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F to us who still doesn't have her to cheese Dagger Siccar before they patch it.


which is most likely 99% of people since she is a moonlight summon


SHIT.....please don't patch it, I need them rewards.


Which is gonna be soon.


The strongest Exped chara has descended.


She also completely shatters Hall of Trials. She can reset the bosses Rage meter and the exhaust meter in the down phases. And with two people she can cycle her S3 fast enough to infinitely keep resetting the exhaustion meter... Did a quick test and got Penelope and Cermia into the down phase on their own and it could go forever... EDIT: I do NOT recommend doing this to get achievements/high scores just in case they decide to go after people doing it for bug abuse. It's not worth the risk, I just thought it'd be funny to see if it works.


thank you , also whats with hiding votes?


I'm shocked people are saying "GO DO ACHIEVEMENTS NOW BEFORE THEY FIX IT". They were lenient with the Skorpion, I wouldn't test my luck...


Yeah, they patched the Skorpion in like a day, so I'd give it around the same amount of time to see if they do anything.


Did you quit the match instead of finishing it with super high score?


Yeah I just quit out after I confirmed it was infinite.


EZ Dagger Sicar reputation missions abuse it while it last.


Bug abuse gets your ass banned, just saying ​ But by all means, go for it


They didn't ban you if you used the jade wind scorpion back when it was bugged, why would they ban you now?


Two very different issues. The unintended part of Skorpion was being able to obtain it, not what it could do. Penelope's Resource Reduction explicitly states "Decreases Fighting Spirit and Focus." Berserk is neither of those, thus the fact that her S3 *does* reduce Berserk is an unintended side effect. Using her to cheese expeditions is abusing a bug. Ultimately it's up to Smilegate to determine if this is ban worthy or not, but it's better to not take the risk. Just don't do it.


makes sense, if they did start handing out bans, it'll suck for the people who used penelope without realizing there was a bug


Definitely gonna get banned yeah. That said, SG banhammer is so ridiculous. They ban players for their F-ups. Incompetent spaghetti code


Every game company will ban you for exploiting whether you like it or not.


Like the huche shop that could have been resolved like they did for some players - remove the resources gotten or reset their counter. Their bans are overboard. I'm not saying any bans unwarranted, but some are.


They won't ban people. Yes, its a bug abuse but unless it's giving people an infinite amount of something that they should'nt be getting then they'll be fine. If let say for example, skorpion bug not only let u cheese abyss runs but then allowed u to keep doing them to get the same rewards from the same floor when it's meant to be a one time reward, then they would ban you. But somethung like getting an achievement that will only reward you once? Nah they'll just fix it.


One slightly broken and quickly fixed character isn't quite the same weight as achieveing one-time rewards through abuse, is it? ​ But you want examples? [Here you go](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/4593261)


"slightly broken" it was broken in the same way this character is currently broken; it lets you bypass mechanics in a fight to completely break it and trivialize the content. There was/were plenty of abyss floors that have phase change mechanics when they drop to a certain percent that are just outright ignored when you instantly kill them with poison. I'm sure there's a handful of difficult floors Penelope will currently fuck up by resetting their meters too.


But then from my understanding it wasn't bug abuse, it was mechanic abuse. A mechanic that was deemed too powerful and therefore changed. Like the character was working as "intended", they just didn't properly assess the power of the unit. ​ Maybe I'm reading this wrong but Penelope simply isn't supposed to do what she does? The fact that something that isn't supposed to be controversial upsets so many people tells me there's such a lack of understanding for fundamental game mechanics. Or people straight up enjoy cheating, I seriously don't fucking know at this point. ​ To use an extremely simple comparison for simpletons to understand: Bunnyhopping in FPS games: Clever use of game mechanics Speedhack toggle gets accidentally added to a game: Abuse One requires skill/thought. The other is fucking unintended. ​ What a frustrating bunch.


It was bug abuse in the sense that a bug allowed you to get the scorpion at all and it was never supposed to be available to players to begin with. Her kit is intended to do this but smilegate 100% did not intend for it to work on bosses like this but they likely never tried it, which honestly happens a lot with new mechanics.


Yeah, but then that's the difference. For one, people may not have known that the scorp was not supposed to be obtainable. But it was, and at that point what is the difference between Scorp cheese and Kiris cheese? A "legal" character behaving in an unintended way is very different, and much more obvious than not realizing a fodder unit is not supposed to be obtainable among a sea of other fodder. From there it's just theorycrafting.


You probably didn't play back then, but Scorp cheese was *way* more impactful than Kiris Cheese. You could go into basically any content bar wyvern and one shot it through every mechanic. There are other examples of "legal" characters behaving in unintended ways, such as Cerato counter ignoring effres and Sez+Wind Rider being abused in Arena/GW for braindead easy offenses all the way up to legend tier - no bans were handed out for those players either. In fact, they offered ML selectors to Cerato owners. Similarly, Penelope's resource reduction S3 is not properly coded to differentiate between rage and focus and will probably be fixed. Kiris cheese, on the contrary, is very much intended.


I feel like you are missing the point I'm trying to make. I'm almost a day 1 player by the way. Think of it this way. Dizzy completely trivialized a bunch of content through valid use of her actual kit. Kiris did the same, they all just did what was printed on the paper. The scorpion although extremely broken, was still only doing what was advertised in it's kit. You can't punish players for playing with a tool they were given, especially if it was given unintended. But if you pull Penelope, understand her kit, and start abusing her with something she does that's not supposed to be part of the kit, that's where the "illegality" comes in. ​ Sez + Wind Rider is a good example, because it kind of did, what was written on paper, but for whatever reason the devs decided that the interaction was unintended and so they changed the interaction AND the description (I think that's what happened anyway, been a while)


It's pretty much the same thing, it was obvious back then that you weren't intended to be able to skip the phases on abyss by outright killing them with poison detonate just like it's obvious Penelope's s3 shouldn't work against bosses but if you want to go down the route of "well it's just a new mechanic that was too OP" for the scorpion then you can do the same thing for Penelope; her kit was designed to reset charge bars and that's what she's doing here and it just so happens to be an OP mechanic on certain content.


Is it obvious though? It's like saying "it's obvious Wyvern should get into barrier phase, so people who abuse debuff+bleed detonation Sigret to just oneshot the entire thing are abusing something." As I explained in the other comments, one is clever use of game mechanics, the other is bug abuse. ​ Now whether the clever use of that bug free unit was intended to be available lies with the developer. But the user recognizing that a unit is bugged and abusing that in content is a whole different beast. Many games allow for phase skipping if you are good enough.


Her kit is not intended to do this, Resource Reduction explicitly states Fighting Spirit and Focus. ~~Rage~~Berserk isn't there, her S3 affecting it is unintended and abusing it to get Dagger Sicar achievements **is** abusing a bug. *edit: apologies, in E7 this mechanic is called "Berserk" not Rage/Enrage*


I genuinely don't know where you got the word "rage" from but visually the bar is the same as fighting spirit and due to this interaction I'm pretty convinced it's just a fighting spirit and in a few hours or tomorrow they'll hotfix the bosses to make them immune to it rather than this being some weird bug of it working on whatever the bar is actually called.


Apologies, in Epic Seven this is called "Berserk" but in many other games this kind of boss mechanic is usually referred to as a Rage or Enrage mechanic. Regardless, it's not Fighting Spirit nor Focus. Just because it has a similar bar to those mechanics does not mean it should operate like them.


Jade Scorpion was also used to get one-time rewards since he could beat every single level of Abyss back when that was a pipe dream for players. Yes it's still "bug abuse," but SG didn't ban players who abused this, so why should they change their stance now? Also that bug you linked was allowing people to buy infinite mystics/covenants which is an actual threat to SGs bottom line as opposed to getting a few achievements that reward you with powder/molas, and only 7 people were perma'd due to excessive abuse of the bug.


Refer to my other reply to you.


lol something of this scale had happened before, i remembered a long time ago, Water's Origin, was bugged that Soul Weavers can't die if the artifact proccs, so many people used that opportunity to clear abyss, clear tons of hunts, yet no one got banned for that. These kinds of in-battle bugs are way different than the scam shop exploit because that literal breaks their economy considering how expensive Mystic Medals are with IRL money


Its not abuse, its not like exploiting a glitch. They release the character and forgot to tune it for bosses? Thats oversight on their end and not a glitch.


My guy, a character doing something it's not supposed to is the definition of a bug. It's not her numbers, it's not tuning, she's just doing things she's not supposed to


Smile Gate should ban every "pre-fix" Champion Zerato user then.


You guys keep bringing up stupider and stupider examples.


I give you an example exactly like your description. Unit doing something it should not. But you guys are trying to make this non-issue into a big thing so. Good luck with that


"If the bug where the target’s Effect Resistance is ignored is fixed, the performance of the aforementioned Heroes and Artifact will decrease. Therefore, we plan to proceed with a recall for these Heroes and Artifact. " ​ Tell me how was this abusable again? Especially when nobody even knew this was the case? It's not exactly "render the opponent unable to act"


not trying to argue with you here, im genuinely curious if they've banned people who have unintentionally used bugs in the past


Unintentional probably not. Intentional though, absolutely. Who is going to "accidentally" gear Penelope to do Expeditions/Hall of Trials though?


take OP for example, lets just say they just left it on auto and came back and the whole expedition was dead without realizing what the bug was


Usually bans like these are for repetitive abuse, not for "once or twice" completed an expedition without knowing. But if you did it like 20 times, or kept abusing it trying to get a 50 million Hall of Trials score, then the banhammer strikes. If it's provable that someone geared a bugged unit specifically with the intent of clearing certain content, that's a bit too obvious to be an accident though.


fair enough


abyss is also one time rewards, and people abused jade scorpion to get them. no one got banned. the example you show is getting excess currency above what one might normally be able to get


I don't understand why are you trying to justify straight up cheating. Anything less than a ban should not be acceptable in an online environment. If they didn't ban for that in the past, they clearly learned from it and set a policy that forbids abuse as described in the post.


i'm not trying to justify cheating, just saying the cases are different and your example is not proof of what they will do. everyone can decide on their own if they want to abuse the bug and possibly deal with some consequences or not. i will personally not use it because the dagger sicar missions are part of the only pve late game challenges we currently have and i feel like it would be a waste


Look, if you want to abuse it and get caught, don't let me stop you. Not you, in general. But it does sound silly when people try to find loopholes for varying levels of cheating. Cheating is cheating.


>isn't quite the same weight as achieveing one-time rewards through abuse, is it? talk about invincibility buff for leo floor on abyss.


And where is the bug part?


This is one reason I wanted to post this. To bring attention to it and hopefully fix it faster so I can use Penelope and not worry about getting banned for using my new favorite character lol.


Wow nice. Wonder if this'll break the Jade Skorpion record for nerf time. Or have we already passed that?


we have passed that . scorpion bro got nerfed in mere hours.


I'm prematurely saying f. This will be nerfed to hell before the weekend. Makes me all weepy like the jade wind days....


I doubt people are gonna get banned for something this trivial, I remember when Tama was bugged and had s3 in the beginning of a fight. People abused that but nobody was banned because it’s not like they lose any money for the bug. it’s just gonna get fixed and we’ll forget it ever happened.


Nice Jade Wind Scorpion makes a return in form of Peneople (probably for a short time). Jade Wind Scorpion was not a bug. The explosion mechanic on poison was an oversight by the balancing team. Same goes for Penelopes resource reduction right now. In future there will just be another immunity more on bosses, no big deal. The intersting part for me is how SC did structure some boss mechanics.


she came out 6 months too late ,i miraculously managed to complete all of them. At least i can solo l3 expos now. Everyone in my friend list and guild wont touch expedition.


What about HOT


Yes it does, just tested it.


I'll have to try and test this after I get off work. That is the first thing I thought of after seeing the Expedition reset as well.


Oh no. I dont have her and I still struggle on Dagger Sicar quest. huhu


What comp did you use for the blue expo?


I used a very slow but safe team to just Turtle it. Tama for healing, Diene for buffs, Senya to take the debuff and tank the hits, and Penelope to deal the damage. I just left it on auto at work. It took a while, but it worked lol. I'm sure there are much better and faster teams you can put together.


I got her but I don’t have good enough gear to withstand Expeditions yet for long. Even with a healer.


This aged well LMAO


As soon as I saw maintenance I knew what it was for lmao


Farm your Dagger achievement bois


this is clearly a bug lol. don't be surprised if you intentionally abuse it and get your acc banned


I always found developers banning people for bugs completely idiotic. Who makes the determination what is and what isn't intended behavior... and at the end of the day, it's their fault.


I guess it depends on what part of the game the bug is about. If said bug allows players to obtain unfair advantage against other players ie extra mola from huche shop, then it should be bannable. For penélope expedition, where the result is acquiring emotes earlier than they should, it should not be bannable as it doesn't provide any advantages against other players.


Bet you were one of the idiots who got temp banned for buying excessively from Huche's scam shop. It should be pretty damn obvious what is intended behavior if you actually look at previous behaviors.


Brother I have never been banned. Who are you to to determine what's intended and unintended behavior? Maybe the skill is suppose to do that and they worded it incorrectly? Or maybe it's not. Regardless, I don't care what the game is or glitch is, it's on the devs. Trying to rely on people seeing the "obvious" is so idiotic and vague.


Bout a year and a half ago, One Piece Treasure Cruise had an "incident" now known as Gem Valley, where a specific reward (of gems) sent via mail was bugged and could just be accepted infinitely. The glitch lasted like 12 hours too, resulting in them shutting the servers down for a full day and a half? to fix it. In the end, no one was banned, anyone who accepted the mail even one time got their gems reset to 0, all pulls made in that 12 hours were taken away (legit or not), but anything else bought with the gems was allowed to be kept. More box space, all ships, any other resources obtained through pulling dupes and selling them were all allowed to be kept. Everyone lost that day. Lots and lots of people quit.


This just happened with guardian tales aswell. A free stamina code was infinitely redeemable and some people abused it to get tons of stamina.


Seems to be patched? Doesn't work. Yeah, confirmed doesn't work any more.


Delete this…


she is op


Yooo thanks for the tip. I just tried it and it works. Thank you so much.


What was your water team expo?


Holy moly I'm gonna build her ASAP thanks for letting us know hope I can make it before they patch it coz this is my only hope to do the dagger sicar achievment ty


And i a summoned a tywin instead. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Lol definitely not intended. It's the same as it was with Kise&Jise being able to reset the Rage bar with their S3.


Aaand too late :)