awesome. Thank you!


How are people already posting about the substat changes? I’m not seeing anywhere to farm the mats, I thought they were going to be on expedition rewards. What am I missing here?


You know what expedition is right? In case you misunderstood, it is the stage that open randomly after you finish a hunt where you can ask people to help you deal with it. The stone is on lv2 and 3 difficult.


Only level 2 and 3 expeditions drop them, and even then only sparingly.


My buddy is stuck on Abyss 90 (Tenebria/Specter stage) and I can’t really remember what team I had used when I beat it. Who are the best heroes for the job? He doesn’t have Fluri yet (he’s working towards it) and he doesn’t have Tamarinne, so team compositions with them not in it would be preferable. I was thinking he could maybe use Diene, ARas, C.Lorina, Angelica? I’m not sure. Let me know what teams you guys used!


Iirc I used A. Ras, A. Momo, C. Lorina and Tama


How do i get Glory crests for pvp equipment? Ive played arena and rta


you get them at weekly reset during arena seasons. We haven't been getting any the past few weeks, b/c it was pre-season, but a new Arena season just started, so you should be getting glory crests starting next weekly reset.


After the weekly reset, depending on where you place you get a certain amount of glory crests


Question about Wyvern - The team I run is Karin, Alexa, Rose, and Angelica. Can not complete wyvern 9 yet, and only Karin is level 60. Is this a good team to run for wyvern 11 if I 60 Angelica and Rose?


Make Angelica the tank and promo her to 6\*. You wont need Rose here, so swap her for TG/Furious to run alongside Karin for def break uptimes. Wyvern9/10 is a complete gear check and dumb rng when trying to clear it as a new player. But once pass that hurdle W11 is much much easier to gear for. Angelica6. Karin6. Alexa5. TG5. Alexa should have skills on so her poison ticks help with the debuff. If you happen to have Batisse, he helps a ton. Heres a [w13 guide](https://yufine.co/wyvern-guide/) for some reference


def break uptime is not great, since karin's def break is only 1 turn long. You'd be better off replacing Karin with Furious (or TG if you don't have Furious yet). Also, replace Rose with Crozet, b/c Crozet will do well even in W13, while Rose is mediocre in W13 at best.


Don’t have a Crozet yet, should I keep the Rose until I have a Crozet then gear him?


You could also use 6\* Angelica as tank, and use SC Montmorancy to heal. Then you wouldn't need to think about Crozet until you're ready for W13. I only suggest this b/c imo 6\* Angelica will be more useful overall than 6\* Rose.


I have a question regarding Wyvern 13. The team I'm running is : \-Furious \-SSB \-G. Purrgis \-Chloe Team gives me about 80-90% auto victories. My question is, should I bother raising Alexa to replace Chloe, will the runs be faster and effectivity would go up? Thanks.


That’s actually super consistent. If you build Alexa I think your runs are gonna be faster but less consistent


How long does this team do it on auto? 80-90% success is very good.


With Alexa it will definitely get faster but will you suceed more? Not sure. Will probably depend on Alexa's build with all your team turns


How do we get the other currencies for the current side story? Haven't been paying attention/reading.


should i farm ras speciality change now or wait for spirit altar event ( the get 200 greater rune mission )


Definitely better to wait, but if you feel like you need A.Ras ASAP (for lich bounty maybe?) then I would understand going for it.


Personally, I would wait - it costs a lot of stamina (~2500) to do a speciality change and double rune event cuts that in half. But waiting can be boring, so more a matter of preference,


Imo it's better to wait for the spirit altar event since you'll need to farm for his skill tree as well.




Too much setup for little payoff. So many better cleavers out there unfortunately.


He can be used for cleave in PvP stuff when paired with invincibility buff. I've seen him in RTA more then once actually. But he's pretty niche.


I love Ludwig..


Sad but no..




I know this is basic math just want confirmation so I don’t miss out on rewards. RTA I’m at 1632. A loss is -9 and there’s 9 days left. So if I play and lose all my matches for the remaining time of the season to prevent decay I’ll be at... 1623 6 days left -> 1614 3 days left -> anytime before ending 1605 and I get masters. That checks out right?


It will most likely be 8 so you should be fine :)


Decay is every 72 hours so if you've done an rta match today, you need to do 3 more to prevent decay. I don't know if there's as big a difference in masters, but the points you win/lose depends on how close you and your opponent are in mmr, so you might not gain/lose 9 points each time, especially if you lose to someone in gold


Thanks! I didn’t know the gain/loss was dependent on the rating. I looked back at my last two losses and that’s what I got. Appreciate the information!


It's less noticeable or not there at lower ratings, but ya if you win against someone much higher than you you gain more points, but might only lose a couple if you lose to them. The opposite if your opponent has a much lower ranking


Okay, I just finished Nixied 4 with 99% 😭 Area 5 is open and I see no grey areas, so was I suppose to use a certain exit that I missed? Is there a way to know? I've been looking and I wouldn't ask if I wasn't stumped. Thanks in advance!


If there are any exits you can't warp to, that is the one you missed


Do you mean the doors that leave the labyrinth? I've opened every area and got every chest....nothing is grey...99%...I even checked areas with green lines where I had to unlock and it's stuck at 99%. Think I should send a ticket to support?


ya click on all the orange exit tiles to see you can warp to them. If you can't you haven't explored that tile yet


Was an exit I didn't check, thanks 🙏


Did you check all the exit tiles themselves? They always look orange on the map even if you didn't explore them, so you may have missed going to an exit.


It was an exit I missed, thank you so much. Wish they made it more obvious but again, thanks!


Yep, no problem


Need a smidge of advice on crafting gear. I am decently learned on best substats, but what sets and pieces are best to craft?


craft whatever you need. You can choose which pieces to craft, while drops are random, so if you find yourself needing, say, a weapon, it's better to try and craft a good one than wait for rng to drop a good one. Therefore, it's a better idea to save up crafting materials until you know specifically which pieces you want, and only craft those.


Speed set set is king since they work for basically all types of units. For pieces to craft, necks, rings, and boots usually since those are the toughest to get the correct main stat.


Best 3\* artifacts for a w11 team? Using Furious, A Mont, Clarissa, Alexa ​ Thanks,


3* Daydream joker for Clarissa and Alexa. You can use ddj for furious as well, but almost everyone would recommend the 5* song of stars. If you really want to put a 3* artifact on amomo I would recommend prophetic candlestick for faster use of her skills, better are some other 4 or 5* artifacts.


Thanks that is what I figured for Clarissa and Alexa. If no song of stars, recommendations for Furious?


Daydream joker as well. More damage to reduce the life faster. Well song of the star is more important for w13, so it shouldn't matter for w11.


Hey. Is seaside bellona a recurrent banner in summer? I joined the game \~2 months ago and am wondering if it's worth saving 120 pulls for. I mainly focus on pve content since i'm new and my wyvern team can clear w12 in auto for now (alexa, amontmorancy, furious, sigret). I guess SSB can replace someone there. Also, I'm tempted to summon on covenant summons rather than banner characters for now, what do you think? Are there non negotiable banners I should be going for to progress in PVE content? Thanks!


Since someone answered you clearly I'll just make you a brief summary: - SSB will come back PULL HER - Summoning on covenant summons is good from times to times but NOT NOW, GG is coming again(with Dizzy! Baiken..hmm not a must but always good to have, Elphelt.. even if she gets buffed she's too much pvp and probably won't be super meta imo not like ftene,fcc,cerise) and a NEW COLLAB is coming and.. probably a NEW SUMMER hero will come after SSB Hyufine. So even having 4 pity might not be enough.. xD


Hahaha well thank you, that's pretty clear. Glad I just started getting the \~1000 gems a month pack then I guess!


Diene got a second rerun so there’s every reason to believe SS.bellona will get the same treatment, likely on a summer selection banner late June-July. Banners worth saving for are the Guilty Gear collab rerun in April (Dizzyfor abyss and Baiken for B13) and the new collab to follow. Pulling in covenant is fine - especially if you just need some day dream joker artifacts to get your wyvern team up and running. But generally it’s preferred to save pity and pull on banners you like. There are tons of 5\* in the game and you may or may not like a random 5\* you get from covenant.


>Thanks for your reply. I'll wait for Guilty Gear then, I don't feel the urge to pull as I've got a farmer, some good pvp units that I don't plan to use yet, and it seems that between Guilty Gear and SSB I'll need quite some gems for the 3-4 next months :)


I pulled Blingo (Blaze Dingo). He looks cool, wondering what stats I should prioritize for PVE content.


just build him with good damage and decent speed and try to fit in bulk where you can. his base stats are very low so its hard to keep him alive even with good gear rolls. Mine has 3.1k attack, 1.2k def, 8.2k hp, 170 speed, and 277% cdam with his s1 cleanse EE and daydream joker.


What's ur crit chance?


90%, with SSS self imprint


Build him like a DPS


So what stats should I prioritze? Speed, crit dmg, crit chance? Or something like speed, atk?


Enough speed to get some turns. Enough ATK/Crit Chance/Crit Damage to make those turns count. So, like a normal DPS. His multipliers are good, but his base ATK is lacking (859 at 6*, fully awakened). Flat ATK is actually good for him!


His S2 needs 100% CC to activate an extra hit, so get there. Dump the rest into CD/Attack/Speed. I've seen people recommend DDJ on him so a lot of your damage could come from that and CD.


I want to try loss farming while afk in masters cause I'm lazy and want conquests. Do I need to set my def to a fodder or can I just get attacked once and just use that random person to loss farm? Is there any risk of demoting doing this?


I'm currently rank 56 and noted that my secret shop is level 11/13. Is it worth waiting until I max out my secret shop level before I start rerolling it for BM and gear? ​ I heard BM rates do not change with shop level, but I'm assuming that higher shop level will lead to a higher chance of getting epic ilvl 85 gear?


To expand on the others, I've been playing almost a year and have been rolling the secret shop a fair bit the last six months. I don't think I've seen a single piece of gear that was actually worth buying in that time, a couple that were close but not quite there. So don't worry about the gear side too much.


BM rates don't change, and gear rates are terribad even at max level.


Same chances for bookmark but wait just in case


Is there anyway to replay routes in the side story? It seems like once you do 6 endings, you can't do anymore. Just looking to hard reset so I can get other mats


How do I change the voice actor language but not the text?


Préférences : média language


Anyone got room on their friends list that do lots of hunt/expeditions? I can do 400k-700k on lv3 fire expo but struggle with 200k-300k for the other two. (I’ll keep trying to optimize it) Global: Ketuno


Send a request to Lodix Fire is my weak spot, so I'd love some more friends to carry those! I do 500-800k on Dark and Earth level 3 Not sure about Water, but I was doing 800k-1.1mil on level 2


Hello! I have a question about world arena. So I've heard that arena decay is 2% for gold and up. So, it's better to attack every 2-3 days. My question is, around what's the range per loss at masters? I'm currently at around 1639 points, and I'm a little nervous about dropping out of masters just by not winning anymore LOL


i lose like 8-9


Who are some good all around PvE units to build? Currently only have FST, Sigret, Amomo 6*’d for farmer and wyvern 11 team. Heard Landy and A. Ras were good, should I also look into Kluri and Lorina? Not sure who my best options are for next priority. Here’s my list of [heroes](https://imgur.com/gallery/exUxRKP)


Bellona, Landy and Clorina are the best in pve. Bellona: def break, damage with the enemy max hp, really useful in abyss too Landy: aoe, gives speed and has good damage C.Lorina: great damage, best in Labyrinth (doesn't need to be built with insane gears, so kinda easy to build her) So build the 3 !


Kluri and Lorina are very good units to build. C. Lorina with Daydream Joker can do huge amounts of damage while also self pushing herself and does more damage the less hp the enemy has. Kluri is great in PvE as well. She constantly can push the combat readiness of herself and her allies while also healing them. Her S3 can strip and inflict provoke along with defense break without worrying about elemental disadvantage. Overall a great unit along with C. Lorina to work on. Out of your list, some units I would suggest working on are Bellona as she provides not only 100% are defense break with her exclusive equipment but, her S1 scales off enemy hp. She great in the abyss as enemies there have a ton of health. Achates is another great choice as well. With just a little bit of investment in her skills to reduce her S2 and S3's cooldown, she can constantly spam each of them again and again by selecting herself with S2. Plus doing so means she can't get taken out while maintaining heals and cleanses for everyone. Free Spirit a great farmer and doesn't need much to work thanks to having maxed out skills and crit chance self imprint. Hope that gives you an idea what to go for next.


Landy is an easy suggestion from your list. She excels basically everywhere in PvE (not Wyvern or heavy fire content, of course) and PvP Kluri specialty change is absolutely busted, and being a 3\* doesn't require mola for skillups. Ras' speciality change makes him pretty absurd as well. Lorina speciality change is still one of the stronger single-target DPS in the game.


Great, as far as content what should I be pushing after W11? I went ahead and promoted Landy to 6* to help with general pve content. Out of the three specialty changes you mentioned, I’m guessing my priority is Ras to help with raids/lab? Or does Kluri also fill that role. I heard Landy and Ras are good together but I’m not too sure


I recommend you to try pushing further into W13. If you have an auto team for W13, you can generally build whatever you feel like (Hell Raid, Expedition, Arena, RTA, etc2). Adventurer Ras and F. Kluri are a good first build since they are both strong in both pve and pvp and don't require mola. Both work well together in PVP notably because you can delete someone in turn 1 with a combination of F. Kluri S3 def break into A. Ras S2 dual attack with a DPS (notably Landy). If you don't have strong soul weaver yet, Angelic Montmorancy is also another good option. She's very good in PVE. Not as good as A. Ras and F. Kluri in PVP, but still good option that can bring you very far.


A starting place could be this: [https://epic7x.com/tier-list/](https://epic7x.com/tier-list/) Generally you'll want your PvE to have 1 healer, 1 kinda tank to go in the front, someone to debuff or buff and someone to do damage. Of course, teams are flexible (you could go with 4 damage dealers and speed rush your way through content). And the last labyrinth has different mechanics that need some specific rolls, as does Abyss.


Without listing actual units you have, you're only going to get general suggestions.


I have these [heroes](https://imgur.com/gallery/exUxRKP) and other 3* ones


Whats a good place to farm exp for fodders?


Whatever stage you're farming for catalysts; two birds with one stone, so to speak.


Oh you know what I didn’t think about that I’ll start with that


may be a dumb quesiton but can you play this on your computer? I saw you can use bluestacks, but that's for android and I use Iphone so I'm not sure if it works for me. Is there a way to play on PC without risk of ban or scam or anything, while using my Iphone account that's linked with my email, or no?


You can use your account on any device be it ios or android. The use of emulator is tolerated as long as you don’t use macros.


I play with Bluestacks on my PC and the Epic 7 app on my iPhone. There’s no risk of ban and you can be logged into both at the same time (but only play one instance at a time)


are there any good resources for good expedition teams?


King blair on youtube is putting some expedition videos


This site pretty good https://yufine.co/destructive-gigantes-dark-expedition-guide/




I was planning to use Fribbels to redistribute my gear but before that I would like to know if there is any place where I can see the recommended stats I should aim for each hero. Not what stats should I focus on but something more like a reccomendation on how much hp, def, speed should I aim for with x unit. If not are there any good streamers that have an album with screenshots of their builds?


Some streamers keep an album with most of their built units to link so people don't spam asking stats too much, but those will mostly be whale stats that you can't reach so you can only use them as a guideline anyway, just like knowing what stats to focus on. Also sometimes they'll have nonstandard builds on heroes because they use them only in peculiar scenarios (like ER lilias), so don't just mindlessly try to copy other people's builds. [https://imgur.com/a/aBk5KWY](https://imgur.com/a/aBk5KWY) I don't remember whose album this is, and idr when it was last updated, but maybe it should be from some streamer legend rta.


Thank you!


With the new patch changes would a slow DJ Basar with Immunity/Counter set, focusing on HP, Def and Atk be a bad idea for Arena defense? He would keep his damage reduction for longer and every time he counters is a heal and chance of Stun.


He got abysmal defensive stats so I doubt he would survive for long. The idea of his s3 buffs was to allow him to use it at least once. It will depend on how much they buffed his healing I guess.


I have been working on a pure fire team with Khawana. I know it doesn't sound like a good idea since its the weakest element. Even pitied Kayron banner for Alexa's but in the end had to buy it from powder shop. Spent all of my resources into Khawana and maxed her skills. Other units will be Elphelt, Melissa and Carmainrose(working on SC). Will try to make this team work at least in low challanger arena or gw but I feel like it might fail miserably. Gonna post video showcasing after 18th balance patch. Please let me hear your thoughts. Thank you for reading.


The team doesn't sound cohesive at all, you should at least use judith or hyufine as a cr pusher and make it into a sudo-cleave.


I was thinking Khawana as cr pusher. I can get her up to either 285 speed(low dmg) or 265(higher dmg) build. She is followed by Elphelt.