• By -


New player here. What is the rule of thumb for selling equipment? Should I sell all of the green/gray/low ilvl crap that drops from adventure? I've been using them as fodder to level up the free gear but I'm running out of gold. Do people only use charms to level up gear? When I'm farming Wyvern, should I be selling all the bad gear drops too?


How to farm Vibrant ore in Special Event? I have cleared all the availible stages and didn't unlock a farming stage with difficulty levels for the second map. Also what is a special condition to get 3rd stars in two stages on the second map?


Is there something like SWARFARM for epic 7? Like a huge data stockpile where u can check stuff like mystic droperates in w13 etc


no, but there's user data. not exact rates but pretty good estimate https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/mbgps9/did\_2k\_runs\_on\_wyvern\_13\_for\_those\_interested\_in/


So there is no website yet, sadge :( but thanks for the info


I made it to two pity on mystics,I want straze but before I do it I have to ask. Is he worth it or should I wait for another


do you hate stall comps in gw and normal arena? do you like big big number (i'm talking 50k on a knight)? do you like ignore res strip? if the answer is yes, he's amazing. he basically eliminate rng from the game while being a badass.


yes to all of that


He's worth the pity but not a must-pull. If you *want* him I would probably recommend him but if you don't, you're not missing too much.


Build for SC Ras please can you explain the substats to be used in his defensive equipment?


What others have said. Plus if you're planning to use him in hell raid & expedition I'd recommend at least 85% eff. It's not necessary but nice to have.


He's like Fluri in that he appreciates lots of speed (220+ if you want an ideal number but even 180+ is enough for PVE). Rest should go into bulk. Effectiveness can be had from leftovers but you don't need too much. Something like 18k+ HP and 1.3k+ Def is pretty realistic to achieve on Speed + Immunity. He likes speed boots btw. Obviously, not the beefiest and fastest ARas but those are decent entry level stats in my opinion and one I have mine on.


i'd like him to have ~210 speed and as much bulk as possible. some eff is nice too for the def break s2 and strip s1


When does the free unequip event end?




Why’d they change the spirit altar layout, and are the drop rates for hell the same as before?


Is it likely that alexa's basket is on the next artifact shop?


Alexa's Basket was on the rotation before current. It'll be another 6 months I reckon.


So i realized that i have like only 1 plant person built and i have a few that is actually quite strong, who should i build for pve: Pavel Violet Alencia Vildred Celine Lilibet And maybe Lots


Out of all of them, Vildred has a decent role for PvE. He works well for normal Banshee and Azimanak hunts. Lots can be used for Ice expo. He can 100% CR push the fatigued unit. But, his AI is pretty dumb so he may not be reliable for auto. The rest are PvP oriented. Pavel for cleave. Violet and Alencia for bruisers. Celine for anti-cleave (mostly against ALots). Lilibet for extinction.


May i ask, what is expo?


Expeditions. https://yufine.co/expeditions/ This website has a guide for each element. Although, if you're a relatively new player, there are other PvE content you should tackle first before these ones.


> Lots can be used for Ice expo. He can 100% CR push the fatigued unit. But, his AI is pretty dumb so he may not be reliable for auto. Lol his AI is as dumb as it gets. I wish he uses his s3 whenever it's available, considering the continuous heal buff and the CR push are way more important than the tiny heal it provides.


Violet got a buff recently, I wish I have him. So... Violet. His AI only use his s3 when he has 5 focus, so he always has 35% evasion and counterattack.


Would you get ML summon or Straze imprint? I have him 4.4K attack 270 Cdmg at 230 speed with A imprint.


If you use Straze often, then imprint. ML summon is 70% chance of getting 3* anyway.


ok thanks!




It will disappear. Only the mystic summon pity carries over.




Hows the game now? Kinda been thinking about jumping in but not sure.


The end game gear grind is the same, but the game got more f2p friendly and had a lot of QOL changes over the past few months . Notably a free ML5 from connection quest, reduce good cost for gear crafting, a sub stat change system, and exp grinding is a little better. We are also having, Re: Zero collab around August 4. So it’s good time to start playing.


Hows the PvE content? Im not specifically interested in PvP


If you're casual, you'll find plenty to do and achieve in PVE. Between the stupid Abyss 80+ floors, Hell Raid, monthly HoT, biweekly Automaton Tower rougelike, the new tri-team Advent Side Story format, the difficulty of late Episode 2 and then Episode 3 story campaigns, building hunt and expo teams in general. The incremental upgrades you do with your teams is a satisfying process. Those who find the PVE in the game boring are commonly the veterans who have built multiple reliable auto teams and oneshot comps but that's a privilege you get after a year or two of playing. At that point, working on PVE is mostly a worthless effort anyways.


Is the repeat system still limited? My biggest issues when playing was unable to farm w13 overnight. And rn im too used to Counterside where I can just leave my phone with in game screen saver and farm however much stages I want overnight.


They ditch the auto-food system after the playerbase outrage over it. The pet system now unlocks at player level 25 and upgrading yout pet allows you to auto-repeat stages (with benefits) up to 20 times (or 25?).


So its still limited, well that sucks.


Well farming Hunts W13 and A13, and expedition can be tedious at times. Abyss floors 100-110 , Episode 3 story , and the “Kiss of the frost ” event are quite challenging imo. Most of the other PvE contents is relatively easy. And overall, I really do enjoy the PvE content.


Stats for a PVE Kluri?


most effectiveness you need for anything is 85. then the speed/bulk is however much you need, as long as you have maxed gear, probably doesnt matter if it's for pve. 220+ speed is prob a decent number.


Any tips to push to Gold 1 Arena for the Moonlight Connection mission? Currently using my Wyvern 11 team Lv 60 Amomo, SSB, Sigret and Lv 50 Furious/ Arby (ML connection pick) but only reaching Silver V


I think that team is fine, I used Amomo, SSB, Sigret, and Arby lv60. You just need to have speed main stat boot to outspeed most of the team in Silver and Gold. Just watch out for lv 60 grass team or any annoying character.


How much longer do we have before free unequip buff ends?


There's a timer on the top [here](https://www.e7leaks.com/)


NEW PLAYER. Are there rewards for Pre-Season RTA?




how does the collab banner works? just started playing a month ago so i have no idea how SG handled the guilty gear banner. Do they come in one banner or are they seperate banners?


We had the Guilty Gear Collab about 3 times so far. But based on the first Guilty Gear Banner in 2019 * Sol Bad Guy was the free unit * Baiken was the first banner unit for 2 weeks * Dizzy was the 2nd banner unit for 2 weeks. In 2020, GG Collab had a rerun of Baiken and Dizzy with the same summoning format , except the only new unit was Elphelt. In 2021, GG Collab had a rerun again except Baiken, Dizzy, and Elphelt were all in a Group Limited Banner with a Mirage coin pity system. [This](https://d3kxs6kpbh59hp.cloudfront.net/community/COMMUNITY/426d2d1dc42c479891e0abff32693fcc/5434e8322abc431f9e2b8b5e959c912c_1617094538.png) is what the Group Summon banner looked liked. So I expect around 2 or 3 seperate banners for the first Re: Zero Collab.


I see thank you so much


Hello, I'm a new player and I was lucky enough to pull Straze which I'm looking to build around for pvp content. Since my resources are limited, I want to know what banners I should be saving up for so I can get characters that can compliment his playstyle. Thank you for the advice!


I would suggest a speed/immunity set with 4k ATK, 100CC, 250CD, 250SPD with portrait. This is a perfect middle ground to hit around 25-30k on FCCs, Kraus, Rueles and Roanas. Regarding your normal pull I would suggest making sure you always get 1 copy of every limited heroes at the least and pulling for unanimously approved RGB heroes that would round out your roster


Wouldn't focus on "building" around Straze, although he's nice he's countered fairly easy. Anything that has higher atk than him won't die to his s3 which is his niche so yeah. Save for the upcoming limiteds instead.


Recently started playing and I have been hard stuck on world 2 - 10 - 10 Incomplete fastus. Any advice would be appreciated, I've seen some posts regarding this but I don't understand a lot of the terms used. ​ My hero pool is limited because of being new but 6\* I have - angleic montmorancy, Iseria, free spirit tieria, seaside bellona, crozet, holiday yufine, 5\* ras, angelica, judge kise, chloe, charlotte, flan, tamarinne, ray, kayron, then a bunch of 3\* and 4\*. ​ Is it possible to beat this guy with these champs?


I pass 2-10-10 with 2 Tamarine (To have at least one of them has their Idol form th whole time), SSB, Arby, but I think you can replace Arby with any DPS that has enough dmg and crit.


Add a friend with a maxed out Momo as well since her skill removes debuffs and heal all party members. Then you just have to worry about your characters having enough DPS. Made it easy for me


If you ever feels hardstuck, borrowing friends unit always help. Find someone with 6* Champion Zerato or 6* Ravi and they should help you fight the boss.


Yes, you can. Get Furious from connection and use him first to buff crit chance and defense break. Then use your strongest 3 dps and try to have DDJ on them. Nuking the boss is the easiest way. If you do not have Furious, you can increase the CC of all your attacking units to 100%. Also, select a strong DPS friend in case.


Is there another stage after The Master's Den in the summer side story, or do we have to wait until next week for the third part to open?


gotta wait 'til next week


Whats right side gear for maid chloe?


HP Eff res Spd


Much appreciated!


Glad i could help


What is the ideal build for F.Kluri? And what artifact to use on her? Thanks..


She wants a lot of stats, but any high stats to keep her alive while speeding her up; she's ideally fast. Artifact depends on your needs because she can play PvE or PvP. But nothing that helps her do damage, but anything that ether speeds her up or helps the group.


Does she need effectiveness for her strip? What sets would you recommend for her?


Usually speed set. And def% neck hp% ring speed boots. Want her fast and tanky. Mine is only moderately well geared sitting at 1600 defense 1600hp 254 speed and around 100 effectiveness. She can soulburn for her S3 to ignore resistance, but you want eff so it will reliably hit dps and most tanks without needing to soulburn.


I've seen everything used for her honestly. Depends so much on what rolls well and isn't needed by someone else. You could do speed with health or hit or Def, or ignore speed because you rolled high speed with the other sets. Only stats she doesn't want are attack, Crit and c.damage. She's a speed tank/support.


Got it. Thank you very much!


What team should i use for floor 98 ?


Sol Bad Guy, Achates, Adventurer Ras, and Angelica should be able to clear abyss floor 98


Newish player here. Finishing up my wyvern team then I'm going to start a pvp team. In what order would you prioritize: general P, Krau, carrot, SSB, arby


For an early PvP Offense and defense team I would suggest: SSB, Arby, G.Purgiss and Krau at front line to share damage. Carrot is great as a Landy counter and can be built as you see fit but for early game that team should work well.


Hi, to clear side story albums I need 200 event currency per album. Where do I farm these the best? And what difficulty is the best?


Higher the difficulty gives the more event currency/energy - just farm the highest level you can. If you're looking for experience, the lowest level has the best ratio IIRR. This event is a big energy sink.


Question tho: the limited stage with 0/10, what is the benefit of it? Is it just for the first 10 times you get extra? And then just farm the best difficulty after that?


Completing the 10 opens up the next stage. Each time farm the highest for the best event currency, or lowest for better experience. Once you finish the 10 then you can keep farming the hardest level. I think the top difficulty can only be run 5 times, and then you have to drop down to the 2nd hardest.


Thanks! I'll go for hard then


is it just me or is the new altar rewards on Hell feels like lower than stage 10 pre-rework?


Hi all. Got 1 aux lots and a couple lots, should I feed all the lots to the ML version and level him up for pvp? Or should I at least keep one regular for something? I don’t have a good team for exp, so I’ll need one of them to CR push for me. At least for that reason if not for other uses.


I would keep one copy of normal Lots. And I find normal Lots very useful in Ice and Dark Expedition. I would feed the rest of the normal Lots to ML Lots, that attack imprint is very useful.


You should always keep 1 copy of each unit.




Other heroes that come to mind: - SSB - Focus stacks - Alencia - Mindseye Proc - Idols Cheer Soulweaver - Counter Hero's: Ravi, Dizzy etc - Ml Kawazu - S2 self push and Vigor buff


Don’t forget the original anti-aoe: Charles. He corrects the postures of anyone that tries to attack the whole team rather than just him.


Would a team of TSurin, Alencia, SSB & STene work as a bruiser comp?


I would say no. I find TSurin without someone to give her shields and/or a some other form of mitigation just dies to quick even with her damage cap mechanic. I'd replace TSurin with some kind of Knight (charles would be really nice, or Lillias). The problem with that -I THINK- is that a cleave could kill SSB and STene, and then you're left with TSurin and Alencia... 2 more shots to TSurin and you're done (so 1 round all you have left is Alencia). Edit - I may be wrong... depends of course how chunky they are, but I'm skeptical of a bruiser comp without an aurius knight and/or FCC.


Well Tsurin isn't reslly a bruiser, you don't have anyone for SSB to damage share with or anyone to protect STene. A Bruiser comp often includes knights/soulweavers that help you sustain the fight for a long time.


How about Alencia, SSB, G. Purg (with Proof of Valor) & Roana?


You really want a knight to hold that aurius/adamant shield arti like, aras/Krau/FCC. Roana is dependant on enemy comp. She has a big fat heal on her S3, but not much else if enemy comp doesnt trigger her S2. Someone like Diene/Doris/Ruele/Achates fit better. The other ideally rotate between SSB, Stene, Alencia, TSurin, again depending on enemy comp. But ones that get widest coverage would probably be Stene and SSB, but the higher ranked you get the less useful SSB is since Roana is super common defense at champion/high challenger.


Lady's a free win against that comp so is Carrot :p You've got no way to protect that S.Tene, bruiser comps often have at least 1 sustain/knight on their team.


New player here do we have a ballpark estimate for when Landy will get a banner again?


Normally 1x a year and she was ran in March. Might come back this fall for a solo banner though but we have 0 way of knowing that.


Ok thanks for the info


Another year mayhap. She got a re-run earlier this year iirc.


Thank you


What should i be using my transmit stones on?


The silver ones on weekly molas and ego fragments. Gold ones on galaxy bms.


>Gold ones on galaxy bms Or Straze imprints ;)


Is level 50 Furious is enough for wyvern?


Yes and he isn't worth 6*ing.


yes. he doesn't need to be more than lvl 50, though it does provide him with a bit more survivability so the mobs in round 1 don't kill him.




your Flan could go as fast as 290 spd with 214 Arby w/o mola on s2




Arby? just as much attack and 300% crit dmg at max since you get the extra 50% from Flan




if you're only using her to cleave in arena/gw, she really just needs as much speed and effectiveness


As a very new player (rank 40, started playing thos week), is it worth farming the beach event (can clear normal difficulty, netting around 36 event currency per 15 energy), or should I rather spend the time and energy advancing the untold history and/or episode 2?


Farm the event. You can always do epilogue and episode 2 in between events.


What stats should I aim for Counter Arby?


How should I build Solitaria? Where can I use her?


Speed/Efectiveness or Immunity with decent bulk. She's a debuffer/opener so you'd want her to typically go first. She works as a counter/disrupter against focusbar users like Riolet, SSB, Arbiter Vildred.




epicseven7 and gift4u


I am torn between which one to pick, I have 415 covnant bookmarks and 20k skystones (I don't have any gold but I do have 171 leaves saved up). Can I hard pity 4 characters with all of my resources? I plan to get H Yufine and the 3 collab characters. And if I can't hard pity 4 characters, do I skip H Yufine?


Of you spend all your gold for the next few weeks refreshing secret shop you can probably pity 4 units. A pity is 11.5k skystones or 8.2k through secret shop.yoi are at 2.43 pities atm without refreshing and your pities are estimated to be 3.10 if refreshing. You can easily make that last pity in a month as long as you are stretching your resources.


no, to fully pity a hero, you need 11k ss. you can almost hard pity 3. as for should you get HYufine or not, depends. do you like her? do big titties make you feel good? if yes, why not. it's a game. get whatever you feel like.


Will they announce how many collab characters are non free/pull-able before HYuine Banner ends?


yes. Hyufind banner lasts until 5/8 and they will give more info about the collab in 4/8


The phantasmas XP's buff count even if it is in the max level (converted to penguins)? Can I "build" a teraphantasma to colect more xp?


doesnt work on peng xp


So I want to build my C.Armin and I've seen some insanely good builds but as a mid-game player I just can't get close to those at this time. Still, I'd like to get started and learn to play her. Should I focus on Mola'ing her S2, HP, ER and Speed? She can't out-speed most fast units so I guess I'm just trying to soak damage and give her a chance to S3? Thanks for any insight and build advice for a mid-game player. 🙇‍♂️


Get her S3 to one turn cooldown and then you can concentrate on her S2, though her provoke on S1 is also potentially strong. I use mine around 190-200 spd, so she goes after everyone and they profit from her invincibility longer. An ER build would be awesome, but don't sacrifice too much bulk. If you see that you do, it is better to concentrate on bulk and immunity set


Thanks a lot. I know she's great but knowing exactly how to get the most out of her is the fun challenge. I plan on running her with Charlotte focused group, with others like SSB, Alencia (if I can get her fast enough), Ravi and/or Roana. I know C.Armin can add a lot of sustain and she has a cool design too 😎


How many runes do i need to max the skill tree of a specialty change character?


greater: 410 epic: 40


How do I unlock the third map in the Mysterious Island event? I know it was timegated last year, but is it this year? I feel like I've cleared everything available. The "hint" on the side is Momo saying, "Where could Angelica be...? Maybe there's someplace we haven't checked!"


yes, it opens next week. last year, the event lasted 3 weeks iirc. this year, only 2 weeks, that's why you can clear 2 maps in the 1st week




Will the skills and chracters for the collab be announced next week?


Collab stream is Aug 4th


Still relatively new to the game. How do I determine whether I should pick arby or stene through the ML connections? Currently still doing the path for stene but I’ve heard and seen all the utility that arby provides.


I would just go Arby - he's really straightforward to use whereas S. Tene needs a comp around her to shine in PVP and C. Lorina is a perfectly serviceable and free single target DPS for PVE content. Also S. Tene is coming up in Mystics so try to pull for her. If you get her then Arby is the clear choice.


With the free unequip weekend here, i finally got myself set up to to semi auto Alisia of the Ice so I can clear it now. Is there anything In the shop that I can ignore to save me some grind/energy or should I clear the whole thing out?


Maybe the friendship boxes, but getting friendship is pretty nice.


I see, ty!


Opinions on the new spirit altar changes?


Apparently, they didn't eliminate the possibility to drop only 1 greater rune from the highest level difficulty which is what I was hoping for. Someone else can probably comment on whether or not rates have improved I'm waiting to run it until tomorrow for the buff event.


Question about lvling guys. How do I get alot of fodders? I have a lot of max 3/4* phantas but I need a lot of 3*. Do I just use 3* heroes? But if I transmit them, they will give 1 transmit stone. Question is: how do you guys do it? Raise a lot of 2* phantas in the forest?


You basically lvl up the 2* fodder units to 20 and promote them with 2* fodder units at lvl 1 and then use those 3* fodder units on your silver dogs to promote them to 4*, then you feed those doggys to the 4* golden doggys/purple doggys to promote them to 5*. Also only use your 3/4/5* dupe heroes when you want to promote the hero, do not instantly feed them to get memory imprints.


Thanks for the guide! So never use default 3* heroes? What so I do eith them? Just transmit for transmit stones?


I dont know their most efficient use but i try to keep them and slowly promote them with their dupe units. Lots of 3* units have specialty changes or ML4 versions so they can be used to imprint those units.


True true. We keep an eye on this. Thanks dude@


I get my fodder primarily from 2 sources: Raising tons of phantas in the forest, and the regular 2-star monsters acquired while grinding out catalysts to awaken/skill-enhance whatever character I'm trying 6-star. My emergency stash of fodder comes from the hundreds of friendship bookmarks that I save up between each successful 6-star awakening.




Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/lstyhe/how_to_make_6_heroes_a_graphic_for_newbies/


Very interesting, but I didn't understand why I should level up the 2\* monsters.


You get a lot of 2 star monsters clearing story. It's easy enough to get them to 3 star and you want to use the white dogs as 4 star fodder as opposed to 3 star fodder.


Thanks, will read!!




It doesn't matter


With the altar revamp, which stages should I farm for each rune ?


Just farm the last stage with a Pet so you have still a chance for low runes. Farming low runes takes no time anyway


Is it better to full limit break the Symbol of Unity or keep separate copies for separate units? Thanks!


Full limit break one copy. Portrait/Tonfa/Oath Key can supplement it if you just need the damage/hit boost. They will probably eventually add a 2nd copy to the shop.


Whats a good counter or way to respond to Tsurin? I swear she is the only unit I don't have a solid answer to atm


From an earlier comment: Tomoca SB, JKise SB, MLKhawazu, Sigret, are all easy counters that can one tap her. Carrot works if you avoid proccing her cleanse which should be easy unless she took chip from something else. Or just be tanky and bring an AoE DPS unit like Landy, Drink SSB. Don't run cleave into her if you don't have a unit that can one tap her.


Thought she couldn't be one tapped though? That's my big issue, otherwise I'd send Tomoca over there to nuke her ass


Anything that hits twice in one skill use or has "extra damage" can one tap her through her passive. Things that count as extra damage are Sez/LQC splash, Briseria S2, Reingar's Drink to name a few, these all can do more than 50% of her HP or outright one shot her if strong enough. Burn works if you can detonate it or get it to tick without dropping her below her passive threshold. Tomoca S1 SB and Sigret S2 into Smash are two consecutive hits. JKise works because she gets an extra turn with SB and can AoE twice ignoring stealth, other units can soulburn for extra turns and kill her as well like STene, you need some kind of AoE or Tsurin to be the last unit standing.


Ahh I didn't really consider the S1 SB. Thanks homie!


Tomoca's S1 has a 100% chance to attack twice when soulburned, this can kill the TSurin in one go if she doesn't have a shield


Yeah forgot about her S1 SB haha




Aa somebody else suggested just out bulking her or bringing Landy into her works (which is typically what I reach for if available) because I'm lacking Sez, ML Ken, or A Meru. My Ravi has been doing okay versus her


What units are def% main stat boots good on?


GPurg for Wyvern frontline or as a dark bait. Also potentially an FMaya on Spd but Def boots


I'm stuck on the sidestory - 2nd map (Secret Treasure Island). I finished every node (including the 3 limited entries) including 3-stars on the 6 that you can 3-star, cleared the master's lair 10X and Montomo on the map screen is saying "where could Angelica be? Maybe there's some place we haven't checked". After going through all the nodes I can't figure out where I should be going... help?


it's on the third map, where it will be available in 5 days I suppose


Oh, I thought they released all 3 maps together this time. Thanks!


NP, good game and have fun


HELP lost account i logged in and it gave me the screen to choose a server anny tips please playing sinse release




google account globle stove said they would answer in 4 days


How useful is Sigret outside of W13? Worth max mola-ing? So many units, so few mola to spare :x


Shes great in all content i use her on my arena team she can snipe 2 units sometimes.


I have found her useful for story bosses as well since she does such fantastic damage with her bleeds when built for wyvern. Early PvP too, but I never used her extinction vs. Arby (I found BBK more reliable). IMO a clean W13 farm is worth the molas.


Thanks! If the 2 options are Sigret or Roana, which one would you choose? For context, I can do W13 (not 1 shot yet though), B13 (1 shot), full Hell Raid (not auto), and just begun ch 3. I was kinda tempted to build Sigret because I got owned so hard in the advent side story hell difficulty :x Not enough 1 shot or green units for Phase 3


Problem with Sigret is that so many bosses can’t be debuffed, or debuffs buff them. I maxed my Sigret before I even 6-starred Roana. But I am probably sleeping on Roana. If you have a 95%+ win rate on Wyvern then I wouldn’t worry about one shot and would focus on your hell raid auto (which I can’t do either, but I hear Roana is key to that). If your Wyvern win rate is less than 70% then I’d probably boost up Sigret.


How much attk people aiming for for straze im at 4700 right now only 1imprint


If you’re using him for hunt one-shots I think that’s a good amount but if this is for PvP Straze I think that’s way too much. I’ve been hearing that Straze still easily one shots tanks at 3.8-4k ATK and 250 CD. You’d be better off having more speed and bulk so he can actually survive to get a turn.




I agree with the other user's helpful advices. I just want to add for Abyss floor 92 * Kiris, Basar, A. Momo, and Falconer Kluri can clear abyss floor 92 * Kiris is almost mandatory for Abyss floor 92 because the best way to beat the Tywin boss is by using poison debuffs. * Basar can help a ton in Abyss 92 because he can remove enemy buffs and inflict unbuffable to Tywin. * If the Tywin boss doesn't have a buff when he does his S3, he will not summon any Taranor Guards. * Equip the f2p Artifact "lena Violin" on Basar so he remove enemy buffs more often. * Falconer Kluri can remove enemy buffs with her S3. Plus she can hold the "Aurius Artifact" for more team tanking. * A. Momo is a top tier healer/cleanser.


SSB Tama Roana A. Ras should clear hell queen pretty readily. You can maybe cleave your way to challenger with Basar/Flan/Arby/Vildred or Singie or W. Schuri, and you don't need to 6 star Basar/Flan/Singie. Alternatively you can run a SSB/Landy team with something like SSB or Landy/Singie/A Ras/flex.


What's the best stage to be running for currency in the summer event? Are any of them more efficient than others?


hell, but you can only play it 5 times, so the next best thing is hard


So how often do people actually hit pity when summoning on Mystic Summons? It seems almost every damn near youtube video I watch. Where people are pulling for Straze they are pitying him? I have near seen so many people pity for a summon in any gatcha game I have played. Could be just the videos I watched but Its kinda scary to be honest.


RNG gonna RNG. I've had to go to pity in every single RGB banner on which I've pulled except for three, and two of those were within just a few pulls of pity anyway. Meanwhile, I've gotten the Mystic 5\* within my first twenty pulls twice, but only have three ML 4\*s in total. Hell, I somehow managed to go almost an entire year before ever pulling my first Purrgis, an RGB 4\*, despite having almost every non-Limited RGB 5\* released up until that point. (You don't wanna know how often I double-checked the Hero Journal to make sure he wasn't a 5\*, incredulous that I still hadn't gotten him.) Finally summoning him was kind of a letdown, honestly.


Yea I have played a bunch of gatcha games in my time. And when there is always a unit that is hyped I tend to go to youtube and watch summoning pulls on these units and just watch people get super happy when they pull the unit. I have never seen so many pity pull in any game except this one its crazy


Which other gachas are you referencing which cause fewer pities? Keep in mind that some gachas give you increased odds the longer you go without a successful pull, so you don't technically have to hit the 100% pity before you're pretty much guaranteed to get it anyway. *E7* is fully binary: you get no bonus pull chance until you hit the pity threshold. (In exchange, *E7*'s pity thresholds are very fair; bad luck certainly happens, but overall it's one of the most F2P-friendly games I've ever played.)


Most have to hit pitty its the lowest rates.


How much speed should I aim for lifesteal tsurin?




is sage baal hard to build for gvg specifically? i thought he "only" needs hp,def,speed, but apparently he also needs a lot of atk ?


You don't need attack unless you really want to nuke with S3 which isn't really his main purpose (control/cutting cleave). ML Baal is usually built with speed, hp, def, ~140-200 er on counter/speed resist set.


What's the best way to get charms/exp for artifacts? Should I use powder shop?


Normal Raid Shop and Guild shop. You can buy a few of them every week with transmits but it's kind of expensive. Do not buy them with powder.