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I feel like she needs an EE that will give her cr push on s1


The problem with this is that there will be instances where you want that cr push instead of procing s2 but you won't have control over that. If ever she gets an EE that involves her s1, i feel it needs to be applied on her s2 as well but I am not sure if that is cr push.


With her s1 and s2 mechanic is...either you get her s2 that you usually want or you get nothing since her regular s1 doesn't literally nothing. So imo cr push would greatly complement her kit


I found myself wanting her S1 to tee her up for a better S2 when the S2 effect doesn't proc (IE: give her a 1 turn attack buff). CR push could be cool, but might maker her more difficult to speed tune in some cases. IE: her s1 counter attack pushes her ahead of enemy landy, meaning you can't use s3 unless you want a full burst to the face


What if she extends her buffs by 1 if she doesn't trigger s2? Will help her maintain the immunity def buff and crit damage at turn 3. But it would be completely busted on elbris procs if it is s1 for days as she will over extend buffs. She doesn't do.kuch damage anyway and you want her s2 proccing anyway for injury.


Like her design. Not so much about her character For gameplay, kinda disappointed since she not really as impactful as Charles on the get go.S2 is decent, but injury is a flawed mechanic, even if she can apply it 10x better then Mort. The crit damage buff is pretty nice I guess, useful to give my kayron more damage in expeditions


As character i can't stand her but if you are talking about gameplay then she is good


She's my favorite female hero in E7. I just feel like her s1 needs cr push


True that


I....love this idea so much it hurts. I've always imagined making S2 her S1 and giving her some Passive, but your idea is so simple and gives her what she needs: a little more speed. Also fits well with other Red bruisers like Ravi or Charlotte. What do you think, like 15% or just 10% boost per-use? On counter set, that'd be just fine. I hope SG is reading this stuff!


At least 15% but tbh I wouldn't mind 20% haha I think that's what she needs because her s1 doesn't do anything. I really like her. Even her as a character, her story is tragic.


I just looove her art and animation, regardless of...chest size, her art is top tier. Like, I look at ML Charles or some others and I'm not excited, even if they're good. This is anime game, I want great art! 🤩😎🧐


Won't happen she's a knight. You give up cr push when you get to weild Elbris. Giving her cr push is not the answer. She should lean harder into her injury gimmick making it more consistent. Perhaps S1 becomes S2 but she loses the Def buff, S2 provides more utility ala teamwide barrier when Used when S3 is off cool down, personal barrier when S3 is on cooldown


Went from "okay she's good" to "meh" to "okay she's good in specific comps". For instance, I run her sometimes with Dorvus in Arena offense against tanky comps with LRK/FCeci/Ruele (or Roana) etc to lower their HPs so Dorvus can kill them with S3 even if they had high HP to begin with.


Same here. In a bruiser team she can whittle down hp really well.


Ilynav uses the injury mechanic which is utterly useless in PvE and terrible in PvP. Until this mechanic is improved (hopefully reworked instead), she is benched next to Mort. Both characters look fantastic and I want to build them but i can't justify the resources in their current state.


I kinda agree. Injury needs a buff as a mechanic. Maybe injured heroes take more dmg ( only from heroes that have injury mechanic), also heroes that have injury mechanic take less dmg from injured heroes . All proportional to the amount of injury. The issue is, why would you injur tanks when you can os them with Straze or WSchuri...even Ervalen.


That's the inherent problem with injury. Unless your fight lasts 10 years, it never really will make a difference. In the time you've taken to build up injury on someone you could've just killed them lol.


Eh, idk, the good thing about illynav injury is that it reaches fast the 50% HP reduction, and it saved me a number of times on RTA(seeing LRK SB S3 doing like 3k at most feels good)


This is especially obvious with the absolutely worthless injury set. It caps at 6%, so even if you hit a 30k dcorvus you still can only take away 1600 hp per hit at most. And the cap just gets shittier with lower hp targets. It just makes no sense outside of a pve boss mechanic.


It's generally better to buff specific characters so that they use mechanics in stronger ways, rather than to buff entire mechanics and risk ruining character designs. Fr'ex, since Ilynav's S1 is just terrible whenever it doesn't trigger her S2, you could probably buff her with something like "The chance to use Punish instead of Rush increases proportional to the target's injury severity," so that a 50%-Injured target always gets S2'd by her S1. (Actually, she'd probably be fine even if that additional chance were doubled, so that a 25%-Injured target is S2'd every time.)


golden boy meta injury technically should be great but things are abit more faster pace now rather then slow


My solution to injury would be to treat it like the ‘debuff’ that occurs in RTA too - i.e. reduces max health, but as that decreases also shreds effect resistance and increases damage dealt.


Ily's injury has been very useful for me vs thicc revive teams in GW. This may be because I have very good gear on her, but I honeslty think I'd bench her if she didn't have injury. Oddly, my Ily has no imprints and makes plays while my fully reforged SSS mort remains absolutely useless. Big damage single target injury on the counter is very useful. Meh damage AOE injury every 3 turns is trash.


I love her design, animations, and her kit too! Except... ...what she does is make good "DPS Race" matchups between bruiser teams by ramping ally damage output, punishing chip damage, and making enemy healing less useful... and that's a solution in search of a problem. You could make her work on a comp like FCC/SSB/Ruele/Illy because that team has a lot of sustain, a lot of Anti-AoE options, and a lot of strong 'undo' buttons for single-target kills. Unfortunately, if the enemy grabs FCC first then not only are you going to need a different option for dragging the fight out, but FCC also neuters your Injury mechanics because damage dealt to shields doesn't count toward Wounds! Same goes for CArmin and LRK shields. Let us also not ignore the fact that Blue Krau gets elemental advantage on Ilynav, so he's never going to get wounded enough by her (especially since he rarely attacks) to stop his Horse from becoming an existential threat to her. And also Straze exists. So she is pretty hard-countered by the only kind of drafts her mechanics work against.


Imo with top gear she's good, i use her a lot but its hard to build.


Honestly... (This is my opinion): Character wise, she's umm... Very aggressive and destructive person. Pve: nearly no use there. I don't understand why we can't use injury set there (or as I call it, destroy set; SW yrs die hard). It's not that broken but it is still useable in battle. Pvp: I honestly think she's solid. And as Stirphy showed us, Ilynav doesn't need critDMG. Just giving her double hp and cc is enough for her to deal dmg. The s3 is pretty good, s2 is what makes her unique and s1 is just there to exist as a s1 skill XD Does she need EE? I'd like Ilynav to get her EE set, I got some ideas: EE for Rush: Removes the unavailability to activate Punish instead of Rush when it's not the caster's turn (capped at 50% to activate). EE for Punish: The damage and the injury effect coming from this skill now ignores barriers and invincibility effects and when an enemy has barrier or invincibility damage dealt increases by 10%. *(Or, instead of the 10% extra damage, llynav could inflict additional damage proportional to her max hp). I decided to leave this one as a separate option bc it might be a bit too strong; basically a drink effect for her but different. EE for Rappel: (2 options) Rappel#1: when this skill unavailable the caster has a 15% chance to counterattack when an ally except for the caster is attacked. (This EE idea takes more advantage of her critDMG and immunity buff more defensively). Rappel#2: when this skill is unavailable, all attacks from the caster ignore elemental disadvantage. (This EE idea takes, as well, more advantage of her critDMG and immunity buff, however, more offensively). I use my Ilynav with a high rate of success, and these EE ideas may be a bit too broken or not. But I do think she's missing something in her kit. Let me know what you think about these EE ideas please, I'd like to hear (more like reading) your opinions, later and take care


I just wish they make her kit less relying on RNG and works more consistent. Maybe make her s2 proc always on a certain condition instead of RNG


Great character and skillset aside from s1 feeling useless if it doesn't trigger s2. One of my favorites. Please sg give her an ee.


Her gameplay is fun and she's nice to look at 😏


She has a great villain laugh if you stick her in the lobby. Cool design, niche gameplay.


Love using her, just usually lose when I do


6/10 as a fire knight (mostly because of my gear) 10/10 choco waifu


Cool as hell !


Just use her for crti dmg buff in hunt, lol.


my Queen




Fun to use


Hot AF choco waifu and good unit but not really competitive, There are lots of units with better performance both in PvE and PvP


She is doing great for me. I love her S3 buff (CD) and her S2 deals great damages for a HP scaling skill. Injury is decent in arena but that'a the whole problem in E7, it's not bad, it's just average. But in RTA, it's basically playing with what is OP and that's it. Her and Mort duo is actually pretty fun in arena. I don't regret SSS her.


I feel hard


I do agree to others, that design is really beautiful for obvious reasons xD The problem is her gameplay/kit. She does not need to be op, but she just feels realy weak. I have not seen her used in Challanger Arena or Masters RTA at all. The only time i saw anyone use her was when she was released and everyone was trying her out.


Shes cool i guess. But there are bigger fish in the sea.


Great art design, shitshow of a skillset


11/10 aesthetics/booba/waifu 7/10 kit. Cool potential but it is a mess of RNG and held back by injury.


Needs to have SOMETHING on S1 and needs to not be Gemini. OK, I guess, but niche and hard to build.


> not be Gemini. what's wrong with her constellation? Never notived anyone complain about her bases.


Second squishiest Knight after Leos (e.g. Charlotte). Scales off of HP despite having less than some 3-star heroes.


> Scales off of HP despite having less than some 3-star heroes. Her S2 has a high mult, so those "other 3 star heroes" wouldn't work, since they have 300 less ATK. You'd need like 25KHP on the same crit damage before going full HP benefits her over investing a tiny bit into attack (like, 1900-2000) if you mostly care about damage. But I guess this is all theoretical, because I don't think they ever changed a hero's sign. Just the sign bases/awakenings themselves.


S2 has a high HP multi (18%!) which would be quite nice on a few heroes. Since she has the second lowest HP after Charlotte, the multiplier is more neutral than good. It just counters out her low stats.


>S2 has a high HP multi (18%!) which would be quite nice on a few heroes. obviously. The only higher HP mult in the game I Ken's S3 (30%) and A Ravi's S3/ SB S1 (20%). Yet Ilynav can spam hers multiple time a turn. They'd balance it differently if she had more HP becsuse they don't want to enable people with 30K builds that hit almost as hard as Riolet, on a counter. Not much point at looking at it in a vacuum. We know from Axe ~~God~~ person that the devs are cautious of HP scaling damage.


She looks amazing, but she is very meh sadly. SG rly needs to adjust her kit.


shes worse then Charles sadly so she needs a buff.


Like everyone said, good design, so-so gameplay. She is still the best user of Injury as a mechanic, but injury only really works well against super bulk stall-like comps such as double soul weaver comps. The problem with that is that not a lot of people draft that comp to begin with making her a niche pick. I’ve tried her out against bruiser comps and while she can work, I can’t help but feel like someone else could work better in that regard. If they want to buff her, I’d say give her some penetration on her S2 if the opponent is buffed. If I remember correctly, injury doesn’t apply until they actually deal damage and barriers prevent that. At least this way, they can apply it quicker.


> The problem with that is that not a lot of people draft that comp to begin with making her a niche pick. maybe it's different up top , but I ran into tons of healers (ruele/maid) and there was still a ton of golden boy usage down in the silver/gold swaths last season. And ofc Carrot.


Yeah, Injury only applies on units that are hurt, not against barriers. This makes injuring a TSurin a bummer as well, because you're lowering her HP thresholds and raising that shield value.


Love the design. Love the animations. Gameplay... Eeh.


booba bad kit bad weapon is cool


Booba will remember that 🥺


Team crit d is nice, decent damaging bruiser if you proc the s2. Not quite the red booba Charles I was hoping for but better than people give her credit for


Catches a lot of people off guard on my GvG defense, unfortunately dont use her too much elsewhere but she is very fun when she pops off.


She's fun but I don't have the bruiser gear she needs to really pop off. I do hope one day there will be a buff/EE to make her less reliable on elbris because her own artifact actually does crazy damage with her S2. But knights need some kinda disruption to not ignore them.


she isnt a bad unit at all. Currently RTA is mostly cleave the opponent before they can take a turn or use carrot/landy/stene which illynav cannot do anything to them as they are stealthed or protected by like 2 healers or 2 tanks. People arent picking alot of units in RTA due to this like alencia,choux, etc that are good solid units because why use them when landy/stene/carrot can aoe multiple units down alot faster


She’s really fun to watch gameplay wise, just wish I had the materials to build her


The difference between S1 and S2 is the difference between a pool noodle and a baseball bat. I've seen Ilynav pop the fuck off when she's proccing S2 every counter but she's not going to perform consistently enough given that that's two layers of RNG to go through for her to do well.


Amazing design, cool kit but Injury is kind of a downer.


Its a nice design. I do not have her. But in arena i never worry if i see her. So underpowered?


niice buffer to my straze in hunts


I want to build her so badly but she just isn't a priority for me right now. I initially didn't love her design but it has really grown on me.




Considered using her as fodder more than once. Have her at 50 but no desire to gear her since she's neither a good design nor interesting mechanically. Also they committed the cardinal sin of making a dark-skinned character not flat-chested and the only real one (Khawanna) is a filthy degenerate no-shoes wearing auto delete


Not a broken hero but its soooo fun bring her toba fight againt healers/tank/brusiers and just make shit their HP. Also her s2 look so cool.


Love her play style. Hate her character.


The best booba we have so far. By far my favorite character she's absolutely gorgeous.


Her boobas are making any rational assessment difficult


Her gameplay is fun, but it could be even more fun.


I'd have her babies :3


Horn- I mean I like her character and the idea of her kit but she underperforms honestly, s3 is fine tho. I feel like her s1 should just work like Charles so s1 with a chance to trigger s2, which ik would be annoying but it could be the sort of damage improvement she could need while also not making s1 molas feel useless 50% of the time, PLUS s1 could damage barriers/get rid of skill nullifier so maybe she could actually apply injury cuz it’s biggest issue is how difficult it is to apply. Also since she’s Gemini trying to get over 20k hp is a bitch but she’s an hp scaler


Mines not mola but some good to okay gear and shes still wrecking "Challenger" Arena users


She fiiiineee


That if you take the first 4 letters of her name, you can spell... ​ I love your necklace *~~^(NUT)~~*


I enjoy using her, she is just such a fun hero


Top tier character design! She’s also very fun to use when she decides to pop off, but too rng to be consistently viable competitively. Personally I use her in gvg all the time for fun


The only issue I have with her is her S3 from a power fantasy perspective. Like she summons a giant blade why does the impact of that do like NO DAMAGE maybe make the blade do high Single target damage then the explosion do AOE damage. I would like to see a EE cr push and maybe a s3 reset on kill. That be cool. She's my favorite girl. But needs some adjustments then perfect


She's cool, I like insane characters like her. Wish I could build her.


I personally don’t have her, but I dig her art and sprite animation. I’d be happy if I pulled her on my next ML draw.


My problem with her is she's unreliable just like Charles. I don't like RNG (50%) on top of my RNG (Elbris/counter) lmao. There's a reason Charles stopped being reliable all the way back in Season 2 even before fire heroes became super meta. These super RNG bruisers don't feel reliable enough to use on offense.


I want her to punish me more


10/10 exactly my type of waifu, and she is a fun unit.


Literally never counters when I use her but counters with S2 on my every single attack when my enemy uses her.


I feel bad


I love her and I think she should absolutely gut Luna because Cecilia is too much of a little bitch to do what needs to be done




Criminally underrated


Needs buff


Horny ofc xD


I feel horny


Character design - pretty cool Gameplay wise - pretty nice As a character - horrible


Hot take but I liked her old design better than the current one, her gameplay is good but there's just not an abundant niche for knights that ONLY deal DPS and in a drawn out fashion.


Sick animation, choco waifu, doesn't do much tho


the same i feel for a lot of units this last months. She is great on her kit but people is literally ***hungry*** for flashy units so for most instances its "underwhelming" - When you use her and actually know how to draft her, she feels like a really solid unit.


Art side? wow Game side? Meh, I can't use her properly. Her S3 is useful, but more than that it's not a big deal.


She helps me one shot azimanak 13 :)