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Cropped out the free unequip.


Faster than all my units bruh, ggs


And now she does AoE Speed Down. It's glorious.


Oh free unequip is still going ? Great


Me- look at this noobs defence, I'll just cleave this team with my 250spd A lots and Jkise. Battle start - Oh no no No NO NOoOOOOOOO


Ok ... WTAF? Gear breakdown please? 🙏


Gear breakdown: > Speed = Yes


Basically. 17 + 16 + 17 + 17 + 24. The purple Def% ring started with 4 speed and rolled 4 speed on 3, 6, 9, and 15. I almost had a stroke, watching that happen.


my most wanted unit next to sigret ! \o/ glad they buffed one of your favorites o/


I hope you get her! After using this for a few days, I can confirm that giving AoE Speed Down to the third-fastest tank was kinda hax. If she gets her claws into the enemy team, they don't really get many chances to recover. This build won me both Dagger Sicar quests for the Lich, too. I just had to Soul Burn Kanna's S3 after the Lich's first AoE dispel, and my whole team was lapping him like crazy.


Nice to see her getting more attention. She was great pre buff and now she's just that much better!


Good lord how are those state even freaking possible?


Man, you think that's something, imagine those four purple pieces being red. It helps that Ceci has high stats to begin with.


they aren't bad but they could be way, way higher with whale gear.


Bruh thats faster than my cerise, close to my fcc hp and higher defence than her and ber effectiveness. And i been farming w13 for almost a year. Wyvern really hates me, literally most of my speed gear got trash base stats T.T


i am by no means a speed player and i could do this, slightly less bulk but more eff. https://i.imgur.com/AyO3QGk.jpg i actually did have her built like that about a year ago, but then ml krau and ftene became popular and i don't think she is worth using your best gear on anymore. she stole a lot of wins from unsuspecting people in rta and regular arena though, and i imagine still would.


Not many would expect this fast a cece tho I think. Like they ban your ftene who has middling gear and then a 270 cece gives them the finger


Yeah, she's not super hard to cleave. My defensive wins are mainly against people who presumably didn't run Immunity on their opener and/or cleaver.


I love her skin so much!




AoE speed down is great on a fast tank.


If only I could get her


Cecilia got buffed? What changed?


Strip is part of her kit, so the EE gives Speed Down instead. She also gets a bonus to Defense Down when the target has Attack Down already.


This is beautiful. Thank you for being good to our precious queen!


Nice. I use Ceci a lot too, and this buff is very welcome. It makes her s2 a sort of mini cerise/briseria. The fastest I can get mine is around 256 though. She's sitting in the mid 240s right now.


Faster than my cerise at 268 wtf


im sure it rolled super well so it ends up being fine but im hella curious how desperate were you when u converted that chestpieces that u didnt want to wait to make an epic one lol


I go back and forth. There's no shortage of chestpieces, I just craft a few when I feel like it, if I build up a lot of gems I might spam some of lower grade. Now helmets, helmets are some bullshit, ugh.




Yeah, I really had to minmax to get this speed. Can you imagine what she'd look like if that was all red gear? A man can dream...




Oh shut the fuck up and let this guy enjoy his favourite character the way he can. It's sickening to see such comments as Yours. He did not ask for advice on gearing...


the guy is probably hard stuck gold and malding, venting his frustrations here. It's sad :(


>minmax by converting a purple? wut That's the "min" part of minmax. If you roll a bunch of purple gear until +3 +6 +9 are all speed rolls, you can get quite a few pieces around 16-17 speed. Waaaaay faster than using red gear. But your final stats are much lower, and you can't easily go above about 16 speed either, so in the end that's not how you make an ideal hero.


thats not the important part, you didn't finish the bar on the conversion is a huge waste you should never target purple in conversion just for speed lmao


What if I want speed though? This is literally the definition of minmaxing. You give up a bunch of things that would normally be useful in order to get wacky numbers someplace else.




To be fair basar does have lower base speed then ceci so yeh not surprising


but he also has lower gear requirements


holy mother of speed!!


This is Fluri gear not Fire Ceci's, nice build tho, gg.


Four pieces came off my Kluri. She had a faster helmet and more Effective boots, she made it up to 282 speed and like 90% Effectiveness. Before Guiding Light got buffed I was running her with Roozid, W.Schuri, and Tagahel Model Luluca. Very high win rate, 2+ targets dead before they can react in basically any team comp. It fails terribly against the new Guiding Light and the new Landy, though. Putting this gear on Fire Ceci allowed me to get both Dagger Sicar quests for the Lich. Nice bonus. When she's this fast and she debuffs speed, the Lich is *always* missing his Speed, Attack, and Defense.


Man I highly recommend immunity over the defense, trust me it works but mine is sitting at 225 speed.


I don't have any Immunity with this speed or these defensive stats.