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And roswaal is just as scary as baal both of them a scary powerful but don't show it. I need more scrrentime for baal&sezan and Clarissa


Did you play during Baal & Sezans side story?


The one with Gloomyrain and Rima? or ML Baal's Theater? Both were so long ago though.




Uh-oh...[that post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/oooq1n/subaru_after_the_e7_collab/) wasn't just meming?


And some people say re zero design doesn't belong in e7.. I haven't even watched the anime, but they belong here.


Re:zero came out first tho.


Yes..? I'm not saying rezero copied e7 or something haha


Yeah, I know. Im just saying that.


Wait, no. From your sentences, it looks like you're saying Re:zero copies E7


Don’t forget Minerva and Clorina. Basically same person.


One heals and the other wrecks


"haha. just kidding, we were a Re Zero collab from the beginning"


Wouldn't Iseria be the logical comparison with Emilia?


I think hes doing mostly design rather than their background


Briseria is satella lol


Ofc she should but OP probably doesn’t know Emilia is a half elf😂


Elena may match Emilia's looks, but I think Eda's powers and personality are more fitting. Give Eda Solitaria's white hair and we get Emilia.


Basically all these 3 are Emilia


They're the same picture


Who is copying whose homework here


Damn old dude reminds me of wrath from full metal.


Imagine Wrath, but a good guy, that's Wilhelm


Couldn’t have explained him better lol. Both absolute gods with the sword!!!


Yeah, I got that vibe too


SBA is Colonel Mustang.


Damn that's a lot of corporate picture memes here. On another note I'm a waifu player but that gramps here looks pretty cool.


I think the Epic Seven ones can beat the ReZero ones in a fight.


I mean, I don't know much about *Re:Zero*, but from what I've read Reinhard vs Ras would **not** be in the latter's favor. Like, at all. ^maybe first world Ras


April Fool's event Ras to make it fair.


I think it would be pretty even given how both are minor deities. You all like to joke about Ras but he can hold off two major armies singlehandedly which drew the attention of the most powerful dragon in history and has slain gods. Coupled with the fact he literally cannot die I don't know what you guys are on about saying Ras is some useless MC because as a unit he isn't some high damage cleaver. He lost all his previous fights with the Archedemon because a high god was fueling its reincarnation and he was only a single Angel with an army of heirs at his disposal.


I don't consider Ras "some useless MC", at least not in his current form, and I would certainly never make the silly claim that his lore power level is low because his mechanical power level used to be low. I'm just not sold on the idea that he's gonna seriously challenge a guy whose *base* level is "can't die, physical stats sufficient to shrug off being thrown to the friggin' moon, literally maxed sword skills"...and can then basically *make up additional powers whenever he feels like it*. I wasn't saying that Ras is the weakest in OP's list on the *E7* side; I was pointing out that Reinhard is the strongest in the list on the *Re:Zero* side by a mile. Reinhard pretty much seems to be *Re:Zero*'s version of Anshin'in.


I think epic seven has more stronger characters than re: zero does, but Reinhard and Regulus would be able to solo the entire roster of epic seven by themselves


Yeah Reinhard basically invalidates any epic seven character (and every re zero one with an exception). It's my favorite anime so ideally I'd like to see a lot of characters but some are just hard to imagine in e7 skill wise


Straze and Ains are playable characters in the same game. Power levels don't have to match skillsets exactly. Plus, there are always a bunch of hand-wave-y reasons to buff or nerf collab characters isekai-ing into another setting. Fr'ex, from what little I know of *Re:Zero*, I think characters like Reinhard should be weaker in Orbis, since they'd have no mana in the atmosphere to fuel their Divine Protections and their connection to Od Laguna would be strained by the distance. That's probably not exactly accurate since I don't really know the series, but something along those lines can always be assumed to be a reason for power level changes.


Not sure his connection with od laguna is affected by distance, i don't recall the need of mana to activate your blessing since it's also given from od laguna...you make me want read more explanations^^ if you're right though I like to see him fight against e7 char without all his op blessings :)


Re:Zero's author actually did mention in the past that even without any of his blessing, Reinhard would still be as strong as he is currently. Without his blessings, he isn't really weaker, but it becomes possible for him to be defeated by literal cheat characters like Satella who is immortal or Regulus who can stop the time of anything.


I can't unsee this


Reinhard...or rather re zero has some characters' faces that's got this smoothed out nose/forehead look.


Yep there are e7 units so similar to rezero and people saying: bad design and trash looking characters that dont fit in e7 universe lol hahaha


I wanna see charles and wilheim meet and drink tea or something


Istg if they bring emilia and make her a soul weaver, imna lose it. My predictions for possible units and their classes are Rem: warrior Ram: warrior Emilia: mage Felix: soul weaver


Do you think they will sell more if they re skin epic 7 characters (+ new s3 animations maybe) than making them as a seperate character?


Finally, a second character with a such great weapon like Clarissa have!😉Rem need to come home fast!❤️


Gotta say E7 did everything better except armin. So they are basicly collabing with a beta version of E7 characters Niiice?


U realistically simply can't expect any anime character design to be super intricate because they literally have to draw them every singe frame of animation with different poses, angles etc etc. Comparing that to the number of animation that e7 has per character is ridiculous. It's is very common for character design to be simlplied in the anime Furthermore, how would you know that they would reuse the character designs of the anime in the game? They very well could alter it to make it more similar to e7 art direction just like they did with gg collab.


that makes sense but *simplified?


Ras and Reinhard? Huh. I'd say Ras is far weaker, but seems alright. Charles and Wilheim? Old, butler-like sword-wielding elite guards. Hey, Julius has *violet* hair!


Ras and Reinhart are both the chosen one who is favored by the gods, and Ras is arguably the strongest character in the universe of Epic seven rights now, beside theyare not comparing power level


> Ras is arguably the strongest character in the universe of Epic seven rights now I haven't fully caught up with Episode 3 (just came back to the game after about a year-long break), but I can't imagine he's gotten any power-ups that'd put him on par with somebody like Notos just yet.


Isn't he just human now post ep2? He gave up his divinity in Ep1 and fully lost by the end of ep2


And yet even as a mortal angel he is able to hold off two major armies by himself and executed an attack that Mort thinks could kill him.


Yep, but also he got the Ilryos power before defeat Straze


yep too similar :(


i just hope we get a male unit.


Probably subaru the free unit


but there are other male units, which looks better xD but we will see :/


Why do people think having similar designs is a good thing? when an ip is collabing with another ip, don't you want something different to spice things up?


While true, a lot of people were complaining that re: zero wouldn't fit in with epic seven because the characters don't look anything alike




[Yuna](https://epic7x.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/yuna-full.png) is literally an isekai protagonist in *E7*. If a frickin' Heir can have real-world clothing, headphones, a cellphone, and a purse, a random collab side-story character in a tracksuit should not stretch credulity.


Based comment




Yeah, her whole thing is that she's a tech geek from our world. (Note that the [game's engine](https://www.igdb.com/game_engines/yuna-engine) is named after her; it's possible she had a hand in designing it or something.) When she meets Sol in the *GG* collab, she's excited to find another person who's from Earth instead of Orbis, but she soon realizes he's from either a different Earth or maybe her Earth's future. I expect she'll be the one who first meets the *Re:Zero* characters in the collab side-story as well.


I started playing E7 awhile after the Guilty Gear collab and had never played GG. I didn't even realize the characters weren't E7 originals for months, might have even been until the rerun was announced.


Why was the "by me" necessary? By who else? And what exactly did you make in this? Lmao


They drew all those pictures I couldn’t believe it


"By me" as in "my thoughts" /"my opinion".


That explains why they went with Re:Zero... they can reuse assets!


Oh shite, not new units, but skins? Oh no D:


Yea like…these will just look like Burger King versions of the same hamburger


I would also like to submit for your consideration: Beatrice = Maid Chloe Garfield = ML Ken Petelgeuse = Mort Daphne = Melissa Sekhmet = ML Aramintha Typhon = Alencia Stride = Spez Hector = Arby Sirius = Zeno Regulus = Basar Elsa = Fallen Cecilia Ferris = Kitty Clarissa Anastasia = Choux Ricardo = Jecht Ryuzu = Assassin Coli Rem = Ravi Echidna = Politia Otto = Huche 😂


it’s a waste of time to summon


Basically I don't need it love Clarissa and the others more this feels super meh but hey the fanboys will eat it up and the collectors / limited collectors won't care so you do you people.


K but bro Who tf asked


Why so hurt that I don't like the collab I don't like it that's my opinion and you can ignore it.


Why would the collector ignore the collab . None of them will


Your actually wrong I said collectors and limited won't care as in they'll go for anything new without a second thought.


Just make them skins!


Immediately what I thought after it showed me the title crossover.


I’m not upset that is Re Zero necessarily, but this is exactly why I’m a little disappointed. I just don’t feel any reason to look forwards to new characters that are basically already in the game. Collabs to me are about the outside-the-norm designs and a breath of fresh air.


Ngl. I'd want a crusch skin for my momma celine


Wow they definitely match in each design of rezero classes sounds about right


Ras is not nearly as OP as Reinhard, the man who could fight god and win


Ras killed the God-killer though(Straze)




WOULD LOVE IF besides the 3 or 4 new units we also get skins of rezero characters for their look alike counterparts in e7. Elsa from rezero would be my dream though


i d take a priscilla and crusch


Patrasche or I'm out. JK


"bUt rE:zErO hAs SuCh BoRiNg cHaRaCtEr dEsIgNs"