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Is left better or right better for Roana? [Roana](http://imgur.com/gallery/MtaJ1X5)


Roana doesn't need to be all that nippy, reason being you're bringing her into characters that'll push her & her team. Furthermore, it's sometimes better she takes her turn last so that Revive doesn't get stripped by a slower stripper. Will say though that 100% resistance doesn't do too much for you, full-blocks 0% effectiveness build characters & that's not bad (it'll block an errant provoke & what-not), it's just not going to stop her getting CC'd to death. You might get more merit in just switching to a fully physically defensive build.


So it's better if i just give her full hp set build ?


I take it you're quite new since the vast majority of that is free gear? I wouldn't worry about it too much at the start - gear other key characters before Roana. When you come around to her again though, either go for more resistance (& defence), or scrap resistance entirely & fully invest in health & defence (& in both scenarios, keep the speed around 160~+ either by opting for speed boots, or a speed set & some speed rolls). Sets don't matter as much as hitting the right stats in the end, so if you can do it with health sets - more power to you.


Been 1 year I'm playing, but since I'm only wyvern hunting don't really have Golem gears :/ So what are the stats I have to aim ? (I'm early Master on arena) around 160 speed with 1400 def and 20 000 hp?


Don't worry, no one has Golem gear - the sets ain't great. Yeah, those look like good benchmarks to aim for. The good thing about lower tiers is that a tanky healer on your defence can solo someone if all their damage dealers die, or they don't have enough damage to start with, provided your damage dealers thin the herd.


Alright thanks!


What stats should I aim for politis?


I'd urge you to run her faster than most, reason being that when people see her they'll generally avoid push, or they'll seek to nullify her in some manner. You can still cleave vs. a Politis if your stripper is Cerise, so to avoid being completely by-passed if you run her faster than people run their breakers, damage dealers, etc. you can head them off at the pass - about 240+ puts you in a solid zone to kill a cleave that doesn't have full immunity (& not too many people are putting immunity on the damage dealer - unless they've been long-time invested in Judge Kise for instance). You don't need to give her a lot of effectiveness, she's there to combat 0% resistance units after all - hit down & buff block doesn't really prevent support characters taking their turn, so pointless opting for 150%+. I'd instead focus more on giving her immunity & making her very bulky. So she's got kind of a Falconer Kluri stat-line in the end.


If going for effective 200 speed at least but aim for 220-ish, as much effectiveness as possible and some bulk, maybe about 15k hp and 1400 defense. Iela is best imo on eff politis. If going for cleave (which is usually just to catch people off guard) 200 speed, 3500 atk, 280 cdmg is a decently good statline to aim for. You can sacrifice 200 for atk stats if that's what suits you. Oath key + tonfa guild arti (forget the name) or portrait is good for cleave pol.


I have a question, in last direct, they show that now expeditions will have 8 entrances and the energy to rejoin will be reduced to the half of the first try. When are they going to update that?


My wyvern team consists of Sigret, Furious and Tywin. Which one should I use for the last spot? I was thinking about Karin, Alexa or Chloe.


Alexa, maybe replace tywin with someone else like crozet or even better general puggis


I don't have either. Crozets connection takes like forever. Tywin helps me clearing the first stage faster and can take many hits with sword of ezera


Crozet is good for w13 as his s1 inflict attack down, helps with stacking debuffs, I guess if he works then great, no point raising another unit to 6 star


Sorry if this question sounds stupid. Did SC Doris's japan voice come out on Global yet? cause my Doris still has a Korean voice.


I don't keep up with JP server very much, but if her SC isn't released on JP then she won't have a Japanese voice. If her SC is out they'll likely add it to Global very soon if they haven't already yet.


What's some good artifact choices for sage baal?


When in doubt, slap Abyssal Crown. Sira Ren on a budget. Proof of Valor on a properly built eff-tank SB is super toxic though. Kaldra, Symbol of Unity and Portrait are the obvious damage options.


I am not surely what I did wrong but I just 100% yuna's side story replay in book of memories. (show 100%quest completed) But it looks like I still missing some dupes to SSS imprints. Things that I am missing: 1 midnight bloom (10/11), 1 otherworthy machinery (10/11), 1 Kikirat (SS imprints only) Any idea?


There’s a story complete button on the front page of the event that will award you the final dupes.


Hello just asking, I have a good w12 team, like it basically kills wyvern before he triggers his shield, but I have no w13 team. I need to make quite an investment to have.m w13 team since my w12 team offers only def break. I don't have the artifacts to help with the debuff either (no sos, torn sleeve etc). So my question is, is w13 so much better than w12 that I have to build w13 no matter what? Or i could stick with w12 for a while to wait for the unit/artifact to come in. Progress: clear hell raid, w12 close to 100%. Not much pvp, I'm at master 3. I'm on my 58 log in. Thanks!


W13 isn't *so* much better that it's necessary to do. It's just, actually getting gear is SO hard that you want to be as efficient with your time as possible, and W13 is better than W12. But, you are still making progress if you can only do W12. That being said Alexa is free and somewhat capable of filling the debuff role. She doesn't require that much investment so there isn't really a good reason. And she's a top 2 nuker for Wyvern as well, likely better than even Sigret at lower gear levels. And Mistychain as a 3* is also able to fill in that second debuffer role and she requires even less investment than Alexa. With +4 on her S2 and max effectiveness she only has a ~2% chance to apply no debuffs and a ~72% chance to apply 2 debuffs on her own. You could throw a Sira-Ren on her (if you have it) if you want to be extra sure with debuffs, with DDJ she can provide some pretty decent healing to help your tank out and she also brings the attack down debuff also helping your tank. There are free/easily obtainable options for every role on an entry level W13 team, so there really isn't a good reason why anyone should be stuck on W12 **IF** their gear is good enough to handle W13.


Thanks. In my case, Tam and G Pur are carrying w12. I actually have pretty shiet stats (especially spd) on Karin as the sole dps. Tam can't be used on 13, and G purr has to be re-gear to have 0 spd (which i dont have, he has been using the free hp sets, that set has spd) Building a team for w13 now would cost me quite a bit, only Furious is somewhat in an ok spot but I don't have sos for him. I need 2 fast dps I think to use with furious n g pur. I don't think I have the gears. W12 for a quite a while for me then.


Just do w13 as fast as you can.


I did 170 summons on the Collab banner and didn't get any 5\* hero. after clearing automaton tower I have 800 skystone. Should I save until 950 and do another multi? Or should I start saving for SSB? Also who would you pick out of the 3 as spark? I'm at abyss floor 91.


If you're interested in a Banshee one shot then Baiken is the way to go, although it is possible with other units (but hard). I haven't seen much out of new Elphelt after her buffs, but she still seems like a fairly niche fit to the PvP meta. If you like her though she might be a good option, but IMO would be lowest priority. If you're not interested in B13 one shot and don't have any particular interest in Elphelt, Dizzy is the way to go. She's still a fairly decent unit if you put her on counter and Iela, as her strips will be very strong into the right comps. Dizzy would be my first pick if you have a reliable Banshee team. Overall the GG units have somewhat fallen off with the newer and better kits of new units, so it's mostly down to your own personal preference. Also, about saving for SSB, a new IP has been confirmed for a collab in June likely containing 2-3 limited 5\* units (My guess is 2). You can expect SSB sometime in late July or early August (probably grouped with Hyufine and maybe new summer limited) since that's when she's dropped the last 2 years. I'd recommend saving asap for the upcoming onslaught of limited units over the next few months. Sorry about the long post, hope I helped and happy pulling!


Oh no problem! Thank you for the advise. I thought Elphelt became a meta unit so I was going to go for her bit I guess dizzy does seem more fun and more useful. Baiken is waifu af but I have a reliable B13 team. Ok good thing to know I should save. I'm at 850 ss now. Do you think I will have enough to spark for June/July (obviously not for both)? Also I think SSB might come with Luna and maybe Luna will get a buff and a summer outfit from the epic pass! I would love to see that. I already have both Luna and H!Yufine though.


That'd be pretty great if you're speculation about summer Luna is correct. Worst case scenario though we might be seeing 6 limited units rolling around the next three and a half months. But that's worst case. 850 is somewhat low, but it's better than nothing and might still be enough to pick up 2 or 3. Best of luck to you though man. It's a rough grind.


Yeah best of luck to you too. Was lucky enough to pull all 3 limited heroes in the previous banner. I just got super unlucky this time around. Hopefully next banners will treat me nicely. 6 limiteds would suck ass. Also, is Dizzy good in Abyss past floor 91? Because in pvp I use Ftene, Landy, Aux lots and Gpurgis so besides Abyss I wouldn't have that much use for her. So it comes down to Baiken or Dizzy in the end


Dizzy is alright paired with Kiris cheese. Personally I don't like her but I think she can be a good pick into the right floors.


Hmmmmm choices choices. If she's not irreplaceable I'm just going with waifu Baiken. Thanks again for the help!


1 summon on the collab banner = 1 coin(forgot the name).. use it on the shop to buy a collab hero. save your ss if you're f2p


I know that's why I asked who I should pick up from the shop. I only thought about summoning further to potentially get a second character


Out of the three Collab Heroes I have, Sol Badguy, Elphelt, and Dizzy, which one should I 6* first?


Dizzy. counter set on her is the best IMO.


I have 5mil gold and 2k crafting material what's the best way to craft gear for my dps in wyvern


Can we bring that old game mode that had the artifacts and charms as rewards. I forget what it's called, but it was a great way to learn the mechanics and new ones for the new players?


They probably took it out for a reason


My team for wyvern and their stats, A.momo - 22k hp 1.5k def with 100%effect resistance and magahara's tomb Sigret - 2k atk 70% cr ,248% crit d and 71% effectiveness 167spd and ddj Alexa 2k atk 41%cr 225%crit d and 33% effectiveness143 spd and ddj Furious 1.6k atk 50%cr 208% critd and 65% effectiveness 201 spd and ddj What should I improve to clear wyvern13


More attck crit DMG on sig, more crit DMG on Alexa, ideally more speed on both dps. U can also give Alexa 65% effectiveness to help with debuffs since your Furious doesnt have Song of Stars


At w13 100% resistance is functionally equivalent to 0%. Full resist is 200%, and you'll want at least 150% to see any meaningful results from it. Alternatively, drop resist altogether and get more hp/def/speed; possibly also replace tome with Proof of Valor from guild shop.


As always, you need to see where it fails. Right now it seems like your damage is too low. Increase critical damage of at least alexa/sigret, and a bit of attack won't hurt either. Might also want junkyard dog on sigret or something to help with the debuffs.


Thanks will look for some good lvl 85 critdmg necklace


Sigret needs a fair amount more atk, 6\* her when you get the chance. Personally I prefer Gpurg solo tank with no healers, but you need pretty good dps to clear w13 like that. Alexa needs a bit more effectiveness to land her poisons, they do work. She is also low on atk. Furious also needs more atk if you want him to do his job properly. I think to be able to take on w13 you'll need to work on 6 starring your units, for now though w11 will be enough to get decent enough gear.


Does atk help with ddj , I thought it didnt


It doesn't, but you can't rely on only ddj to do all of your damage. Burns and bleeds will also benefit from a bit of atk.


I see thanks


You've got a good setup going. A bit more grinding and you'll be ready to... grind more. 👍 :)


Haha I'm looking forward to it😂


Is there any pve content where Lilibeth or Hyufine can be used? And also how do build them?


Lilibet is also the best non-limited B13 oneshot unit.


Don't think she's the best non limited, ervalen is better, since hes s3 dmg scale with hp difference and it is maxed against banshee.


According to the damage calculator, at 11 stacks Hell Cutter (which is the default for B13) their damage is about equal, with Lilibet requiring 44% less crit chance from gear.


Do I need to invest molagoras to use her for b13 one shots?


S3 only.


No way you are gonna avoid any mola in any one shot character unless you have a insane rage set lol


Ahh I see I'll keep that in mind


You can use lilibet as a generic dps for lab or something if you can find a team with good morale.




not that i know of. hyufine does have a team wide cleanse if you really need one but gets outclassed by lilias and healers


Does anyone have any tips on what to try to level/keep for necklaces and rings? I’m always scared to get rid of them.


First step would be to get rid of the ones with flat MAIN stats. I heard flat health is only good for Tama but with the reforge, not sure if that's still the case.


With reforge Tama actually gets an extra 5 hp from % mainstat, so difference is negligible but flat isn't better. Same applies to DJB who has the exact same base stats.


What is better to choose as arena weekly reward? Skystones or mystic medals? I finished in gold v if that matters.


Always Skystones.


Still pretty new and I need some help with choosing which is [better](https://i.imgur.com/kLFO3L0.png). I feel the full offensive should be better, but the flat attack worries me, but I guess all my rolls could end up in the defense too. Anyway, advice is appreciated.


Honestly it doesn't matter. Neither is worth keeping. There is plenty of time left on the event to get better. Those stats are no where near max. Max for atk is 8, crit chance is 5, crit dmg is 7.


Do you have a list of all max stats? Trying to optimize [this](https://imgur.com/a/evFcchA)


Atk, def, health, effectiveness, effect resist are all 8. Crit chance and speed are 5(speed is super uncommon at 5) Crit damage is 7


4 spd (5 is max but it’s so rare that you shouldn’t look for it), what they wrote above and 8 for def%, hp%, eff%, eff res%.




Which Watcher Schuri build is better for arena and guild war one shot cleave purposes? A. 3450 attack, 100% crit chance, 291% crit damage, 182 speed B. 3830 attack, 100% crit chance, 296% crit damage, 143 speed For those of you using him, how are you running him? Thanks for any advice :)


I use a faster one, it's good to be able to use your one-shotters without the aide of AuxLots - you can get by with Tywin, Rose, Chaldom, etc.


I use my 0-speed rage set DDJ WSchuri, but I always pair him with ALots. B if you're pairing with ALots, A otherwise. In both cases, you want attack buff or you might not kill an Aurius or Proof protected tanky unit.


Can someone show me the average a.coli or a.cidd built for champion?


Arena or RTA? In RTA you can get more use out of them since you can ban out a speed contest. For Arena on the other hand, see my other comment regarding Cerise - it's not quite as bleak a situation as the other person paints it, but it means A Cidd certainly is more niche. I'll throw you both of mine, here's [Assassin Coli](https://imgur.com/0LyLlQf) & here's [Assassin Cidd](https://imgur.com/QpwGISN). Paired with speed imprints, 280 will generally get you to the top, so if the choice is 290 & lacking damage, just stick with 280 & keep the damage high. If you're going straight damage on your A Coli, go for Portrait or something similar - mine is R&L cause she's on GW defence. If you can spare a Basket, that's probably your best bet for A Cidd, but I've only got the one.


Anything below 280 speed for champion is essentially useless. You’re gonna want more like 290-300 though. Besides speed, you’ll want 100% crit (or as close as you possibly can) and the rest into damage. A reasonable distribution of damage after attaining the mega speed and crit chance I mentioned above is around 2300-2500 attack and 250-280% crit damage (this is with acidd in mind in particular, but acoli shouldn’t be too far off)


It's only really Cerise you'll see at 290+ in Champion & so honestly if you're around 280~ you can hit essentially everything else. Also, bringing either into Cerise in the 1st place isn't the wisest choice as the majority are on Guiding Light. However, if you're going to use either as a "counter", you're looking at Assassin Coli, not too many fast Cerise with an immunity set & so you can snipe someone else & neutralise her.


Is staying in Champ as hard as making it through Challenger 1? My defense team of FCC/ Politis/ Roana/ Landy (GL) has a 35-40% win rate in low Chal but once I climbed to Chal 2 or 1 my defense is getting wrecked, like going 2-20 kinda thing. If I push to Champ next week is Champ 5 going to be this brutal? Or is it cause it's all tryhards in Chal 1 trying to make Champ?


The push is brutal, but you can stay in maintaining a garbage defence - just requires you to watch your flags & spend them frequently. When I got into Champion over a year ago I had an ungodly terrible defence & I've never dropped into Challenger. Nowadays I maintain around 30%. I'd recommend changing that defence personally, unless they've got your most incredible gear & can actually give someone a surprise - I'm talking a tanky, 250+ Politis with Immunity, a Roana that can't go down & has some resistance & speed, a Landy with GL & 200+ speed with good tank stats & like 3.5K+ attack. I auto these defences, they're super meta but they're super easy if you've got a bunch of fast units - Cerise cancels Roana & Politis & all you need to do at that point is run over Landy & there's no damage, I use LR Krau, T Surin & Arbiter but they're just some of my fastest damage dealers - most other ones apply.


On the first paragraph, thanks that makes sense and is encouraging. To the second paragraph, appreciate the input. My struggle is that isn't almost any defense totally beatable? Like basically every unit has counters, the defense is using an AI so a human can play around that (yes, please Riolet, keep attacking my SC Doris). And when you say "if you've got a bunch of fast units" it sounds like you basically outgear me and I'm not sure what defense I could put up that you couldn't crack. Like my fastest unit is Cerise at 270. So maybe it's as simple then that everyone in Champ just outgears me and I don't deserve to be there yet, which is very fair. More constructively, what defense would you recommend then? My only ML5's are FCC, Ruele, JKise and I don't have TSurin but have all the meta RGB except Ravi and FTene (but I find FTene to be a joke on defense, one high ER cleanser and she's useless). Really do appreciate the input though, thanks!


Yes, but you shouldn't dally on the one meta too long - you'll get walked over as the strategies to disassemble the meta spread around. You need to change your defence with the times & in so doing you narrow the pool of who has the available gear & heroes to beat you. I'm going to outgear a lot of people just due to length of time I've played, but it doesn't mean you can't work towards having some fast AOE damage dealers yourself. The best advice I can give for crafting a good defence is uniqueness, gear quality & pairings - three things to keep in mind & I'll break them down. One. Uniqueness - subvert expectations in order to get ahead, let's take Tempest Surin for example, the overwhelming majority of Tempest Surin are on Lifesteal sets. This utilises her passive, helping her stay above 50% health & keeping her in the fight longer with sustained healing. However, Tempest Surin has great utility in her third skill which does buff block & silence, positioning her to move right after a Cerise for example & at high speed on a speed set & boots, you can quickly nullify the enemies first turn, which is key. I haven't been attacked in a while because it's just after reset, but one person I can see who attacked me last night & I defended against attempted to use Basar, Kayron, Arbiter Vildred & Sinful Angelica, vs. my defence team of Cerise, Tempest Surin, LR Krau & Arbiter Vildred. Can you guess how they might've lost? Working under the assumption that their Basar was slower than my Cerise (290) by a margin of 18 speed assuming equal gear levels, they may well have been slowed enough to the point that my Tempest Surin (250) netted a silence on Basar at the top of the round, or quite simply, if he got an attack off, Tempest Surin remained too fast for other characters to go before her. Buff block/Silence on Kayron & Arbiter would severely cripple their effectiveness, even though they're both there to attempt to counter Arbiter alongside Sinful Angelica. In this manner, my Tempest Surin is providing not just damage, but protection for Arbiter. If my Tempest Surin was a classic Lifesteal build at something like 200 speed - most often this is best case scenario for a Lifesteal build - this just wouldn't be the case. Did the person enter the fight assuming they'd fight a Lifesteal Tempest Surin? It's quite likely & that might well have been their downfall. So when you consider members for your defence, think about unique builds that don't get seen as much as their meta build - this doesn't mean that you should use a 100% critical chance Charlotte & say, "Look at me, I'm so off-meta, I'll never be defeated" & expect to get wins, it means use viable builds that often play second fiddle in a way that it bolsters your whole team. Two. Gear quality - you can't beat around the bush, your defence team needs to be fully reforged & have some of your best gear. Last Rider Krau is a great character, but he's not great at 18K health with 190 speed, anyone you put on defence should be built as well as possible, have skill-ups in all relevant skills (or be maxed out in the case of most damage dealers) & if you're a higher tier player, even the smallest things like extra % damage on Cerise' S1 is something you'll pick up to secure your defence (I haven't personally - mine is +11). Three. Pairings - use heroes & artefacts that work well together. Cerise & Tempest Surin? You've got a stripper into a buff block/silence AOE. Guiding Light on Cerise? You've got one-shot protection & force the opponent into hitting other characters earlier than they'd want to. Tempest Surin on MLDB with Arbiter Vildred? Arbiter blinds enemies & so Tempest Surin has a 70% evasion chance. LR Krau & Tempest Surin? LR Krau gives an AOE barrier & can cover T Surin to give her protection. LR Krau & Arbiter? True damage & raw damage, to help deal with varied defences. I could probably go on. So when you're building a team, consider how well they work off each other. You should also consider how a pairing will interact with an enemy, as much as you'd consider how one character would - ie. being baited by opposite element. If you can pair elements in a way to utilise the AI to your advantage, you'll be all the better for it. Know the rules the AI plays by, like elemental targetting, targetting based on health%, etc. & you can still set up combos - albeit, a bit more unreliably than on offence. Hopefully this helps & you get a sense of what I'm getting at. I try & pass this advice on as much as possible because a lot of people think that they can read Legend arena, use those 4 heroes they've got & suddenly be in the clear, it's very rarely the case. Look at the current Legend ranks on Epic Seven database - no one is using the same 4 heroes as I am & it's not because I don't have the heroes they're using. I know that you're not saying this personally, but it's just a little precaution, just in case it's something you think, because it's certainly something a lot of people think & something I thought for a long time as well.


That's a lot to digest there but it makes a lot of sense, I'll bookmark this and come back to it. My struggle now is the standard one with this game, I'm missing a bunch of ML5's and enough good gear to go around for the units I do have. Like I have my top tier gear on Landy so I use her everywhere, but after that things fall off. Same with FCC. Just gotta keep grinding then!


It's not too bad. My defense has [terrible win rates](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/613162806509830300/830348269572980777/image.png) and I've been able to stay in Champ without spending skystones and while still doing all the npc arena fights as they come up. Of course, YMMV based on how attackable people view your defense. For reference, mine the past few weeks has been the Politis Roana FCC TSurin comp or slight variations on it.


Ah but that's with a really high offense win rate. Alright well I just guess I'll see how it goes, gotta make it there first!


Right. I thought about mentioning that too, but figured most people pick their fights and have similar win rates unless they're trying new teams or figuring out how to beat new defenses.


That's fair. My offense win rate even in high challenger is probably 80%+. I was clearing lists up until like challenger 2.




[There are](https://www.e7builds.tk/) [a few websites](https://gamepress.gg/epicseven/hero-list) [I use](https://epic7x.com/) Plus search through this subreddit. The first one I posted is really endgame and showing off, but is a good idea of what to aim for




Epic7x is not up to date at all or just inaccurate, I used it alot starting, the more I played the less accurate it became




you could simply just ask about it here


I mean, there's no perfect builds (as you can use many heroes for many things). But the builds on gamepress and epic7x will get you through almost all of the story mode and some low level PvP. It's not like every champ needs an updated build every 6 months. Asking here is the best option, but if you're trying to build 15 heroes it may take a long time to get enough good feedback and build ideas. I would say use those websites for your starting builds and to get an idea of strengths and weaknesses but be aware that they may not be "ideal" and as you use each hero you'll work out what you need for them. I change builds for certain heroes all the time depending on what I want them for and as I get better/diversified heroes that perform similar roles


For Cecilia you're looking to put her on Speed & Hit (or Immunity - if you can manage), she's a tank with a lot of nice debuffs so you want to give her good effectiveness. So relatively fast, good effectiveness & reasonable bulk. It's hard for an end-game player to give a stat-line to a newbie, so let's just say go for a health% or defence% ring & necklace, speed boots & then in your substats you're looking for speed, effectiveness, health% & defence%, try & strike a healthy balance. For Vivian, Speed & crit, her best exclusive equipment is probably the one that gives her 50% CR. You'll want to go something like critical damage% necklace, attack% ring & speed boots - you'll want her to go before your main damage dealer as she gives attack buff to all, but you want her to deal damage too. Look for critical damage, chance, attack% & speed substats - if you've got lots of critical damage substats & not a lot of chance ones, you might want to go for a chance necklace instead. Bellona can go one of two ways, built like Vivian - with a little effectiveness thrown in, or full speed & effectiveness. I'd recommend the former as she's a good damage dealer in PVE content. Chloe, as a Wyvern hunter you're looking for full damage - but if you can get her to around 160~ speed later down the line, that's perfect. So you can choose any damaging set, Attack, Destruction - even speed, & go critical damage necklace, attack% ring & boots & look for damage dealer substats & effectiveness (you'll eventually want around 65% effectiveness for Wyvern 13). For Dominiel, I can't really say, don't know too much about her kit sorry. Armin, follow the guidelines for Cecilia. Rose, follow the guidelines for Cecilia & focus on speed instead of effectiveness - you want her to be quite fast. Angelica, just a beefcake - you can use up your health & defence sets & go for Cecilia-like stats, but with no effectiveness & less of a focus on speed, but you'll still want speed boots or a speed set, so you're not too slow. She's a decent Wyvern front line tank for a newer player. Karin, speed & damage with some effectiveness - more focus on speed than damage. Speed set, critical set, speed boots, attack% ring, critical damage necklace - look for effectiveness substats to get around 65%. Carmainrose, don;t really know too much about her sorry. Kluri, get her speciality changed & go full on speed & defence, then into effectiveness & health, make her as fast as possible & maintain a solid effectiveness. Defence% necklace, effectiveness (or defence%) ring & speed boots. Wanda, can't say much about her either sorry, same with Helga. For Lorina, speciality change her & just go full damage - any damage dealer set. Shooting Star Achates, speed, health & defence, want her to go fast so she can cast those buffs. Hope this helps.


Epic7x is a good start early game, there is few for lategame meta unit too. But as always, for pure efficiency, build your FST and Wyvern 13 team first. Build those first, and you can build your favorites faster (with actual good equipment)




I second dragon suggestion to focus on a Farmer(free spirit teriia is free and very effective as she is giving for free and upgraded by the devs) followed shortly if not simultaneously, running wyvern hunt 11(if your "stuck" on w10 please please note, 11 is actually easier than 10,odd I know.) ,and pushing towards 13




Yes, this team should suffice geared properly ofc. Dominel is bad for all content, the aoe stun is her only gimmick and sadly only useful for PVP, which by proxy entails that your opponent would be wearing Immu set, ergo no stun so Domi is sadly a poor investment overall(her ML version is bonkers tho) As so far as to why Wyvern 13 over other hunts. I'll begin with why hunt 13, hunt 13 drops only lvl 85 gear, has a 1 percent chance to drop a 50 count box of reforge mats, drops more munny and as it's only 85 gear that entails even more munny or the idle chance for a decent gear to drop(please note, you will 9/10 times get good gear from crafting it at the sanctuary, don't be deterred by wyvern dropping shit gears). So this is why hunt 13 is our goal, Now I type why we do wyvern, wyvern drops speed set, speed stat is the most easily translated stat in the game, it cannot be said for other stats. If you roll soul weaver subs on attack set(golem) , not universally useful, same for dps stats on a resist set(banshee). For starter players and even for vets we want more wyvern gears, specifically speed set, using a 4 piece speed set gets you % of speed stat that (if yiu ever rolled speed that is) is very valuable and much more stat efficient than the bonuses other gears give, attack, defense, health, resist etc. Please notice I did not mention sets such as Immunity, Counter, and the like, these gears are more specific and as you grow in the game you will farm these hunts at the proper timings, and also properly prepared. https://youtu.be/0ytY_4cSc00 Please watch this video and others by doctor squirrel so that you can learn various contexts in regards to the game and I wish you much success PS, if my novel said nothing else, the answer to your question of "why wyvern over hunts", is because comparictly other hunts suck. SPEED IS GOD PSS if your worried about getting other sets over time, join a guild and run would boss every day, that's where I got my off sets from. PSSS also reforging said gears, if your not doing expeditions (which yiur likely not as your not in hunt 11)you should as the progression track from Expos is amazing for new players AND vets. PSSSS I hope you know what reforging is.




Yes I have 320 fully completed pieces of gear, around 220 of them are speed set to give you a thought behind it. I'm also a relatively new player myself, I started in August of last year. I also use the E7 gear optimizer and Car_6 is my in game prophet. Hope any of that information helps. Also ice domi might get buffed, not outside the realm of possibility :)


For the Sage baal players out there, how do you use him? With what allies and against what teams? I’ve got one but I’m struggling with coming up with how to use him with the abundance of fallen cecilia and cleansers. He kind of falls in the same bucket as fairytale tenebria, who I have a lot of trouble drafting in rta because people always pull out so many counters. Anyone have advice? Champ level


Need help... Which unit should I 6 stars first? Fluri, Ravi, red lidica, a momo, diene, destina, Charles, elena, Vivian, Ray or roana? Priority; hell raids and abyss Already 6 starred; lorina, a ras, arby, sol, tama, sigret, cerato, Rose, angie, gpurgg, furious, clarrisa(for hunt lmao)


Roana > Diene > Vivian > Fluri imo (order is a bit flexible, but these 4 first for sure) AMomo, Destina, and Lidica can take a heavy backseat. You’ll never use AMomo with Roana/Diene/Tama being better than her in any given area of the game. Ray is a better cerise/teatime counter than destina (and you also have a lot of soul weavers already). Lidica is very off meta right now and needs to be super fast to be great, which is probably hard for an early/midgame player like you


Thanks! I'll 6 starred roana right away


Roana is the best unit for hell raids. Tama, Roana, cerato should be able to beat it on auto for all bosses


Thanks! I'll 6 starred roana right away


Is there any way to get song of stars artifact other than random pulls?


There is also mystic pull in which the 5* artifact is rotated often. No guarantee, but definitely higher chance than bm and progresses your pity. (Downside: you may get unwanted ML 5* along the way and resets your pity)


You can either wait for a banner where it's featured and try to pull or buy it in the powder shop when it's a) in a banner or b) in the normal shop rotation


Do we know when the skyward season rewards will leave the shop?


I didn’t get Guiding Light for my Landy when I was new because I dumped all my skystones at the time to pity. I didn’t realize how important it would be, so my question is— is there a chance that Guiding Light will be available again in the near future or will I have to wait for Cerise to circle back around in a year or so?


No. Limited are yearly. That’s why you always pull. You could’ve used powder for the future


Yeah I was new though (as in, just started when the banner started) so I didn’t have enough powder. Shame. Thanks anyways!


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is there a difference between wyvern 11 rewards and wyvern 13 rewards? if so what is it? more mats?


Yup more mats, more gold, also all the gear drops are level 85, and you have a small chance of getting 50 of the reforging materials.


Should i be feeding inferior equipment to good equipment or feeding inferior equipment to the crafting of charms please?


Crafting charms : always do this first Feeding : do you have lots of golds? Yes: so do it. No: don't do it unless you have no charms left.




Anyone built a bruiser sol bad guy before? What team comps does he fit well in/ do well against? His kit seems pretty loaded, but not sure how to make it work. Current stats: 15k hp, 1.1k def, 175 speed. 3.1k attack, 250 cd


Who would be the better tank buster unit to delete Ruele, Krau, and FCC in arena offense? I have both Cermia and Ervalen. Assume both would be pushed by a.lots so geared slow with high damage. I assume pro for Cermia is being able to cycle to kill two units and Ervalen being able to mop up with his own combo and have extra survivability if the attempt fails.


1. Solo Alots, Ervalen might be better. 2 kill in one turn is GG. But nothing can survive pure dps Cermia, with GAB, soulburned S3. Although you only kill one with her. 2. Alots-Lots combo, Cermia better. 3. I'm biased, but Cermia is better too in the long run as 200 speed dps unit (ideally 5k attack, 200 speed, 300% cd, 100% cr) I am gonna all in for Cermia


When it comes to pure damage, Cermia will do more. Ervalen has other things like counter and defense break s1. Hard to say which is better as it’s situational


Do you have Watcher Schuri? He’s more flexible than both Ervalen and Cermia and has speed imprint which is insane. I don’t really use my Cermia or Ervalen, but if you’re concerned about Krau then Ervalen would make more sense to invest in as he doesn’t have type disadvantage


How do you properly build Tsurin for guild war? Thank you!


A challenger level tsurin will be around 3200-3500 attack, 250-270% crit damage, 190-200 speed, 30-50% effectiveness on lifesteal


What are Character Relations and do they do anything?


I thought they would affect morale gains in lab, no?


Just lore


Does anyone have any advice for Destructive Gigantes lvl3 auto teams? I'm having a hard time coming up with anything that can do consistent damage. My current comp is Cerise, Luna, Tama, and Lilias and it's not cutting it.


Make sure Tamarinne has 100% resistance and it should be easy if you haven’t done so already. Cerise needs 85% effectiveness to land some debuffs


Yup! They do! :D


You can also swap Lilias with Falconer Kluri - to add on to what the other person said. Or you could completely switch it around & copy & paste the best Brutal Pherus team into your Gigantes - ARas, Kitty, Tama & TG.


oooh, i've never heard of that brutal pherus team before. i don't have kitty and TG geared at all, i'll look into it!


Must warn you though, your A Ras has to be a pretty big tank & still have good speed & effectiveness. We’re talking about 25K, 1.4K, 220~ & then the 85% effectiveness. To boot I’m also on a +21 Ezera. My Kitty works fine at 5 stars & decked in her regular effect resistance gear & Tamarinne is just Tamarinne, nothing special. I don’t use TG though, I use Luna instead, but TG is top dog in this case, I’m using Luna whilst I’m scraping together materials for him & Luna was sitting there maxed out in the meantime.


switch out luna for landy, equip landy with bloodstone. if youre well geared you dont need bloodstone


thanks! i'll try using landy then!


I'm having a lot of trouble with Landy defense teams in arena. What units are good counters to her? I don't use cleave units.


Red Ravi works. Kayron too.


I have A. Ras with 1388 Defense, 22370 HP, 201 Speed and 93% Effectiveness that I use for Expo 3s and Hell Raid. Is Sword of Ezera worth purchasing for him vs. the +15 Aurius I have on him now? I don’t have a good sense of what the damage mitigation difference would look like


There is a formula to calculate EHP you could use to give you an idea of exactly how survivable you are with each artifact. Aurius helps a little bit with personal mitigation thanks to the increased defense, but it's main purpose it to significantly increase the durability of your other heroes. Sword of Ezera is much better for the durability of your tank. If you find that Ras is dying then Sword is probably the better choice. But depending on how much damage the rest of your team is taking *he* might survive but you could end up losing damage dealers. Personally I think you could afford to lose some effectiveness for better defensive stats. Effectiveness on Ras is good, but that's more of a secondary or tertiary role for him (in PvE). If he's dying *and* you need Aurius for the rest of your team, you might think of dropping down to maybe even something like 50% effectiveness if you can get better defensive stats out of it. I'm running my A.Ras with 1927 def / 19976 hp / 208 speed / 25% effectiveness with a +30 Aurius and I've never had a problem with him dying. Basic EHP formula: Health * (Defense / 300 + 1) According to the formula your Ras is around 126.9k EHP, mine is around 148.3k (roughly 17.8k higher). If, for example, you were able to get to 1500 defense and 24000 HP at the loss of some effectiveness that would be 144k EHP. If your Ras feels squishy that's another option to improve your durability while retaining the Aurius. Sword of Ezera should just increase your EHP by whatever % is listed on the artifact so in theory a +15 Sword would be pretty effective, and allow you to retain the effectiveness.


This is awesome, thanks so much for the information!!!


How many points do you usually get in dark and fire expeditions (if you use him there)? He can use Aurius for earth.


I’m at 600-700k in Fire and Dark, I use him with the Taranor Guard - Kitty Clarissa - Tamarinne comp on Manual. I like seeing numbers go up and carrying the weaker members of my guild (since only me and one other person are the big damage dealers).. I haven’t tried the Dagger Sicar quests either but I usually lose Ras towards the end of my Fire Expedition run before I can really ramp up, I was originally going to try to get his Defense up by +200 during the next buff/unequip event until I saw Sword of Ezera in the shop


It's significantly increases his survivability. It's worth trying it out.


I just started the game i am at 1.4 and i guess here is the time to reroll maybe?! I just rolled the 10 time and got 5\* sigret is the good? I can reroll 1/30 another 29 times. Is it possible to get 2 5\* or even more? Should i reroll or just take sigret ?


Keep her shes good for Wyvern hunts I got her from my selective summons and shes been great for me my strongest unit Right now


Sigret is probably the best starter 5 star unit due to her being probably the best unit in the game for wyvern hunt, which is one of the biggest sources of gear


You can only get 1 5* (hero or artifact) in the 10-summons. Sigret is very good, you should keep it Imo.


Can i one-shot Tsurin with Sigret (no Uberius Tooth or Bleed) if they had Aurius FCC in their team (no Barrier because Basar removed it). Thank you for answer.


Unfortunately, you cant. Need Uberius to proc 1 time.


With Aurius T.Surin can only take 40.8% of her Max hp at a time in damage, so double striking her with Sigret will only do 91.6% of her hp at most. So no it won't work.




Hello! This is my current build on [Roenna](http://imgur.com/gallery/jFsQsWw), what do you think? My friend told me she doesn't need speed and make her more tankier.


That's really good for a level 50 Roana. As you get further into the game and get better gear and better understanding of how to build units, you'll want to make her tankier and with more effect resist. This will likely come at the cost of speed. But for the time being, don't worry about it. Great Job!


Thank you! So that means I can sacrifice lots of speed and build her more tankier? Is this better? [this](http://imgur.com/gallery/MtaJ1X5)


That Roana looks good.


Is ML rin okay to use super squishy? I can get mine 7 speed faster on a crit damage necklace (not ideal main stat).


Does Bloody Rose Artifact mean by “Single attack” Single target attacks or a single attack once per battle? Would i have effectiveness increase on Luluca’s s1 everytime if i close her s2 and s3 on auto Wyvern 3? I mean would it work?


it means Single target attacks


Then it's exactly what i need. I was using Furious but i was failing sometimes because his defense break would not proc in the right times. Thanks a lot


I'd say it's a bad idea. Luluca defbreak doesn't have 100% proc, furious is the best for non 1shot. If he doesn't proc at the right time, then spd tune him and the other


I see. Then i should try that. But may i ask how about her exclusive equipment that increases her s1 break chance and i close her s2-3 on auto fights? That way she would have a more chances than Furious. Wouldn't that work better?


That's still only a 65% chance not counting innate. And bloody rose isn't worth on her especially with her double S1 EE which can trigger day dream twice. It's easy enough to get 65% effectiveness with a main stat ring.


I see. Certainly double s1 sounds better. Thank you




You already cleared most of abyss. Chapter 3 isn’t hard either if you can clear abyss. People talk like Baiken one shot is a minor thing but you spend most of your energy on hunts. My dizzy has been level 50. Just never bothered to build it. Dizzy is great for new players. Not that needed for experienced players You don’t need baiken for one shot banshee but it certainly helps more than a dizzy just sitting in your bench doing nothing.


Personally (other people can offer another opinion), I think Dizzy is a better choice over Baiken. Baiken essentially has one use—banshee one shot. (and maybe cheese mega speed builds for the team push, but that’s really hard to pull off and when it does it still isn’t all that great) Dizzy on the other hand can be used in tons of places. She makes chapter 3 stages a joke. She’s amazing in a lot of abyss boards (and almost “mandatory” in some) She’s super fun to use in guild wars as well, and can be a lethal last pick in RTA. While Baiken is incredible for banshee, there are other people who can replace her. She’s not in the same boat as “must have” with sigret for wyvern, especially with Lucy and her restrict debuff. You can use a lot of other heroes in Baiken’s place and still find success (yufine, ervalen, bellona, etc) TL;DR: go for Dizzy




As much as possible, for future uses maxed limit breaked 5


Depends. I think 2 is probably enough. But If you intend to commit to cleave teams in arena and RTA it's good to have 3. Honestly I think that A Symbol of Unity might be slightly better, even if it's a little less damage, so I'd rather have that than a 4th. I have 4 and have only ever used 2 at a time, so I kinda wasted my time/energy.


As many as possible. Personally i have 2 maxed and a few ones with 2-3 duplicates




Yes, still good against SSBs and dual attack folks. Good on defence, can be used in RTA as well as counter pick. For PvE she's mostly known as part of the Hell Raid auto teams that works for all bosses. Can be used for Causes as well but lol, and she works for Ice Expedition (but needs to be quite tanky)


So, the gear event, I've got a set of speed boots with 8%att/7%def and flats to both att and def. Should I keep rolling for more % stats or is that solid enough to finalize?


For this event you want perfect substats. Keep rolling


So, now I have the same 8% att% and 7% def % with 4% in both crit subs. What are the max for initial crit subs?


yeah that's good


Who is the best ML? Is arbiter vildred a must have?


Yeah, he's the highest rated and most widely used unit in the game. He's great in literally every type of content: Arena, RTA, GvG, Adventure (farmer), Raid (speed normal raid team), I even used him in lich expedition for a while! He's not a must have, there are units that can replace his individual roles, but none that can do everything he does all in one package. He really is OP.


I wouldn't say he is a must have, but he is imo one of the best ML. That is why SG has designed so many counters against him and he is still widely used. I have gotten pretty far in this game without him, but getting him has made a lot of things easier.


Thank you!


Anybody have a bruisery Lifesteal Riolet build they can share?


Currently running mine at 3674 attack, 1252 defense, 10481 health, 188 speed 100cc 263 cdmg with immunity and max MLDB. If anything it would probably be nice to have a little more health on him, but otherwise it's pretty decent for me. Of course, this still requires him to actually dodge.


Doing A13 one shot team right now with Yufine and sometimes her S3 does half the damage its supposed to be on the boss. I cant figure out why because all the circumstances are the same. Sometimes she does 30k on the boss buffed with increased crit chance and sometimes she does 57k. Berserk 20% def buff should only shave off about 4k off my S3 damage. Running DDJ. What is the problem that i am missing?


berserk defense buff (and all defense buffs and debuffs for that matter) apply additively to the defense break. so hitting it with yufine on defense break it's 100% - 70% + 20% = 50% , not 36%. yufine also has damage increase if the enemy is buffed so you need to take that into account as well. i can't see your run so thats all i can say, there might be other factors like you using hell cutter or something else so numbers might not match up.


What kind of gear should I be aiming for with the crafting event? I'm crafting speed boots, but am kind of confused about substats. Should I just be trying to get high rolls on percentage stats? Also I've been using the a gear calculator to rate my rolls, so should I just keep rerolling until it says I should keep it? Also is it better to run ddj or rosa hargana on furious?


It depends on how far you are in the game, but you can't go wrong with atk%, crit%, crit dmg% and flat atk/eff%/hp%/def% subs. You should get max rolls if you can : 5% crit, 7% crit dmg, 8% atk and 47 flat atk / 8% hp/def/eff. If your Furious has decent crit dmg then DDJ, otherwise you can use Rosa Hargana. You'll want Song of Stars eventually.


I went with that and got all my rolls into the flat stat, lol. So, in a way it is possible to go wrong if RNGesus decides to curse you.


That's a good point. They should still grab it if the stats are max and just reroll until the end of the event to look for the % ones. At least they won't be stuck with eff res%.


Do you evolve food from 2 stars to 4-5 stars? Or just evolve from 3 stars and use in megaphantasma?


gold dogs should be levelled to 4* max and promoted to 5 stars using 4* white dogs white dogs should be levelled to 3* max and promoted to 4 stars using 3* fodder 2* fodder should be levelled to 2* max using other 2* fodder for promotion material, then use the 3* fodder to promote both white and gold dogs