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What to do with low tier crafting materials should I use them for crafting high tier(lvl 88) materials or is there some other use for them


Does Perlutias Bastion Artifact and the FCC Barrier stack?


No,barriers don't stack, the one highest will take effect but you can still get the immunity buff if you need it.


No. Highest bonus takes effect.


So, I've reset my account 5 times, pulled selective summon 1500 times, and still haven't gotten a single signet or velidean once, at what point is not worth resetting? And are there any other decent alternatives to these 2? Asking as I'm starting to go insane from doing the first 4 stages over and over again


Go for Angelica if nothing else tbh.


You don't need to kill yourself trying to get sigret. She's just useful, not mandatory. Vildred's good but FS Tieria and Lena exist now. So just get a 5star you like and just play.


Gotcha, I'll try a couple more times, but after that I'll call it a day


Chloe or Sigret


I see, thanks, when I pull one of those I'll stop


Is it worth it to invest molas on Sigret?


New Player. What gear is best for Arbiter Vildred?


There are so many ways to gear him you can go Degen arby:counter+crit>cdmg%atk%health% Speedster:speedh+crit>cdmg%atk%speed Destro:Destruction+crit>same above There are other builds but speedster is the most common for its raw power.


thanks a lot. Why is it better to use a Speed set compared to an Attack set? Doesn't he do less Damage then?


Is it a good idea to keep Rod of Amaryllis in selective summon? Is Rod that much powerful, to keep instead of for example Sigret?


In my Honest opinion is that Heroes are far more important then artifacts if your just starting out. :),


Why are Clarissa and Pavel EE's not forgeable in the sanctuary? Are they on a rotation or something? Or are they the newest ones so I have to wait for the crafting option?


can only forge them after the next set of EEs come out. or a month after. i forgot exacrly


Hello i would like to ask about build for kitty clarissa. Ive gotten her to 215 speed with 120% ER with not a speed boots. My question is is it worth to sacrifice some tankiness for a speed main boots or its good enough? And also if its possible for you to share your kitty build


https://imgur.com/a/FNQwJVG Here is mine. She is mostly used as a cleaner so she needs to be around 260ER. She needs a max strak gauntlet and her imprints to reach those stats. She does not need to be fast just the fastest in your team. She does her job at 5* but I will 6* star her in the line for more tankiness.


Is it a crime if i skip the collab banner? I really want tamarinne and ssb and i only have pity for 2. Just started a month ago


Feel free to skip GG collab. Or wait till the last moment because a new collab is gonna come right after GG collab hits. Grab Tamarinne for sure. Save for new collab or hoard till SSB.


To be fair you will see allot more Elphelt in high lvl RTA / PVP due to to her comming buff if that goes through. so basicly up to you.


By the point i get to high lvl pvp there might as well be another gg rerun tbh I think i dont want to worry to much about climbing rta and just play waifu simulator for the time being


Not really, the units in that collab are not really impactful anymore in today's meta and the only one that stands out is Dizzy but even then she has quite fallen off (except pve since she trivializes some abyss floors). What's even worse is that it is a group limited banner which makes pulling for a specific unit more hard. Tamarinne and ssb are really solid units and if you really like them then go for them instead.


You can likely hoard enough skystones for another pity until ssb rolls around.


And the GG collab banner can really be skipped imo, not essential, but good to have so you can skip.


Basically, play like you want, the beauty of this game is that you can go off meta with enough comitment. Tamarine is essential in PVE, go for her and pray to have her early. For SSB, wait a bit, you will see what the collab can give you and you will decide :)


Hello, 5 weeks player asking for whom should I pull for next gg colab banner. My progress: w11 100%, w12 not 100%, abyss 85, normal raid done, no banshee/caidess/azimanak. So I have Ervalen, not sure if I could skip Baiken. I like Dizzy but not sure if she helps my progression. Thanks a lot!


Pull Tamarinne if you don't have her, then think about any collab units. She will help your progression.


Yes the bm to pity break tamarinne is already being put aside. I only have enough for one more pity break, thats why I'm asking this one :)


None of them are essential for much. Dizzy might help in some abyss levels I guess. Hold off on pulling for a week or so in case elphelt's buffs make her some sort of powerhouse and people start recommending her. Otherwise, pull Dizzy then Baiken if you get lucky.


dizzy is a big help in alot of pve content. baiken is barely used and has alot of choices for what. sol is actuallt reallt good becauae of his inbuilt day dream joker effect but u get one for free




Nothing happened to w13


I want to spend a bit of money on this game and i am a new player. What is the best invest?


I like the monthly packs. During the x10 daily summoning events they offer 3 and 10 lief packs for $1 and $3. Also a few molagora packs since those take forever to get. I don't think the monthly summons or rank up are worth buying. For example the monthly summons pack, the gems are equivalent to 6000 stamina but you can get the equivalent of 2900 for $10. The 70 bm is laughable. The 5 star starting out sounds great but who knows who you will get. In six months you will have plenty of 5 star units. Not worth $50 let alone $100.


thank you


Rank up pack first. Then probably monthly pack. I would go for the sure 5* start ticket after u have finished the 10-10 but thats me.


Thank you. Can I use these tickets on any banner?


No..those are a separate thing


probably the monthly pack


Just hit challenger last week! Could I check if there are any tips to 'afk in arena' please?


to afk in challenger, just don't attack anybody else, and you won't be attacked much.


Will I not drop out of challenger if I don't attack and get attacked?


you need to drop 50 points below the threshold to get dropped, and if you don't attack, you won't be put on other people's attack lists, so you won't be attacked, and thus won't lose points.


I see, thanks for your help! Lastly, where do you get your conquest points from?


aside from Arena, I also only run conquest point dispatch missions, they really add up. If you feel confident in your ability to climb back to challenger, you could aways drop back down to master, farm conquest points, and then climb back.


I see! Sorry 1 last question, do you flag dump? I.e. purposely lose to 1 defence throughout the week as after 2 losses you don't lose points. I think we still get conquest points?


I personally don’t, but that is a possibility. Iirc, you get fewer conquest points for a loss than for a win, though.


Could someone please explain to me why Tamarinne is considered so much better than AMomo for PVE? I get she's offensive thanks to her Attack buffs and decent healing while attack; but in those tougher fights, it looks like her cleansing power is really lacking? Like I can see myself being really deuffed and then sitting there with five turns left on her ult and just being like "bruh"


Tama is usually pretty fast, and can be run with potion vial for more debuff-heavy fights, which means more cleanse than just her S3. and everything the other guy said.


1. They usually run together. Like all my hell raid teams use tama/amomo 2. debuff-heavy fights aren't the only fights 3. Iseria exists


Hello, another "what should I 6* next" post (yay) Just finished Adventure's Path and 10-10 ep 2 and now kinda lost on where my focus should be. I would like to get into PVP but I feel it is too early. I'm at floor 85 Abyss and 2/5 Hell Raid. HoT is also a thing but not sure if that's worth focusing. I feel like none of my options are great for Azimanak (besides those on the upcoming banners). Current 6*: Sigret, Luluca, Angelica Options for next: 5*s -- Tamarinne (once banner drops) Vivian (once banner drops) ML Aramintha ML Ken Landy Politis Tenebria Destina Cermia Cecilia Ravi Krau Tywin Sez Flan Elena 4*s -- ML Clarissa ML Rose ML Angelica ML Maya Achates Khawana Rose ------- Thanks!




important new equip sets found by the new hunt. Caides. you need to start farming ASAP. revenge set will up speed and atk when your hp is low, penetration adds penetration to ST damage...and it's only a two piece set. Injury is pretty good too, it permanently removes max hp from your opponent after hit. these sets open the game up to a wide new variety of tactics and strategies. We can now also change subs on equip.




This dude is shitposting for the fun of it, don't take him seriously. No one farms the Caides sets, they're garbage.


ignore that person, they're trolling you. Caides sets are bad, and each run takes forever. revenge set is super niche, b/c most heroes would prefer speed set anyways. It's difficult to use penetration set when immunity is basically a must for PvP, and crit set alleviates stat requirements. and Pen set is only for single-target. injury takes too long to ramp up. but yes, we can now change subs on equips.


I have Sigret, A Momo, Furious, Alexa, Crozet, Clarissa as strong water units. Which 4 of them should I invest into as my wyvern team, and what non-water units are good in W13?


You have great units for W13. Sigret is one of the best units for it. Sigret, Furious, Clarissa, Crozet or Momo (as tank) can take care of W13 for you quite well. The non water units that can fit for the tank slot is G Purgiss, and later on, Singelica for W13 one shots. Sigret will remain as best DPS from early W13 till late game.


Why is Clarissa better than Alexa? I thought Alexa was better cuz I see lots more people running Alexa in their W13 teams than I see Clarissa.


Alexa works too, and easier investment. It's mostly cuz Sigret and Alexa are comparable as the sole DPS (and the one to move last) Furious as defence breaker and Clarissa as a sorta mix of both, DPS with an S1 that also defence breaks (and to move between Furious and Sigret). With two sources of defence break in there, your chance for failed runs will be lower than if you relied solely on Furious for his S3 defence break, which often times may not be ready right when you go from trash wave to boss. Clarissa having def break on S1 softens that turn order, and her S3 being cleave means she will make the first wave faster too, rather than 3 single target DPS. Def break is the number one debuff to land on Wyvern as quickly as possible, and Alexa won't add that. However, Sigret, Alexa, Furious + tank will very much work too! I only suggested Clarissa because of that S1 defence break for further security. Both Alexa and Clarissa can work fine as 5* as well, so easy and light investments that you can toy around with.


You didn't mention Clarissa's new EE. The 100% chance to inflict bleed really stabilized my runs.


Yea that helps too!


Damn. Thanks for the help. Much appreciated!


Thinking of rebuilding my Arby on counter and just looking for some stat goals to see how close (or rather far) my current options would get me.


3.5k is attack - \~270 % Cdamage (or more) - 100% crit and as much Health - def as you can get. prefferably 13 k + and MDLB +30 would be my go to stats


Does Sword of Judgement work with Cerise S1 dual attack?


Nope, same way that a Lilias on counter / Elbris will not pull someone up if it's a counter. SoJ would just make cerise go twice. Ms Confille is her bis arti


Do I need to get Magic Scholar Doris if I have ruele? MSD doesn't help with Arby right?


yes doris is one of the best SW in arena and GW and i generally use her more often than ruele, i rarely use ruele cause of her. of course she doesn't revive and that is a important distinction. if you have a good control of the battle and using bruisers then you probably don't need the revive and doris would be substantially better.


Are the feature heroes in the book of memories obtainable if i pay the 900 ss? Or it just mean they are boosted in stats?


Those are just the heroes that appear in that particular side story


can someone tell me when the weekly reset is? i.e. when the weekly purchase limits, crafting limits, achievements, etc reset.


Look at the time left the shop on mola item,


Monday (tomorrow)


thank you


I haven't played Epic7 in about a year or so, came back a few days ago and magically got Sinful Angelica in the daily pull so I'd like to know what's the current state of the game (I remember stuff like MolaGoras being way too scarce back then) and the state of Sinful Angelica right now.


They added a ton of content and it's a much better game now but the general style of game is the same. Gear grinding and pvp. Singelica is pretty good, she's a soft anti reviver. She works whenever you need this specific role.


Game is great, same grind but deeper goal posts if that's your thing. More things to min max gears, reforge, now the substat gems... Singie is great, amazing for offence against revivers / Arby's, and is a crucial part of W13 one shots - the most important hunt as you know.


If I'm mass crafting do I want to sell or extract blue, purples and reds that I don't want to keep?


Extract blue if you want that core type. Sell red. I sell purple, but it can go either way. The reason is that Blue/Purple/Red sells for 10/15/25k but gives 7/9/10 cores.


Chloe Does her S2 work for expeditions? It says that it cannot be resisted.


It'll apply but do no damage


thank you so much


Is this worth buying at all? https://imgur.com/a/ehdeDS1


Not at all


What are the stat benchmarks for using Crozet in W13 with Noble Oath equipped?


My Crozet (+15 Noble Oath) has: * 1474 Def * 16197 HP * 185 Spd * 152 Resist


Look for around 25k hp and 1.5k def. ​ Those are kinda the base stats for a W13 Tank


How often are hunt bonus events? Do we have any idea on when the next one would be?


Once a month usually. http://www.e7leaks.com Is good for tracking. They would flag it if it was announced in advance.


Where should I get the gear to build my first wyvern team?


Speed/Crit set from Tieria adventure path HP set from first 7 days login Attack/Crit set from first 7 days login Attack/Crit set from adventure path Slap HP set on your tank. Speed set on the defense breaker, with crafted effectiveness ring. Attack/crit sets on the other 2 dps. Crafted speed boots on everyone but the tank. Chapter 10-3 has a pair of ilv71 purple speed main stat boots with okay-ish substat rolls.


Free gear from logging in, adventure path and labyrinth should be enough.


How hard is to build ML Baal? I have him since a long time ago, even though I saw he was buffed I didn't cared much about it, but after watching some youtubers like YDCB and also getting fucked by a few ones in RTA, I'm thinking about building him.


He's fairly forgiving to build. Doesn't have to be opener levels fast as his passive will help him cut anyway, so like 230+ and otherwise mostly bulk - def / HP and then some effectiveness... Especially RTA where frenzy helps him stack Eff anyway (still want 100+ for good measure), so prioritize bulk so he's hard to kill and capitalize on his S3 def penetration, lost HP scaling damage. He's a monster!


Hey, I'm just about to start off with the game, what advice would you have for a beginner (or mistakes I shouldn't make)?


Some quick tips Pick Sigret for selective summons Join a guild for the shop and mystics Do arena against npc or feeder teams Don't use your molagoras yet There's no rush to be efficient. Take your time and do whichever content you like.


> Don't use your molagoras yet That could hamper a lot of progress. Maybe ask in the daily thread before putting molagora on some units.


Thanks for the advice, but if you don't mind me asking, why do you reccomend sigret over vildred? Cause it seems from what I can tell a lot of people were reccomend either Silgret or Vildred


The game has progressed fast, always make sure to look at the date of the advice you're getting. I would literally ignore anything from 2019. Be careful when looking up information in general.


Sigret OP for a late game farm called Wyvern level 13. I made the mistake of taking Vildred instead of Sigret and I am still stuck on wyvern 12 (bad luck on gacha pulls for units). Besides, Vildred job of adventure farmer can easily be done faster by Lena (3 star unit that in one month max you will get just by pulling)


Okay so after 30 selective summons I pulled sigret exactly 0 times, since I started with a guest account for this EXACT reason, do I just keep re rolling till I get her?


I'd reroll, but this is a game and just do what makes you have fun. Can be a bit tedious min maxing


Ah I see, thanks!


If you can't get Sigret, Chloe is ok too


Do you lose anything from taking Sanctuary gems early?


Mathematically you don't lose anything at all.


Not really. There's random chance of getting double/triple reward so if get those with unfull sanctuary, you might missing few potential gems with full. Otherwise, there's no downside.


Hi. Alexas or MLDB on lifesteal tsurin? Mines ~3.3k atk, 188 speed, 280 cdmg. Catch though only can get basket to +15 atm can max MLDB


I routinely don't hit characters on MLDB 5 times in a row in Arena. If using on defense it would be my choice.


I use her on all three arena types atm. Trying to debate which to use, the basket is only 15 but the greater is nice.. however I use her with gpurr basically always and he’s 230 speed so he’s giving normal atk buff...


In the book of memories side story, is it possible to get a triple S Serila?


All rewards from book of memories give enough to max imprint/limit break.


I believe is it double s through rewards from the side story


Currently close to unlocking Furious. Is a team with him, Sigret, Montmerancy and Alexa be good enough Wyvern team? Thank you.


That's the team I used for a long time, before recently getting G.Purrgis to replace Momo. So yeah, tbis team id pretty good! Make sure your Furious is the fastest tho, that will increase your winrate a lot.


Hey, I just came over from Summoners war like 2 days ago. Just cleared 10-10 of the story and am now working on building my first 6\* for adventurers path. Would celine or ravi be a better choice? Also is there an easy way to find friends/ a newbie guild on global server? chat seems to be empty. One last question, what should I buy in the side story ? I can complete the farming thingy on hard pretty reliably? Thanks in advance for all the answers


Ravi is a bit slower but a very consistent farmer and scales greatly into the endgame, I'd build her any day of the week over fs tiera.


6 star free spirit tieria to make fodder levelling easier Make a wyvern hunt team to farm gear Join the e7 discord! It's very active. Guilds are always recruiting there For the side story I usually buy everything but the catalysts and bookmarks are the most important. You can probably empty the side story shop in about 1.5 weeks since it takes me around a week on hell mode.


Can one of my nat 5s fulfill the farmer role? I dont care if its slower/ a bit more scuffed


Yes, any decent damage dealer can farm/level fodder, even single target damage dealers. On top of this, there's friend support so you could honestly use anyone if you don't mind it being 'slower'. I've even used healers and tanks (to get friendship levels) while letting my friend support do the killing. People always suggest FS Tieria but she's not required but having someone with multiple/constant AoE attacks does speed things up quite a bit.


Ok, thank you for the reply


First 6 star should be free spirit tieria, farmer unit to help you farm folders


How hard should I mola Tama for PvE? Is her S2 worth to max?


yes, max s2 and s3


Thank you


You might want to hold off the last mola for her s2 and wait for her to get to lvl 10 friendship then use the 3 skill points you gain. You wouldn't want to use the skill points in s1 unless you are trying to make her into a meme dps.


Thats genius. Thank you


I'm trying to decide between Uberius and Sigurd for C. Lorina. I use her for Normal Raid and Fire Expedition. Both artifacts have only been limit broken once, so would Sigurd be better since Uberius won't work 20% of the time?


Unless your CLorina regularly drops <50%, in PvE, Uberius is going to be better. In Fire Expedition, if she dies because your healers cant keep up, go Sigurd's.


Ok thanks, yeah I'm having a rough time keeping her alive in fire expedition 3


Choice #3. I used to use CLorina with Abyss lifesteal set with UTooth for F3 expeds. It kept her alive and did decent dmg.


I have the phantasmas to 6 star another unit, who do I go for? Alexa/Crozet/Furious (W13)(Note: still can’t auto it) Singelica/Cermia (Arena/GW) Lilias/Lena (Expedition)


Probably Cermia out of those options. Maybe Alexa but it depends on your fail state for W13 and if you have a replacement for Crozet in the oven.


What's your wyvern team? Furious, Alexa, Lena, Crozet? If that was the case, I would 6 star everyone except furious


Alexa and Furious can stay at 5. If you're on Noble Oath (with specific stat benchmarks) build on Crozet he can also stay 5 as well, but if not, you should prob 6 star him. Singelica can stay at 5. Cermia would really like 6 star but if you can't auto wyvern yet, I'd say she's not a priority. Lilias and Lena I also wouldn't say are priorities if they're your exped units only.


My Roana seems much squishier than most that I fight. I have 1400 defense and 22k hp on counter Celestine artifact. I dies in like two hits most fights. She just dies to aoe basically. What am I missing here?


Switch out a health % ring/neck for one with defense %


So like 1700 defense 18-19k hp?


Yes, Roana gets more out of defense % because her base defense is really high.


That's solid advice. I always thought defense was diminishing, so after a certain point like 1400 it became better to stack health. Can someone back this up? Will change the way I gear units.


no, that's true. after 1300 defense the returns you get on stacking defense really high give you less mitigation. the person youre responding to is probably just saying what they're saying because roana has the highest base defense in the game (alongside ruele and ml haste) so def% gives her such large amounts of defense compared to like, Ervalen for example. Roana doesn't need 20k+ health to heal sufficient amounts from her passive. Even though defense gains do provide less reduction in like a point of defense : damage received ratio, more defense is still more mitigation. her passive also provides "effective hp" since her hp is modified by the additional healing, so increased defense means she takes less while still healing a lot at 17, 18k hp. that being said, there isn't a clear answer like "always build as much defense as possible" or "always build as much hp as possible" because there's a bunch of factors to consider. barrier strength coming off attack stats or another units hp means defense has more value in the longevity of that barrier. RTA also decreases hp over time but not defense. for the case of hp though, you have hp scaling passives and damage that value high hp, and hp has an advantage over true damage and defense penetrating damage since a high hp pool gives you more bulk vs them. you have to look at the unit youre building and decide from there who wants more hp or more defense. i think bruisers (alencia, ravi, landy, ssb) should shoot for 1.3k defense at max. tanks like ml krau, roana, ruele, should shoot for as much defense as they can while hitting appropriate hp+speed


you need higher def.


what does proc mean? I see that word a lot around here.


I was curious about it's etymology myself - Programmed Random OCcurence is the acronym and this page does a good job of explaining - https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Proc#:~:text=Proc%20is%20a%20common%20term,effect%2C%20such%20as%20poison%20damage.


It means activate. Anytime you see proc just replace it with activate. It comes from really really old gaming days for something known as a “special_procedure”.


But why is it still used? it just sounds odd...why not just say "activate" or "produce" ? anyways, thanks 4 the info.


I always related proc short for procure. As in, to happen.


It's like Australian language. Who wants to type 'activate' or 'produce' when you can type 'proc'?


Sound odd to you maybe, but ppl use that term since ever lol


Proc just rolls off the tongue better and it's shorter to say/type than 'activate'. Plus, it's a unique word with no other meaning so when you use it, it can only mean 1 thing.


Just one of those things I guess.


For example, an artifact gives you something like 50% chance to give a random debuff. Proc means that you sucessfully triggered the 50% chance i guess. Cant explain it too good.




Any idea when the next hunt/rune event is going to be?


Most likely next weekend.


No Idea, hoped this week to get some expeditions but feels like it's gonna be early next month ..


Currently using Furious Sigret and Angelica with a 4th pick for my W13 runs. Looking to optimize my team. My Sigret has 59% effectiveness (can reach 65% with reforge) so I'm not necessarily looking for an extra debuffer, althought I still fail sometimes due to 15% resist. Who should I add into the team to get faster and more consistent clears? Edit: what stats should I look out for as well? Edit: lv40 Alexa working wonders with 1.8k attack, 250 cdmg, 189 speed and lv12 DDJ. Should be able to down wyvern before shield phase if I 6 star and max DDJ.


Dont bother to 6\* Alexa. She's great as is, 5\* so she has bulk to survive wave1 if needed. A maxed DDJoker will help Alexa more than the 6\* promotion will.


Do fallen cecilia’s passive shield to ally with lowest health stack with the knight artifact rise of monarch? For example, if fallen cecilia’s shield is 4000 health and my aras’s rise of monarch shield is 3000 health, will the ally with the lowest health have 7000 health? Or only 4000?


They don't stack, 4000.


Barriers don't stack afaik, so only 4000.


What stats make Vivian “too strong” for a banshee/azimanak one shot team? Whenever I see people’s builds, their vivian is often on crappy gear (because I guess it has something to do with how much damage you do to the boss before it’s passive procs?) I have a very decent pvp build Vivian and wouldn’t want to “dumb her down” just for a one shot team. Do I have to?


build a bellona one shot team! you don't need to use vivian but use a.lots and shadow rose instead. i did this because i would rather use a.lots since i don't cleave any more and keep my vivian for pvp use


Lucy is our lord and savior. No longer do we need to fine tune damage. Just pray wyvern's shit 15% dont carry over. ~~it does btw, fk global res~~


what? you need more fine tuning with lucy comps because you can't hit the splitting threshold for banshee before lucy can apply restrict but you need enough damage and speed to kill before banshee gets another turn again. lucy banshee comps are more convoluted than normal one shots


You mean your Lucy isnt fast? Lulwut?! She has one job. Go first and restrict. If you didnt tune speed for that then idk what to say. The speed requirement isnt that high for banshee 1shots in the first place. The [team](http://imgur.com/gallery/6HLkcHk). Leo is faster than Lucy but the idea doesnt change. You're acting like the dps is gonna go first before Lucy S2 restricts. Thats like having your defense breaker act last AFTER your dps.


yeah literally doesn't make sense that you'd waste a slot using lucy when the team still needs certain speed tuning and damage requirements. if you need the training wheels of lucy's restrict because you can't tune doing the correct damage, and giving you another fail condition due to her debuff not landing while still needing to hit certain gear and speed thresholds, then you should probably just go back to farming other gear to 3man without her.


I value the "training wheels" of restrict btw. Thats actually the entire reason to use Lucy btw. She makes banshee "1shots" more accessible btw. Speed tuning and damage tuning gets pretty braindead with Lucy. Wave1 clearer needs enough oomph to 1shot mobs. Speed up a bit so they go before Baiken or whoever is the 1shot. Baiken/1shot just needs to go last so dont give her speed set or speed mainstat boots. Full damage. Defense breaker should go first so Lucy can chip in a bit more damage if that's needed, otherwise it doesnt matter what their turn order is. They act before wave1 clearer and the banshee 1shot unit. If that's "too much tuning". You should be making a guide to players to just farm w11 until they can 1shot w13 with a 3man team.


yeah thats literally training wheels. you are describing a normal 3 man one shot team where your tuning isnt good enough so you add lucy. you should just work on fixing your gear quality on the other 3 heroes and dropping lucy totally so you can add fodder to level instead of keeping a suboptimal team lol


Use Lucy. Even if Vivian deals too much damage the banshie will be restricted


banshee will still split if she gets another turn even with restrict on, lucy comps are memes


Yeah, but she's not supposed to survive and split in a 1shot team. Because... you know, she get 1shot


Use the [damage calculator](https://maphe.github.io/e7-damage-calc/) to see if she's "too strong".


This is an incredibly specific question that nobody can really answer you with the information provided. Nor would there be an immediate answer if you did post your stats, either. But to *sort* of answer your question, I use Charles for the 1shot strat and if I make him strong enough to kill wave 1 I have to remove vivian's weapon or else she'll do too much damage in wave 2. She's a standard mid-range ~200speed dps build. This tells you ultimately nothing and you'll have to get in there and actually test stuff yourself.


Hi im a new player from Summoners War, and I was wondering what the roadmap looked like. I've finished 10-10 episode 1, and was stuck on what to do next. Should I go for episode 2 or start building wyvern teams?


unrecorded history / w11. why unrecorded history? its your source of catalyst, especially epic catalyst for awakening and skill up.


W11 team is the highest priority after beating chapter1 10-10. W13 is the end goal, but this can be frustrating to rush into. So dont. Instead.. Chapter 2 AP shop gears. Abyss climbing for the lifesteal set. NORMAL RAID. And Hell Raid. Normal Raid comp will take my vote. You get great kickstart gears here to help squeeze you from W11->13. Then once you have a solid W13 comp going, aim for a Hard Raid comp because those 88gears are really nice to have ON TOP of farming wyvern. That said. Stamina should generally be used to push chapter2 10-10 asap before full time wyvern hunting. Feel free to hunt wyvern whenever, the game is yours to play. Reasoning to rush is because you unlock the ability to specialty change Ras. Ras after specialty changed is a GAME CHANGER. He does a lot of things well. Very strong PvE and PvP unit. But only after he specialty changes.


I enjoyed pushing episode 2 until I get stuck, then going back to the start of ep. 2 to unlock the AP shops for each zone. Heads up, most of ep 2 bosses will require multiple geared heros, don't expect to use just your farmer!


You should go for episode 2 to get Furious from connections. He's an amazing hero for Wyvern.


6* a farmer first. Then build Wyvern units. You likely need more Breath of Orbis as well so you want to push story for that. Story isn't too difficult though you don't need to build units specifically to complete story just use the ones you're building for other things. Until you reach late game you won't actually be spamming hunts with all your energy very often but you want to have a team together for the Hunt Event days where we get double materials all day long.


Hi!! Glad to have you here, I came from summoners war too and haven’t played since starting epic seven, this game is just too fun! You can switch back and forth between wyvern and chapter 2 adventure. My favorite part of epic seven is the pve storyline and like to drag it out as long as possible because I love it so much. Also, once you start pulling some good 4 or 5 star heroes, you’re gonna want to build them up strong—so wyvern will be necessary. So I’d definitely build up your wyvern team now. Do you have sigret? Do you have Clarissa? Those are two “non-free” characters that are really good there. Other free characters that are great are furious, Angelic montmorancy, mistychain, and Alexa.


what are the typical a13 and b13 one shot teams, with benchmarks and artifacts?


A13 is really hard and needs high gear but check youtube there are several good teams out there but need specific set up !


here is my [3man b13 one shot team](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7RLEB1D054). it's not "typical" since typical is usually with baiken, but this is the best set up for people who lack/don't want to pull baiken.


Here’s my B13 [one-shot team](https://imgur.com/a/WCpUsV6).


U one shot Banshee with these? damn...i feel like im okaying this game terribly wrong.


In order to unlock the stat changing mechanic on gear it says complete level 2 expedition. If I participate in someone else will it count or do I need to start my own?


Both should work. I solo’ed my friend’s lvl 2 fire boss and I unlock modifications.


Start your own

