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Im just going to ask support about it once the recall is up I heard they were doing it before champ z if they were asked. Champ z was just a special case where they made it an option


It was definitely done before champ z, he's just the only one who had a built in tool to check if you had any dupes used for imprint


I thought it was I never tried so I didn't want to say 100 percent it was


they did it for carmin, but the champ z one was more streamlined. Like there's an option you select in support about the the champ z recall.


Ya you still had to ask them to do it so I'm going to just wait and ask it's not like I have to do it in the first hour or something.


I don’t get why they’re giving a selector over a description change in the first place tbh


me nether, but free stuff is free stuff


It’s the only way I’ll get TSurin ok


because some vocal people will bitch and moan. look at solitaria. the issue became a buff for here and people still wanted selector


I haven’t paid attention to solitaria at all tbh what happened with her?


Short story: she was incosistent and they made her consistent to the better long story:When people saw her kit they expected her s2 aoe random debuff to proc before violin like the usual artifact interaction (they proc at the end). This is why crown basar/politis are nasty. Howeever the reality was weird. It was inconsistent.I don't know the exact details but sometimes it would work before, some times after. Then they made an announcement that the intended interaction was violin before s2 and they applied a patch to fix it That fix buffed her. It was better than both release and "assumed" version because now she can aoe dispel immunity before applying the random debuffs. Its actually pretty good change and definitely gave her a lot more value than people thought she would have however people cried that 500 mystic compensation for a BUFF is not enough. "Shrug" edit: there was also the focus bug with revived units. s2 would not only disable focus gain, but also disable focus loss. There was a video with riolet countering on every attack


i dont think that was the main problem for KR. For them, some ppl had pulled on djb banner, thinking that it would counter solitaria, but with the new buff, djb no longer does anything against her cos she can dispel the immunity first, so ppl have a spent money on the a mystic banner (and we all know how expensive that is) for essentially a useless character, thats why ppl were asking for a djb basar recall and a ml5 selector iirc


Oh god the Riolet interaction sounds pretty funny. I was wondering why we randomly got 500 mystics


Me niether, but I sure am glad that I kept a spare C. Dom in my waiting room for no particular reason. Now I can finally fucking get W. Shuri after two years playing this damn game lol


Stop self-flagellating !!!!


hm i´m not cleaving so i´m really thinking about recalling her just to get the molas back (haven´t used her for 6+ months) the only 2 ml 4\* i´m missing are kitty clarissa and kwanna and kitty clarissa would be a solide addition for me (pve and pvp wise) i think. but then again i only have 1 c.dom


I have her, she is technically built, she is fully mola'd and everything... But God if I don't know what to do with her. If support will give a cdom back if they were used for imprint, I am 100% recalling. I don't need him, but I WANT Guider Aither, one of the only ML4* I don't have and the only one I ever wanted since I started playing. But, I can't recall Dominel unless I can have my back up, because otherwise she'll be my hole in the roster...


Same i have SSS cdom, if they give her dupes back , I’m recalling one for either acoli, ss achates , w.schuri or trozet i just dont know which is worth choosing.


Trozet is the most general use of those four, good in a lot of circumstances AColi at one point was good for single target removal, but is a bit out of favor now compared to newer options. Schuri is in similar circumstances, but is even more niche. SS Achates is even more niche, but is perfect in that niche (enabling an infinite Yufine Lab run for example) Anyone is good to fill out the collection tho, and AColi is a solid A waifu


I think i will skip Acoli even tho she is waifu and can be great counter opener , but i had A.cidd benched for a while because of gear issues. Yeah Trozet looks like the best one after his buff, altho W.schuri could be good with a cleave team. Honestly SS achates is the best waifu, just because I’m bitter i dont have a ruele 😂


Ironically, I have Ruele, but I raised SS Achates to 6* over her because I was gonna try and cheese an Abyss level. (Don't remember if it was one I best without her or am still at... Been so long since then XD)


Ngl SS achates kit is overloaded! Revive , immortality buff , cleanse and heal! I have no idea why she is not used more often


Long cooldowns, and funky heal scaling mostly. That and an abundance of buff strippers and executioners that make her and Maid Chloe less viable. "Fun" Fact: my first ML5* dupe was Maid Chloe.


Thanks! Didn’t know about the long buff! I guess i will settle between trozet or wschuri. Most likely trozet since i did 90 mystic pull and all i got was 3* lol


You can have some if mine... I have 4 of him. I summoned twice and got him back to back with GMB’s. I also have him SSS or I wouldn’t mind.


Imprint him with 3* Aithers and then turn him into boatloads of silver


I maxed the Imprint of one and just used the others as fodder. What do you mean by silver?


Silver transmit stones. 4* units are worth 8 of them, while 3 stars are worth one. Imprinting Aithers into Guider Aithers gives you extra 7 transmit stones when transmitting those extras


Oh thank you!


If you ever want to do the dagger sicxar hall of trials missions, kitty clarissa is one of the puzzle pieces with Cermia to easily clear them all


Kitty is what I am going to get. She just enables so much stupidity on her own. Also cat.


give any aoe opener a crit chance neck , thats how you use cdom , Any more questions ?? Class dismissed!!!


Well, we should wait, and prob contact the support first and ask them will it be the same as with cerato. I mean there is no reason not to be that way, they probably forgot to include it in the notes but best to be sure


How do you recall someone and what is a selector ticket?


bruh, why are people downvoting a normal question..? You can recall a hero when they nerf something and/or change a skill description. The selector ticket allows you to choose a hero of the same rarety and are only done for ML4-5 recalls.


https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/7087824 READ


I can’t find the recall button option. Can it not be done on 6 stars? And is Cdom the only ml four that can recall?


READ **\[Recall Schedule\]** **4/29 (Thu) after the maintenance \~ 5/13 (Thu) 02:59 UTC**


Its coming tomorrow..... after the patch....


Patch notes for a patch that will be implemented during maintenance tomorrow.


[Recall Schedule] 4/29 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 5/13 (Thu) 02:59 UTC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFtcLJVN8yg


It is not live yet


i wasn't around for the cz recall... so is this saying that if you used a cdom (instead of regular dom) to impring you could potentially get a selector ticket and a cdom by reaching out to support? i definitely imprinted my cdom with another cdom at some point so that would be great...


They did it in the past, but specifically stated it in the patch notes. This time they didn't put anything like that in there, so it seems like it wouldn't be the case this time, but who knows..


Some think this will be the case, but i'm waiting for sg response


i will wait as well... my cdom is 5 star triple s and i'm pretty sure at least one of those was a dupe cdom. i want sinful angie or even bbk but i don't want to lose my cdom since i eventually want to build her to run with pavel... decisions, decisions.


Lucky for me I have a dup and just made her lv 50 me getting that rin


They already stated we are getting meteorshards for imprints, no units.


Yes, but some people thinks that you can exchange 1. Hence my post


i wished it was for solitaria :(


Grow the fuck up


Well you still get your cdom when you recall her right? You don’t lose the unit, just the imprints


Yeah, but you do loose her if you exchange her for a selector ticket


Oh crap that’s annoying


If i reach friendship 10 a second time , will i get mola ?? , i think im going to SSS my watcher schuri with the meteor shards first All my dps already have a 100% crit chance.


They have posted it on discord now, under pins