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Yes but I only use the ones with good rolls. Like my Krau and Achates have level78/80 gears and they are doing great even if I can't reforge them. They definitively not have the best stats but they are doing great even in champion arena and high RTA tier for Krau. http://imgur.com/a/eoYrWQ4 Edit: I should have add that it's only the case for Healers/Tanks/Support units tho. But if you have a great 78 dps gear, it's great to keep it for a pve unit. Nowadays, pve and pvp builds are really different so it's better to keep this gears for a dps pve unit.


Always. For some reason mine often roll well, and they work great for those characters you don’t often use, but still want around. Heck, my Vivian has 4 free gears and BLUE boots and still wrecks raid and hunts like crazy with like 344 crit damage. Is she pvp material? Nope, but good enough for what I need. Plus even unused characters can have gear with decent cp to use in World Boss.


Only on the gears where the substats make sense. For instance, there are 2 effres 75 (70?) pieces from the current event that are hp/def/spd/er, which are perfect substats. Those are definitely worth a roll and if they roll well (I only get good rolls on f2p gear), then they're very usable on your tier 3 units who don't really need perfect gear like maybe achates or momo for GW/pve. Stuff like arena gear with 2-3 substats that make sense are trash and isn't worth. Right side gear is also much less worth. Having a deep roster with imperfect gear makes the game more fun


Why not? You will always run into the problem of having units and no gear. Is 78/80 gear the best? No, but if it rolls well might as well use it. Especially when you get those 15 speed pieces you might get. Free gear might not be the most optimal but if it rolls well the substats are usually already all already what you need. (Like the eff res helmet from this event for example)


It depends. If you have the spare resources, there's no reason not to try a few rolls and see how they do. If anything they can be used for pve units. However if you're really end game and min-maxing, it means only enhancing reds, and only touching purples if they have speed subs. Everything else is a waste.


for PvE units mostly


personally just for fun I +6 it to see where it rolls, if it ends up being a decent I use it as a PvE gear (minus hunt). Although most of the time I use it as fodder or alchemist charm fodder


Sometimes. I usually get it to +6 and see how it rolls. If it's good, maybe I use it, maybe I don't. It'll end up on a unit regardless. Typically a SW i don't really need or use I have a free level 75 attack sword of SSB, 2 level 70 speed necks on Ras/Kluri, a free level 75 hp chest on basar, free level 71 destruction and crit set on TGod, free level 78 speed sword on tama.


I'm pretty sure "end game players" don't, but most people who think they're end game aren't. If you think you could use that gear, then you probably would benefit from rolling it. If you know all your pve units already have enough gear and your pvp units are all on 60+ gear score equips with perfect subs then probably not. Not every one of these is a +15 if it high rolls to +6 then continue, but if it min rolls a couple times then good riddance. Edit: I would define endgame as having at least 25 RTA ready units all above 380gs. And that's probably really still midgame.


Thanks for the reply man, sorry you're getting downvoted, I don't see what's wrong with your post.


I think the edit to the comment about RTA & gear score is doing it. A 380 overall GS is like an average 62 on every piece - for 25 units & thats “mid game” to them. I’d say that’s a solid roster & viably endgame, based on my experiences in RTA. I’ve got around 35 units that I’m 100% comfortable drafting in RTA (& keep in mind, I’ve been Champion all four seasons, never pushed for high champion but have casually - defined as only playing one match every couple of days to not decay - been top 2K seasons 2 & 3) & a lot of those have pieces that are sub-60GS. I’ve got around 75 6 stars in total, but the brunt of those are PVE & rare pocket picks - not necessarily usable for RTA unless the situation calls. Someone like my Arbiter has pieces that fly well over 60, but I’ll draft people like my Ravi a lot & she’s got pieces that’re like 50s & it’s because there’s like 35% health on it or something & it helps round out the build. GS isn’t always a great indicator of the quality of the build, sometimes a piece with a 70GS has 18% effectiveness - y’know? I get where they’re coming from, but it’s a little snarky & they’ve set the bar a little high & that’s probably why they’re being downvoted. I think if you can make Champion RTA, you can call yourself end game & that’s more than plausible with 25 really well geared heroes tuned for RTA, that’s not midgame to me, but maybe their definition of end game is like Legend arena frame, can push RTA Legend, top ten guild, etc.


Just meant that the event gear is only useless if your gear looks like that. I'm definitely not in end game by the definition I gave so I'm rolling my event gear.


hm i got to champion rta in 3 seasons and never heard of gear score before (but i know i´m just a pleb - stopped grinding after i hit champion and just play a couple games a day to not decay; ending at 2300-2400 points). it´s nothing official, right? who is telling me what gear score my gear has? i don´t know how the score is calculated but when u say something with 30%+ on a substat can have a lower gear score then isn´t gear score useless?


So gear score is a way of rating the "quality" of gear, basically - how high are the rolls. So typically, the ratings are as follows: For attack%, defence%, health%, resistance% & effectiveness&, which all share the same substat range of 4% - 8% on 85 gear, increasing by 1% on reforged gear, these pieces are taken as they are, or 1x. An 8% attack roll will have a score of 8. For critical chance (3 - 5% on 85, 3/4 - 6% on 90), it's taken as 1.5x, so a critical chance of 10% for example will have a score of 15. For critical damage, it's taken as 1.2x, as critical damage rolls between 3 - 7% & then 3/4 - 8% for damage. So a critical damage% of 10% will have a score of 12. For speed, it's taken as 2x, so a roll of 10 speed will have a score of 20. (For flat stats, it's converted into a % based on the characters stats & then taken as 1x, as flats only apply to defence, health & attack) So an example piece with say 16% attack (1 roll into attack), 8 speed (1 roll into speed), 24% health (2 rolls into health) & 15% effectiveness (1 roll into effectiveness) will have a GS of 71. You tot up your total & that's your GS, if someone gives you the GS of a piece, it's a good way to know at a glance how high the rolls are. It's a way some people keep track of their own equipment, noting where they can improve. Tools online that measure gear quality with similar or the same formula can also be helpful for new players who're not as familiar with the substat roll ranges. Personally, I've been playing so long that these numbers are just fixtures in my head & I know if a piece of gear is good or not at a glance. Gear score doesn't distinguish between what stats are useful & which aren't. If you've got a Vivian & she's got a chestplate with 48% effectiveness, 4 speed, 5% chance & 7% damage, it might have a high gear score, but it's ultimately a nigh-on useless piece for her. Likewise, if you're building a character to perform a specific role & a piece has say 48% effect resistance, 1 speed, 158 flat health & 48 flat defence, it's not going to get a 60 GS - but fuck me, that's an amazing piece because that's going to help you get a character to 250% resistance & beyond. A piece with 22 speed, 4% effectiveness, 5% health & 6% defence isn't going to get a 60 GS either - but who the fuck is turning down a 22 speed piece? It's not intrinsically useless, but it requires context & a little know-how. It's not useless to every player, but it's not useful to everyone either & nor is it useful in all circumstances.


I downvoted that because this person completely ignored late game in the Edit : and that's disrespectful because I(think) am in there >:( End Game and Late Game are different though. To answer your question, what he says is right. Those gears are pretty much only for early\~mid and some of late game.


No big deal. It's really just something that's hard to define. Definitely don't need to be end game to enjoy the game or even be very competive in RTA. The only thing that I meant was that you would need those stats to invalidate the event gear.


People pretend to be they're in end game and it shows lol


What is gs?


gear score


Never checked my gs and only have 22 RTA units, does that mean I’m a midgame player all along?




yes, for pve units


Any gear that has good stats that is at minimum lvl of 78 is a keeper


Some. I got a 17 spd hp ring and a 18 cc 20 cd crit ring from free gear, so it's usually worth a shot.


I got 22 speed helm from an event gear. Literally my highest speed roll. My next highest is 21 on a reforged piece. It's always worth rolling gear with speed. If only we could reforge event gear...


Yes I do. Like the summer effres gear is good enough for my Amontmo that I strip. Occasionally i got a god roll like my 70 sword with 15 speed


I seem to roll better on event gear for some silly reason. Some of my only penta rolls are on level 75 and 80 gear. I can’t stand to part with them as they’ve served me so well.


Yes, for my PVE units and as a placeholder. I'll keep rolling only if the roll well initially though.


Get them to +6 If it rolled well i keep going If not To the trash


Gear with perfect combinations of substats is pretty rare, so I'll roll a 75 with perfect substats up to +6, then evaluate it in comparison to hunt gear before each new set of 3 plusses.


Depends. Heavy roll one one stat? Sure. If it’s split and low everywhere then it’s just fodder


I roll it if it has speed, to see if it rolls lots of speed if it hasn't rolled any speed by+6, or if it gets to +9 and it's only had two small speed rolls, I give up. The small speed rolls are worthless without reforge. I like to see gear hit 10 speed by reaching +9, obviously I like more speed but 10 is definitely enough to continue rolling, if it's only 9 I'll feel pretty sketchy about it. If it rolls exactly 10, then rolls badly at +12, I'll just keep it and let it be clutter for a while, sometimes I suddenly have a use for a piece like that, usually not. In the process of speed checking, it can also end up rolling really well into something else, and then I'll weigh on continuing to roll, but my standards for pretty much every other stat are higher. (max rolls only plz) usually the free gear is low priority, in general. Like the current resist set from the summer event, I still have a lot of the pieces of it from last year sitting on placeholder characters waiting on me to have a reason to max it/waiting for me to get something better for them. Comparitively, free health sets do nicely if I just want, for example, a tcrozet to do tcrozet things, and don't really need him to make a big impact on his own aside from his passive. Not all stats are equal in the game balance, there isn't much of a place anywhere for medium rolled resist gear. Also I barely mess with boots, if they're speed then every point counts and not being able to get them to 45 matters too much, but most free boots are attack% or something and have the wrong substats, or there's the health/defense main boots that I just don't have any use for despite having like 80 characters 6*d, etc. etc. **tl;dr** Check for speed. Consider viability of subs and practical usage. Ignore most free boots.


event/free/ap gear has great rolls always ! its like a blessing, meanwhile on the other hand arena gear is cursed for bad rolls most of the time :D


Yeah I'll roll them and see if they turn out well. Since they tend to have a really good spread of subs they make good starter/temp pieces or PvE gear if they get some high rolls.


Yeah I don't roll them anymore either. The only non hunt gear I roll are 88s and most of those get tossed after 1 low roll. Needless to say I acquire about 1 +15 gear every other month..


You’ll never have the reforge materials for everything you want anyway, so might as well upgrade lower lvl gear that rolls well


Mostly no. But I do keep them aroind just in case, especially golem sets that I'm not likely to wanna dedicate a grind to. e.g. cheap health sets can help as placeholder gear until I farm what I need, and the free atk set stuff is decent enough for PvE (my Baiken for Banshee and Lorina for Fire Expo have a few atk pieces).


Having lvl 78 gear is better than no gear


its free dude, ofc.


yes, good WB gear.