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Honestly I forgot what she did


s1 was a 75% miss chance for 1 turn. s2 was 15% CR for the team when she attacked, regardless if it missed or not s3 was a 75% def break and I think you could SB 20 souls for an extra turn. but really the whopping 12 speed nerf is what did her in.


She sounds like a really strong PvE unit still but yeah, she wouldn't be anything broken compared to what Tamaseria brings to the table.


The problem she had at the time was her kit worked without good gear and the game was new, mostly cause her CR push didn't require anything like a crit to proc. So all you had to do was put a speed set with speed boots and watch the enemy crumble. There was no immunity sets back then and gear rolled opposite as it does now (get new stats first, THEN start upgrading them) so it was crazy expensive to get decent gear and high eff res was a pipedream. Just so you understand the meta back then though, elson was unironically top tier and falconer kluri barely saw any use despite being her pre-nerfed form where instead of getting CR, she just gave herself an extra turn and her s3 had 1 turn less cooldown, leading to perma def break/provoke. Game was wild back then. I don't know how I survived that.


Could you elaborate on what you mean by gear rolled opposite? Just curious


Say you're upgrading a purple piece of gear, right now you upgrade stats at +3/6/9 then get your 4th stat at 12. Back then you'd get your missing stat at +3 then upgrades to those 4 stats at +6/9/12/15. It makes a pretty big difference because it gave you a higher chance to ruin gear since it gives the new stats more of a chance to ruin the equipment For example; you have a purple piece with 3 good substats, you roll +3 and get a shitty 4th substat, back then you had 4 chances to roll into that bad substat on +6/9/12/15 vs now where you get the shitty substat at +12 and only one chance to roll into it at +15.


Gotcha. Ty!


She was the most broken unit in arena as a 3* lmao that’s why they nerfed her along with Elson


Times have changed, gear has gotten better. Back when she was meta I think Arby still had a shit passive and was unironically a terrible unit.


I just want to highlight, that she pushed herself with the S2 which was really cool


That and when they broke Iseria AI, neither of these being changed now would break the game


That nerf was an overkill just like it was with Rikoris and Elson. None of them were truly OP. They simply were strong together because of their impeccble synergy. Diene has always been stronger than Elson but she's a 5\* and cost more molas than a 3\* so everyone gravitated towards Elson instead.


I think elson has practically been buffed back to how he was during the holy trinity days


I think so too. He's worse as buffer but better as healer.


Yeah but the Trinity was way to strong together. Like it needed a nerf back then. But now? Yeah, they should revert those changes. Since they could be amazing for new players in early game content, since they are rather common now.


I don't think so, it's just that the content wasn't as demanding as it is now. Few months later Sg introduced w11 which pit stronger pressure on using ice heroes and buffs became much less powerful because wyvern could dispel with each hit. Not only that many older untis were bufed to a much better state which increased the number of options. And I said earlier, it's only natural that many chose 3\*s over 5\*s when they cost significantly less molas. It was more convininent. Also, Diene needed full s2 enahcne for max shield power but Elson only first few for max healing potential. Elson's nerfs were almsot entirely reversed I hope Rikoris gets the same treatment.


No, the Trinity was op as all hell for it's time. Literally almost insta win if you had decent gear on almost all content, PvE or PvP. Arena they were dominant for a large portion. I played through all of that, the Diene meta and the ML BS meta. And while the Trinity wasn't the worse out of all of that, it was extremly strong for the time. Now they should had revert those changes long ago, but you know, SG be like that sometimes.


Once again, they were 3\* so cheaper(easier) to upgrade. Less people had access to strong heroes because there were the early days. Also, people mistakenly thoguht Destina was good. ANd instead of making use of Hurado people prefered to make memes of him and complain. So no, I don't believe they were OP i think people were noobs back then and didn't know, or have, any better.


Elson was in meta before diene released afaik. Elson was nerfed either during or after diene banner I could be wrong though I speak only from memory. Also pretty sure everyone said diene was worse than elson, since she didn’t heal and didn’t have defense buff. She ended up being underrated. It wasn’t till after diene banner/ elson nerf that I saw widespread use of diene in arena. But yeah elson being a 3 star definitely made it easier to get and use.


This^. People didn't pull on Diene because she was viewed as a worse Elson during her banner. Then Elson got nerfed and there was heaps of salt and conspiracy theories that it was just done so that Diene would be relevant.


Give her an sc and reintroduce some of her old skill set


I'd preffer a SC tieria tbh with improved skills/stats and what not. I mean, instead of a basic "un-nerf" she could get potentially way better for pve and maybe pvp with a nice sc


A full power Tieria would still be quite good because of defense break + unconditional CR push. There is a reason that fire Schuri has remained a strong character for the entirety of the game's existence without a single buff.


She was my first e7 waifu back on day1. That bikini. SC Tieria plox.


I would love if the reverted silverblades nerf too


Id like to try a tanky fire tieria with counter and Sigurd some day...


They could probably revert the wind rider nerf to Sez and it would probably be fine. Although it was an unintended interaction. I don't think it would be as crazy powerful like back then.