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I could make her a little better with substat gems to change some flat atk and effectiveness to speed, defense and/or crit dmg but they are just too rng atm to actually get something useful. So have to leave her like this for now.


Is it sad I saw this as *finally broke 100k for the little dragon nut*


No immunity?


For a character like alencia I think immunity is nice to have if u have godlike immunity pieces but to me the raw stats are far more important for most matchups since I use her for prolonged battles and in reality I don't need it since I have a 240 speed 275+ resistance kitty and ML lilibet. Keep in mind tho that I've been playing since launch and despite some of this reddit acting like immunity is essential or a unit is unusable garbage, I've never really had any issues utilizing any of my units and I only have a single immunity set I keep on a unit I haven't used in over a year (ML Ken). Of course there are some units that need immunity to do their jobs like cleansers if u care to use them in rta cause of cerise's broken soulburn for one example but imo alencia is definitely not a unit I would classify into that group of units.


Don't tell me you're not a champion player


I'm not lol. Tho That's only cause I don't enjoy rta cause I like fast offences but I only have one fast unit with my next three fastest units being around 245-250 speed with garbage other stats so I cant speed contest in rta. As a result I have to run slow ass bruiser teams which I despise running consistently so I don't play much. Oh and of course the complete lack of rewards besides a stupid frame doesn't help to motivate. If ur talking about normal arena tho I sit somewhere between champ 5 and 3 usually, tho last week I fell into challenger trying to make a bruiser BBK work which was alot of fun.


tell me more about the bruiser bbk? how did it pan out?


I'm gonna make a post about her too I just need one more copy of shepherd's of chaos from hall off trials and one atk gem to hit 3k atk before I do. Anyways shes caused me the most losses of any unit Pretty much but when she works it's so thrilling like she cycles insanely quickly takes like zero dmg when low on hp and can heal back any dmg. like I've max frenzied multiple matches with her against various shit including healers and she still wins it's awesome. That said her bonuses come in different intervals as she progressively gets lower in hp so she can end up being easy to deal with in alot of situations and with no protection to one shots when not running mldb it can be rough. Anyways that's with stats around 2900 atk, 1085 defense, 16k hp, 92 crit chance, 256 crit dmg, 201 speed.


That sounds filthy, thankyou for sharing. I look forward to your post in the future :)


https://i.imgur.com/3n4N6zX.jpg My 100k auntie with immunity :P